All Chapters of The Werewolf Academy : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
249 Chapters
I don't know how long I lay on this cold bathroom floor. My silent sobbing had stopped a while ago and was replaced with an empty feeling.Balthazar knocked on my bathroom door at a glance, I knew because I could hear his footsteps and smell him distinctly as he stood at the door. A few moments later the bathroom door opened and Balthazar came inside."Are you all right, Caroline?" he asked in a calm voice.'I guess," he muttered briefly. Alex was gone,Iknow because my super sensitive new ears can hear it too."Have you calmed down yet?" he asked again.I nodded on the floor without looking at him. After a few seconds, I was able to move my body again. I wanted to curl up on the cold bathroom floor hugging myself but since Balthazar was waiting for me I finally stood up and looked at him."Is Alex okay?" I asked darkly."Brennan is an Alpha, that just now was nothing to him.""What happened?" I asked frantically.Balthazar returned me with a sympathetic look. "It seems you feel very s
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"Vincent"bI Muttered after a moment. "Is what Balthazar said true? It was my mother - my mother who instigated the massacre and the extinction of the Leykan people?"Vincent didn't answer me right away. He cut each meat sandwich in half and arranged them on a plate. Then he cleared the rest of the food on the counter and returned it to the refrigerator."Vincent."He took a deep breath and looked at me with his gray eyes. She combed her curly chestnut brown hair with one hand and sighed. "I can't blame your mother completely like Balthazar ... Your mother, she is a very ... ""Ambitious?" I continued as He looked doubtful. Vincent nodded curtly."Elizabeth was ambitious and revolutionary. She just got stuck and met the wrong people- Or too right? Depends on how you look at it," he said. He took the large bowl of salad in front of me and divided it into three small plates."Your father is the right person because he can make your mother's wish come true, both of them have the same big
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"Are they still letting you investigate?" I asked worriedly because Vincent was from the Night Walker Pack too.'Of course. My presence or absence is not a problem for the investigation. The problem is ... " Vincent looked doubtful then gritted his teeth again.'What?" I insisted impatiently.Vincent exhaled loudly. "Edward Adler died the same night your seal was broken. No one has been able to confirm Alex's whereabouts that night, and Alex hasn't bothered to answer because ... " He looked at me with an expression of sympathy.Because I.Alex couldn't tell me where he was going that night because if he told the truth then I would be involved too. And I may not be present to provide my statement with my current condition. I put my sandwich back on the plate because my appetite was gone. A feeling of anxiety welled up inside me."It looks like all of this was planned ... " Vincent continued. "Because everything is too ... coincidental.""Then what will happen next? How did Edward Adler
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The next day Alex didn't come to visit me, but he did call me in the morning. Of course I already knew the reason, but Vincent asked me to feign ignorance so Alex could focus on the issues with the current Silver Moon pack. So in short, right now me and Alex both pretended not to know.My day is still going on as usual withBalthazar. I'm still practicing controlling my power and breaking free from the shackles of Balthazar's power. It's just that my routine is now burdened with my worry for Alex.If only my seal hadn't been broken ... I could testify to clear Alex's name. But on second thought, none of this would have happened if my seal hadn't been broken. Whoever framed Alex must have been waiting for that night to kill Adler."Balthazar ... Can't you testify for Alex? You also saw Alex's wolf that night when I came here right?" I asked as we planted the edge of this wide lake with purple tulips after breakfast. I can't concentrate on doing my job, the peaceful life with Balthazar
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Drops of water fell down my face. My whole body feels wet. My bewildered eyes scanned the dark sky above me.I'm outside, I thought. But I couldn't move my whole body at all. The sound of raindrops falling on the leaves and plants around me was soothing, but I didn't feel at all calm.I frantically tried to raise my head but to no avail. The raindrops that fell into my eyes made me have to close them for a while while blinking because they were a little sore.Where is this? I thought worriedly. I'm sure I'm in the forest right now, but why can't I move my body at all-I blinked again when I realized it."Balthazar?" call me timidly.I didn't hear anything but raindrops around me. Then after a few minutes I heard the sound of heavy breathing followed by a very familiar voice."Are you awake?"My relief immediately made my body feel weak. "What happened? Why did I wake up in the forest again?""Again?" he repeated angrily. But the anger was not directed at me. Then Balthazar's face appe
