All Chapters of Sold to the Ruthless Lycan king (The Lycan's flame).: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
239 Chapters
Chapter 99: Cain.
“Greetings Cain.”King Rafie sits and his presence occupies half the space in the carriage.“Greetings King Rafie.”His frame is almost an identical match to Lyros’s, long muscular legs that taper to a thin waist and an impossibly well-built chest. All the Lycan kings look like this, they carry this feeling of intimidation with them but unlike Lyros, some of them release that aura without ever meaning to.King Rafie has a handsome face, with thick brown hair and lush lashes, full lips, and a strong jaw. Eyes the color of tanzanite. I realize he’s staring at me too and the reality of my eyes right now strikes me once more.I sigh instead of beg and I look away. He chuckles.“The eyes look good on you Cain, so does this new form.”My head shakes of its own volition in the negative.“I’m shackled because of them, and how do you know I'm Cain? I could be anybody.” “Someone like Fenrir Dragmir. The charming aristocrat who steals the heart of the princess only to break it a few days later?
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Chapter 100: "Rest, I'll take over now."
“Adelaide?”Cain’s voice is like honey in my ears.“Adelaide.”My eyes are heavy and they are sleep-filled. I cannot open them even if I wanted to. They are swollen and bruised now. Raymel punched me. “Adelaide? Can you hear me?”A weak grunt is the voice’s reply. Yeah, I can hear him, but I wish he didn’t have to come at this moment.Raymel is on the other side of the camp they’ve brought me to. The lamp in his tent is illuminating the space inside and the outline of him and what he’s doing is clear.My ears react to the sound immediately and soon my head is filled with it. The sound of thumping, of skin slapping skin. Raymel fucks fast and hard. The female he’s banging has firm tits, they don’t dangle off her body as she kneels in a doggy position, the shadow of her hair even gives it a silky feel, but the main focus of the show is Raymel.He’s perfect.The outline of his body is like a sculpted statue. Everything from the biceps of his arms to the well-built upper section.“Ahhhhh
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Chapter 101: Adelaide.
“Are we there yet?”I receive no answer so I ask again.“Are we there yet?”Raymel’s jaw locks in and he scowls as he turns his eyes to me.He’s annoyed but his annoyance doesn’t answer my question so I ask again.“Are we there yet?”“No, we are not fucking there yet! Are you a kid Adelaide?”I want to tell him I might as well be but I figure it’s something that would get me beaten or shackled. I’m comfortable enough in this cage.Yes, I've been put into a one-person cage.I run my hands over the rough wood and falling tree bark before pulling slightly again. It doesn’t give. Twine has been used to hold the pieces of wood together, and the large sticks make for a fairly efficient cage.What I don't understand though is why I am in this cage and why they’re all looking at me like that.By they, I mean everyone. Raymel has a buttload of anger gleaming in his soft brown eyes and it’s a wonder his eyes remain soft even after I've seen the kind of person he is. People shouldn’t be judged b
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Chapter 102: Adelaide.
“What?” He nods and settles back into the seat in that carefree posture of his again. Even Raymel had a stiffness to his back as he sat... He sat up, back straight, chin forward, infuriating eyes glaring at me even as I bit my nails just to irritate him. This guard though. He sits like he’s the prince. He’s carefree, and my time around my brother’s friends taught me at least one thing. A carefree attitude is usually the cause of a carefree life, and a carefree life is most times offered by filthy rich parents. Or at least well-to-do ones. A wave of nostalgia assaults me and in a split second, I feel myself in the forest again, bones broken and heart pounding, running away from my brother and his friend who sought to take me back to a pack I wanted to escape from. That felt like something that happened years ago, not months ago. I feel so much older now. Which explains why I feel I'm being underestimated by this male currently with me. To him, I'm a naive little wolf girl. A
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Chapter 103: Adelaide.
Safira leads me into the castle where we catch up with Lyros, but Lyros doesn’t say a word to me. I don’t know if I want him to. I don’t know why I expected him to, but the silence doesn’t feel as good as I always imagined it was. I need information right now. I need information, not silence, and I am being starved of it.I need information about Cain.“Is…. Cain okay, Lord Lyros?”My words are almost silent but they’re heard. Lyros turns to look at me and I don't know why I react the way I do, I know I should look away, but I don't and his ice blue eyes bore into mine.I expect a slap. A hit.Some torturous mental pain, but he just gives me that brief look before averting his gaze again.“Cain is on his way, you can see for yourself when he gets here.”Not enough information, but enough for me to know something is up.“I’m sorry for being brought here this way. This wasn’t the plan.”I hear something akin to an irritated growl before I get his response.“I know this wasn’t the pla
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Chapter 104: Adelaide.
