All Chapters of Betrothed To The Rogue King: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
119 Chapters
Back packing
I wondered what more I wanted to do with my life. And I realised that I wasn't getting enough quality time with the Alpha King, so I suggested a couple's only outing for just the two of us. "Let's go backpacking, Hun," I said, while rubbing his back in the shower. The Alpha King turned to face me, his intense blue eyes searching mine. "Backpacking, my love?" he asked with a hint of amusement in his voice. I nodded, a grin spreading across my face. "Yes, why not? We both love the outdoors, and it'll be a chance for us to spend some quality time together, away from the hustle and bustle of the palace." The Alpha King seemed to consider my proposal for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Alright, let's do it. When were you thinking?" I beamed at him, excitement coursing through my veins. "How about next weekend? We can leave Friday and come back Sunday." The Alpha King grinned, clearly just as excited as I was. "Sounds perfect. Let's start planning." Over the next few days, we
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"Mummy! Mummy! Orion is dead!" Luna called out from her room, and I went running there as fast as I could to the nursery from the tea room where I was having a meeting with the First Lady. As I entered the nursery, I saw Luna standing by Orion's crib, tears streaming down her face. My heart sank as I approached and saw that Orion wasn't moving. I placed my hand on his chest and felt no heartbeat."Call an ambulance!" I yelled at Luna, who ran to the phone to make the call.I turned to the Alpha King, who had followed me into the room. His eyes were wide with shock and fear. "We need to get him to the hospital," I said, my voice trembling.The Alpha King nodded and scooped up Orion, cradling him in his arms. I followed him out of the room and into the hallway, where Luna was waiting for us. We rushed down the stairs and out of the palace, the Alpha King running as fast as he could while holding our lifeless son.When we reached the car, the Alpha King placed Orion in the back seat and
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"My people, we have a confession to make. The ceremony we held to resurrect our son was not real. It was a lie, a charade, a way to keep him safe from the rogue wolves who had kidnapped him."The room fell silent as the truth sank in. People began to murmur and whisper, and I could see the fear in their eyes. They had trusted us, and we had lied to them.But then something unexpected happened. A woman in the back of the room stood up, tears streaming down her face. She walked forward, her hands shaking, and she spoke."I don't care if it was a lie. All that matters is that Orion is alive and well. He is here with us now, and that is all that matters."Her words were met with nods and murmurs of agreement, and soon the entire room was filled with applause. The people of our kingdom had shown us compassion and forgiveness, even in the face of our deception.But the rogue wolves were not so forgiving. They saw our confession as a sign of weakness, and they launched an attack on the castl
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"I think Xavier is seeing someone else," I said to Glenn while we were at the spa one afternoon, and she looked at me with a combination of disbelief and sympathy. "Are you sure? How do you know though?" She asked quietly, gently. She was apparently trying to not offend me or be pushy on the subject especially with how delicate it was. "We have not done anything as a couple in three months, Glenn! Three freaking months! And Xavier is a very active wolf. If he is not getting it from me, he is surely getting it from somewhere else." I said, feeling the weight in my chest. "Oh my! I am so sorry about that, my darling. But what do these Alpha kings want exactly? Why are we not enough for them?" Glenn lamented. "Don't say that, Glenn! We are enough. In fact, we are a little more than enough. This has nothing to do with us not being enough, and everything to do with them just being greedy pigs who can't keep it in their pants!" I said, livid. "You are right, Babe. You are actually righ
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Xavier looked down, shame written all over his face. "I don't know if I could forgive you if you cheated on me, Clara. It would hurt, and I would feel betrayed. But I love you, and I would try to work through it."I shook my head, tears streaming down my face. "I can't believe this is happening to us, Xavier. I thought we had something special, something real. But now, I don't know if I can trust you again.""I understand, Clara. I messed up, and I take full responsibility for my actions. I want to make things right between us, but I know it's going to take time and effort on both our parts," Xavier said, taking a step closer to me."But how do we move forward from this, Xavier? How do we rebuild the trust that you shattered?" I asked, my voice shaking."I don't know, Clara. But we have to try. We have to be open and honest with each other, and we have to communicate better. I want to be the man you deserve, Clara, the man who loves you and cherishes you," Xavier said, his voice firm.
