All Chapters of Resisting The Alpha King: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
121 Chapters
Blood. Blood was all I could think about. It wasn't helping that red spots were now clouding my vision. I could even taste the slimy vile liquid on my tongue if I tried too hard. I looked over my body furiously, maybe I was imagining things. Maybe there actually wasn't any blood around and I was just overreacting. My eyes darted my right and I recoiled again for the second time in minutes. If I thought I'd seen blood the previous time, this was a whole new discovery. Bloody hue stained tiny man's white shirt. If I hadn't seen him and wasn't with him before all this happened I'd have argued he was in a red shirt and not white. More of the liquid gurgled upwards, bathing the now lifeless man in a literal blood bath. I staggered backwards and luckily for me there was a nearby wall to cushion my fall. More like my collision, rather.Blood. Blood everywhere.I swallowed. I bit back the urge to gag as the taste of blood was even stronger on my tongue now. Who's blood was it? Noah? My mind r
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It looked like time had stopped and for a moment, the only thing I could focus on was Madame Alexis's voice piercing through the mahogany finishing of the door."Your highness, I would like a word with her majesty, the Luna." She had said. I wasn't in my right senses so I had no idea what tone that rubbed off on me. If it was intimidating or anything, I had no idea. All I knew was, I didn't want her coming in here. At least not now."We're busy." Noah's gruff voice cut through my chest, pulling my attention back to earth. He was no longer staring at me, his eyes now trained on the door."Come back later. We have things to discuss."I'd never been more glad to hear those words from Noah. His eyes were still trained on the door, but mind had shifted from his grip on my arm to the back of his head. For the first time, I was actually happy with the reply he gave Madame Alexis. No sooner had that joy appeared did It leave too as something else dawned on me. If Noah wasn't going to let in M
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I hissed loudly at the object in my grasp. It was already a hassle trudging my injured foot around, now I had to worry about this one too. My leg was no longer swollen, I think. I wasn't quite sure because my pretty leg had been wrapped in a cast. I wasn't aware of this, if I was I'd have wrapped the cast around the head of whoever's idea that was. It felt itchy and my limb was basically begging for fresh air. On top of that, like I hadn't gone through enough already, I had to walk around with this cane, which was hell bent on exposing me to the whole world tonight. I sighed wistfully, after acknowledging there wasn't much i could do about the cane or my leg either. I had to keep moving, there was no time for excuses.I know you might be wondering how I'm able to be on my feet, even I wondered that when I first got up. But after some clarification, I was okay again.The sound of soft running water reached my ears. It was almost barely existent and it came along with some kind of peace
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I couldn't believe my eyes. Or maybe I could, I just didn't want to acknowledge the piece of information as being the truth. Madame Alexis knew the former king was still alive. Madame Alexis knew where he was hiding. And she was even going to see him tonight. Where else would she be going in the dead of the night? I was the only injured royal and person in the castle so there was no way she was going to attend to someone. Even as irresponsible as it may sound, I was the only one who loved roaming around at night, it was my thing. Everybody basically knew! This was fishy. Really fishy and very disturbing.My gaze went back to the paper again. It was a really rough sketch, if sketch was even the right word for it. Doodles and splashes of ink spoiled the parchment, leaving only a few details to the eye. The paper was in a bad shape but it wasn't totally useless. I could still see the writings and make out a few things from it. At the centre was King Oliver's name, circled with some initi
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Without a care in the world about anyone hearing me, I headed to my first destination; the kitchen.The walk to the kitchen was uneventful as all the guards had probably gone to bed or they hadn't rotated their shifts to get to this place yet. A couple of times if mumble a prayer to the moon goddess so I wouldn't be found by Noah or Laura. Luckily for me, or maybe for once she decided to answer my prayers, I got to the kitchen in one piece, without encountering anyone. The big doors of the kitchen wasn't locked so I carefully gave one of them a push, painstakingly taking my time in order not to make any noises. The moment I got in, something reached my ears. It was a snore, light and barely audible but I could hear it quite clearly. I'd originally planned on switching on the bulb, but that didn't seem like a great idea anymore. The lights in here we're really bright and it would wake whoever it was up, no doubt. Without any other option, I tiptoed deeper into the kitchen, hoping my we