“Lord Lyros?” A tentative statement full of careful caution. “What?” Goosebumps run across the length of my arm and pretty much on every other spare inch of skin on me. The word is soft. So soft that it doesn’t sound like something he would say. “What’s…. happening right now? I’m confused.” He raises his head up to peer at me from half open eyes. I can only see the bright blue of his eyes this up close and it threatens to pull me in and never let me go. They’re like blue pools of soft light. “I am Lord Lyros of the north and you are Lady Adelaide, my wife.” My heart stops and a sharp pain cuts through my chest, like someone has just stabbed me with a knife. “Your what?” “I dislike repeating myself Adelaide. We’re going to be spending a lot of time together.” My very being revolts at the idea. I set myself to imagining it. Waking up in the same bed as him and coming back here everyday, to meet him waiting and hoping for something. “Don’t fool yourself little wolf. If I say
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Chapter 105: Cain.
“Do they usually sleep together like this?”My blood is roaring in my ears.“No, not usually.”Rafie cocks an eyebrow up and stares at the bed quizzically.“But they look so comfortable together. I almost thought the maid was drunk when she said Lyros was asleep with his bride.”“I think we should let them be King Rafie.”The King turns to look at me but I hold his gaze. Rafie has always been one of the more intelligent Lycan Kings and I'm sure he’s sensed something is wrong here.Safira taps her feet in a tune on my left and I realize what she’s doing a moment too late.Adelaide opens her eyes.For a moment I freeze, and then the anger comes roaring into my veins once more and it’s white-hot now.Why do I always keep meeting her in situations like this?First, it was Rhys, and now Lyros.“Cain?”My next instinct is to shift into Fenrir, but she’s already seen me. King Rafie also knows Fenrir is Cain, so I don't see the use of trying to be someone else. Everyone who I'm supposed to b
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Chapter 106: Adelaide.
I wake up in another bed.The feeling of it is different against my skin but the first thing I notice is the absence of the body that is meant to be near me.My foggy memories come rushing back like a tide and a cold feeling courses through my body.What the fuck have I done?I’m out of the bed in a minute and I'm walking down the hallway as fast as my legs can take me. Cain’s scent hits me like a wave.My nose picks him out from the multitude of scents wafting through the hallway. Again, I am taken aback by the beauty of this place, but my feet move with determination and I weave my way around people who look at me strangely.Cain’s scent stops in front of a room and I don't hesitate before I go in.I wish I did.Lyros’s stare threatens to pin me to the floor. The other man is there too and he smiles when he sees me.“I guess you’re in a better frame of mind now?”I nod and let my eyes search for Cain covertly but I can't find him. His scent stops here but he’s not here.“What do you
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107: Cain.
Adelaide is kissing Lyros. I hate the way my heart hurts at the sight of it but it does. They are at the window to Rafie’s study and they kiss for half the kingdom to see. Safira stops near me and her eyes track the direction of mine. When her gaze lands on them, she sighs and I hate the fact that she does. “I was wondering who he was kissing.” A chuckle escapes my lips and I look away, my eyes now decidedly staying on my sword as thoughts run through my head.“Am I a fool Safira?” If she hears me she doesn’t reply at all, just keeps her eyes glued to the window and the two people in it. For some time I let myself believe that this will all come to an end soon. We will find the chalice, we will couple the Lycan’s flame together, and then we will get out of here. Adelaide will make her choice, and I will make mine. This current US sucks. “You know Lyros is just playing you guys against each other right?”Safira hacks away at some dirt on a stone and keeps her eyes away from me
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Chapter 108: Adelaide (p.s, former chapter was Cain's pov. So sorry for the mixup."
Cain just entered the library. I want the earth to open up and swallow me right now. I watch as he walks in. Safira is hot on his heels and they are silent, silent enough that I know something is up but I have my problems to worry about, and as much as I want to go to Cain, as much as I want to run my hands down his skin and tell him I’m fucking sorry for being a slut and kissing Lyros, I stay where I am. I have enough problems of my own. I chuckle at the thought of that and hope for something sudden to happen. Maybe an arrow lodges into my chest suddenly or a lightning bolt strikes me, suddenly. The book on werewolves is in my hands and I look at the huge tome. The leatherbound item is on the table and one of King Rafie’s guards is waiting outside for me. I can’t take the tome to my room, or rather our room. Lyros and I are sharing a room. Isn’t that fucking great?“Adelaide?” Kill me. “Adelaide, are you in here?” My blood boils as Rhys’s recklessly loud voice booms in th
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