All Chapters of Resisting The Alpha King: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
121 Chapters
The sun shine brightly, covering the inhabitants of the earth in a warm glow. I could feel it from the window and Noah's room and the warm weather signified a good day for a walk in the garden. Without waiting to be told, or more specifically, without anyone coming to tell me I wasn't allowed out of the palace, I burst out of the room, my shoes scurrying against the smooth surface of the castle tiles. In no time I was in front of the many doors Ethan had shown me before leaving. My hand gingerly held the doorknob, and the warmth that pulsated underneath my palm confirmed my decision. I was making the right choice and because of this, the door swung open in one push.There weren't any reflective surfaces on the outside, but I really didn't need any to know my face had morphed already, into one of disappointment with a tinge of confusion and a sprinkle of anger. Instead of the sun beating down on the many variations in the garden, the celestial light assigned to rule the day was still u
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I wasn't sure the sun was out by the time I was out of bed. I left behind a sleeping Noah and I wondered how he could sleep so peacefully with all the atrocities he'd been committing. How he could sleep so soundly when he hated women and his mother, the person who birthed him. Or perhaps he was adopted? Maybe that's why he was so nonchalant to his mother's cause and every other thing.No, I shook my head furiously. I wouldn't do this. The last thing I would do would be to make up excuses for him. I stared at a snoring Noah, his chest rising and falling with equal breaths he let out through his nostrils. Honestly, he looked haughty in his sleep and I was this close to pushing down one of the pillows over his head. There was no way I could overpower him that's for sure, but I could definitely hold him down long enough to knock out some wind from his lungs and windpipe.An image flashed in my mind and I smiled. I was already painting the picture in my head. Noah breathless after overpowe
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"Here you go, darling." My hands wrapped around the cup like object Diana gave me. " Drink up."Whatever was in it was steaming and the aroma wasn't exactly pleasant. It reeked of so many vile things mixed together I felt like throwing up. Diana must have sensed my hesitation to down what could very much end my entire existence or maybe she caught a whiff of the way I scrunched up my face at the smell."It's okay, darling. You can drink it." She called out to me. Like she was giving some kind of reassurance, she raised her cup and emptied its content in one gulp. She looked fine, even though she was as good as a spiritual being so no harm could come to her.She nodded kindly, quietly urging me. I made a quick prayer to the moon goddess before bringing the cup-like object close to my lips. Giving it a gentle push, I tilted my head backwards to allow the liquid to pass through. It was a bit slimy and I almost gagged, until a citrusy flavour danced on my tongue. It was sweet, a little bi
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Diana's voice rang over and over in my ears, filling my head with her parting words. It was too surreal, It felt like an imagination. Maybe I'd heard wrong. Maybe I was so disappointed she didn't tell me what I wanted to hear, I started making things up in my head .It was so low I almost missed it. "You know the rumours that say he's dead?" She continued without getting an answer and I never expected the next string of words that escaped her white lips. " They're lies. He's not dead. Oliver Wulfric Sage, is still very much alive.""He's alive." I cried, like some mad inventor like had just stumbled on some plans he'd been coveting for a while. Or like a mad scientist that had just discovered something that would make him greater than Einstein. Whatever it was, I was glad because I was in the comfort of my own room to analyze the events and highlight of the day.Noah's room was a no go area for now. I definitely wouldn't be able to keep my excitement in, even if he tried to annoy the
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I thought getting the already written letter out would be a problem. It was, but it wasn't so much a hassle as actually awaiting a response. I knew it would actually take a while before he wrote back, but I wasn't expecting it to take this long. It'd been three days and yet no word from him. I hadn't traveled past the spheres of the kingdom before but I didn't think Montessouri was too far. To be honest, I didn't think it was far at all. If it was far, Ethan wouldn't have had the pleasure to leave as late as he did the last time. Or was it something else?Maybe he didn't receive it. A thought struck me. Maybe Noah had found out about my letter and ambushed it on the way. Had he somehow sabotaged my attempt at finding out the truth? Here I was being paranoid about Ethan not replying when there was a high possibility Ethan never even got the letter. I began to feel worried, nervousness raking through me. Suddenly, I couldn't concentrate. I couldn't wrap my head around anything else asid
