All Chapters of Betrothed To The Rogue King: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
119 Chapters
I stood close to the beautifully plush sofa directly opposite the large TV set where Attus sat. "What are you watching?" I asked, even though I knew that I would not know the show or movie if he mentioned it. My parents had been very particular about keeping me away from screens. The TV in our own mansion ahd been mostly for guests and Becky, before she became the favored of the clan. My mother always use dti say that addictions should be formed in adulthood, not from childhood and it had never made sense to me as I grew up to hear it severally from her. "Just this new series I have wanted to see for so long." Attus answered, not once taking his eyes off of me. I smiled. "May I join you?" I asked, and he gestured quickly for me to sit. "Of course, Clara. You are a part of the family now." He said, as I sat closer to him than I had originally intended. But after my body sank in and I felt the warmth of his body on mine, I did not want to have to bring myself to move away. "I'm sor
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A new pain
I looked boldly and angrily at the Alpha King as I arranged my nightdress slowly; menacingly. He looked a tad bit uncomfortable, but the amusement on his face and in his eyes; that insufferable carriage and arrogant swagger, pissed me off more than anything else in the entire world. "Is that it?" asked, shaking from the surge of adrenaline in my body. "If all you wanted to do was to strip me naked in front of your entire family, should you not have at least told me about it so I could be prepared?" I asked, hating the fact that tears were welling up in my eyes and blurring my vision. Attus stood up then, mumbled some unintelligible words, and walked uncomfortably out of the TV room, leaving the Alpha King and I alone. "If it is not apparent to you that stripping you just now was a mistake? You might really just be as daft as u have always thought." He said coldly, staring me up and down with disdain. "Maybe that is what you wanted anyway, to show your damn tits to Attus!" His word
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Heart wrench
The Alpha King walked out of the TV room in deep thoughts about his love for his half brother. He thought about going into his room and telling him the whole truth about Clara and her presence in the house. But at the same time, as much as he loved and trusted Attus, his Gamma's words kept playing back over and over again again. As he padded up the stairs, he decided against telling Attus about Clara. At least not yet. But he would apologise for the scuffle down in the TV room. He took a few deep breaths before getting to Attus's door, which was surprisingly open. But considering how much Attus loved his personal space and privacy, the Alpha King decided to just wait and probably knock before going in, but a sound caught his attention and held it. The sound was like that of a whiny little mouse or crying baby. His curiosity shadowed his sense of better judgement, and he popped his head gently into the room. The shock that he felt was like having ice cold water being poured on him fr
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The Alpha King shook his head, not trusting himself to speak. He did not want to say anything that might make his mother worry. He just needed her comfort and support. His mother held him tighter and went silent for a while. Then she had slowly started humming a soft tune that he had never heard before. It was a soothing melody that slowly calmed his racing thoughts and helped him drift off to sleep. It cooled his brain and soothed the pains he carried in his chest. As he drifted off to sleep, he felt a sense of peace wash over him. He knew that he could not continue to hide from his problems and that he would have to face them eventually. But for now, he was grateful for his mother's love and support. He felt safe and protected in her embrace, and he knew that everything would be alright in the end.The Alpha King's mother continued to hold him, singing her soft melody until he was fast asleep. And when he awoke the next day, he felt renewed and ready to face whatever challenges la
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Back fired
I allowed myself to let my guards down following the insistent and consistent nice treatment from the Alpha King, and even Morrigan's exit from the castle. It was all a plan from the beginning, but I had not known that yet, so I had just gone along with it, being nice to the Alpha King, accepting his hugs and giving him the same. I caught him staring at me a lot. When he was not working, he spent more time with me. We would sometimes sit in silence even while he worked. I read many different books from the Castle's library during those days. The Alpha King literally interrupted with a kind word every time I tried to ask him what was going on. It seemed like all he had needed, was a slap to set him straight and bring him back to reality. He was always around me. Even when I just wanted to spend some time with Attus, he would just show up and ask to join in on whatever it is that we were doing. I noticed the brief glances loaded with deep, impenetrable meaning that passed often betwee
