All Chapters of Sold to the Ruthless Lycan king (The Lycan's flame).: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
239 Chapters
Chapter 80: Adelaide.
The guards refuse to let me in and for a moment I wonder if I'm just being paranoid.Lyros wouldn't be that wicked would he?I had to watch as he broke almost every bone in Cain's body and even now I can still imagine the amount of utter cruelty that must have gone into making himself able to do that.The feeling of him breaking my fingers is like a faint memory now, but Cain's pain is recent. Lyros wouldn't hurt him so soon after that, would he?The guard with light brown hair shoots me a sneer and I sneer back at him. They're the reason I can't go in to see for myself what's happening, yet they still manage to make me feel like I'm the problem.I pick myself up from the floor and dust my hands by hitting them together. There are grains of sand on the floor and I know there will be more. I look up and put on my most complacent smile."Please, can I just go in to see Miss Leah?""No one goes in to see the healer. You can wait a day or two."They sound like they haven't even broken a s
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Chapter 81: Adelaide.
"You'll be riding with Rhys today, Cain will catch up with both of you later on the first ship."Lyro doesn't even wait to finish speaking before he walks away, leaving me in front of the enormous jeep with countless bags in front of me.He knows I'll speak to him about Cain. He knows I care about Cain and so he's keeping me in suspense, making me wait and want and try to get something he knows I must have.I have tried to see Leah, despite Safira's warning. When she told me something major was being done to Cain, I asked her if it was part of the plan. I already know Lyros has her in his inner circle or whatever he calls it. She's been summoned to his chambers regularly and I can see she's also getting ready to embark on this trip with us.She seemed to know more than I did yesterday, so despite her warnings not to go near the infirmary and the healer, I still went anyway and now I don't know what to think.I felt magic pulsing out of Leah's room. It was her magic, her healing,
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Chapter 82: Cain.
"Adelaide punched Rhys." I turn around to see Raina and Safira both coming into the room. They look troubled, which is none of my concern, the news they've brought though is and i frown as i look at my hands. I passed by Adelaide three times this morning but she still didn't notice I was there. The cane is now gone, Leah has healed my hip. The damage to my eyes though, still remains, my eyes have been unchanged, but the rest of me has. I turn and see the confusion and surprise on their faces. Leah couldn't fix my eyes totally yesterday and for some reason that made Lyros panic. That panic was an unprecedented emotion I didn't take into account. I expected him to get angry again, for him to get a doctor and get some glasses made for me. The panic was an emotion I didn't expect and now we're here, my body changed and Leah, humming with the power of the staff. Lyros let her use it in healing me. The staff mainly deals with coaxing the truth out of anyone or anything. In theory, it
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Chapter 83: Adelaide.
Lyros is a bitch. The stench of fish and fish innards was never something I would have thought of as punishment. It's creatively horrific and I know it is something only he could have thought of.When he said it was time for punishment, I thought he would beat me.I thought he would hit me and hurt me and make me scream out in pain. I already braced myself for it, but I didn't brace myself for this."Hey, wench! Those fishes ain't gonna gut themselves y'know."The fisherman or Captain or whatever's the fuck he's called stands on the stairs to the lower level of the ship and he sneers at me. I can tell just from the looks of him that he's powerless, not a werewolf, and not one of the other races either. The powerless in our world could easily pass for humans, but they're different from humans in a way, not just in a way but in a very noticeable way. They all have uncommon hair colors; they look like they have the blood of beauty gods in their veins.Even the captain is a delicatelypin
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Chapter 84: Cain.
"Did you hear what Lyros said while he was adressing us last night?" Safira is oddly persistent for someone who i have specially asked not to make me look suspcious. She's always popping up on me, and popping things up on me. It's slightly annoying, but she's my eyes and ears in this place and unfortunately for me, i'm Dragmir Fenrir now, not Cain. These fuckers don't recognize me so they don't fear me. "Hello, Safira to Cain! I just said something right now." "And i heard you. Yes, i did hear what Lyros said last night. Something about the plan having changed right?" Safira glares at me and i smile as i turn back to look at the sea. After the storm last night the weather has cleared beautifully today and the sun is shining hot and bright, golden light rippling over the water and the salt breeze strong, carrying us through the sea and moving the ship the same way a good engine would move a car. It would either have to be the construct of the ship that allows us sail at this sp
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To my dear readers.
