All Chapters of Sold to the Ruthless Lycan king (The Lycan's flame).: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
239 Chapters
Chapter 70: Adelaide.
We eat in silence and I feel Cain squirming in his seat. If I was asked to guess why that is, I would say it's because he's never eaten with people around him. Me, him, and Rhys, I don't know if this is a group we've formed but I can tell he isn't happy. and it's not like he's sad to have us with him, it's that he's sad about what having us with him will do to us. Lyros would pick us up one by one and for someone who claims to have no feelings, Cain does. He hasn't mentioned or admitted to the fact of not having feelings to me before, but he acts like that and it's something that made me hate him in my first days here. He would always act cold and frigid, always act mean. I sigh and drop my spoon on the table. The Lycan king's home can be horribly depressing when you have something to lose, and what do I have to lose exactly? Well, I have my freedom to lose. I won't ever be free if Lyros finds out what I'm planning, he might even kill me, but if it means Cain will have a better li
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Chapter 71: Adelaide.
Despite Cain's warning, I don't go to train straight away. I go attend to Lyros's summoning first. I don't know why he called me but when I got to his room it was clean. I saw him folding his shirts and putting them into his wardrobe. He asked me to sit and he asked how I was feeling, and then after, he told me what Cain wouldn't. We're going to a very far place. He didn't tell me where just told me to get ready for two days at sea. I'm to act as a companion of Cain, an ambassador from the Lycan king of the north to the lands inland. The Lycan king we're going to visit is named Rafie and he isn't dangerous, those around him are the really dangerous ones so I'll have to watch what I say, watch where I step, and also get ready to live without electricity, running water, and an air conditioner in my room. It's going to be like a whole new world but I feel pumped for it already. Safira comes for me afterward and I recognize her as the lady I had seen in front of my door yesterday. The
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Chapter 72: Adelaide.
Safira wears me down to the point of exhaustion. At first, anger is what pushes me to fight back, somehow I feel I've gotten stronger than I was and faster too. Safira comes at me with punches and jabs but I deflect the majority of them. I imagine myself in Cain's skin and his shoes. I imagine myself as him and think of what he would do if he was me. The more I do this, the more I realize my errors. Cain wouldn't let emotions rule his movements. Neither would Lyros even though he has a temper on him. They would try to see what technique their opponent uses before anything else. Safia favors attack over precision. She throws powerful blows but they're also blind blows and there's a lot of times when she could have done more damage than she did with a misplaced punch. She strikes in my general direction and not in precise areas. She doesn't care if the blows catch me or if they do not, what matters to her is that she strikes and her strike hits me. She doesn't care where. With that
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Chapter 73: Adelaide.
Safira drafts a training schedule for us and tells me it was fun training with someone that has some backbone. I'm not sure if she just insulted all the warrior Lycans in this building or if she insulted me and every other werewolf out there. She doesn't stay back long enough to clarify, she says it and she leaves while I stay there, panting. I lay on the floor and let the silence of this place fill me. For her to have her own training space, she must be really important to Lyros. The way she's also made me so aware of the fact that I am not supposed to be here is surprising. Up until today, I don't think I ever saw myself as the daughter of an Alpha. I sure wasn't treated like one in the pack and I don't think I've ever been the daughter of an Alpha. I've always been the pack disappointment, my parent's shame, and a failure to the moon goddess. I can barely feel my wolf during the full moons and when a shift does overtake me it's so painful it feels like it's going to kill me. I a
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Chapter 74: Cain.
Rhys is breathing down my neck and it makes me want to snap his.We're in my room, seated on the floor and I'm bent over a map."Move away Rhys."The words come out through gritted teeth and like he doesn't hear them Rhys moves in even closer. I turn to glare at him and he smiles before he moves away a bit.''"You draw so well that I just wanted to see more.""You wanted to see more of the map?"He looks away and I sigh."You want to say something don't you?"He nods and I go back to sketching a map of Rafie's capital, Raleigh.Lyros wants information on everything and it's already hard enough to do this without having someone breathing down my neck."I want us to talk about Adelaide, Cain."My pencil stops and I straighten my seating posture."What for?"Rhys fixes his eyes on me and I let myself become fully aware of his presence for once. He might as well be Lycan nobility himself. He's larger than me though we generally have the same body build and he looks the same way prime Lyca
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Chapter 75: Adelaide.