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Women supporting women
I was having a panic attack. I snapped severally at the personal maid assigned to me. Martha. She was sweet and loyal. And at fifteen she was only three years younger than I was. I was always particularly sweet to her and we were more like besties than future Luna and personal maid. Martha devoted her entire life in my service. When I had recurring nightmares about Ethan and had flashbacks of almost being buried, she slept with me in my room. It was against the rules, but we kept our own secrets. Apart from Attus, Martha made my stay in the Castle bearable. "That dress is not properly ironed! Take it out and get it ironed!" I screamed, looking at my reddened face in the mirror. I could see the fear, tiredness and exhaustion on Martha's face and it made me feel very guilty for overworking her so that when she returned with a better ironed dress, I broke into tears, embarrassing her. The poor little thing did not know how to handle my outburst. "What if they are going to send me out
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A knighted night
"And where do you suppose you are going with my fiancĆ©e?" the Alpha King's voice boons behind myself and the kind gentleman. I turn abruptly, happy for my hand to slip from the gentleman's. The gentleman turns to look at Xavier rather slowly. "Xavierā€¦ Of course, we meet again! And I must confess, you have quite the habit of showing up in all the places that I hope to never have to see your face." He said, walking slowly towards Xavier. I could tell from the sudden change in his voice and countenance that they were definitely enemies from before. The Alpha King laughed, but his eyes looked hooded and dangerous. "But you do know better than to touch what's mine, don't you?" He asked, looking very angry and dangerous. I moved along the walls until I found a sofa, and I sank gratefully into it as I watched the royal drama unfold. Sadly, it did not last. "She is not your property, Xavier! You have to learn how to treat women as human beings, and not as properties. She can decide for her
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As I reached out again to pluck a handful of blueberries and stuff my mouth with them, I heard the bathroom door open, and I turned naturally to see what was going on. There was the Alpha King, wearing nothing but a towel which he tied casually about his waist. It looked like an intense stare would bring it falling off his huge, well-chiselled body. I tried to breathe, but a large piece of blueberry did not quite agree with me. I choked. I gasped and made choking sounds as he ran over to me and hurriedly administered the heimlich manoeuvre on me. As his body jammed into mine from behind, I should have been concentrating onthe stuck blueberry and the fact that I could literally die, but I was enjoying the hardness of the Alpha's King's body. I took in the feel of his dick as it rammed against me from the back, until the blueberry popped out of my mouth with a loud belch. I covered my mouth with my face, feeling very embarrassed. The Alpha King stayed, rubbing my back and asking repe
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I let the warm water glide, punch and trickle down my skin, sending shivers down my spine. One thing about me was that even on a winter morning, I would always only have cold showers. The water is extra cold tonight, because the rain I had smelled on the wind had just started falling, strafing the roof like pellets. The bathroom window above me was locked, so I reached up and opened it, letting the wind and sprays of the rain enter into the shower house. I stood for a while, before lathering over and rinsing my body off. I finally patted my body dry with a fresh towel I took off the towel stand, and applied a body night cream I saw sitting in the wall cabinet. It smelled extra fruity and delicious, and was absorbed easily by my skin, leaving me smelling really great, and my skin feeling very soft and smooth. I wore the nightwear that I had carried along with me to the bathroom, and then I stood at the mirror combing and packing my hair, covering it with the satin bonnet, and I was
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Becky was finally getting better, and the Greysons were very excited about it. She could finally sit up, stand up and move around again. Seeing the light slowly return to her eyes and her body, brought immense joy to her parents. But along with her bette she health, came the questions; questions whose answers they were not sure of. After having left Clara's corpse without properly disposing of it they were not sure what had become of her. "But where is Clara really, Mom?" Becky asked again for the umpteenth time. The way her eyes bored into them so boldly, it seemed like they were being cross examined on the witness stand at court. "Clara is definitely in a better place, my darling." Mrs Greyson replied again, feeling irritated and deeply troubled by the question. She looked over at Mr Greyson for backup. "Yes, Dear. Clara is good and safe in a place where no harm can ever reach her." He said, smiling and nodding At Becky. When they were alone in their room at night, "You know Bec
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