All Chapters of Captive Affair: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
133 Chapters
Chapter 121
•KINLEY•Luca was looking as confused as I felt after Fin told him of his suspicions."We should ask Barney where he got the envelope and go from there." Luca finally spoke.I nodded, "I guess that makes the most sense. But we have to do it in such a way that he won't think we suspect him of being up to something." "Agreed. Is he at the warehouse?" Asked Fin."Yes. Let's go." When we arrived at the warehouse we were trying to play it cool.Fin was holding onto the pictures frowning when he looked over at Barney, "Where did she deliver them to?"Barney frowned, "Sorry?" It was obvious he was stalling."Where did you get the envelope from?"Barney took a sip of his coffee, "Oh. It was handed to me earlier when I was in the coffee place down the road."I glanced at Fin, but he was still playing it cool, "So that means she has someone watching us. So this place has been compromised. Why didn't you think to tell us that?" My eyes darted back to Barney.He shrugged, "It honestly didn't s
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Chapter 122
•GIANNI•Jodie was grinning like the maniac she was while looking down at her phone."She's got the photos!"I frowned, "What photos?""I sent your sweet little wife some pictures of us.""Jodie, we agreed that I would be with the both of you. Why are you still doing this?"She turned to me with the same manic smile, "Because I can. This is so much fun.""What photos did you send her?"She skipped over to me excitedly shoving the phone in my face and my mouth dropped open in horror, "What?! Jesus. You photographed us?" I was looking at pictures of one of the first times I slept with her.She nodded, "It's always good to have a backup, don't you think?""You know, Jodie, the crazier you act, the more I'm beginning to worry about our agreement. I can't be with someone who's going to act like this. You know what I like. You know me so well." Of course, I was bullshitting her, she didn't know much about me at all. She sat down, "I didn't think about that. I'm sorry. I'll speak to Kinley.
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Chapter 123
•KINLEY•When Luca broke the door down I all but ran out at top speed while waiting for Luca and Fin to check the basement. We heard far too much noise down there to believe that we were alone.When they returned I wasn't surprised to see a man with them, but judging by the fact that no one had a gun pointed at him, I could only assume that he wasn't a threat."Looks like Barney has his own little secret," Luca spoke giving me a look with pursed lips."Barney threw this guy down there?" I turned to him, "Why? And who are you?""Because I found out what he was doing with Jodie and I was going to tell you about it. I'm his boyfriend. Well, ex now."My mouth dropped in shock."Do you know where they are?" Fin asked.He nodded, "Yeah. I'll take you there."I got back in Fin's car with him and Barney's boyfriend, Luca following behind us.This was it, finally, I would get my son and husband back.When we pulled up in front of a house my stomach was flip-flopping at the thought of this. I w
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Chapter 124
•KINLEY•I stared at the doctor in disbelief."Excuse me? I'm what?""Pregnant."His words kind of echoed around me at first."How is that possible?! Look at me!" "Should I bring Mr. Esposito in?""No. I'll tell him at home..." The doctor checked me out, and the baby through the ultrasound before letting me leave the room.I walked back to Gianni in a daze."What's wrong?" Of course, he could instantly tell something was up."I, uh, I'm pregnant."Gianni's eyes widened, "What? How?"I shook my head, "I don't know. Somehow the baby survived everything.""What do you want to do?""What?" I looked at him, a bit confused."What do you want to do? You said you didn't want more children right now.""Oh. I don't know. I'm kind of in shock at the moment."He nodded, "Of course. This is... Something."I nodded too, not sure what to say back to that. I was still feeling confused and surprised by this news.I couldn't wrap my head around how an unborn baby would survive everything I went throu
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Chapter 125
•GIANNI•I sat with Renato on my lap while watching Kinley swim. A small smile played on my lips at the peaceful moment.It was nice to experience life like this, without the intense adrenaline of the mafia on my back.I texted Luca to find out how my surprise was coming along. I knew how important that mansion was to Kinley, so I had a team working on rebuilding it as close to the first one as possible."What are you smiling about?" Kinley asked as she came over, she kissed Renato on the head before reaching down and kissing me."I can't tell you or it won't be a surprise anymore. Do you want to go to dinner tonight?"Kinley nodded, "That will be nice. Should we invite Luca and Martha? I wanted to invite Billie, but I don't think that will be fair to her with the recent loss.""We can. You should call Billie, you know she won't hate you. She doesn't blame you for this. She knows and understands the way these things go, and she knows that this isn't on you."She sighed, "I know. But s
