All Chapters of A Night With The Porn Star: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
188 Chapters
Don't feel guilty
DRAKE'S POV Watching lynn walk out of my office with luis put a heavy feeling in my stomach. I knew she had insecurities about all of this, but I didn't know how else to show her that she was the only woman for me. I may need her best friend to help me through this one too. Thank God for luis.Speaking of luis, I didn't understand why he didn't just come to me for a job right away. Here I thought I was meeting some guy named Jack who had all this experience in what I was looking for, and lyis walks in. I conducted the interview, but I already knew I was going to hire him.He might be Lynn's best friend, but he was becoming an important part of my life too. I couldn't wait to start working with the guy and really start seeing the company move forward.A light knock came from my door before it cracked open and Oliver's face popped in."Got a minute, boss?"I waved for him to come in, but he wasn't alone.Monique followed him in and I knew immediately where Lynn's little freak out had s
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I don't want anyone else
"I just... I just don't want to sound like a crazed, jealous girlfriend." She nibbled her bottom lip before she turned to me. "I do trust you, Drake, I just get so overwhelmed with all of it."I nodded as I framed her face with my hands. "I totally get it, lynn. This industry is a lot to swallow, but you should know I would never hurt you.""I know that," she whispered as she tried to pull her gaze from mine, but I wouldn't let her."Do you? Because the way you looked and the things you said back in my office makes me doubt that. I love you, lynn. My job is just that. Those naked women have nothing on you, babe."She snorted. "Right. Have you seen I look nothing like-""That's my favorite part about you. You don't look anything like them. You're real, you're compassionate, and you're mine. Since the moment I knew my feelings for you were deep, I haven't looked at a single woman with lust. Hell, I barely did that before you anyway."She half giggled, half sobbed and I prayed my words h
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Plans of leaving
LYNN'S POV The thought of leaving Drake behind while I went back to Seattle for the weekend left me nauseated. I knew in the bottom of my heart that I could trust him, but I also knew how much these women could be vultures. They better all keep their hands to themselves while I was absent, or I'd come home to crack some skulls.Excitement coursed through me as I packed a small bag. I hadn't seen my true family since I was last home, watching who I thought were my true family be put behind bars. I'd kept in contact with my immediate family as much as I could, but the thought of seeing them again made me anxious. We had lost so many years, yet they never made me feel like I was a stranger. I was family.A light knock came from the door as I smiled and turned, hoping it was Drake. Dakota's warm smile greeted me instead and my smile widened."Hey, Dakota. I haven't seen you for a while. How did your appointments go today?"She nibbled on her bottom lip. "They went fine. The baby's fine.
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You so delicious
"What is my brother going to do without you for a whole weekend?" Dakota asked with a chuckle as she stepped up behind me. "He's going to lose his marbles."I was flattered with thoughts of Drake going crazy without me. We hadn't spent more than a few hours apart since we'd met. This weekend was going to be brutal, especially with the dangerous thoughts swirling around in my head."Drake will be fine. Besides, he's got an event to keep him busy." I had no idea what this event was truly about and it made me nervous."Don't worry, lynn, I'll keep an eye on him," luis offered. "But I can't promise to keep my hands off of him." "I laughed, truly needing his stupid remarks right now. If it weren't for luis, I probably would have lost my mind by now."Keep your paws off my man," I warned with a smirk."Who's keeping their paws off of me?" Drake asked as he appeared down the hallway. "Surely not my woman." He pushed by luis and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me tightly to his che
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He is a gay
DRAKE'S POV Even though I was happy for lynn getting to go home and spend time with her real family, I hated that she was gone. She had literally just moved in and I felt like we hadn't had any one-on-one time together just yet. This weekend was going to be hard without her here, but I'd keep my selfishness to myself and greet her with a smile when she returned home to me.As I got ready for the meet and greet this weekend, I checked my emails for the hotel confirmation for the millionth time today. My nerves were all over the place. Everything was riding on this event and I couldn't screw it up. If I wanted to make lynn happy and get rid of I needed to find thirty more actors and actresses this weekend. It wasn't going to be easy."Yoo-hoo! The party has just arrived!" Luis's voice reached me before his presence did.I turned toward my bedroom doorway and smirked, shaking my head when he finally arrived. The guy wore a pink feather boa around his neck, star shaped purple sunglasses,
