All Chapters of Sold to the Ruthless Lycan king (The Lycan's flame).: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
239 Chapters
Chapter 169: Adelaide.
I eat until I can eat no more.Everything on the table was delicious. Every other thing they brought out from their kitchens was also a hit, there was nothing that didn’t hit the standard and even surpass it.I had so much I can hear my stomach rumbling from how full it is and through all this, Lyros watches me like I amuse him.It’s not the bad kind of amusement and it’s not the type that makes me feel he thinks I am silly or disgusting. He just looks at me like he enjoys watching me and it’s strange that it’s happening.The human waiters bring drinks for us later, including something so sweet and refreshing that it leaves me feeling blissed out and relaxed.I almost feel like I've been drugged or something, because how am I here, sitting with Lyros and not feeling like I should kill him or rip him into shreds?“Is something confusing to you?”I nod and Lyros sits up.“Can I hear what it is?”“So you can do what? Confuse me even more?”Lyros grins and leans onto the table, propping h
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Chapter 170: Lyros.
She wakes me a few minutes before noon. The sun is beating down the side of my neck and my head pounds with the beginning of a headache, but it stops the moment I see her.Adelaide has changed out of the dress I had her get into yesterday and now she’s in something else. Shorts that barely cover the entirety of her lap and an oversized cashmere shirt. She’s seated in one of the larger chairs and she has her dainty feet put up. A book is in her hand and from my position on the floor, with her legs raised like that, I can see the tender flesh of the body underneath all that fabric.“You’re awake.”Adelaide tries to keep the enthusiasm out of her voice but she only ends up sounding half bored and half excited. I nod and push myself off the floor, groaning at how my body sends tight little flares of pain to my brain.“The waiter suggested we wake you up and take you to one of the beds here. Did you know this is also a hotel?”I smirk and nod “I should since I own it.”“You fell asleep on
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Chapter 171: Adelaide.
Lyros takes us back to our room. I only see him bathed in flames for the briefest moment before he transports us and it’s an instantaneous transportation.The only thing I feel is a brief waft of air hit my face and that’s it. I extract myself from his side and walk over to the windows.Raleigh stares me back in the face and I wonder how long we’ve been here for me to feel this relaxed we’re back.I dash to the wardrobe and when I feel Lyros’s stare on me I answer with one sentence.“I have to change.”I don’t even know why I picked this outfit in the first place. The waiters offered to get me a gown and all that, but I didn't know them and I didn't trust them at the time. Looking back on that now I can realize how dumb it is that I ate the food they served me but still felt like they would hurt me with fabric if they could.And Lyros owns the place….. Good to know.“Are you leaving to train?”I shake my head and turn to look at him.“I’m going to go find Cain, Safira, and Rhys.”Lyro
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Chapter 172: Adelaide.
Cain asks me to tell him everything and I do.I tell him of Diane and how I've been visiting her in my sleep.Yes, on command, and yes, she’s as sad as the books portray her to be but that’s not what time records her as.I tell him Queen Diane, wife and mate of Supreme Lycan King Ashryn was a badass who was filled with magic and possibilities.I tell him she fused with the Lycan’s flame and I watch him listen to me. All the confusion I have about the matter comes gushing out of my mouth and Cain notes them down. I see it in the way he nods and smiles at my words like I am something precious to him.Like every moment I spend with him is precious.“You think Diane did something to Ashryn didn’t you?”I nod slowly and sink further into the bed they’ve put here for him.One night and half a day away from this place and he’s been quarantined. Rafie wants to find out exactly what kind of magic has been altering Cain, but I don't care.My heart feels settled now that I'm with him.“How poss
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Chapter 173: Cain.
Adelaide sleeps for the next three hours until the seventh bell and while she does so, I ask the thing in my head questions. I ask about Adelaide and the Lycan’s flame. I ask about why she was brimming with magic when she came in here. It’s not like she’s attuned to power but that’s according to my knowledge. What if she is? While she slept I had to do something, something that could have killed me but which I knew I had to do for her. I pulled the strands of energy I found around Adelaide. They fought back immediately. It was like pulling iron with my fingers and my mind screamed at me for it, it made me want to almost pass out with the pain, but it was clear as day to me now. Clear as day that Adelaide isn’t just any omega werewolf. She didn't just appear in our lives out of coincidence. The wolf spirit residing in me now, one the healer seems to have passed to me from Lyros’s energy, that wolf spirit flashes an image past my eyes repeatedly It's a woman. She is moderately
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Chapter 174: Adelaide.
