All Chapters of Resisting The Alpha King: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
121 Chapters
This was a joke. This had to be a joke. I stared at Madame Alexis and she held my gaze. Her face was still and it hurt me because it meant one thing, she was right and I was wrong. Really wrong."Are you alright dear?" Madame Alexis called, breaking me out of my thought bubble. " You look a little pale.""I, I ." I didn't even have the strength to make a single sentence. My palms felt clammy and my throat was dry. I swallowed a big lump before replying. " I I'm fine. I'm fine Madame Alexis…""You don't look it." She cut in, her palm pressed against my forehead. She tapped a spot a couple of times before moving on to the next. "Holy moon goddess, you're turning white.""Am I?" I wouldn't be surprised if I was. Hell, I hated disappointments and this, hurt more than every of Noah's extreme punishments combined together. Ok maybe not quite but you know what I mean. " I'm fine. Really.""Only a baby will believe that." She huffed, shaking her head. " Come on now, in you go.""Madame Alexis
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"Go find her Bailey" The words rang continuously in my ear. "Go find her." What did she mean by that? Of course I knew, but did she really mean that? One minute she was screaming she couldn't tell me anything and the next she was practically nudging me to go find Noah's mum who may or may not be alive, after all.It's not like Madame Alexis gave me a truckload of answers,all she did was tell me that the initials didn't belong to Mrs Sage and there was a possibility she was still alive, even though the chances were really really low."What are we going to do now ?"Zoe asked the question that had been on my mind since my conversation with Madame Alexis. She had left me a few hours back, leaving me sprawled on my bed with a million things in my mind. Zoe called again after getting no response from me. "Bailey can you hear me."Loud and clear, Zoe." I chirped. " Only, I don't have the answer to the question you just asked. I'm stumped too.""So this is it then? We lock up shop and call it
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The rest of Zoe's sentence died inside of me. I could see the door, no, the remains of it sprawled on the floor convinced me I wasn't dreaming even though I might need a pinch in the cheeks to confirm. The night was still and the chills spreading down my spine was strange but I knew the source of it. Our communication block may had been severed but some things just couldn't change. The blazing inferno in his eyes were still the same, or maybe even worse now. I wasn't sure about that, but I was sure about one thing, mad was an understatement where he was."You see." Zoe drawled within me.. " I told you I could hear someone..""And you couldn't clarify that it was Noah freaking Sage?" I mentally lashed out at her. If she had told me it was Noah I would have known what to do immediately. I would have known what to do before he got here. " You could have told me he was the one coming here!""But what did you expect?" Zoe countered. " Who else do you think would be coming up around here by
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With a contented sigh, I closed the book shut before setting it up on my bedside table. There were two piles, one for the books I'd completed and the other for the ones I was yet to read. In total, I'd gotten a whopping amount of 12 books and in the space of two days I'd read and thoroughly digested six. I had no idea if it was good progress or not.Reluctantly, I wiped a tear in my eye. No, don't get me wrong, I was fine or maybe I wasn't. The book I'd just read had the most beautiful ending. And I wasn't a big fan of happy endings, so me saying that was a big ups to the author of that book. I glanced at both stacks again. A good number of them were romance books and spoke about love and all and it was weird. Why? Because Noah gave them to me. Yes, the ruthless Alpha Noah. He was so against love and women entirely, so why did he recommend a handful of romance books for me?Noah. He'd been on my mind since that night. I had no idea what I was expecting but a tiny part of me wished he
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"What do you think about this Zoe?" I smoothed the paint brush with orange colour dripping from it over the colourful canvas in front of me. " Is that enough Orange, or should i add another shade?""If you keep on adding more orange." Zoe drawled. " You're going to end up with an orange canvas instead of the sunset you were initially going for."I pushed myself back to peer at the painting and she was right. My imitation of the sunset 🌇 was already too vivid, anymore orange and it would look like the poor fruit puked all over my canvas. I watched in awe as each stroke of paint stood out, brightly adding to its beauty. In the distance, of my painting of course, the sunlight shone bright, with streaks of orange showing it's slow descent. Around it, silhouettes of trees scattered in the horizon stood tall, with a few paths winding around it. An image played in my head and somehow, the painting looked a lot like the dark forest from that night.It could be, but the setting sun proved oth