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I didn't know which was worse; the run from the graveyard or what I'd seen when I pushed the slab to the side in the graveyard. Like I'd committee an offense, the sky began to warp, gray clouds suddenly appearing out of thin air. A brutal wind picked up and it wasn't just restricted to outside the graveyard now, I could feel it all around me, my cloak billowing in it's wake . I was no longer safe, I needed to get out of here fast. As I made my way out of the graveyard, I felt strange, one foot tripping over the other. I staggered forward and the wind picked up its speed. It was roaring now, pushing me back towards the tombstone from where I came.Instinctively, my hand gripped one of the stone slabs protruding upwards, probably holding one or two endearments for another of Noah's ancestors I wasn't familiar with. The wind pushed harder and I felt my fingers slipping, each one being forcefully pried off the possibly angered ancestor."Zoe? Moon goddess?" I called wearily. " Help me, pl
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"Are you sure that's what the letter said?" Zoe asked me again, like asking the same question over and over again would change anything. " Maybe you misread him or misquoted him even."" I did not." As opposed to how I normally would be, I was calm, my own reflection starring back at me from my vanity's mirror. My skin was a bright pink and my face, well, it was only a few shades from being as red as a tomato and I wasn't exaggerating. After reading the letter in the bathroom, I immersed myself in the soapy water again, this time pushing even my head underneath the foaming liquid. I only came up for air at intervals and I'd made sure to increase the waters temperature. What I'd planned to achieve with that, I actually had no idea.I guess the long dip had some sort of benefit, most of my wounds were no longer bleeding and my face had been scrubbed clean of the muddy lines those withered branches slapped against my cheeks. My hair was soaking wet, but free from twigs and every other ev
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I watched in shock as Noah slid into bed, after discarding every other piece of clothing he didn't need that is, like he didn't just give me an earth shattering revelation about his father and everything I was trying to find out about him. A minute passed, two minutes, three minutes and all the way to fifteen but I didn't move. I just kept staring at the unconscious figure that laid out on the bed, his chest rising and falling at intervals. It was a good thing he was asleep. If he wasn't, he would have scolded me for staring at him for so long and without saying anything too.This was good. I needed the peace and quiet to think and analyze everything her just said. Did he even realize what he'd just said? I doubt it. He had no idea whatsoever"So what are we going to do now?" Zoe broke into my thoughts. " This is something right?""Definitely." I nodded, trying to get a hold of the cogs turning in my mind. " At least we know where we might find something about his father. His father'
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EIGHTY NINE"This is hopeless." I murmured against my palm that was resting on my face, causing me to sound incoherent. "Utterly and foolishly hopeless.""It's not .." Zoe paused, thinking of something to say to cheer me up but it didn't work. There was nothing she could say, except she'd found out the location of Noah's father's study, which I was very sure she was still in the dark as much as I was. " I don't know. Can't we ask Ethan?""Ethan can't help us. He can't…..""He must know something." Zoe cut in. " I'm sure he can help us. What did he say in his letter?"" Ethan can't help us." I repeated the phrase, hoping it would sink into her head this time. "He knows nothing….""But they grew up together…." She cut in again…"Yes and he moved when he was little." I finished up for her incase she had forgotten. " They moved to Montessouri.""What did he say in his letter?""He thinks Noah's father is still alive. I doubt he'd know anything about the study though, so what could he poss
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I had no idea what Madame Alexis was hiding or any idea as to what I would find in there, but the short man that stepped out of the decrepit looking hut wasn't on the top three things on my list of expectations. In fact, it wasn't on my list at all. From my hiding spot behind the bushes, I'd caught a glimpse of his height but seeing him up close was a totally different story. To say he was short was a very big understatement. He was nowhere near Lisa's height and she was just six years old.I truly didn't know which trait put me off; his obvious struggle with mother nature for height or his misshapen body. Looking at him, it felt like everything was wrong with him but not in a bad way. Something spoke to me that he'd always been like this short and misshapen."Is there something you want, miss?" There was something about his voice too. He had an accent, a high pitched one that still managed to sound deep enough to threaten you and send shivers down your spine. " How can I help you?"I
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