All Chapters of A Night With The Porn Star: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
188 Chapters
LYNN'S POV "Where are we going, Aunt Rose?" I inquired as we drove toward the North end of Seattle."I want to introduce you to a friend of mine who will help you feel a bit more confident in your bedroom skills. We met a few years ago and she's just a peach." She turned into a neighborhood with charming old homes lining the street before she parked in front of a pale pink historic home. "You'll love her, I just know it."We got out as I peered up at the gorgeous home in front of us. It had seen many years of storms, but somehow it was still kept intact. The home shouted history, yet modern touches could be seen everywhere. It was a large three story home with the most gorgeous flower garden engulfing the front yard with a single cement path leading up to the front door.But before we could knock, the door whipped open and a woman with kind eyes and a warm smile greeted us. Her long brunette hair was currently braided behind her head and her attire was all dark."Well, I'll be damned
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I need help
"You can do light bondage or heavy bondage. Do you think you'd enjoy your boyfriend taking complete control of you?"My spine shivered as I slowly nodded, getting excited just by the thought of it. We hadn't really done anything like that before, but I knew in my soul that I would enjoy Drake taking control of me as I was tied up beneath him; completely at his mercy.She pulled down a kit and tossed it to me. I glanced down and read what was inside the package: two silk ropes, blindfold, and two wrist restraints. This would be interesting and I had a feeling Drake would know how to use these things well before I ever would.My phone buzzed in my back pocket and I knew it was a phone call, but I didn't want to be rude to Tamara or Aunt Rose. I ignored it for now, scanning my eyes along the wall of lingerie when my phone began to buzz again. A back to back call usually meant that it was important. I pulled it out and saw Dakota's name on the screen."Will you two excuse me?" But neithe
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Terribly beaten
LYNN'S POV After the jet landed, I threw Aunt Rose a quick text letting her know I made it safely before I called Dakota and got her exact location. She was holed up in a run down motel that hadn't seen its glory days since the 60s. A broken down truck sat permanently parked in one of the spaces and none of the vehicles here were newer than 1998. Several men lined the railing out front as they smoked and drank, and what looked like prostitutes, walked in and out of several different rooms. This place screamed danger, but I wouldn't leave without Dakota.Aunt Rose luckily had a car waiting for me when I landed and the man behind the wheel was a big, burly son of a bitch. I knew he'd have my back if anything weird went down. The single head nod in the rear view mirror confirmed it."I shouldn't be long," I told him."I'll be watching."I got out of the Bentley that probably cost more than this entire building when all eyes turned on me. The men against the railing whistled and cat-call
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The strange brother
It was after dinner when we finally arrived home. The house was quiet and Dominick's Audi was absent from the garage. Even though I knew he was still in the city, it felt like he was far away. I missed him more than he knew, but also wondered what he was doing. It wasn't like him not to call or text me back, but I had to remind myself to trust him. Besides, Pierre was with him and I knew my best friend would keep a good eye out for me.I helped Dakota to her bedroom before she fell right back to sleep. Now the house was even more quiet and I didn't know what to do with myself. I brought my bag of goodies to our bedroom and set the contents out on the bed. I stared at them with curiosity and couldn't wait for him to get home. My phone was still quiet with no missed calls or texts from him and now my worried thoughts were beginning to take over.Instead of torturing myself, I tried to call luis, but his phone went to voice-mail too. "You've reached the one and only luis. Leave a message
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You not my family
DRAKE'S POV I may have been drunk, but I knew I wasn't seeing things. My mother and little brother were standing in my kitchen in the middle of the night and I had no idea why. Neither of them were welcome, yet here they were."What the fuck are you doing here?" I growled."Nice way to speak to your mother, Son.""Don't call me that," I spat. "I haven't been your son since I was fourteen years old. You don't have the right to call me that anymore. You two need to get the fuck out of my house. Right fucking now."My blood boiled with their presence and I couldn't take it anymore. Seeing them all these years later made something snap inside of me that I hadn't felt in a very long time: pure hatred. I never thought I'd see either of them ever again, yet here they stood."Your sister called us for our help. We're not going anywhere," my mother stated.My brows shot up at her revelation. Dakota wouldn't have called them if they were the last fucking people on earth. She knew better than t