Cain doesn’t notice I am standing outside the door and that I never left.I heard Diane’s voice. I heard the anger in her tone and I heard the other person in the room too.My heart thunders in my chest and my breath comes in short spurts. Too short and too fast that I don't know what to do with myself.Okay…. that happened.Why didn’t I walk away? Why didn’t I leave? I pad my way down the hallway noiselessly thanks to the hotel slippers and now I'm really glad I took them.“Is there any reason you’re walking like you’re stepping on eggshells?” My eyes snap ahead immediately and I can see Alizadeh walking towards me. His back is straight, his chest is puffed out, he looks refreshed and happy. I frown.“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”He nods and smirks lightly for the first time since I've known him.“Right…… because we’re both going to pretend we didn’t feel Cain work impossible magic in Rafie’s infirmary. “I think I freeze up.“I didn’t feel that.”Rafie raises his han
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Chapter 175: Cain.
The spell explodes and he leaves.Ashryn gives me control of my body and the world lights up into a million different colors. The force of the explosion sends me into the wall, again but this time I'm not the only one.I exclaim the moment Adelaide and Rafie do and I pass out.Memories trickle into my head slowly.I see a child.A little baby of not more than two months old. He has the whitest hair and almost creamy-white eyes. His skin isn’t pale, not as pale as the one I have is but he’s me. I know he’s me. The half-moon scar I have at the base of my neck is the same one he has, silver and shiny.He gurgles and makes all those weird sounds children make when they’re happy because he is happy. He feels his mother coming and he’s looking at the door eagerly.A female walks in through the door. A young woman that has eyes like the moon and the same white hair. Hers doesn’t glimmer like mine but I know she’s my mother.I know she’s the one who gave birth to me because I have her cheekbo
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Chapter 176: Adelaide.
My blood runs cold and I feel like screaming. Oh my god. I knew something was up. I knew it. But this? I can feel other people around me, not people but presence. I’m seeing this and all my questions are getting answered, and I was right. Elara did find a way to capture some flames when the Lycan’s flame fused with Diane. She…… did this. Brought her soul back and Ashryn’s too. “What about the baby in your belly Elara? This world has settled itself out, the universe has achieved balance after Diane’s sacrifice. The timelines should be separate now, no more freak deaths, no more sudden famine, our land and our people will prosper and there are new Kings now” Elara scoffs but Eras continues “They won’t be like us Elara. I want to leave this world for them. They should handle how it’s ruled. I just want to…. give this man his life back. His full life. I don’t want to keep on watching through him. I don’t want to keep on making him feel like he's going insane. He’s wondering what i
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Chapter 177: Adelaide.
My parents never loved me.This memory pulls me in with the force of a tide and I cannot resist it. I see my mother standing and looking at something with scorn in her eyes. She stands over a cot and I can tell she’s looking down at a child. I can tell she’s looking down at me because she’s always looked at me like that.With her lips curling into a half sneer and her face lined with a degree of animosity she has sustained ever since I've known her. Her face always seemed set in stone from the moment I met her and I guess this is the reason.She’s hated me since my birth, and when she turns, my father comes into view.“Where is she?”His voice booms in the room and my mother shakes her head and sighs.“Like I'd know. That woman has been all over the place since last night. Is that what a shaman is supposed to do? Walk around and never actually be here to read the fate of the child?”“The child is our daughter.”My breath catches in my throat at my father’s words but my mother simply s
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Chapter 178: Adelaide.
“Adelaide!” My small feet shake and quiver as they keep on running. “Adelaide! Do not make me come get you!” The threat is clear, yet my small self runs. My six-year-old body stumbling from days of starvation, my head pounding from the amount of tears I had shed. I slip in and out of the little girl’s body at intervals and then the sound of feet comes. They make the forest shake and reverberate and it causes my heart to shake. I hide because that’s what I always do, but it doesn’t take me long to be found out. My father’s warrior grabs me by the hair and sneers into my face as he pulls me up. “Got you.” I am dragged back to the pack and whipped by my mother. Then I'm nine years old once more and I run again. This time I have blood leaking down the side of my face. I remember all this but somehow watching it again rips open a fresh wound in my heart. I am caught and my father breaks one of my legs. A quick wicked action. I make another attempt to run at the age of twelve and
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