All Chapters of The Werewolf Academy : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
249 Chapters
"What do you mean? Indeed this is my real body" he replied, furrowing his thick eyebrows and then he continued to eat his dinner.I looked down at my plate of grilled vegetables and a few slices of meat and then turned my attention back to Balthazar. "Then why did you use that teenager's body earlier? To hide?" I asked again. I'm really curious, because if Leykan has the power to change their appearance it means I can go back to my previous face."No." He put down his spoon and fork and folded his arms across his chest. "Just so you know, living for decades in the body of a teenager isn't easy.""Then why ... " I stopped myself when I saw his eyebrows raised again. "Is it because of me?" I asked surprised.Balthazar didn't answer me, but I'm sure his silence just now meant 'yes'. I slumped in my seat, so the reason Balthazar's body looked like a teenager was because of me. "Then why ... you didn't break my seal a long time ago?""I'm waiting for you to come to me alone." he answered b
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"I also want to see-" Then I remembered the video call just now. "Oh ... Sorry, it seems my cellphone camera was broken after accidentally hitting it last night," I lied.I bit my lip with a bit of anxiety because Alex was silent for a long time. We grew up together, so sometimes he can tell when I'm lying."Can I see you in person?" he asked suddenly.I slumped on the edge of the bed. "What do you mean?" Then a ridiculous thought crossed my head. "Alex ... don't tell me you were still in Yellowstone territory from earlier.""Today is still my day off, don't you remember?"I closed my eyes tightly, today we should still spend time together. "Alex ... ""I'm still in the forest near Balthazar castle, I just wanted to catch a glimpse of you. You just need to come out onto the balcony so we don't have to meet in person.I bit my lip harder to hold back my longing for him. "I can't." I stopped for a moment to swallow my sad feelings. "As Balthazar said I still need two weeks-""Five days,
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Balthazar narrowed his eyes when he saw my response. "Don't'? You sound like I'm going to just kill Alex Brennan ... "I gave him a small smile. "You sound like you're going to beat him to the punch."He looked me up and down briefly then studied my face again. "You're still a little pale, would you like to come out for a bit to sunbathe?" he offered in a sympathetic voice."But today my schedule is cooking."Balthazar shook his head. He was still wearing his turtle neck sweater from yesterday. "Just let me cook breakfast today.""Are you sure?" I asked standing up and following him out of my room. "I already feel fine, really." And it's true, I don't feel dizzy anymore even though my chest still hurts a bit."No ... No need, I'll make breakfast. You can just sunbathe in the backyard," Balthazar replied.I followed him from behind. It's still a little strange to see his tall body, even though he's usually a little shorter than me. We walked past a row of large windows on the second fl
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Balthazar took me to the small garden beside the castle because this is where it gets the most shade during the day. I remember this place ... because Alex kissed me here once at a Full Moon Night party. That night this place is very dark because of the lack of lights, but during the day this garden looks even more beautiful.The sound of a gurgling fountain could be heard faintly, Balthazar told me to sit on one of the benches while He himself stood next to the fountain. He just stared at me for a few moments until I frowned."What?" I asked."Don't you feel it?" he asked with a faint smile."Feel what?" I asked back. Only then did I realize I couldn't get up from my stool. It felt like my body was like a magnet stuck tightly to the bench. I looked up at Balthazar then pulled the corners of my mouth down. "Couldn't you have warned me before doing it?" I protested angrily.'Caroline, this is nothing compared to yesterday" she replied, grinning slightly. He took his place on another st
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My patience was running out when finally Balthazar appeared again from ... out of nowhere. His black hair, which was usually always neatly combed, now looked messy, and leaves and small twigs stuck to his black knit sweater. He looked like he had just rolled on the forest floor. Slowly the pressure that was holding my body disappeared until I could stand up from this bench."Have you gone mad? Leaving me here so long-""Caroline, do you recognize this?" Balthazar interrupted me, he raised his hand and showed a tuft of long black hair between his hands.I stared at his dark face with a confused look. "What's that?""Wolf fur. And I'm pretty sure this isn't Alex Brennan's wolf fur ... is it?" Balthazar pulled the corners of his mouth downwards."No ... Alex's wolf fur is brown," I replied in a slightly hoarse voice. "Were you chasing that werewolf? He's probably a member of the Yellowstone Pack-""No. I know the werewolf from Yellowstone by heart. And this wolf." He raised the fur to hi
