All Chapters of Captive Affair: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
133 Chapters
Chapter 61
•GIANNI•I sat at my desk, my mind running over what Talon had said to me earlier.On the one side, I knew Kinley would never betray me in such a way. But on the other, my insecurities were getting the best of me.From the moment I had wanted her to be mine I had wondered if it would really work out between us.Could someone as pure and loving as Kinley really be happy with a monster like me?It was like pairing an angel together with a demon. I leaned back in my chair, trying to decipher what I should do.End Talon seemed like the most plausible thing to do.But he had always had my back, and I was big on loyalty. He had been a friend to me when no one else had wanted to.It hurt me to think of killing him.But if he was coming between Kinley and me, I would have no choice but to get him out of the picture.I shook my head, no, what if she really did want to be with him rather than me? It wouldn't be fair of me to selfishly take him away from her and force her to be with me.I chu
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Chapter 62
•KINLEY•My phone kept ringing with King's number flashing on the screen.Now that Talon was out of the house, I wasn't sure what to do. I had no reason to pretend to help him anymore.Hearing approaching footsteps outside the door, I shoved my phone in my pocket just as Gianni walked in."Morning, baby. Giovanni wants to see us, I thought we could go watch a movie or something after.""That sounds great. Let me get my bag."He nodded and waited by the door while I shoved my phone into the bag and slung it over my shoulder."Luca will be joining us. After the events with Talon, I would rather not take any chances where you are concerned.""Do you think he's going to try and come back, or do something?""I don't know. I barely did any damage because I didn't want to upset you. It may not have been enough to show him how serious I am about this.""But he's been around long enough not to take any risks, surely?"Gianni shrugged, "Maybe. But he's gotten cocky, so we can't be sure."That m
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Chapter 63
•KINLEY• There was an eerie atmosphere to the mansion since Giovanni's death earlier that day.It was as if we were all walking around in a somewhat zombie state. Except for Gianni.He was fuming and focused on finding those responsible for the murder.I knew he was throwing himself into this so that he didn't feel anything, so that he was distracted from the pain he was feeling.It was hard to see Gianni like this. I could see through the act, he was ready to break at any moment.The only plus side I could see was that because he was so busy, I would have a better chance of him not being suspicious when Luca and I left to meet King.I hadn't told King that Luca would be joining us, I had a feeling that if he knew, he may just cancel and I couldn't afford that happening.I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was almost time to leave.I shot Luca a look before heading up to Gianni's study.He was busy writing on papers that were on his desk. An almost empty bottle of alcohol beside h
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Chapter 64
•GIANNI•After Kinley left, I felt as though I may just go insane.I was going over the different enemies I had made over the years trying to link them to Giovanni's death.But none of it made sense, there were too many loopholes. I just wanted to figure something out. But my head was spinning from the bottle I had finished.It didn't stop me from opening a second one, I couldn't sleep. Each time I tried to close my eyes, I would see Giovanni's body laying there with bullet holes everywhere and blood around him.I took a swig from the bottle and attempted to get to my feet. Falling over, I stayed there for a moment. I hated myself when my tears fell.I was an Esposito. How could I sit here, crying on the floor like a pathetic mess?Giovanni would be ashamed.I shook my head, it was no wonder why my father didn't want me.He had always told me I was too soft. I would never make it as an Esposito.I would always embarrass the family name. It was one of the main reasons I had become so
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Chapter 65
I stretched out on the bed, feeling for Gianni as I woke up.He wasn't there and I let out a sigh before getting up to take a shower and get ready for the day ahead.I was beginning to feel sluggish from all the stress about everything that was going on, and today I was going to the funeral home with Billie to go over everything for Giovanni's send-off.All things I would have rather put off, but I knew I couldn't.After my shower I went to find Gianni, he wasn't in his study and I noted that it was still left in a mess.I was surprised to find him sitting outside near the pool staring out blankly."Gia?"He immediately reached out for me as I approached him, "I'm sorry about last night."I nodded, "It's okay, you're dealing with a lot right now," I hesitated, unsure of my next words, "What was Billie doing with you?""She came in, probably to check on me after I broke the windows. Nothing happened if that's what you're thinking.""I'm not sure what I'm thinking. Gianni, maybe you sho
