All Chapters of Sold to the Ruthless Lycan king (The Lycan's flame).: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
239 Chapters
Chapter 197: Adelaide.
Morning comes around with Lyros already out of the room and on his way to attend whatever Lycan Kings always have to attend to. He made love to me again, roughly this time and as I turn to prevent the sun hitting my eyes at a blinding angle, my body hurts.My scalp prickles where he dragged my hair too tight. My jaw aches where he slammed into my mouth with no warning, my throat is sore and it feels bruised. Patches of skin on my body prickle where fingerprints have been branded into them, and the area between my legs is sore.It’s a new feeling for me to get used to. But with pleasure comes pain I guess, so there’s no reason for me to complain.A knock comes from the door. “Lady Adelaide.”The maid barely whispers my voice for fear of making the mistake to be here while Lyros is still in the room.I can almost feel her shaking where she stands and despite my sore throat, I manage to croak a response.“I’m in here!”The words come out raspy but she knows that is the signal for the a
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Chapter 198: Adelaide.
Raina stays with me and pores over the map but I can tell she’s not getting anything from it too. The map is so wide we’re kneeling on it and my dress ruffles when I move.The fabric is a lot. Lyros doesn’t allow me to wear pants and even shorter, simpler dresses are forbidden. It’s no problem though, I've always wanted to wear nice clothes. It seems he knows that so he’s acting on it.“How about here? In the Eridite mountains.”I look at the landmark Raina has pointed out and it stares me back in the face. The mountains have been illustrated expertly, and whoever drew the maps is good at their craft, yet something tells me this map could be better. Not just this map but all the other maps I've been shown so far.“The mountains do look nice.” And they do look like a place that would be hard to get to, but I wouldn't hide something there. I don’t know why I'm so sure of that. I just know that I am.I wouldn’t hide something valuable to me in an unknown land or place. How do I get bac
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Chapter 199: Lyros.
“When will you bring her out of the dream state?”I look at Adelaide’s sleeping form on the bed and frown at Rafie’s question. She is my responsibility now. So why does he care what I do with her or what I don't? She’s mine to use as I like, and so far, I've been messing with her memories.Right now Adelaide is back in the fortress, living the life of my bride, waiting for me to come back and put her mind at ease again. She depends solely on me now and it sends a rush of pleasure to my brain.“I’ll release her when the memories are done settling in. She’s only lived two months of her life as the Lycan King’s bride. She needs one last month for the timeline to be complete.”“And her magic?”Frost crackles in the air and I turn to Rafie with anger lighting me up from the inside.“What about it?Rafie chuckles and stares me down, unflinching. “She is the most powerful person in the four Kingdoms at the moment, Lyros. You saw the visions, her mother is Diane. She is Ashryn’s rightful he
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Chapter 200: Lyros.
“Any luck on finding them?” I shake my head as Alizadeh shakes his too. “Where do you think she sent them?” I look at Alizadeh for an answer to Rafie’s question but I get nothing. Rafie gets nothing too and he settles into a seat by the window. Three of us converging in a room is a rare occurrence yet it’s been happening lately because of Adelaide and her last action before her surrender. I think about it and the side of my lips curve in a small smile. She was so defiant that day, it was sexy. My blood heats the more I think of her and I have to adjust my seating position. Soon. Soon I won’t fuck her in that accursed dream state, I’ll fuck her in real life and I will get her addicted to the feeling of me inside her. “Do you think they know?Alizadeh’s voice is cool and my eyes snap to him. Rafie grumbles something from where he’s seated but I answer directly. “They don’t. No one does until the time for it to manifest arrives, and it won’t. I’ll kill them before that happens.
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Chapter 201: Adelaide.
The faint crunch of Lyros’s tyres on the gravel of the fortress snaps me out of sleep and I jerk awake with a start. I look at the food and it’s still there. I thank the stars that I didn't make the mistake of spilling it while I dozed off. The candles are still burning and a soft chill wind comes in from the window.The atmosphere is set. Still set at least, and I nod again.This will go well. I know it will. I count down the seconds to the moment Lyros will walk in through the doors and my heart seems to anticipate it. I await his arrival like I have been programmed to do so and isn’t that weird?The door opens with a light creak and I get up immediately, my body aching to run to him and throw myself at him. I exercise restraint and look for tells on his emotion first.Lyros has one of his rare smiles on his face and my heart soars when I see it.He’s smiling.The sight of that small smile has me feeling like I'm in a dream because it transforms Lyros’s face totally. His cold hands
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Chapter 202: Adelaide.
