All Chapters of Eldorado's Unwanted Bride: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
65 Chapters
51. Greed
Kai-I opened my eyes and found her sleeping next to me, my hand holding her firmly and a faint smile graced my lips. I don’t force a smile around her anymore, it comes to me as naturally as seasons.She's sleeping soundly next to me, while my body was hurting, she made sure my heart felt at ease. She made sure I wasn't hurting alone, and I reflect on what I said last night, and I truly mean those words.While grappling with illness, I thought being alone didn't really matter, but it does. Once you become accustomed to someone’s presence, the idea of being alone shifts and I doubt I can endure solitude any longer. Especially when the moments I spend with her are akin to the joy I derive from my books, or even greater, definitely greater.I’m navigating uncharted waters of affection, discovering the sensations of the being loved and valued. This is a novel experience for me, one that takes my breath away, one that effortlessly conjures smiles without my resorting to mimicking others i
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52. Ink on paper
Dawn-I constantly remind myself that it’s just a marriage borne out of obligation. I convince myself that I'm here due to a vow, that I despise her. Yet, I find myself contradicting these very assertions.I'm trapped in a maddening cycle of hypocrisy, oscillating between dreams and the harshness of reality, unable to differentiate between the two. Why the fuck am I sitting in her room, watching her sleep and write stuff about how beautiful she looks even when she’s doing nothing? Why is life giving me a hard time in having a grasp of reality and don’t I want to live in reality? Is it because this dream is beautiful? She turned twice since I entered inside, hiding from Kim’s eyes, I managed to sneak in but above all, why on earth am I sneaking around in my own house… to meet my own wife? What the fuck?I screamed under my breath, I was being watched? It sounds more creepier than I imagined yet I feel good about it.I must be insane to feel this way but I’m noticing a gentle smile
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53. Dense
Dawn-“Where’s Agatha?” I descended the stairs in a fit of anger, only to be greeted by drawn white curtains. The vibrant colors that surrounded us now resembled a monochrome film from the ‘60s.A sense of lifeless eyes observing me hung heavy in the air, eyes devoid of anything. Something happened last night, didn’t it? Between Kai and his grandmother, something definitely did.He fell ill so abruptly, and now, his gaze olds an emptiness. It’s as if I'm looking into an emotionless void.Kai, in his usual self, shrouded with white clothes and a charade of perfectly fine alpha male, Kai, in his usual self, tried to smile at me but failed pathetically, falling short of any genuine expression.“What would you like to eat, Ms. Dawn?” Said Nancy, in attempt to take my gaze away from Kai.“Has he eaten something?” Making my way toward her with cautious steps, I questioned with a slight whisper. Shaking her head reluctantly, she smacked her lips as though she tried to make him eat something.
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54. Gods
Kai-I wish I had the intelligence to recognize the gravity of the words that escaped my lips. I long to possess the wit to halt myself from causing her pain, again.And again and again.I, in no world meant it, I, in no world ever felt Dawn was to blame for what José did. Yet my mind, betraying me always, kept me reminding of the path I was destined to tread. It denied me solace, while my heart found it in Dawn.I, who’d never abide by the laws and rules, find myself rooted to the ground, obeying her orders. Terrified of breaking yet another piece of Dawn through my very existence, I yearn to disappear.I am again recalled by reality, that I deserve no happiness, that I'm unworthy of sitting next to Dawn, let alone breathe the same air as her.“Kai Eldorado…” a resounding roar reached my ears, and I tightened my fists, well aware of its source. In a bid to redirect my anger, I left the room, only to witness Lucas bellowing through the main exit.“Ah! There you are,” he chuckled with
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55. Wtf
Dawn-The first man that ever broke my heart was Ashton McCoy, but now, what I feel is twice the agony I felt back then.“I love you Dawn Amber McCoy, I love all of you,” he said ‘I love you’ as if it was an instinct and not words, “I love the Dawn whose mother abandoned her and I love the Dawn whose father consigned her to a self-centered, sadistic, heartless mafia,” he held my hand firmly, “I love the Dawn who made me want things like love over things like lust,” his eyes welling up with tears, “I love the Dawn who waited for love but found… found someone like me.” And the pace of his words died down, as if he realized he does not deserve me.I wanted to stay, I wanted to hug him, stop him from crying but I couldn’t. Knowing that it’ll happen again, “this heartbreak is better than a lifetime of ache.” I jerked his hand off of mine.“This heartbreak will ache for a lifetime.” He got up, his white pants torn, his knees bleeding just as his eyes. “Don’t do this to me, I’ll become the m
