All Chapters of A Night With The Porn Star: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
188 Chapters
Can't control myself
I punched him right in his stupid fucking face; I just couldn't help myself. He fell back onto his knee and I cracked my neck and waited. If he wanted to fight me for lynn, he better know that I will go fucking Jet Li on his ass."Drake!" Lynn shrieked as she jumped up and stood in front of me. She grabbed my face and forced me to look down at her, but when Micky started to move, I gently pulled her behind me.He wiped the blood from his face on the back of his hand as he stood back up with a wicked grin."Hey! That's an assault on an officer!" Another cop barked as he marched up the lawn toward us, but Micky held his hand out to stop him."It's cool, Roger's, we were just..." he paused to grin at me, "talking."The officer stopped to glare at me for a moment before he turned and went back to his squad car. At least Micky didn't let his officer arrest me; I'll give him that. He fought his own battles and I could respect that.Lynn dug her nails into my back before she stepped between
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Don't tease me
Her slurping was making me lose control. I didn't want to lose more control and fuck her stupid."Don't play games with me right now, lynn," I rasped."I would never play games with you, Drake." She stood up and straddled my lap as my dick slid across her wetness. I inhaled another sharp breath as she held onto my shoulders.I grabbed her hips and ground her over my dick. Her head fell back as she let out a moan and I knew I was hitting her sweet clit because I could feel her body shake. She did the same thing to me. Then I lifted her hips just enough to center my dick over her opening before I sank her hard onto me. She cried out as my mouth fell open and a breathy moan escaped.There was no better feeling in the world than Lynn's pussy wrapped tightly around my dick. Well, I could think of one other better feeling: love, and fuck did I have so much for this woman.She began to ride me and I tried to hand the reign's back to her but it was so fucking hard. I wanted to pound into her
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The court room
LYNN'S POV "Are you sure you're okay?" Luis asked as we headed down to the lobby in the elevator.I nodded at him as I took a deep breath. "I'm totally fine."Micky had called last night to tell us that the judge pushed my parents' trial up to today. I had gone in for official statements the night before and expected to be stuck in Seattle until their trial dates. They were originally set for a month from now, but due to the amount of charges against them, the judge wanted to do it now. I was okay with it because I was so ready to get home to Florida and put all of this behind me. I wasn't looking forward to staying in Seattle until their trial, and now I didn't have to.Drake brought my hand up and kissed it as he smirked over at me. I loved this man more than anyone I've ever loved and I couldn't wait to see how our relationship would unravel once this was all over."No matter what happens today, lynn, I've got you," Drake whispered into my ear as I felt my heart melt."I know," I
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Real family
My heart sank into my stomach as my hand gripped Dominick's tighter. He cupped our hands with his free one for extra support as I watched the side door open and the man I knew as my father for all these years stepped out in a blaze orange jumpsuit. His hands were cuffed in front of him as he was led in by an officer. The officer stopped him before he could sit to undo his cuffs, and then he took a seat next to his lawyer. I noticed that the officer didn't move far from Gene as I stared at him from behind."The Seattle Police Department has provided this court with substantial evidence. I'm about to play you audio from the night he was arrested. After that, I will show slides of documents signed by the William's to obtain substantial amounts of money from the estate of Mr. and Mrs. Tuffin as well as embezzlement from Tuffin Aerospace." The judge looked directly into Gene's eyes and asked, "This isn't the first embezzlement case against you, Mr. Martinez." It wasn't a question and I kne
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Arrested too
It was as if I was seeing myself in the future. My mouth dropped open as I gawked at the beautiful woman with graying hair. She was petite and wore the most gorgeous jewelry I had ever seen. The woman spelled class with a capital C."Lynn," she breathed as she slowly walked toward me. Luix stepped out of her way as she placed her hand on my cheek. "Oh, lynn."Without warning, I let out a small sob and knew my soul was breaking over lost time with my true family. I didn't know any of them, but my soul did and that's all I needed to feel to know that they were my real family.I threw my arms around the woman's shoulders in front of me as she embraced me with hers. We held each other for what felt like forever as I looked up and into my sister's eyes. Tears filled her gaze as she grinned at our embrace; her hand rested over her heart."We've missed you, dear lynn," my grandma whispered into my ear."Why didn't any of you come for me?" I asked as we parted from our embrace.Sadness swam o