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Balthazar wasn't kidding when he said we'd be training seriously today. Even before breakfast he had dragged me to the backyard ... to plant his damn tulips.At first I wanted to protest because it's still six in the morning, but seeing his serious face that looked stubborn, I made up my mind. One by one I made holes in the ground."Do you know how I was able to seal your strength for tens of years?" he asked suddenly. I turned to him, but Balthazar was still busy planting."No, how is it?""The same way I paralyze you usually" he explained without looking at me. "Usually I just suppressed your body movements, but when I sealed you I compressed all of your strength into a small ball. The pressure of my power forced your Leykan power to gather in one spot. Because of that your body feels like a human's body.""That's why my power immediately exploded after my seal was broken?""Yes." He moved on to the next hole in the ground. I hastily shoveled dirt in the next hole. "You have to thin
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Trickling his words ... I should have just slashed his head earlier, I thought as I shot him an angry look. Balthazar was still laughing, he wiped his watery eyes. But suddenly he stopped and fell silent as he tried to listen. Instantly his face turned tense then he looked at me again with a ferocious expression."Caroline! Come inside!" he ordered. "The wolf is back again," he said before walking into the woods, but he stopped again and turned around, his eyes looking angry. "Didn't you hear me? Come in. Now!"I flinched when I heard his scream and nodded. Balthazar looked so tense that I could feel the dominance of his strength radiating from his body. I turned around and jogged back to the castle, only a few steps I stopped again to tell him not to kill anyone in Alpha Sam's territory. But when I turned around, Balthazar was gone.I looked at the forest in front of me then turned around again to return to the castle.I'm feeling a little worried ... Not forBalthazar, but for whoev
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(POV - Alex Brennan)I knew there was actually something Cara wanted to tell me. I can see it in his bluegreen eyes that look a little sad.Oh my God, It's so beautiful.Even when she's sad, Cara looks very pretty. His eyes looked brighter because they were hit by the orange light of this afternoon's sun. Her long eyelashes cast a shadow on her cheek. I could faintly see golden freckles on his nose that I had never seen before.Maybe it's because Cara has been spending more time outside the house lately, I heard that Balthazar forced her to do some gardening ...My gaze fell briefly to his lips that looked full and slightly reddened because he had just bitten them. After all this is over I will dedicate my whole life to kissing those lips. Then her face ... her jaw ... the curve of her neck that looked fragile and feminine ... then-My thoughts stop there.Being so close to Cara but just imagining her without touching her immediately felt like torture. Her big eyes were still looking a
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Balthazar looked far behind me for a few seconds, either lost in thought or contemplating what he wanted to say to me."What do you want to talk about?" I asked impatiently. Jake would have been waiting for me at the Pack's house by now.He shoved his hands into his trouser pockets and then finally looked at me again. 'Mark on Caroline's neck," he said firmly. "Is that just a normal mark?"My forehead wrinkled when I heard his question, from the forest the sound of an owl could be heard welcoming the night. "What do you mean?"His face darkened instantly. "That mark hasn't disappeared to this day. This kind of thing is not normal for Leykan."I forgot not to notice the mark on Cara's neck today. "What about those weird strokes?"'Of course it hasn't disappeared. Those scars won't disappear until the marks disappear. That's why I ask you, is the mark on Caroline's neck just an ordinary mark."'Of course, I just bit him like-" my words came to an abrupt halt. "Is there a chance that the
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This conversation with Balthazar tonight has been hanging over me so much that I can't concentrate on what Jake and Vincent are telling me. Jake snapped at me right away when I got to Pack's house, but I just listened in passing. After taking a shower I headed straight to my study to hear from Vincent on the next investigation into Edward Adler's death.Making Vincent a member of the Enforcer was one of the best decisions I've ever made."I can't believe you're daydreaming when I came to you and waited for you for two hours."Vincent's grunts distracted me from Balthazar. "What?" I asked, looking up at him.Vincent looked irritated but he just sighed when he met my gaze. Even Vincent was being sympathetic to me right now. I smiled weakly to myself. "Sorry, I'm a bit unfocused today" I said to the two of them.Jake looked at me with an understanding nod, while Vincent just rolled his eyes but he didn't reply me with his usual sarcastic answer."I was just explaining about Edward Adler'
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