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56. Holding on
Dawn- Today I saw her crying, and thought how pathetically I get affected by her tears, just like her smile. My body involuntarily moves with her energy, my behavior depends on her moods, and I feel nothing but a puppet, and I enjoy being a puppet. Kim suggested that I should stop breathing in order to stop her from crying and honestly… I did consider it. Because today I realized that I have fallen in love with her, my unyielding emotional fortress, which weathered even the fiercest storms, has crumbled, leaving nothing but love in its wake. And I don’t feel sad to lose that part of me, a layer I formed to keep myself away from mundane emotions, a layer that kept me separated from this world. I came across with love mom, the one thing you taught me to find everywhere and the one thing Gerard made sure I never find, I found it in her. I wish you were here to see it for yourself, to see my smile so bright and wide as I jot down my heart in this diary. She loves me too, she
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57. Heather Valdine
Kai-“I think Dawn snuck inside your office last night?” He gave me a serious expression, it was so unlike him.“By any chance, has she seen---”“Oh, no, no, no. She’ll find Gods by not the things I hide.” He seemed confident, I couldn’t do anything but trust him, the smirk on his lips assured me and I sighed helplessly.“How is she?” I questioned, appearing to be unbothered, and fixed my throat.“She misses you.” It’s too hard to trust this man, “just come back, she’s lost her smile, why are you being so stubborn?” He had gone to drop Agatha, and is unaware of what happened that day.“Stop it.”“Are you seriously going to give up on everything for her?” Banner who had been standing before me for hours finally chose to speak, I knew he was angry with me, but I hope he doesn’t take it out on her. She is my life.“It’s no use, I’ve tried it already Banner.” Kim murmured under his breath, reading every word through the file.“I won’t force you,” I said, “once I leave this world for good,
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58. Not too late
Dawn-I realized, all this time, I was the problem. And feeling the righteous, the way I pushed him away every time, I was nothing but a self-centered bitch.And the only red flag I see is, I, myself.“You know what’s gonna happen…” I heard a loud roar and intentionally started eavesdropping on him, “we have to do this Kai.” And just when I thought I shouldn’t be prying, I heard his name.Mr. Kim’s voice reached a high pitch, making it impossible for me not to overhear the conversation.“Kai, hold on,” he groaned in frustration, “we don’t have a choice. Stop being so immature.” His rage seemed to be directed squarely at Kai, “we’ll be there, period.”I descended the stairs cautiously, sneaking around as Banner walked in. “How are you going to convince her?” He asked, standing next to Mr. Kim, who placed his phone in the inner pocket of his coat and let out a loud sigh.“We’ll tell her the truth---”“Kai will be so angry.” Banner interjected.“Does that really matter? It’s life and de
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59. Sayonara
Kai- “Eldorado,” as soon as I disconnected the call, Valdine stood right before me, “Lucas is here…” making his presence known, he instigated me into killing him. I remained quiet, the presence of Dawn here is getting to my head. I couldn’t muster up the courage to look into her eyes knowing I’ll be hypnotized by them. I heard her voice, I t-touched her and I stopped breathing. To fully convince her, I’ll leave no place for rejection. “You owe me,” he continued, “I solved a mystery for you.” Constantly poking me, waiting for me to get livid, he kept on trying. “You remember Sion and Heaven?” He leaned forward and my eyes widened, immediately looking up into his, with nothing but shock and terror churning within. “Don’t you dare…” I tried to warn him. “Lucas has been following you ever since your little princess’ photos went viral,” he exclaimed, having a firm grip on my sanity, “when you were busy falling in love,” squeaked with a menace grin, “he killed those kids knowing how m
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60. Knack
Kai- I climbed the bodies as I climb stairs and stood on the pile of men, his men who were drained of blood. I smiled amidst the gruesome scene, my hands drenched in a cocktail of blood---mine, theirs, and soon, his as well. “I told you, I have a knack for thwarting backup plans,” I declared, wiping the tiny droplets of blood mixed with sweat from my forehead and smudging it across my face, hardly recognizing myself in the bloodbath. “Y-you’re a m-monster.” “At least I don’t kill kids.” I retorted swiftly, and even quicker, I saw the terror in his eyes. My body felt almost weightless, empty, devoid of any emotion. I looked down on him, from the height I was standing at, with a curled-up lip, “you shouldn’t have touched her, you… shouldn’t have touched them.” I leaped down and he stammered. “S-stay a-a-away f-from me.” His hands trembling, as he fumbled for a revolver that I had taken from him long ago. “Keep on looking, maybe you’ll find a brain back there.” I said, letting the
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