All Chapters of Resisting The Alpha King: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
121 Chapters
I stared at the gift basket in front of me, muttering another string of curses. This should be like, the one millionth time? I wasn't sure, I'd definitely lost count. Despite the fact that I'd been staring at the basket for a while now, it made no attempt to move. In fact, it stayed rooted to it's spot, its very presence reminding me of the person that'd sent it. Noah. Yes, you heard right, Noah. If it wasn't surprising to you, it was to me. Because after our huge and recent fight where I'd clearly walked out on him, why would he send me gifts? Was there a bomb in there that would blow up the minute I got close enough to it? Or perhaps there was a snake in there, just waiting to pounce on me and poison me to my death? Or maybe…"Maybe he's just being nice." Zoe finished my thoughts for me. " Did you think about that?""Nice? Noah, nice?" I shook my head. A lot of words could be used to describe Noah but nice was certainly not one of them. It just wasn't possible. " He's not nice and h
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I slowly opened my eyes, a tiny part of me waiting to experience a sharp pull on my head, one I still hadn't gotten used to. Surprisingly and fortunately for me, I felt nothing as I sat up, scrunching up the duvet into bundles around me. In fact, I felt more at peace and at ease than I'd felt in a long time. The creases on the bed next to me confused me all the more. Where was I?"Oh, you're up." I didn't need to rack my brain to figure out who it was. To further buttress my point, I watched as Noah walked into the room, a bright smile on his face. Wait what?. " Good morning, Bailey.""Noah." Now it was beginning to make sense. I sat in silence as memories of last night came whizzing by.I slept next to Noah when he asked me too. I was nice to Noah. I even helped him with his injury. Wait, his injury…"Noah." I was already on my feet before I could make sense of anything else. I darted right to him and crouched just in front of his left leg. I made a fuss of trying to lift up one of
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NOAH'S POV "I have done all you've asked of me, my King." I was barely listening to the man in front of me. I knew he was speaking, hell, I could see his lips work up and down but for the life of me, I just couldn't register one word he was saying. " The borders have been checked and are all under twenty four hours surveillance.""I don't need to listen to you. Any of this." Bailey. Her words buzzed in my ear. It'd been ringing for so long that if I wasn't careful, I was sure I wouldn't be able to recognize my own voice or my wolf's either."Are you listening to me, Sire?" He caught my attention for a while. I nodded and gave a wave of my hand, an obvious gesture that he should go on with whatever it was he was rambling about." There's no way anyone would be able to sneak in. An army of rogues invading, is highly unlikely at this point. Impossible, even."That amount of security and still Bailey escaped, to only the goddess knows where. Where the hell was she? She had been gone f
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I didn't see that coming. I knew yelling and pushing all of his buttons would definitely get a reaction out of him but I wasn't expecting what he just did in a million years. And you know what was worse, I actually let him go further with it. The moment his lips brushed with mine, I should have kicked against it. I should have hit him square in the jaw and given him a kick in the groin. Even biting down hard on his lips wouldn't have been bad. Instead I let him in, and shamelessly let my eyelids flutter shut while I was at it too. He definitely wasn't expecting it, the soft gasp he let out was proof enough. I knew that I knew so little about Noah, but never in a million universes did my mind going to him being a good kisser. Scratch that, an excellent one.The way his lips seemed to move over mine definitely needed to be studied. It was smooth and silky and I found myself aching for even more pleasure his tongue seemed to be giving. With each time our lips collided, something shifted
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I stood rooted to my spot, the height of the doors towering over me. I'd been here lots of times but somehow, and strangely today and at this moment, I didn't want to go in. I didn't even want to be anywhere near here in the first place. But was it necessary? Yes, highly important even. Did I have another alternative? Obviously yes. Did I really have to inform Noah this time? Not really, but I wasn't too keen on doing this all wrong. I shook my head of the many thoughts and questions that were trying to creep in. It wouldn't take long before they would all swarm me and keep me disoriented for the rest of the day. It was a surprise why Noah hadn't called me out for loitering about his front door for a while now because I was very sure he could feel and hear me, thanks to his heightened werewolf senses. Why he was quiet about it though, I had no idea."I thought you didn't want to come in." He let out immediately the door creaked open. His back was turned to me but I couldn't help but f
