All Chapters of Captive Affair: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
133 Chapters
Chapter 21
KINLEY "I would die for you, how can I be so bad?" Gianni's words kept floating around in my mind.With a heavy sigh, I sipped on my wine while staring at the pool.Yes, I was day drinking, although it was late afternoon so I didn't feel too bad about it.I heard footsteps approaching and groaned inwardly when I saw it was Gianni.Did this man know nothing of personal space?"You want to swim?""Right, with my foot in a cast? I don't think so.""You are staring at the water with a wishful look in your eye."I smirked, "It's hot, the water looks inviting.""That is not the only thing that looks inviting," his eyes roamed my body."Do you not even try and hide the fact that you're gawking?"He say down on my lounger, dropping a hand casually on my shin, "No. Why should I? I think it is no secret I want you.""Well, maybe it was better when it was a secret." He smiled to himself, his face downward, "Why must you fight against me like this? I know I am not the only one feeling this chemi
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Chapter 22
KINLEY I knew I shouldn't, but I went over to Gianni's desk and scanned the papers scattered on his desk.I opened a few drawers until I came across a gun casually sitting there. Right besides a tint bag of coke."Right, enough snooping," I shut the drawers and high tailed it out of the room.Seeing the coke had brought back the memory of the hotel and how angry Gianni had been. It also reminded me of who the hell I was dealing with.What had I been thinking earlier, almost sleeping with him? He wasn't the type of man I wanted to be with. He was the type of man I needed to stay very very far away from!I hurried into my room and shut the door, making sure to lock it. I needed to keep my distance from Gianni, I could not allow myself to develop feelings for him. I knew he would probably be annoyed that I had returned to my own room, but I didn't care. Later that night he came knocking at my door and I promptly told him to go away and that I would not be having dinner with him. I need
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Chapter 23
KINLEY Almost a week had passed since Gianni had fallen from the balcony, and I had successfully avoided him.It was a few weeks early, but I was planning on having the cast removed. It was bulky and got in the way of everything.I knee Gianni would probably disagree with it, so I got Talon to get the doctor in.Once the cast was off, I could feel my ankle was starting to feel a little better."Kinley!" Gianni's voice echoed through the house loudly and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.I limped out of my room, "What is it? Why are you shouting like that?"His eyes dropped to my ankle, "Why is your cast off?""It was getting in the way. Is that why you're shouting and carrying on like a mad man?" I asked.He narrowed his eyes at me, "No. Have you signed the change of ownership papers for the club yet?""No?" Truthfully, I had shoved them in the drawer beside my bed and completely forgotten about them until now."Why don't you get ready later tonight and I'll take you there. You can h
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Chapter 24
My feet hurt and I was uncomfortable in the dress. I was pretty sure the make up was getting ruined too. The club itself was pretty nice.There were two large dance floors around the bar area, and an upstairs area with tables where you could eat. There were also a few cages strategically hung with beautiful and talented dancers. "What do you think?" Gianni asked, placing a hand on the small of my back.We were standing at the railing on the second floor, looking down over the club."It's nice.""So, you will accept it?""Maybe." I was still feeling pretty down, and I was battling to change my mood around to anything other than this hollow feeling within."You want to leave? We will come back in the day so you can meet your employees."I nodded, "Sure."He took hold of my hand and we walked out of the club. We had only been there for a few hours but it felt like forever.We got into the car silently and drove away while I looked out the side window."Kinley, what is it?""I'm tired." I
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Chapter 25
Opening my eyes, I squinted in the darkness of the room, immediately seeing a figure in the corner. Reaching over for the light, I switched it on and blinked quickly to get my eyes used to the sudden harshness.But when I did, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.Dom stood in my room wearing tattered clothes and bloodied marks on his face.My chest seized up as I jumped to my feet, fear rushing through me at a rapid pace, "H-how did you get in here?""Your little fucking boyfriend had me brought here. He's been torturing me for days!"I jumped at the harshness in his voice, "What? No... That can't be true."He ripped at his shirt and the buttons flew in all directions, exposing his chest which had long gashes along it."I didn't know, Dom."He took a step forward and that was the first time I noticed the gun in his hand, "Kinley, I don't care if you knew. You are going to get me out of here, right now."I gulped, looking down at the gun while wondering where the hell Luca was."Okay."