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The matter about the black wolf appearing in Balthazar castle territory finally reached Alpha Sam's ears. I didn't meet him in person because Balthazar hasn't let me. Even though Alpha Sam already knew and didn't mind my identity, we didn't want to take any chances.So far I've managed to contain my emotions very well. But Balthazar still wasn't satisfied with my progress. For the past three days I've been cleaning up all the leaves that fell from my power explosion. All that remains are fallen tree trunks and dried mud on the edge of the lake. I also started practicing breaking free from the light noose ofBalthazar's power. Although long and tiring, but I'm starting to be able to fight the shackles of his strength.The most serious problem right now is my face. I still look like a twenty-eight year old woman. When I asked Balthazar for his opinion, he just looked at me with scornful eyes.This time we practiced in the library. I sat on the sofa, while my body was covered, as if stic
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I woke up feeling nervous on day five. Today Alex and Vincent will come. This is the first time I've been able to meet someone else after my seal was broken.I could barely taste the cereal I ate that morning. Balthazar was eating a pile of pancakes with various toppings. Every morning she always made pancakes with sweet toppings, so after the third day I asked not to make breakfast anymore."You're not going to hurt him, are you?" I asked for the umpteenth time this morning. Balthazar only gave me a quick glance before taking his dirty dishes to the sink."Balthazar you have to promise me you won't hurt him" I popcorn and follow him to the sink with my empty cereal bowl."I won't do anything as long as he's not being impudent or crossing the line" she replied in a flat tone. He takes my empty bowl from my hand and washes it all off."Thank you" I muttered. But I still feel suspicious of him."When will they come?" he asked me. Since morning a reluctant expression had appeared on his
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"No" he replied. His voice now sounded amazed. "You look very ... different," then he cleared his throat because his voice was a bit hoarse. Alex hurriedly turned his attention to the bag he had just dropped and picked it up."I brought you ... " Alex didn't finish his sentence, but handed the bag to me.Ah, my underwear. Finally I don't have to wash every night. "Thanks," I replied, still awkward. I stared at my shoes for a few moments. I don't know what made the atmosphere between us so different. Could it be because we were separated for five days?No, it must be because of my new face.When I looked up to look at Alex again, he was still looking at me with those soft brown eyes. His warm gaze made me feel uncomfortable myself. I still can't believe we could turn this awkward in just five days."Like- How are you?" I asked with difficulty. Even though we just called each other this morning."Fine," he replied with a grunt. "Very good." His intense gaze made my cheeks feel hot. I cl
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Alex pulled his hand away from my neck instantly as if his hand had just touched a hot pot. I reflexively turned to him. He was looking at Balthazar with a stiff expression of astonishment."Killing Cara slowly?" he said in a hoarse voice. His face paled slightly but Alex forced himself to look calm. I know because my eyes accidentally saw his hands that were tightly clenched into fists."Well, very slowly" corrected Balthazar, his voice not too sure. "What is clear is that it was your mark that triggered this anomaly.""Earlier everything was fine," said Alex, still hoarse. "My marks are faded but everything is fine."Balthazar sighed softly."Before Caroline's body was in her human mode because of my seal, now she has returned to being Leykan completely.""But my parents who are mixed werewolves and Leykan never had this kind of problem, I'm sure my werewolf father must have given his mark to my mother when they were still together." Suddenly Vincent spoke from the sofa next to us.
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We walked through the passage on the third floor. Alex's face still looks dark but he's been holding my hand since we left the library. "He became even more annoying after returning to his original form, muttered Alex curtly.I smiled when I heard it. At first I thought so too, but now that I think about it,Balthazar had been arrogant from the start. His attitude hasn't changed at all. It's just that we don't find him too annoying when he's still in his teenage body, in fact sometimes I feel he's cute when he's being arrogant. But now that his body had returned to its original state, that arrogant demeanor had gone from cute to annoying. "Do you want to chat outside?"Alex'squestion broke my mind. For a few moments I thought as I walked down the stairs with him. "Are you coming to my room?" I offered when we reached the second floor.Alex looked a little surprised but gave a curt nod without the slightest hesitation. I smiled back at him then pulled his hand that was holding mine, he
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