All Chapters of Sold to the Ruthless Lycan king (The Lycan's flame).: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
239 Chapters
Chapter 179: Cain.
“Cain?” I ignore the sound of my name and try to sink further into the wall. I’m sure i could move it if i wanted to but i don’t. I don’t want to do anything. “Cain!” I just want to sit here and not think about anything. Nothing matters anymore now. Nothing ever mattered but it’s been one blow after the other from the world i live in and i’m annoyed and angry now. “Cain!?” The guard’s footsteps draw near and this time i don’t have to struggle to access the magic inside of me. I don’t have to focus to access whatever measely magic i had been accessing before. I directly will a blindness into the eyes of the guards and they see me, but they don’t. They all walk past me as if under a trance and i let them. They’ll be walking for some time and when they’re finally out of it, they won’t remember when they started acting like remote controlled robots. I will have more time to myself, and i will have more time to think of how to call the spirit of a dead queen back. Lycan’s flame or
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Chapter 180: Adelaide.
Cain stares at me and I can't read what is in his stare.I feel so cold inside right now.I always thought my parents hated me for being an omega, for being born to them when… they didn’t want me, or something like that. I’m not saying they would have been good parents if whatever effect I had on them didn’t happen, but it feels like they weren’t given the chance.My mother knew immediately that I wasn't hers. Her reason for suspecting that is a bit annoying, but at the same time, she knew.She knew I wasn't what I portrayed myself to be and my father… he may have loved me, maybe.I sigh as I think of that and Cain wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.I can’t even imagine how he feels right now. His parents actually loved him.His mother absolutely adored him and he…. he would have grown up to be a smiling happy person. A male I may or may not have been chanced to come across in my lifetime if not for Lyros and everything that’s led up to this moment. I may have nev
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Chapter 181: Adelaide.
“Lyros!”Cain bursts into the room with enough force to bring the castle down. The air around him warps and his body begins to glow again. I try to resist the way my body rings with remembrance when he taps into that power.It’s like a part of me knows his magic is familiar, the part of me that once saw that magic blossom and come alive. I do what comes naturally to me and the world is outlined in shimmering color.Lyros is wrapped in a blue halo, the same one he was wrapped in the night he stepped through to Paris with me, and the Lycan’s flame still burns around him. Rafie and Alizadeh also have halos around them.They’re the same size as Lyros’s but theirs glow a different color. Rafie’s halo glows like heavy sunshine and Alizadeh’s has a soft pink peachiness to it, the same color as his eyes. Both their halos are radiating with power, and I can feel it. They are powerful. They’re Kings after all. But I see the difference immediately Cain comes into my line of sight.Halos surr
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Chapter 182: Cain.
I turn the coupled staff and Chalice into a star.It darts into the sky and a smile kind of lines my face. My body hums with power and it’s a silver kind of energy. One that fills me up and threatens to warp the space around me but I hold it back.They must not get their hands on the Lycan’s flame.I tighten my hands around my swords and meet Rafie and Alizadeh when they strike. The force of their strike sends tremors down the line of my arm but my magic absorbs it before it causes any damage.We make eye contact for the briefest second before we separate and the attacks come again with renewed fervor.Alizadeh slashes for my abdomen while Rafie goes for my head but I move with the momentum of their strikes, too close that their blades are just an inch from grazing me yet just out of reach that it never does.They do not relent and I let us fall into a rhythm. The clang of our swords rings out and a sonic boom follows whenever we collide. The chalice and the staff hover miles above us
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Chapter 183: Adelaide.
“Take me back!” Diane keeps me bound in thick vines and I thrash as I try to squeeze my way out of them. The amount of anger I feel right now makes me feel like blowing up. How, dare, she! How dare she take me from Cain and then bring me here, bound up like a common dog when I have someone who needs me. “I said let me go, Diane!” “Calm down Adelaide. I’m trying to help you here.” At the sound of the tiredness in Diane’s voice, I stop my wriggling for a while but that doesn’t make me feel relaxed. Instead, it makes me feel anxious and scared. “Why am I tied? Cain won’t be able to defeat all three of them himself. I need to go back and..” “Slam into all of them blindly and hope you’re not hit in the midst of battle and swords. You’re not indestructible Adelaide, you can still bleed and you have no battle training.” “I have trained!” I feel my body shudder with anger again and the ropes become tighter. They’re canceling out my magic and she…. “You were watching this whole tim
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Chapter 184: Adelaide.