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Chapter 66
The day of the funeral came by a lot quicker than I had expected it to.There were a lot of people joining us and I tried my best to be support for Gianni, although I was still feeling sickly. More so now than before.Even as we stood beside the grave site I had to force myself not to throw up.When we got to the wake, I couldn't hold it anymore and rushed to one of the bathrooms to expel what little was in my stomach.Gianni had seen me rush off and came in, closing the door behind him, "Are you okay?""No. I feel like crap."Come, let me take you to the doctors.""Not now, how will it look if we leave?""I don't care how it looks, Gattina. You are my priority."I sighed and heaved, but my stomach was empty."Okay." I couldn't stand this any longer.Gianni helped me to the car before we left, I was feeling even more nauseas than before, and stuck my head out the open window in the hopes that the cool wind would help me a bit.When we got to the doctors, Gianni got a call so I went in
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Chapter 67
•KINLEY•Lola had been walked in much like she owned the place and demanded to see Gianni.Not wanting to have to deal with her again, Billie and I sat in the living room area discussing things for her baby.Luca knew about my pregnancy, but had promised us he would not mention it until we were ready.There was a knock at the front door and we both looked up with a frown, no one ever knocked to come in, one of the guards would tell us someone was around and Gianni would give the go-ahead to see them.They knocked again.Getting to my feet I went over to the door with Billie following behind.As soon as I opened the door, I realized my mistake.Men wearing all black with masks stormed us, knocking me to the floor before shoving Billie down. We each had a man pointing a gun in our faces as a hoard of more men rushed through the house.Panic set in and I screamed before I was hit across the face with the gun.Luca came running, but froze when he saw the situation we were in.Although he
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Chapter 68
•KINLEY•I was sitting on a chair, my feet bound and my wrists tied tightly to the window. I had already been here for twenty-four hours.Talon had brought me to a small apartment, it appeared that everyone in the building had something going on, no one had even looked out when I screamed.I watched him as he busied himself in the open-plan kitchen as if this was extremely normal to have someone tied up as your prisoner."Do you want something to eat and drink?" He asked as if I was a willing guest."No." My face hurt from where he had hit me, and I could feel the swelling."You need to eat. It's not good for the child if you don't eat."I frowned slightly, wondering why the hell he was acting as if he cared about Gianni's baby."Talon, cut the crap. You don't give two shits about me or this baby."He looked up at first before he walked over to me with the kitchen knife in his hand.He crouched down in front of me, "That's not true. I love you." It was strange, gone was the rage-fille
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Chapter 69
•KINLEY•I was still tied to the window and my body was beginning to ache from being in this position for so long.Not that Talon cared.He sat on the sofa watching television while I stared down at the street below trying to figure out where we were.It was a small side street we were in, but I couldn't see much more than that.I assumed we were facing away from the beach because I could see no hint at the sea in the view ahead."This is ridiculous, Talon. I can't sit like this for much longer, it hurts.""I'll take you to the room later. Once I can trust you, I'll stop tying you up."I leaned my head against the cool glass of the window, closing my eyes and wishing this could all just be a dream.It was going for day two that he had left me tied to this dreadful window and I was already giving up.I opened my eyes and caught sight of something in the street below.Men in black suits.I glanced over to Talon, making sure he was still occupied before turning back to the window with ho
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Chapter 70
•GIANNI•Walking into the mansion, the first thing I noticed was that both Billie and Tatum were no longer there.I was about to walk back out when Luca came running towards me."Boss. The men think they may have found her. A woman was screaming from a building.""Where? Let's go.""They haven't gone in, they are waiting for your go-ahead," Luca spoke as we made our way toward the car."Tell them to surround it and wait until we get there. I want to be the one to go in. Billie and Tatum are - What the fuck is that?" In front of our gate sat a string of black cars.I immediately pulled my gun and Luca did the same, we didn't have time for this. We needed to find Kinley."Going somewhere?" He asked as he stepped out of the car, an FBI bulletproof jacket strapped to his chest."Yes. My wife-""Allow me to introduce myself, Agent King."My blood boiled at the name. He was the one who had tried to turn Kinley against me."Lower your guns." He instructed us.I wanted to shoot my way through
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