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I watched in silence as the moon stared back at me, basically unmoving. It wasn't staring at me per say, but from my position on the bed, I had a clear view of the celestial body assigned to rule the night. The air was still and a couple of stars twinkled in the distance inaudibly, while inside I was boiling. My head was banging, my mind was racing, my heartbeat was thumping so hard against my ribcage. My fingers couldn't stop peeling off the nails on both my hands and my feet couldn't stop their not so gentle taps on the wooden floor. A loud ding far up on the wall caught my attention. I looked up to stare at the giant had of the clock stopping at 12. It was 3am and Madame Alexis was nowhere to be found. In a bid to pass away more time, I brought up the crumples piece of paper I'd picked up from Madame Alexis's room earlier. Yes, the stupid fake blueprint that made me waste my time. I stared at the paper and a renewed sense of fury washed over me. The letters seemed to twist and turn
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NOAH'S POV I let my eyes roll down the figure in front of me. He was heavily dressed, his golden plates of armour glinting under the yellow bulbs illuminating the throne room. I maintained my posture on the golden throne, it's soft cushions offering comfort to my back and lower back. My legs were crossed over the other and the facade of being courageous the guard in front of me was putting up, was certainly interesting to say the least."What did you say?" I let out slowly, my voice laced with ice and poison. It was late at night and everything had gone to bed except the moon or stars. " I don't think I heard you right.""My King." Suddenly the guard couldn't look me in the eye. He seemed to have taken a peculiar interest in the cream colored walls of the throne room and the decorations each one held. Ranging from the giant clock in the corner, the huge portraits and the stained glass windows, he scanned them all, making sure he locked gazes with everyone and everything except me. "I
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We all watched as Diana hovered into the room, literally flowing. I had no idea why she always had me in a chokehold whenever I saw her. If it was her aura that commanded respect and the entire attention wherever she walked into or the fact that she literally floated everywhere, I had no idea but at this moment, I was sure of one thing, she was here to help me get out of this mess. Hopefully."Why are you questioning poor Bailey?" She came to my side and draped an arm over my shoulder. It took everything in me not to lean into her embrace. I thought of it but decided against it eventually, I didn't want anyone thinking or insisting on any form of foul play in all of this. "Can't you see she's hurt and needs rest?""Of course." Quipped Madame Alexis rather haughtily. I met her gaze and she looked furious, although for some strange reason, I felt she was only staring at me and channeling all of her inner madness and sadness to me. " And she would be doing just that if she'd just stayed
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I had no idea which was more shocking, what was rooted in the middle of the clearing or the fact that all my questions would be answered if I could just take this bold step. It was weird really, I'd been looking up to this moment my entire life, literally and now, now I was standing in front of the pinnacle that held my answers and I had no willpower to move."Well then?" Madame Alexis was behind me almost instantly. It was so sudden and unexpected I jerked forward , almost stumbling into a pothole in front of me."What are you waiting for?"To be honest, I had no idea. Suddenly I couldn't move and found myself rooted in the mushy damp mud on the ground. For some strange reason, I didn't want to go on anymore. My throat felt parched and my palms felt clammy."Are you okay, Bailey?" If I hadn't known better, I would have thought she was concerned. But from the corner of my eye, she was definitely smirking and I felt like sliding my hand across her cheek. Painfully too. " What happened?
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I was confused as to what to do next. Oliver's smile was unnerving to say the least and I felt like walking out the door, bolting down the stairs and not coming back at all. But that wasn't part of the options now. I was here and there was no going back. Slowly putting one foot in front of the other I made my way into the room. It was eerily quiet, each step seemed to make the room tremble. Either I was overly anxious and hallucinating or Oliver's sick gaze was making me lose my balance. I sat at the far edge of the bed, a fair distance from the ailing king. He chuckled, obviously satisfied at my irritation."Now." He clasped his hands together like some medieval spooky storyteller. "Let's get to it, shall we?""Oliver!" I perked up at the sound of my name. I already knew where the voice came from, so determining my next step wasn't such a hassle. I had to be on my feet before he got here. " Where are you, you stupid brat!?""I'm in here father." I'd barely croaked out before the door
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