Rhys is looking at me weirdly.Safira lunges at me with a bit more speed this time so I take my eyes off him and place more attention on her. There's a feeling creeping down my back that tells me Rhys is here for something, maybe he's here to distract me, I can't tell, but the way he looks at me makes me feel strange. Like he's observing me closely and it only makes me super conscious of myself.I haven't seen Cain for the past two days now and I would have loved to say the same for Lyros but that would be a lie. The Lycan king has been around, more than Cain has been around, and I'm left to wonder if that's something Lyros has caused or if Cain just doesn't want to see me."Focus Adelaide!"Safira's voice comes out angrier than I imagined and my attention snaps to her immediately. Clang!Her sword hits mine and I feel the force of it go into my arm. I spend the next few minutes dodging thrusts, deflecting jabs, repeating her words over and over in my mind as I master the art of the
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Chapter 76: Adelaide.
Rhys blinks at my request but he nods all the same and that is when the confusion sets in. I know I'm not famed for having second thoughts but I have them now. If I'm to kiss Rhys....... if I'm to egg him on and have him take me right here and right now, what would it mean for the both of us? The answer comes to me in the form of a sound, the sound of cracking bones, and a shudder runs through me. I pull back. Rhys cocks an eyebrow up at me and when I look away, he chuckles. "You know it's wrong to give one hope and rip it away so brutally right?" I let out a frustrated sigh and flop back onto the hard floor. He's right, I do know that, but I have to stop myself before I hurt us both. "Lyros would kill us if he found out anything like that happened. He hates werewolves and he doesn't need a reason to punish me, he'd probably punish you for fucking werewolf scum though." Rhys chuckles deeply and I feel desire flare up in me again. "Who says he has to find out?" Rhys closes th
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Chapter 77: Adelaide.
"Tomorrow, you both head off on your next mission. I expect nothing but the best from both of you, and remember, crossing me is death. Whatever plans you have better be thought over carefully. I don't handle betrayal well, there's nowhere you would run to that I wouldn't find you."Lyros's words ring in my ears like bells and sink into my mind. I can tell he's not lying. It's a creeping at the base of my spine and a tingling at my fingertips. I can tell he's not joking, and somehow that makes me feel even sadder than I already do.Cain is refusing to look at meHe's standing beside Lyros, one hand at his back and the other holding his cane. He's as still as a statue and it hurts my heart. It breaks me deep into my soul that he's acting like this to me, but I guess if were in his shoes I'd have done the sameHeck, I was angry at him for not paying me attention after he kissed me. How mad would I have been if I had caught him doing something like kissing Safira or one of the maids?"Ade
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Chapter 78: Cain.
"I don't want to ride with Adelaide." Lyros looks up from the documents in his hand and cocks an eyebrow at me. "Why?" The question is simple enough. A simple question that should warrant a simple answer but I can't feel that answer coming forth. "I just don't want to ride with her. Can she ride with one of the other warriors instead?" "The ones who hate her or the ones who want to fuck her?" I want to control the emotion that surges up in me, I try to, but I can't and soon my eyes are glowing again. My surroundings melt and become the forest while I sit up in a tree, watching as flowers bloom, and butterflies flap their wings and move in lazy yet contented motions. I watch as the skies fill with rain and when it pours it's ice cold against my skin, yet there's a fire burning in my heart. A heat raging within me. A flame I cannot deny. "Cain?" I hiss and step back before Lyros can place his palm on me because his presence burns. He frowns and regards me suspiciously. "Are yo
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Chapter 79: Adelaide.
"I'm sorry, but have you seen Cain?"Raina stares at me like she's seeing me for the first time and she doesn't like what she's seeing.I noticed her giving me this same look when she served me in the dining hall and now she's doing it again.I'm confused but I don't have the time to fully inquire about why she's acting this way. I need to see Cain.Raina keeps on staring at me and I realize that maybe I do have the time to ask why she's acting this way. She's my only female friend here and it's hard to know that she's angry when I don't know why."Is something wrong Raina?"She blinks and looks away but I know she has something she wants to say. Maybe she's scared of what will happen if she says it here."Can we talk outside?"Almost like I read her mind or she reads mine she suggests what I had been about to suggest and I nod.I might have not noticed it before but the threat of that strange wolf still hangs heavy in the air. The security around the building is still tight and there
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