All Chapters of Captive Affair: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
133 Chapters
Chapter 41
Luca was taking me back to the mansion. A part of me didn't want to make a return, but I did miss Gianni.I also wanted to confront Talon as to why he had said Gianni was making plans with Billie, when that seemed to be the complete opposite of what had happened.I hadn't told Gianni I would be returning, it was my attempt at surprising him.But when I walked in, the smile on Talon's face told me he was up to something."You're back.""Yes. Is Gianni in his study.""He is. Billie is here."I forced my smile to remain in place, "Lovely, hopefully he is taking my advice and treating her well."I could see the smile on Talons face falter for a brief moment.Luca followed me up the stairs and I didn't bother knocking on the door before walking in.Billie was sitting on the sofa while Gianni leaned against his desk.His eyes lit up and he smiled as I walked over to him, his arms immediately wrapping around me."My love, are you back?"I nodded, leaning up to give him a brief kiss, "I'm bac
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Chapter 42
•KINLEY•Keeping a close eye on Talon, it was clear that he was up to something. He was acting strange, but I couldn't quite out my finger on it.I sipped on my coffee while I waited for Gianni, we were going to the hospital this morning for the test results from Billie's paternity test.Gianni was sure the baby wasn't his, but I wasn't. Billie obviously knew that the baby was his, the way she acted left no room for mistakes. She knew what she was doing.Taking another sip of coffee, I frowned over at Talon, "Talon? What is going on with you? You're so jumpy, and can barely stay still."He seemed surprised that I had noticed this, his brows shooting up, "Oh? I'm wondering about this paternity test. God knows we don't need Billie sticking around."I looked down at my cup, Luca had informed me that he had seen Talon speaking to her, so why was he acting like he didn't like her?"Well, there's no use worrying about it, is there? Let's wait and see what the tests say.""She's trouble, Ki
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Chapter 43
•TALON•"Moving in is genius. Kinley is insecure, and no matter how much she claims to trust him, having you around all the time will definitely put a strain on their relationship." Billie had told me of her suggestion to move in, and I thought it was a perfect idea. I had gone over to her loft to discuss our plans.With her involved I was confident that I would be able to put enough strain on Kinley to have her leave. I knew that once she was away from Gianni, I could use her vulnerability to my advantage. Although the end goal was to take Gianni out of the picture completely, I wanted to make him suffer miserably first.Kinley was his week spot, to see her with me would crush him. And once he was an emotional wreck, I would take everything else from him too."Hey!"I jumped slightly at Billie's loud voice, "What?""What are you thinking about? I lost you there for a second."Billie wanted Gianni and power, so I had no desire to discuss my plans with her."Sorry, I was thinking of
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Chapter 44
•GIANNI•"Where the fuck is she?!" I screamed, barely noticing the pain it caused the wound on my head. I angrily swatted away the doctors hand who was trying to clean the bleeding wound.Luca looked away at my outburst while Talon paced, barking orders through his phone to my men.I had woken hours earlier after the accident to find myself back at home, my doctor waiting for me.Luca was pretty banged up, but what had really taken me by surprise was walking into the living room to find him crying like a child.Luca was a big, bulky man and I had never seen him express such hurt in all the years he had worked for me.Seeing him, I immediately knew something was wrong with Kinley. The two of them had formed a strong friendship over the last few months.When he had told me he had lost conciseness as she was being pulled from the car, I lost it."Luca!" I barked.He looked up, "Yes, boss?""It's not your fault." He looked away again, I knew this was killing him just as it was killing m
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Chapter 45
•KINLEY•I opened my eyes with a frown as the door banged open."Get up." Jade barked her orders at me.I pushed myself into a sitting position, careful not to let my thighs touch each other and chafe the burn marks."What now?""We're going to make a little phone call to Gianni." She grinned manically as she came over to cuff my hands together.She sat down beside me and dialled on her phone."Hello? Kinley?" Gianni's panicked voice came through as she put the phone onto loud speaker.Jade nudged me and motioned to the phone."Gianni." Was all I said."Kinley! Baby, where are you?""With some crazy bitch called Ja-" she backhanded me in the face and I yelped."Kinley?!"I glared at her and she shook her head."Jade and Michael!" I screamed. She clearly hadn't been expecting me not t9 listen to her orders. She flung the phone across the room and pounced on top of me, slamming my head into the headboard.With my hands cuffed in front of me, I had more room for movement.I used all the