Are we still here?😁😁I'm back, exactly as I said I would, and I'm ready to churn out more chapters for you for the next two months. Then this book will come to a close and we'll see if a sequel can be arranged.Quick Recap.Adelaide is the rejected daughter of Alpha parents. She is sold to Lyros as a tribute for him leaving her parent's pack and not destroying it. She meets Cain and is saved by him, right before she's humiliated and brutally injured by Lyros.There is a sexual connection between Adelaide and Lyros, but there's something between her and Rhys too, and something special between her and Cain.Everyone is still holding secrets that are dear to their heart, and she is navigating her way as the Lycan king's weapon against werewolves like herself.But will she make the right choices? choose the right allies? and discover who she truly is?Adelaide has just met Fenrir Dragmir, a person we all know is Cain but who she doesn't.Let's see how the story unfolds from here on.Ple
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Chapter 85: Adelaide.
Well, he's new.I turn to look at the brown-haired and golden-eyed fellow I just spoke to right now and I don't know why, but something about him makes me feel nostalgic.Is it nostalgic or comfortable? I'm not so sure.... but he does make me feel something"Hey, Wench!"My shoulders sag and a look of disgust settles on my face. Again?I turn to answer."Yes, Captain?""Look at me when I'm talking to you or you'll be thrown off me ship!"Okay, does this guy know how ridiculous he sounds right now?I turn to face him and he's standing there, as real as day. I was super sick last night, retching all over the place because I couldn't get the smell of fish guts out of my nose. The storm didn't help either, but the fish guts were the worst part.I almost believed I saw a mermaid, or a merman, whatever it is. I was that sick, and it's all because of him.The pink-haired captain flashes me a grin and a wolf whistle. "You're looking mighty fine, little werewolf."I move before I can stop mys
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Chapter 86: Adelaide.
"Follow me."Lyros doesn't wait for me to assess the situation before he makes that command. He just says it and then turns to walk away.He's the tallest amongst us, dwarfing Rhys and Mr Fenrir by just a few inches, but he's imposing and he's the boss so I guess there's nothing anyone can do even if they were taller than him.Surprisingly, I'm not the only one who follows the Lycan king. Rhys does too, and so does Safira, and so does Fenrir, the brown-haired and golden-eyed man I feel relaxed around for some strange reason.He doesn't look at me, so I don't look at him either, but I'm aware of his presence. Lyros climbs a set of stairs and enters one of the cabins on the upper deck. We follow, Rhys first, then Safira and Fenrir, and lastly me.The room is a wide space, with sunlight casting a bright yellow hue to the wood and the scent of the sea breeze making it smell fresh, Lyros's scent is faint in here, but I'm sure if I went to the bed it'd be heavier. I heard he's been weak la
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Chapter 87: Cain.
"Wait up.."I ignore Safira and keep on walking. I have a good idea of what she might try to say and I'm not ready for it right now.Lyros obviously doesn't want Adelaide to know I'm Cain and not some recruit on this trip, so why should I do myself the disservice of telling her?'"Hey! I said wait up you dick!"Safira is huffing when I turn to look at her and I can see she's angry. She's angry and..... something else.I wait for her to make her way over to me and we both walk in silence to the prow of the ship. The sailors avoid us like the plague and they part whenever they see us. That doesn't bother me, what does is the sickly pallor and weak aura Safira is currently giving off.She takes a deep breath and I turn to look at her."Are you feeling okay?""Of course not."Her answer is a bare whisper and it's almost carried away on the winds but I hear it. I hear it and I take a moment to step back from my thoughts of Adelaide.She's been on my mind ever since I saw her earlier. Ever
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Chapter 88: Adelaide.
Oh, fuck my life. Of all the things I could land myself into, it had to be an altercation with crazy fucking Rhys! "Do you think he's okay?" Safira sounds worried and some of that worry seeps into my bones and makes me calm down. Okay...... so this happened. There's nothing better than an endless shitstorm of drama on a ship, right? Even though I'm seasick and I'm sure there's nothing I want to do more than hurl my guts out. "I think I need some space." "Why the hell did he even go bonkers like that?" "Is he going to be okay?" "I said I need some space!" Almost like a spell breaks we fall into silence and he's there, bent over Rhys and trying his best to glare at us from his tousled but still silky locks and startling golden eyes. Fenrir. Safira is the first person who takes a step backward and she has to jolt me before I also adhere to the order. Something strange happened with this male. Maybe it was just a trick of the light, but I'm sure I saw him leap right out of thi
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