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"Yes. " I could still hear Noah's voice echo all around me. " Those paintings, belonged to my mother."He was nowhere near me anymore, but his last sentence stuck, like a leech latching onto it's host. I could still see his snug smile playing out over and over in my head. The expression he had on his face after dropping the bombshell was priceless, at least to him anyway."What?" I let out immediately. I wasn't sure I'd heard right so I needed to confirm. " What did you just say?""What do you think you heard?" Noah smiled, putting his hand into his pockets. "Come on, I'll give you a hint, if you're wrong." "I heard you say.." I started slowly, the cogs in my head spelling out what I thought I heard. " I heard you say that the paintings in that hallway….""Belonged to my mother." Noah finished up for me. " You were asking me about my mother the other day right? Or probably was it about my parents ….""Who are they?" I yelled, throwing my barrage of questions at him all at once. The m
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Talking to Eric was useless, I wish I knew before spending the last two hours with him. He kept stringing me on, bringing up clues at one point, just for me to find out he was only trash talking all along. I was enraged. I could feel my blood boiling so much, it was a miracle my skin was still intact."Remind me why you're here again?" I could hear the sarcasm clearly in his voice. He was perched at the foot of his bed while I stood by the door, the distance between us feeling do small. " I think you might have to jog my memory again.""Who are Noah's parents?" I was sure I'd repeated that question a million times since I was here. I guess it was a little sacrifice if I wanted to get any answers. " Specifically, his mum. Who was she?""Was." He smiled, quoting me. There was nothing sweet or normal about the smile he gave. I had no idea if it was me, but the way his lips curled up looked bitter, and even had a pinch of sinister attached to it. " You talk about her like she's dead. Is t
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"And what did we find?" I asked for the umpteenth time. Like asking the same question that I already had the answer to would change anything. " After searching long and hard for hours.""Nothing." I could feel the pain in Zoe's voice. It was raw and undiluted, with a little hint of tiredness and irritation. I could understand her because I felt the same way, if not worse. " Nothing at all."It was frustrating. I know I'd been saying that but I was getting to the point where I would burst, literally. Hours and hours of hard work bore nothing, nothing but an aching head and sore limbs. After we'd stumbled on that storage room again, we felt blessed. As if the moon goddess had us in mind,the room was bursting with desks of different shapes and sizes alike. At the very sight of it, Zoe and I felt like we were in heaven. Not until we started searching though.After combing through desk after desk, smashing some locked drawers and tables too, I was down with the flu. Who knew dust bunnies c
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"What?" My voice was barely a whisper. If I wasn't the one who'd just spoken, I would have doubted if that monosyllabic word actually just left my lips. I wasn't even sure Zoe heard it, despite being inside me so that definitely counted as something. " What did you just say?""Bailey?" Zoe called out slowly. " Are you okay?" She definitely didn't hear me so maybe this was a good time to reconsider if I actually voiced out my thoughts or I just exclaimed loudly in my head."Bailey, you're getting me worried." If she was getting worried, then what did she think I would be feeling. " Say something.""What did you say?" I asked again. I needed confirmation. Maybe, somehow, I'd misheard and was panicking unnecessarily. " I'm not sure I heard you properly.""Those designs on the table." Zoe spelt it out again. If she was trying to be mean or just being brutally honest, I actually had no idea. " Belong specifically to the royal family.""Wow." I got up from the ground, just to dive into the
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I stood rooted to my spot as Noah's footsteps became more pronounced. He hadn't spoken yet, he didn't have to. Who else would walk in here with the audacity that he just displayed? He literally slammed the door. "What are we going to do now?" I heard Zoe ask inside me. She knew better than to voice it out, or I'd be doomed. Both of us. " Bailey?" I paid her no heed. I stood unmoving, like the very action would pause time so I could sneak out of here and pretend like none of this ever happened. The door slammed shut and I prayed to the moon goddess that maybe somehow, he'd walked out again. But the gruff exhale that followed told me, once again, the moon goddess had decides to ignore me when I needed her the most. "Stupid dignitaries." I heard Noah mumble. He was angry. Was there ever a time he wasn't? I didn't know much about where he was earlier but from his tone, I was guessing a meeting didn't go well. " How dare they defy me? His voice was more close and I came to the conclusi
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