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Phone sex
The place was packed. There wasn't much room for walking around and that put a smile on my face. Knowing that it was this packed gave me hope that we'd find the thirty people we needed for the studio without problem."Hello Drake."I froze at the voice behind me, groaning as I turned around and tried to put a professional smile on my face. Monique stood there with her hand on her hip and a smirk lifting her lips. Her eyes slid up and down my body before she sauntered up and placed her hand on my chest."You're looking delicious in that suit of yours, Drake. I've always loved you in this." Then she leaned forward and pressed her lips against my jaw."Um, excuse the hell out of you. No touching!" Luis grabbed her arm and pushed her away.She stepped away from me unsteadily as she scoffed and pinned Luis with her gaze. "Who the hell are you?""I'm Luis. Don't forget it. Actually, please do. You don't deserve to know who I am."Her eyes took him in before she laughed and looked at me. "Is
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Time with the family
LYNN'S POV I woke with a smile on my face as I stretched and instinctively pushed my hand toward the empty space beside me. I knew Drake wouldn't be there, but a girl could dream, right? He hadn't touched me last night, obviously, but the way he spoke into the phone as I touched myself was close enough. The things I'd done since meeting Drake left a blush on my cheeks, and I wanted to keep exploring.After I dressed for the day, I sauntered downstairs to hear the ruckus in the kitchen. Warm laughs and booming conversation echoed into the massive hallway, making me smile once more. This wasn't something I was used to growing up. Most mornings consisted of Melissa screaming until she got her way from one of my so-called parents. Every morning was a nightmare."Good morning!" Everyone shouted the moment I stepped into the kitchen.I froze in my spot as I smiled shyly at them, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I think I mumbled a greeting back to them, but I couldn't be sure."I ho
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Family introductions
This was in the 60s, mind you, so I took whatever jobs I could. Have you ever heard of the magazine Femme Fatale?"I shook my head. "Never heard of it."She smirked as she snubbed out her cigarette. "Femme Fatale was the Playboy version of Europe," she stated proudly. "I was their top model. Oh, the people I've met and the things I've done." She laughed as her gaze seemed to disappear to a past memory."You were a nude model?" I asked, feeling my heart flutter in my chest. I guess the saying was true: don't judge a book by its cover."I was the best damn nude model around, sweetheart." She laughed again. "But when I came back to the states, I let that all go. I traveled the states for many years, living my best years."Wow. I honestly didn't expect the nude modeling part, but knowing that she had traveled all over made sense. She had that energy about her. Wild and Free."Now that you know my story, or the gist of it, why don't you continue about your man?" My hands twirled in my lap
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Trying to seduce him
DRAKE'S POV When I decided to head back down to the convention, Pierre was nowhere to be found. I called his phone several times but it went straight to voice-mail each time. He didn't answer when I knocked this morning either. He was a big boy, though, and probably met one of the gay actors. Sly little devil."Good morning, Mr. Wood," the hotel desk woman greeted me the moment I stepped out of the elevator. Her eyes scanned down my body appreciatively. “I was just coming up to your room. Your partner said to have you meet him in the coffee shop." She batted her eyes as I tried so hard not to roll mine."Why didn't you just call me?" I cocked a brow at her, but the way her mouth twisted told me that she wanted to do it in person. What the hell was she expecting? That I'd open my door and invite her in? Oh, honey, you have no idea how unavailable I am.I moved around her without another word and headed for the coffee shop. Luis sat at a table alone with his famous purple star sunglass
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So drunk
"What the fuck, Monique?!" I shouted, making my voice echo in the pool area. "You're fired. Stay away from me." Then I turned and marched away from her, but not before I peered back and saw her grinning at me. Crazy bitch.I joined luis and Lane who were still in the coffee shop, slumping down in an open seat."How'd it go?" Luis asked, still looking completely trashed."She's fired." I rubbed the back of my neck to relieve some stress. "She jumped me and kissed me."Luis slid his sunglasses down to peer at me. "Do I need to go in there and scratch the bitches eyes out? Because I totally will.""Nah, let's not make a scene. It's over with," I replied.Lane slapped me on the back. "Enough with the sour faces. We're about to work together again, brother. Let's go celebrate."Luis groaned as he slid his sunglasses back down. "It's 9 a.m. Lane. I need my bed, not celebrating.""Ah! Don't be a pussy! We're in Miami! The celebration is on me." He turned his glance to me. "Come on, Drake, I'
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