All Chapters of Betrothed To The Rogue King: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
119 Chapters
Night crawlers
The Alpha King was becoming unbearably restless with each passing day. He could not understand why the Rogue King had to be the one denying him access to the one person he wanted to act life with. He was angry and outraged by the constant space between himself and Clara. After having spent long arduous months searching for someone that was good enough to be presented to his mother, and spending a night watching the same person go from celebrity to outcast, he felt like he really deserved a chance to solve his own problems and by extension, hers as well. She needed a home, and he needed a wife - so both of them were good to go. But Ethan! Information eventually reached the Alpha King on the whereabouts of Clara. He had to pay a private investigator just to get the job done for him. Owing to the fact that it was a super secret mission because no one else was to know that Clara was just to be a contract wife for thirty days, he could not involve his army of wolves. And as such, he had
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The thought of being completely obliterated from the life and mind of my sister filled my chest with an immense sadness; one so intense that I began crying silently. This emptiness inside of me had never left me since the unfortunate night of my inability to shift. It clutched onto my soul desperately like a starving vampire and kept haunting me even in my dreams. I dreamt almost every night, of Jake denouncing me simply because I could not shift, and because my hair was now silver. The loneliness had gotten so bad and so painful since then, that I feared that it would consume my entire being if I did not find something to occupy my mind. The pain I felt inside my heart grew worse with every passing second. I felt like an outsider, a stranger in the world, completely cut off from everyone who ever knew me. I could no longer remember the last time that anyone had said my name, or even asked me how I felt, if I felt anything at all. All that I could think of was my father, a man who
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Dash for freedom
I stood up from the floor slowly, rising like in the legend of the phoenix, wiping the tears angrily from my face. I went into the bathroom, and peed, then I stood in front of the wide mirror, washing my face at the sink and patting my face dry with the unbelievably soft face towel. I step back into the room, and into the closet. I select a pair of black shorts and a large T-shirt and comb out my silver hair, making it glossy and shiny. While I am stuck with the hair, I might as well wear the fuck out of it because crying was not going to change anything for me. I decided that I was better off taking advantage of the chaos and trying once again, to escape from the Rogue King's beautiful hell hole. I threw a few things into a small bag, put on some comfortable waterproof sneakers, a black hoodie and thigh-high thick socks. I was ready. I stepped out of the room to find that the men were gone, and I smiled because it made my plan easier to execute. I could hear grunting sounds like f
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The next time I opened my eyes, I couldnā€™t tell if it was day or night. Everything had been black, and that made things even harder than before, because everything was still too blurry. I could hear people around me talking as well as feel their hands moving all over me. And there were voices that sounded familiar, though they were not words that I understood either. Then a hand touched my forehead, and the voice was close again, this time saying, ā€œSheā€™s waking up.ā€ The hand left again. After a moment of confusion, I realized what was happening; I was being assessed and treated. A moment after that realization, I heard footsteps approaching and then saw the face of the man who had come earlier. The doctor Iā€™d seen earlier, maybe?ā€œHello, Miss,ā€ he said warmly. He was an older gentleman, his beard peppered with grey. His hair looked like a thick forest of strands that had not been visited by a comb since he got it trimmed, and he smelled of peppermint toothpaste. He probably had some
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Deja vu
  The Alpha King laid in a coma for days after his surgery. His mother was worried out of their senses for him, while investigating exactly what had led him into the sorry state he had been found in and was still currently in.  Wolves were found and wolves were interrogated, but nobody seemed to know or was ready to talk about what had happened to the Alpha King, especially as all the wolves who lived there were afraid of the powerful Rogue King. They knew that the investigation would finally end and they could heal from the injuries and threats, but that nothing was going to save them from the wrath of the Rogue King if they ever ratted him out to either the cops or the seemingly powerful people who would not just leave them alone.  His mother sat beside him on a sofa placed beside his hospital bed, looking down at her unconscious son with her heart hardening and her soul darkening from the anger. The lay