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Chapter 46
•GIANNI•After screaming profanities while shouting for Luca and Talon in between, I suddenly came to the realisation that I still had no idea where to look for Kinley.Yes, she had alerted me as to who she was with, but I had no clue where they were."What is it, boss?""They called me, Luca. She was able to shout out who has her, its Jade. I need the men to find them, I need to find Kinley. You know how evil they can get.""But we chased them away from here. How could they be back without you knowing?" Talon asked me.I turned to glare at him in anger, "I want to know the very same thing, Talon. You have assured me that there have been no sightings of them for months!""We have eyes on them, there have been no reports of them coming back. Unless we have a traitor.""Well, obviously we do! Don't waste my time. Bring me the men who were watching them," I turned to Luca, "And you, bring me any one of them. I will show them how to handle a kidnapping." I was furious. Jade was the adopte
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Chapter 47
•KINLEY•"What are you doing?" Michael asked me, side eyeing me as I dumped my pile of collected twigs on the ground.I was sure we were more lost now than earlier after walking aimlessly for hours. The sun was already beginning to set."Making a fire, genius.""Oh, perfect. Let's cause a wildfire to break out.""Well, hey, at least a blazing fire will catch someone's attention."He huffed and threw up his arms, "You are not going back to Gianni until we have what we need!"If my hands weren't still cuffed I would have out them on my hips."You won't get what you need! Don't you get it? Gianni didn't get where he is by buckling down or bending to anyone's demands.""Yeah, because he never had anyone in his life that could be used as leverage against him. That's changed now.""It doesn't matter what you have. He would never give up his power over you." Even as I said the words, I was doubting them. I had seen how docile he had become when Dom had me at gunpoint. "Jade knows what she's
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Chapter 48
•KINLEY•By the time my bare feet touched the asphalt of abroad I was exhausted.My feet were red with cuts and raw patches. I was filthy. My hands were still cuffed and my mouth was extremely dry.The sun had gone down a while ago and I wasn't even sure if it was still night or early morning.The road was empty with no sign of cars.Grateful to be out of the trees, I sat down on the side of the road, wincing at the aches and pains running through my body.The plan had been to walk until I was able to get to safety, but with the way my body was feeling I doubted I would be able to make it very gar at all.I was exhausted and my feet hurt from all the walking and running amongst rocks and twigs. It was too dark to tell the extent of the damage done to my feet, but I could feel the open wounds.I laid back against the tree behind me and let out a slow breath, trying to decipher what my next move should be. At the moment, the best idea seemed to be to stay in one place and wait for someo
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Chapter 49
•KINLEY•As I opened my eyes, the first thing I noticed was how something heavy was holding both of my arms down.The next was that it was Gianni and Luca, both seemingly fas asleep beside the bed, half on top of my arms.I smiled at the sight of the two of them, my heart bursting with joy. I loved how Luca was here too. He was someone who I knew was a true friend."Guys? Hey? Can everyone wake up?" Luca jumped to his feet first, disoriented but ready to attack, his reaction was slightly comical.Gianni opened his eyes and frowned, "Luca, what are you doing, man?""I think I gave him a fright." As I spoke, both of them spun towards me, as if they were noticing I was awake for the first time."Gattina, you're okay!" He pulled me into a hugs and I winced at the pain it caused."Yeah, I wouldn't say I'm okay.""What did they do to you?" Gianni asked."And how the hell did you get away?" Luca added."They kept me locked in a room. Sometimes cuffed. Jade put out cigarettes on my legs. I
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Chapter 50
•KINLEY•After leaving the hospital I was beginning to feel a bit better.Luca had fetched me, but instead of taking me home, he took me to a street with fancy, and expensive, boutiques."Why are we here?""Gianni instructed me to bring you here. He wants you to get something for his surprise tonight."I had almost forgotten about his surprise."Is this really necessary?"Luca shrugged, "You know how Gianni is.""What is this big surprise?"Luca shook his head, "Can't tell you or it won't be a surprise. And if I ruin it, he will have my head.""Let's go shopping then, I guess?"I had never really enjoyed shopping so I browsed quickly before choosing a white dress, my feet we healing but I didn't think heels would be a very good idea until they were completely healed so I chose a pair of flat sandals."That was the quickest I've ever seen a woman shop." Luca commented as we were leaving the store."I hate shopping. It gets me annoyed."Luca glanced at his watch, "Gianni is in meetings
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