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Chapter 126
~A FEW MONTHS LATER~ •KINLEY• My eyes were blindfolded as Gianni guided my steps. "If something jumps out at me, I swear I'll kill you!" I threatened playfully, one hand on my large belly. "Relax, nothing is going to jump out at you." He stopped, his hands on my shoulders, "Okay, take off the blindfold." I whipped off the blindfold and gasped, my hands going to my mouth in shock at what I was looking at. We stood in the front yard of the mansion which had burnt down. Only now it was rebuilt. "You had it rebuilt?" I couldn't believe it. "Yes. That's what I've been busy with for the last eight months. I know you've been wondering why I've been so secretive." My eyes filled with tears as I was overwhelmed by emotions. I spun around and wrapped my arms around his neck, "Thank you!" "Anything for you, baby. There are a few changes, like Renato's room. And the nursery for Ripley when she's born. I've also made sure the place is baby and toddler-proof." He looked pretty pleased wi
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Chapter 127
•KINLEY• I grinned triumphantly, Ripley had finally fallen asleep. Until Luca barged in, that is. "Kinley!" I turned to glare at him, "Could you shut up? I just got her to sleep." "That's going to be the least of your worries. Gianni was just arrested." "What?" I was almost sure I hadn't heard him correctly. "They barged in here with a warrant of arrest. Some new guy trying to make a name for himself." "What was he arrested for?" "Murder. Of Talon." This was getting more ridiculous by the second. "Excuse me? But that was ages ago. How would they even know about that?" "It looks like Barney was looking out for himself right to the end. He rigged it so that all the information was sent to this detective if anything happened to him." "That doesn't make any sense. Barney has been dead for months. Almost a year." Luca shrugged, "That's all I know. Why don't you go down to the station and I'll get a lawyer to meet you. When Billie's up and watching the kids I'll come down there
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Chapter 128
•KINLEY• "You should go home and get some sleep," Luca suggested. I curled my legs under me on the hard steel chair, "Not until they let me speak to him." "Kinley, come on. We can come back." "I don't want to go anywhere until I've seen him," I looked at my watch, "We've been here for hours. How long is this going to take?" "It takes as long as it takes. They may not even allow you to see him at all until he goes to the judge." "I don't get it. Barney has been dead for months. Why now? So long after his death. How did he rig it up to get the information about Talon sent to them? He was barely even involved in what happened. How did he even have the proper information?" Luca shifted uncomfortably in his chair, "Kin, this is not the best place to talk about that. Can we go across the street?" I looked in the direction of the interrogation room, "Yeah. Let's go. I could use another cup of coffee." We went across the street and ordered coffee, I also ordered a toasted cheese sandw
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Chapter 129
•KINLEY•I sat in the courtroom biting my nails while waiting to hear if the judge was going to allow Gianni back out on bail while the investigation was ongoing, or if he would be remanded.Fin and King were seated beside me, Luca near the back.Billie was at the mansion watching the kids.I breathed a sigh of relief when the judge said Gianni could have bail.It was a large amount, but I knew we had it.I rushed to Luca to arrange the payment and waited outside with Fin and King for it to be taken care of."At least he's coming home," Fin said.I nodded, "Yeah. But we still have to pinpoint who it is behind this, and a way to stop it."Fin started pacing, "Detective Hilton is trying to take down the big fish like Gianni to exhilarate his career. I bet that if we put enough pressure on him, we can make this all go away.""But is he the type to let it all go away?" I asked.King shrugged, "If we find the sweet spot, yes. And they all have a sweet spot. We just have to find his."I nod
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Chapter 130
•KINLEY•With the baby bottle in hand, I made my way to the kitchen, pausing just outside the doorway when I heard Luca on a call."Well, she didn't say a damn word to me about being there okay? No, I'm telling you the truth. I'll do my best, but I'm not making any promises. Yes, I know. Thanks for the reminder." I walked in just as he turned to look at me."I'll call you back, Martha," he cut the call and smiled at me, "Gianni on daddy duty?""Yeah. What's up? That sounded serious?""Oh, uh," he looked down at his phone with a frown, "Martha. She has some issues with her sister that she wants me to help with. She's, uh, getting herself involved with the wrong crowd.""Oh no, I hope it works out. Do you want me to talk to Gianni to give you some time off to sort things out?""No, it's nothing that serious. I just need to find out if she was at that cop bar near the precinct last night with her boyfriend."I frowned, "Cop bar? I thought you said she was involved with the wrong crowd?"
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