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NOAH'S POV The atmosphere was tense, the air in the room stuffy. The temperature was humid too and the feel of the damp slimy liquid snaking down my back only worsened my mood. I spun to the large window in the room and realized it was open. It was, so why was I feeling like I'd been dropped right in the middle of a volcano that was just about to erupt. I tore my gaze away from the window and onto the men that stood with me in the throne room, each one a good difference from the others. They were all at alert, each one ready and avoiding my gaze but I couldn't see a trace of the humidity I was feeling. "Was I the only one suffering this predicament?"Any news yet?" The question slid past my lips immediately but I didn't regret it. "Have you found anything else?""Asides the reports that were brought in earlier." The guard who spoke up paused after that. If it was for suspense or he was simply reading the room, I wasn't quite sure. There was one thing I was sure about though, if h
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I wasn't quite sure what exactly had triggered the excruciating pain in my head, if it was seeing Noah struggling and all tangled up in a net trap or perhaps Eric walking in like he owned the forest alongside the kingdom. I never liked Eric and always thought he was up to some kind of shady business and now he'd proved it. Or perhaps it was even Nita who had shockingly appeared beside this monster or maybe I was just hallucinating after being tortured and unconscious for a good amount of time in this forest. Either way the pain in my head wasn't relieving for one bit and the way the new pair of people droned on, seemed to amplify the hurt in my head."That's Queen Nita to you now." She smirked. " Right Alpha Eric?"I hadn't heard right. There was no way I'd just heard what Nita had just said, or maybe the pain in my head was jugging up my ability to understand sentences now. Yeah, that had to be it."Yes, my Queen." I fought the urge to barf at Eric's words. Underneath that will to vo
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The plink plink sound of water leaking out from somewhere was the first sound I registered when I regained consciousness. Slowly, I peeled my eyes open and it was weird; I felt not an ounce of pain as I wearily stared at my surroundings. Usually, the mere thought of even opening my eyes came with an intense amount of pain. So why then didn't I……"Arghhhhh." I had no idea about how long I was passed out for, but the fact that I could yell so loudly was strange, given that I was supposed to be weak and we'll honestly, dead or halfway dead. " What the hell? What's going on?"It was no surprise that no one else could answer the many questions I had so I decided to take matters into my own hands by taking a quick survey of my surroundings, not like I had so much of a choice anyway. High grey walls stared back at me. From the corner of my eyes I could make out a tiny hole in the ceiling, that's where the leak was coming from. Green moss lined the floors and a pungent smell hit my nose. I wa
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The last thing I wanted was to listen to this fool ramble on, but at this point I liked to think the urge to satisfy my curiosity was way more important than anything else."It was a fine cold night." He started in something I only assumed to be his imitation of a poetic voice. To be honest, he actually sounded like a croaking frog on a broken record. " I was pondering on ….""Would you get to the point?" I cut him off. "The faster we talk, the quicker I don't get to hear your annoying voice anymore.""Well someone's in a bad mood." Eric smiled, his huge grin giving him a creepy look. " I wouldn't say I blame you though, Given the pathetic position you're in …""Just get to it!" I snapped, cutting him off. His smile melted into a look of annoyance qnf it was my turn to smile now. " We don't have all day.""Fine." He was less enthusiastic than in the beginning. " I've always had one goal in my life, for a long time and that has been to bring dear Noah down. But you see, my plan had alw
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I was stunned, stuck in between anger and frustration at his tone. How could he even mutter that, like he didn't just snap my cousin's neck into half."You bastard!" I couldn't stop the tears from falling at this point. " How dare you ..""I told you. " His smile was smug. "She's nothing to me, nothing but a pawn that has served its purpose and she had to go. You're the one I'm doing this for. Join me, be my rogue queen and let's rule this kingdom together."" I…" whatever insults I was about to rain on Eric were cut short by the sound of a horn blaring loudly. It was ear deafening and for a moment after it had passed I could still hear my ears ring. I glanced at Eric and the fury on his face could only mean two things, either he was still mad at me or the horn signified the start of something else. Something neither Eric and I were ready to face. Before I could get any more words out,the sound of stomping feet reached my ears. It didn't take any more time for the owner to come; a rog
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