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The kiss
"I still have feelings for you, Clara. And what hurts the most is the fact that you seem to have moved on so completely from me." Attus said quietly and my heart sank. Especially since there were still lingering doubts in my mind with regards to the Alpha King. We were cool again, but I couldn't kick away the gut feeling that he still might cheat on me again. These lingering pains are the main reasons why I sought out Attus's company more often. He always understood every pain, every issue. He was my backbone and sometimes, I felt like he could even be my soulmate. "I don't know what to say when you look at me like that, Attus. You know that I am married to your brother, and you are married as well. We should not be talking about feelings for each other. It's simply not right." I chided, even though I desperately wanted him to continue talking to me like that. I wanted the cloud of desire in his eyes to continue to bathe me in its incandescent glow. "I am sorry, C! It's just very h
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Trying again
 One evening, Xavier and Queen Isabella both came to my room. Xavier looked cold and distant, but Queen Isabella had a look of determination on her face. "Clara, we need to talk," Xavier said, his voice still cold. Queen Isabella put a hand on his arm. "Xavier, let me handle this." Xavier looked at his mother, then back at me. "Fine. But I hope you know what you're doing." Queen Isabella took a deep breath and turned to me. "Clara, my son has told me about the divorce. But I can't help but feel that he's rushing into this without considering all the consequences." I looked at her, confused. "What do you mean?" Queen Isabella took a seat next to me on the bed. "Clara, you and Xavier have been through so much together. You've built a life together, and you've faced many challenges. But I know that you love each other, and that love is worth fightin
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One more
 "I want to take another bride, Clara. And this is not punishment or anything liek that because I completely forgive you for that Attus thingy, but I just want something new with someone fresh." The Alpha King said to me one morning, and I lost my mind.  I was silent for a long time after he had spoken." What do you mean exactly? Another bride? Like, another woman as a wife?" I stuttered in confusion.  The Alpha King sighed, "Yes, Clara. Another woman as a wife. It's not uncommon among our kind, you know that. And I'm not saying I'll love you any less or treat you differently, but I just feel like I need to expand my horizons, you know?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My heart was pounding in my chest as I tried to make sense of his words. "But...but why? Don't you love me anymore?" I asked, my voice trembling. The Alpha King shook his head and took my hands in his. "Cl
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 I finally accepted to allow the Alpha King to marry another woman. But before I did that, I decided to lay my own rules down with him, and set very clear boundaries.  "I have some rules and expectations though." I said, noticing the smile on his face fading through my peripheral vision.  "What are they?" He asked, looking at me like he knew that I was about to anke outrageous demands of him.  "They are simple. One, she must never sleep in the bed that you and I share. Two, this marriage is now an open marriage, meaning that I can take as many lovers as I damn well please as well…" I said firmly with my neck held high, my face tightened and my back held straight. My shoulders were squared and held proudly.  "Hold up, girl! Open marriage?" The Alpha King asked, looking scared and angry both at once. "What does that even mean?"  "It mean
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When the Alpha King returned to the castle with his new bride, Irene, I put on a brave face and acted unbothered. I made sure to avoid any interactions with her, staying busy with my own tasks and spending time with my friends. Irene seemed sweet enough, with delicate features and a soft-spoken voice, but I couldn't shake the feeling of dislike that I felt towards her. Perhaps it was because she reminded me of Morrigan, the Alpha King's best friend, who had always been a thorn in my side.Despite my best efforts to ignore her, Irene seemed determined to befriend me. She would often seek me out, offering to help me with my tasks or inviting me to tea. At first, I tried to politely decline, but she was persistent, and eventually, I found myself agreeing to spend time with her.Irene was always cheerful and optimistic, and she seemed genuinely interested in getting to know me. But every time we spoke, I couldn't help but feel a sense of bitterness and resentment towards her. She had ever
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