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Despite having been interrupted by Doctor Anderson and having had to watch the Alpha King get escorted back to his room, I was determined to find where his room was, and to meet him and have a conversation with him about his offer to me. I tried countless times to leave my ward and go in search of the blue eyes, but somehow, the stars of fate just seemed against that pursuit. I pretended to be asleep and waited until the room was empty and the hallway was silent. I tried to keep my head down and roll with the boisterous crowd of people during visiting hours. I covered my hair and camouflaged my body in clothes I managed to steal from the janitor's office, but no matter how crafty I was or how witty my plans were, something or someone always happened at the last minute to thwart my plans and render my efforts null and void. I needed freedom to be able to wander to different wards in search of the Alpha King, but the hospital staff were either too nosey or too efficient, because they
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I opened my eyes in raw fear, hoping that the light in my face was actually just from the light switch in the room, and not the light from sun filtering through the windows. Apparently, I had cried and thought so far into the night, that I had slept until it was fully sunrise outside. I could here that someone was knocking on the door. Isat up abruptly, still trying to get mysekf I order. It did not matter that it was morning though. I was not owing the hospital anything, so I could still leave. The only problem I had was that the likelihood of running into or just seeing Doctor Anderson again was very high, and that was what I wanted to avoid at all costs. "Good morning, Miss. Did you sleep alright?" The cleaner at the door said merrily as I opened up the door, looking very unhappy to see her and not at all in the mood or shape to hide it. "I slept." Was all I could say in reply to her as I walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind me, not even looking back to catch her re
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The security guards lifted me easily outside the hospital's premises because I was light, and I was not even fighting, because fighting would have been completely useless in that situation. These were very large wolves, and I was just a cursed teenager who could but even shift. As I stood outside the hospital gates thinking of my next course of action, I heard the receptionist calling out to me from the gate. She had spoken to the security personnel and lied that I had not signed an extra document, just to get me back into the building. The security men escorted me back into the building. The receptionist folded some money and a note into my hand fast and secretly, and I did not want her pity especially after everything I had just said to and about her, but at the end of teh day, I still needed to survive, so I had to swallow my darn pride and take the money. The security men escorted me out of the building again. As they passed by a particular room, a strong scent hit me, that had
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First fights
The drive down to the Alpha King's castle was mostly quiet. I laid my head comfortably on the leather seat, trying to not get frozen in place. I thought about whether or not the Alpha King's mother was going to like me. I thought about it for long and hard and I did not even know when I fell asleep.I woke up with a start when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes tiredly and found that my head was on the Alpha King's chest. He had even covered me with an extremely soft and lush furry blanket. I sat up immediately, feeling really shy as he reached out and gently wiped the drool from the side of my mouth. "I am just really tired." I explained, in reply to questions nobody had asked me. The Alpha King smiled kindly, and told me that he understood. As the guards held open the door and I stepped out of the car, "I hope I did not snore too loudlyā€¦" I said, actually feeling more like a teenager than I had in a while. The Alpha King walked over to where I was, laughing lightly. "Yo
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Meeting the family
The maids came in to help me with my hair, dress and light makeup. Since I was going to be meeting the family for the first time, I looked in the full length mirror in the room allocated to me, and I did not recognize the girl whose sad green eyes looked back out at me. My reflection showed beauty and class. Sophistication even, with the dainty way I held my manicured hands. But my eyes held sorrow. I noticed how much change had happened to my entire existence in such a short period of time. I was still only eighteen years old, but I looked so much older to myself, and I was sure that it was not the makeup. Trauma had indeed aged me. As it was a team working all at once on me, I was ready and on my way down the stairs to the dining room in roughly twenty minutes. I let the small tail of my silk dinner gown trail beautifully beside me as I descended the stairs slowly and confidently. I had already decided on the shower that I would fit in here or literally die trying. When the guard
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