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Her real family
DRAKE'S POV I haven't ever seen lynn this carefree or happy. She was all smiles and laughter as we sat around the table with her true family. They were telling stories about their childhood, but I could tell lynn didn't remember any of them. She seemed to just be happy that she was a part of these stories. From what I've been hearing, she came from a good, loving family and I was so happy for her. My girl was finally free."So, what exactly is Tuffin lynn asked.Her brother Bobby was the one to answer her. "We make the technology that space shuttles and military planes use."Damn, I wasn't expecting that at all. Even though lynn didn't grow up a Tuffin, I couldn't help but point out the huge difference between us. She came from money, and I came from the ghetto of Chicago. We couldn't be on a more opposite plane and that scared the hell out of me. Would she see the difference and leave? I refuse to believe that, though. Lynn loved me."Wow," lynn sighed. "I'm just glad to see that th
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Raging boner
Bobby hugged her next and then Mama Bell. They embraced the longest and I think Mama Bell whispered something into Lynn's ear, but I couldn't hear it. They all hugged me and Luis before we all parted ways. Lynn hadn't said a word yet and I wouldn't push her, but then she grinned over at me before we reached the SUV rental in the back parking lot of the restaurant."What?" I asked with a returned grin.She looked over at Luis. "You wouldn't mind finding your way back to the hotel alone, would you? There's a... secret spot I want to show Drake before we leave tomorrow."Secret spot? So, there really was one? I tried to hide my excitement as I glared over at Luis and hoped he'd agree.He looked between the two of us. "Oh my God, you two are going some place to fuck, aren't you?"God, I hope so.I looked over at lynn and saw her cheeks redden before she burst out laughing."Luis, you really know how to make the situation more uncomfortable than it needs to be." She reached into her pocket
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I love you Drake
"My life has completely changed since the last time I was up here. This used to be the only place I felt happy and safe." She turned in her seat and got on her knees. "You're my happy, safe place now and I wanted to share that with you." She reached for the button on my jeans as I instinctively leaned back. "To show you just how happy you make me."My mouth fell open as she slipped her hand inside my jeans and wrapped her fingers around my throbbing dick. I have had this raging hard-on for too long and now that she was touching it, I froze in my spot. Fuck, this felt good.Her hand began to slowly stroke me as she stared into my eyes. Mine were cast down as I watched her hand bob up and down in my jeans, and I had to bite my bottom lip to stop my moan from coming out. If she kept up with this, I wasn't going to be able to fucking control myself. My hands were already itching to tear her clothes off, but I would be a good boy and let her take control once again; I've never done anythin
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Lynn Hudson
LYNN'S POV We've been back in Florida for a week now, and things couldn't be better. I still hadn't given Drake an answer to his question about me moving in and I knew he wasn't going to push the subject again. I wanted to, I really did, but the last time I let myself give up everything for a guy, it went horribly wrong. Drake wasn't Jason, but that fear still had a hold over me."So, Drake signed the lease for his building this morning," Dakota stated as I got pulled out of my daze."Yeah?" Drake had been so excited when we got home last week. He received an email from Mike at XXX Studios stating that he was free from his contract pending his attendance at the awards ceremony, which just so happened to be tonight. It was cute when Drake was nervous to ask me to be his date for it. He was sweating bullets and kept talking in circles until I made him just spit it out. It was evident that he thought I wouldn't go with him, but we were officially together now, and I would support him th
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Now a millionaire
I went back to the letter and continued reading. There were stats and a whole slew of numbers that I had no idea what was for, but when I turned the page, my mouth dropped open.There was a check at the bottom of the page addressed to my wrongful name of Martinez, but it wasn't my name that surprised me. No, the check was for almost two million dollars. I looked back over the last few paragraphs and finally saw what the check was for. Being a Tuffin by birth gave me shares in the company. This was a check for this year's market shares according to the letter.I couldn't believe my eyes and as I turned to the next page, I saw a handwritten note from Mama Bell.[My dearest lynn,I know the money will never make up for the time we lost with you, but I sure hope this helps. Tuffin Aerospace will send you a check similar to this one every quarter. I have also enclosed the information from your parents' lawyer regarding your inheritance account that was saved through all of this. We hope to
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