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Chapter 26
"Why are you dragging me all over?!" I complained like a spoilt brat.Gianni had a few stops he wanted to make and he had taken me with to each one of them.He laughed loudly beside me in the car, "Only one more stop, and then we can go home."I shot him a glare, it was so hot and I was getting irritable.As we stepped out of the car beside a big glass building, my worst fear came true. Paparazzi!After all, he was known as a ruthless business man, and although they tried to prove his involvement with the Mafia, they couldn't.It sure as hell didn't stop them from getting pictures for articles though.Gianni grinned at them, posing for pictures and I rolled my eyes while trying to move away. The man sure had a huge ego."Where do you think you're going?" He put an arm around my waist and pulled me close to him."What are you doing?!" I hissed. I hadn't even done my hair!They snapped pictures of us and I could already imagine the seedy headlines they were planning."Mr Esposito, who i
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Chapter 27
Gianni was taking me to meet his grandfather Giovanni and I was extremely nervous. I was sure he would have seen us in the papers by now, the tabloids had made sure to put those pictures to good use.I had tried to make myself look a little more presentable for this meeting. I had gone with a simple and sophisticated black dress that fell just above my knees, it had thick straps and a box neckline.I even wore closed black heels for the occasion. "Would you stop fidgeting?" Gianni said as we pulled up in front of a beautiful villa. Even though it was well kept, I could tell it was old."Holy shit, is this where he lives?""Yes. Now, can we go in, or would you like a moment to continue worrying over nothing?""I'd much rather have a moment, but I suppose we can go in."Luca wasn't with us today, Gianni had given him a few days off to go home.In fact, none of the guards had joined us today. Not that there was a lack of guards here.I had spotted two at the main gate, and another two o
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Chapter 28
I had been wondering around the property looking for Gianni.We hadn't really spoken much in the past week after he had shot Talon, and I appreciated that he gave me space. But at the same time, I craved being around him and speaking to him.I hadn't seen him anywhere today and I spotted Talon in the kitchen.With a sigh I decided to check if he had seen Gianni."Hey."He looked at me with a frown, "Hey. You've been scarce.""Yeah. After Gianni shot you..." I trailed off."I'm as surprised as you are. But I shouldn't have disrespected you, so I guess I got what I deserved.""I don't think that makes it okay to get shot in the leg. Anyway, have you seen Gianni today?""Of course you are looking for him. Do you even want to be free from this anymore?"I frowned, did I? I wasn't sure what I wanted anymore."Kinley, do you really think he cares about you? He does not! He doesn't give a shit about you! You are nothing more than a conquest to him because you haven't given yourself up yet. T
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Chapter 29
Gianni had asked me to go somewhere with him.He was still injured, so I was surprised when we stepped out at one of the largest museums in town.I could see he was in pain from the way he winced every now and then as we walked around looking at the displays with my hand in his."Gianni, we should go back home so you can rest."He grinned from ear to ear, "You called it home. And no, I promised you a date, so you're getting a date."My heart sped up as I looked into Gianni's eyes. Why was I feeling such a strong connection between us? And why was it beginning to excite me? I found myself wanting to explore this further.I gave his hand a squeeze as we started walking around the museum, admiring the art.We made small talk and laughed together, and I was surprised that he was able to make me feel like we were the only two people there.My logical side was telling me I should have run when he had given me the option to. But even though a part of me felt this way, another part knew that
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Chapter 30
I walked into the study watching Gianni and his men going over their plan for the Morello family.The man who had been speaking stopped abruptly when I entered, but Gianni held out an arm towards me and I walked over to him."Everything okay?" He asked while pulling me to his side.I nodded and turned to look at the guns."Continue." Gianni demanded and the man glanced at me hesitantly before going on.I wanted to tell Gianni that Giovanni had called me, since Gianni had given me a phone he and his grandfather were the only ones to ever use my number.Giovanni had asked if I would like to go out for coffee and to see his boat. I quite enjoyed being around the old man so I had agreed, but I knew Gianni would appreciate if I ran it by him first.Luca was back so he would go with me, which made me feel a lot safer with everything going on.Luca was good at his job and he and I were beginning to form a friendship.I paid little attention to what was being said in the room until they bega
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