All Chapters of A Night With The Porn Star: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
188 Chapters
He bailed us
Dad scoffed and shook his head. "You know that Melissa will never go for that. She's too independent and thinks nothing is wrong with her."I shook my own head and sat back. They were defending her again. There was probably nothing I could say to change their minds. Then I looked at my mom."Who is Melissa's father?"She looked down at her hands and replied, "His name was Mack and he was very abusive. I ended up in the hospital right before I gave birth to Melissa... that's when I left him for good.""What?!" Deja vu punched me in the gut! How do I seem to know nothing about my family?! Then a realization slapped me in the face. "Is that why you freaked out when I told you what Jason was doing to me?" This question was directed at my mom. "I cried to you on several occasions and you always told me to just stop making him angry and he wouldn't hurt me anymore. You knew about the bad stuff and still let me suffer."It wasn't until he almost killed me that you offered me a way out." My h
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I desire you
DRAKE'S POV "Something doesn't feel right," I mentioned to Lynn as we stepped into our private elevator to head back up to our suite. There was a tightness in my chest and my instincts were usually spot on."What do you mean?", She askedI shrugged as I stared straight ahead. I didn't know what to say as I couldn't pinpoint the problem. There was something much deeper going on. I could feel it."Half a million just seems like so much money for the debts they mentioned. How much money did your lawyer cost? It just doesn't seem to be adding up." I ran a hand over my face as I blew out a breath.My head was pounding and I had long ago lost my buzz. A hangover took its place and all I wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep, but there was no way I could fall asleep with my mind going as fast as it was."I didn't think he cost that much and when the divorce was finalized, Jason was supposed to cover his costs. I wanted nothing to do with him once it was finalized and I was so lost that
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The secrets
DRAKE'S POV After I got off the phone with luis, he quickly texted me and said that he got a flight and would be here in six hours. It was perfect timing for me to get as much sleep as I could and be up to meet with him before lynn woke up.I was so afraid to tell her everything because what I was about to tell her would change her whole world. I couldn't help but wonder if she'd stay with me through all of it. That's why I called her best friend. Luis helped her through the divorce and got her away from Jason. I was hoping he could do that again.I slipped into bed next to Lynn and stared at her perfectly sleeping form before I drifted into a deep sleep. My phone was in my pocket, ready to vibrate when my alarm went off.And when it did, the sun was just barely peeking over the horizon. We needed to move fast before lynn woke. I needed to give Luis all the details and go through the emails that buzzed me awake a few times through the night. To say I was nervous was a huge understate
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Shocking news
LYNN'S POV Drake's soothing, deep voice woke me out of my slumber as I smiled and stretched. He was clearly in the other room talking to someone on the phone. Who was he talking to? His boss? Dakota? But then I heard another voice; a familiar one.I jumped out of bed and ran into the living room to find Luis standing there with Drake. My heart leaped with excitement as I lunged forward and threw my arms around his neck."Luis!! What are you doing here?!"He hugged me back and grinned when I looked at him. "Oh, ya know, I missed you too much."I giggled. "We were only going to be gone for a few days, but I'm glad you're here. I missed you, too." I winked.Then I looked over at Drake and sauntered up to him next, giving him a good morning kiss. His lips were soft but I noticed how the kiss was different. He kept his mouth closed and simply gave me a small peck before he leaned back and smiled down at me.My eyes moved between them and my heart sank. Something was wrong."Tell me," I de
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Embezzlement documents
I ignored Dominick and Luis's stares and continued on with the documents. I needed to read them all. I needed to get the full picture.Clicking on the next one, I saw an old newspaper article about a fatal fire in downtown Seattle. The owners of Tuffin Aerospace were killed in the late-night house fire. Their daughter, lynn Tuffin, age four was staying at their nanny's residence on Birch Street. That's where my parents live!My hands shook so badly that I nearly dropped the phone and Drake was right there to hold me, but I didn't want him to. I wasn't angry with him, but I needed my space. I felt like I couldn't breathe. My entire life had been a lie and I had no control over it.I inhaled a deep breath and kept going. The next document showed the adoption papers for lynn Tuffin and the Martinez. I didn't want to believe it when Luis blurted it out only moments before, but it's obviously true. It's right here on a legal document.I clicked back to the embezzlement documents and looked