I watch as Diane begins to draw symbols in the air and something in me heats up as my blood runs cold. A curse. That was why I was hated by my pack. That’s why no one ever saw it fit to show me some kindness. A curse that came with power because I know deep in my bones that I would never have wielded the amount of magic I have if I didn't go through all that pain. But imagining someone else going through all that. Another child. MY child…. Something in my heart rips at the thought of it because I don't want that. I don’t want my child to go through the same things I did. They were horrible things. I would never wish that on anyone else talkless of a child that’s mine. “What do you plan to do with the Lycan’s flame?” Diane finally stops and turns to look at me and I can see the panic in her eyes. Not just the panic but the full-on inability to function properly. “Where are we right now even? How are you keeping me here with my body intact?” Almost like the words are a spell o
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Chapter 185: Cain.
I move so fast blood spurts down my chin but I hit Adelaide just in time that we go down together and I take the brunt of the flames behind her instead.She lets out an oof sound and the scent of her wafts into my nose. I don’t have to worry that I have hit some other brown-haired woman because I know it’s her.I know it’s Adelaide and I know she’s here. She’s back….. But she’s not supposed to be.“Cain!”Adelaide’s power shrouds us and I feel the world shift. Blinding white light flashes past my eyes one moment and the next, I can’t hear the sounds of Rafie’s capital or Lyros and the castle’s warriors preparing for another attack.I’m only distinctly aware of the sound of a crashing sea and the whine of the wind whipping around us. What I'm fully aware of is the person beneath me.Adelaide feels warm, and this close to her I can see the brown caramel of her eyes and the care that’s in them for me.I can’t bring myself to look away and I know she feels it too.She doesn’t just feel it
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Chapter 186: Adelaide.
Cain kisses me until my lips are sore and I realize that this is what I wanted.He is what I've always wanted.This time I do not get any flashes of Lyros, I do not think of him and that wicked grin he wears. I focus on Cain and his solid form against me.He gives me a grounding feeling, like he can anchor me to this reality if I am ever to float away.Desire curls up in me as he gently touches me, his hands pinching and squeezing my breasts through the fabric of my shirt.I can feel him hard against me, but we do not rush. We take our time at a slow and languid pace and something in me seems to unravel at this feeling of being with him.The uncertainty and the doubt in myself, they melt away in the heat of Cain’s kisses and the hard lines of his body.I groan softly and I moan when he ruts against me, and we keep going like that until I am drunk on the taste of him. Cain doesn’t complain and he doesn’t make me feel inadequate. He doesn’t make me feel scared, and as we finally separat
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Chapter 187: Adelaide.
Cain wakes just as I step through the veil with a pot and a bag of potatoes in hand.World walking is easier than it seems, though each time I do it, I'm scared I might end up where I don't want to.I have stepped into the human cities for some pepper, though the store was closed and I had to take it without paying. I didn’t have the money for it anyway.“So you just took it?Cain’s groggy voice is soft in my head and the whistling wind around us whips my hair every which way. I frown at the light judgment in his tone but he smiles and tries to get up so he can help me. The deer is still there, slain, unalive, not breathing, and for a minute I feel a twinge of regret at the fact that we killed it. But we have to eat and this is the only thing to eat.“Can you help me lug some of these things back to the cave Mister? The storm’s coming in fast.”Cain nods and gets up, still blinking away exhaustion and still having that streak of dried blood now caked to his face.He needs a bath we bo
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Chapter 188: Adelaide.
Cain doesn’t shield us from the rain when we exit the cave and I have the time of my life running in the cold with him.The bite of the water on my skin, the chill of the wind and the way the ground simply becomes a slippery little playfield. The way Cain chuckles when we slide together and I laugh so loud it feels like my heart will burst.It isn’t nightfall yet because the skies aren’t pitch black. The slight darkness we’re experiencing is because of the stormy clouds spilling rain on us in torrents, and something about the chaos of all this appeals to me.The beauty of the rain. Of running hand in hand with Cain.Of knowing I am going to be more or less intimate with him if we get there, and knowing that whatever happens, nothing will beat these moments.These moments where I do not have to worry about anything even though my problems have just magnified by a millionfold.Where Cain is almost as carefree as I am.Where he is as carefree as I am because he’s happy with me and we’re
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