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I need you right now
"Alright, big guy, let's get you upstairs, huh?"It was crazy how my adrenaline instantly sobered me up but now I was feeling tipsy all over again. The buzz made me grin and I couldn't stop it even if I tried. I placed my hands on her ass and pulled her tight against my groin so she could feel my chubby. Her cheeks flushed as she peered up at me."How are you horny right now?" She whispered. "You're drunk and you just got into a fight with your family."I groaned. "Drunk? Absolutely. Don't call them my family. I'll deal with them tomorrow, but right now, I want you naked and filled with my cock. I've missed you so damn much and can't think about anything but you right now."Her soft giggles made my dick harder. If I were in my right mind, I'd be too stressed out to even think about sex, but thankfully all the booze running through me kept me relaxed. Ever since our little phone sex adventure, all I could think about was getting lynn naked beneath me.I grabbed the back of her thighs a
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Family problems
LYNN'S POV As I sat out by the pool the following morning, I sipped on my piping hot coffee and glanced around at the flowers I had planted a few days ago. The house was quiet and the birds chirped all around me. It was extremely peaceful, but I knew it wouldn't last forever. When Drake woke up, I knew he'd have a million things going on in that head of his and I'd have to explain to him about Dakota. I might have promised her that I wouldn't say anything, but now that his brother and mother were here, it was probably best to tell him everything. I had to."Ugh, remind me to never go away with Drake for the weekend ever again." Luis groaned as he slumped down on the lounger next to me and covered his eyes. "He knows far too many people who like to party."I giggled. "But I thought you would be able to keep up? You're the biggest partner I know, luis."He snorted as he glanced at me. "I enjoy going to the club, drinking a few Appletinis, and praying a guy comes home with me. I don't d
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So annoyed
DRAKE'S POV The rage that pumped through me made my hands shake. If Dakota wasn't my little sister, I would have kicked her out ages ago but she needed me now more than ever."I just want to know why, Dakota. Why did you go back to that prick? Why did you let him shoot you up again? You're fucking pregnant for fuck's sake."She rolled her eyes at me and crossed her arms over her chest. "You wouldn't understand, Drake, you never do. You're always so damn perfect and every choice you make is the right one. I can't help it that I'm not."I snorted. "Perfect? You think I'm perfect? You should know better than anyone that I'm not. I have to make a decision every single fucking day not to be like dad; not to be like any of them! I make mistakes more often than I'd like to admit, but at least I have my reasons as to why I do them. What's yours?""I love him. Can't that be enough? You've never been in love so you have no room to tell me the struggles of it.""Never? I'm in love right now!"S
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She is everything to me
"Don't you understand that I meant to do that on purpose. You're not family to me anymore, or have you forgotten?"He snorted. "See Mom? I told you he'd think he was better than us. He stands there with his nose up in the air in his big fancy house." Then Diego pinned me with his own glare. "Have you forgotten that you'd have none of this without me? Or are you taking all the credit again?"I ground my teeth, knowing exactly what he meant. "I don't owe you shit, Diego.""No? I'll bet sweet little miss Brooke Saddle would disagree with me. I think I might go see her today and catch up on lost time." His grin widened like an evil being before he looked over at me again. "Have you told lynn about her yet? How you stole her from me? The only co-star you ever had a relationship with. You were in love with her, no?"My chest rose and fell rapidly as my grip on the edge of the counter tightened. "You keep your fucking mouth shut, Diego. You have no idea what you're even talking about. And I
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You need to trust him
LYNN'S POV "I just don't understand why he'd do something like this when he knows how I feel about all of this." I chewed on the inside of my cheek as my leg bounced uncontrollably. My nerves were all over the place and I had the urge to run, and run far. This isn't what I signed up for when I decided to be with Drake; agreed to move in with him!Luis sighed. "It's really not what you think, lynn. The kiss with Monique was just the paparazzi having good timing. She threw herself onto him when he went to fire her. He told me the second he saw me after it happened that he shoved her off and fired her right away. If there was anything actually going on between them, do you think he would have told me? I'm your best friend, lynn, I'd be the last person he'd tell about that, don't you think?"I let out a breathy laugh as I shook my head. "Maybe that's what he told you because that's what he wanted you and me to believe when these photos came out.""That's not it and you know it. I know yo
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