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So jealous
Then I thought about those adoption papers and how I wasn't actually their daughter. According to them, Melissa wasn't my dad's either. Was that the truth? Or another fucking lie?!Any happy childhood memory that I had went right out the window after today and I couldn't stop myself from wondering if they ever loved me. Was I always just a paycheck for them? I tried to remember my life as a little girl and realized all the memories were blurry. I've always looked up to my parents as they were always there, but if my mom was actually my nanny, that would make sense. Fuck!Someone knocked on the door as I quickly wiped away my tears and jumped up to grab clothes from my luggage. I didn't want them to see me this."You okay, babe?" Drake's voice filled the room as I gave him a smile over my shoulder."I'm fine. I'll be out in a moment."The look of sadness on his face nearly tore me in two. I knew that he was just trying to help and even though his feelings meant everything to me, I coul
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I always be with you
LYNN'S POV "Make sure to speak clearly and face them when they're speaking," Micky instructed as he wired me up.One look over at Drake and I bit back the laugh building in my chest. He was throwing daggers at Micky and if looks could kill, he'd be dead ten times over. It probably didn't help that Micky was wiring my front side up and taping the pieces to fit between my breasts. And even though he was being completely professional about it, I knew that Drake didn't like where he was at the moment."What else should we know?" I asked as my heart started pounding over the thoughts of what wiring up meant. I was terrified to go back to my parents after learning everything. They might have been the parents I knew growing up, but they weren't actually my parents after all. What happens if I slip up?"Just get in and get out. Don't poke the bear and don't let them know that you know everything. We don't know what these two could be capable of if they feel cornered. Just get that journal an
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Following the plan
The ride down was silent and awkward. Luis kept sucking on his coffee drink, tapping away on his phone before he began to make slurping sounds. I glared at him but he was completely in his own little world right now. Then there was the tension between Micky and Drake that was heavy and thick. Standing in this moving box with all three men made me a bit comfortable and let's not ignore the fact that Drake was holding onto me with a death grip.When the doors finally opened and we stepped into the lobby, I felt all the weight lift from around us. Being in that elevator was suffocating. Luis was still in his own little world until he looked up and saw all the squads parked out front."Is that for us?" Luis gawked.Micky slapped him on the shoulder again and I wondered if he did that because Luis was gay and had flirted with him. Was he trying to show his manly, dominant side? Chill, Micky, Luis is the least of your worries right now."It is. I called them in and gave them the scoop while
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You adopted
Here they go again, letting Melissa get away with whatever she did. And I wanted to tell them that she wasn't my sister but that would surely reveal what was going on. I do have to admit that it was nice to know that Melissa wasn't actually my sister. We were polar opposites in every way and now that I knew we weren't blood-related, it all made sense. Did my parents baby me because I wasn't their kid? Is that why Melissa hated me? Did she know the truth?"Your face looks better this morning, lynn."I hadn't even thought about my face during all of this mess. I forgot how hard Jason could hit and the pain he'd leave behind, but none of that was important right now."Thanks," I muttered as we entered the kitchen. Dad came into view as he sat at the head of the table like he always did with a newspaper sprawled out in front of him. "Morning, Daddy," I greeted, trying to stay as normal as I could."Lynn, I'm glad you're here," Dad greeted softly before he pushed a chair out. "Sit. Ma, mak
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She was mine
DRAKE'S POV As we sat out on the front steps, lynn held the journal and box tightly in her arms. She hadn't said much since her parents were arrested and I couldn't tell if she was okay or not. The silence worried me more than it probably should have and I kept glancing over at Luis. He had somehow gotten a new coffee drink and was slurping it down like a madman.The officers moved about on the lawn, through the house, and talked amongst themselves. It looked like the entire neighborhood stood on their front porches to see what was going on. Lynn didn't seem to mind and neither did I.Officer dickhead finally walked over to us then. "How are you holding up, lynn? You did great in there."She huffed. "I don't know what happened. I left when it was normal and came back to my dad hiding a gun beneath the table." Her eyes shot up to his and I recognized that look; she was pissed. "Why didn't you guys come in sooner?! Drake or I could have been badly wounded!"Micky scratched the back of
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