I talk about my day as Lyros eats.I don’t have much to talk about, but I improvise as he eats and I slip in a few enthusiastic questions here and there. When I ask if I'm being a bother by talking too much, he tells me he likes the sound of my voice and I can talk all I want.Lyros finishes his helping of the first dish and I have barely touched mine.I open the second one and I’m surprised to find it still steaming hot. Lyros catches the surprise in my eyes and chuckles against the drink he’s holding to his lips.“The plates are enchanted. It’s a special type of magic made through marks, imagine it as the language of the world.”I try to imagine that but find myself unable to. I mean I can, but wrapping my head around it proves to be a bit more difficult than Lyros makes it sound.“I’ve never heard of that kind of magic. I thought all magic must come from a host.”“What supplies that host magic?”My heart stutters and chills at the same time because Lyros has never engaged in a conv
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Chapter 203: Adelaide.
Lyros kisses me slowly and passionately. It’s like all my thoughts melt when I am in his arms and right now, right now I am in his arms.I run my hands down the smooth fabric of the thin forest green shirt he’s wearing and it’s like I cannot get enough. The ridges of muscle on Lyros’s arms are strong.Every inch of his body is hard and hot. Not warm but hot.I groan against his lips as he bites my tongue lightly and the moon illuminates both our forms as the light filters in from the window. I feel like I'm burning inside myself and right now, Lyros’s body feels like the only thing that can cool me down.There’s not a spare inch of him that my hands do not itch to run across. Not one part of his muscles that I do not want to touch. For the first time in a while I feel something other than the need to please him during sex, and that is the need to be pleased myself.The promise of freedom has me feeling over enthusiastic and I want to go above and beyond to make Lyros feel things. I
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Chapter 204: Adelaide.
Lyros stays in bed with me and I wake up to the feeling of his hard-on pressed against y ass. My body is tucked into his and he's spooning me.The warmth from his body and the feeling of him against me makes waking up feel harder than it is and I have to fight just so I can resist the urge to let out a moan or whimper.I move slightly and find my waist weighed down by a heavy sexily veined large arm.Oh, this is going to be hard.My legs feel like jelly and I can barely feel them.Images from last night pour in and heat builds up on my cheeks. No wonder I can't feel my legs.“Are you trying to do something naughty?”Lyros murmurs those words and my nipples harden as his hot breath hits my neck. I blanked out last night after the showers, but from the smell of the bedsheets and the air around us, I'd say he changed the bedsheets.“I wouldn’t want us to soak the bed again the way we did last night.”Lyros chuckles and leans into me. I can feel every ridge of muscle on his hot body and
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Chapter 205: Adelaide.
For the rest of the morning, Raina fills me in on the happenings in the warrior’s barracks.When she dives deeper into details, my cheeks heat up and she laughs at me. “Come on! I’m sure you did worse with Lord Lyros.”I look away because yeah, I did do more, a lot more with Lyros, but we had a bed and four walls and a door. Having casual intercourse out in the open, in the open fields of the warrior’s barracks?I mean I can see how it would appeal to some people, but unfortunately, I am not some people. I like a bed on my back. The four walls of a room shutting me in and the world out, a hot shower right after and emphasis on the hot shower.I think I'd die without the hot shower.“Maybe I should ask Lyros to do it with me in the woods next time. Just for the added experience.”Raina shoots me a glance and she chuckles.“Alright Lady Adelaide. You have some maps to get back to, and I have a lot of other things on my plate so I can't really stay with you.”I grumble and groan but I k
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Chapter 206: Lyros.
Alizadeh is walking towards the door the minute I open it and he doesn’t say anything.My body feels hollowed out and my desire feels sated. Having sex with Adelaide in her memory state isn’t all I dreamed it’d be. I barely feel myself sometimes.It's more of a mental thing for me than it is for her, and I fear my want for her has made me rough with her in those memories.“It’s creepy how you would rather do this with her than find a woman around to do it with. She won’t be any wiser when she wakes.”I growl and he saunters past, striding confidently and unbothered by what I can do to him. He doesn’t stop speaking.“If you don’t want to fuck, then go train. It’ll help.”I’m sure half of Rafie’s court can hear us but they wouldn’t dare say a thing.Alizadeh is right though. The effort it takes to spread Adelaide out and slam into her might feel real in her memories, but in reality, my body just lay on the bed and I filled my pants with semen repeatedly.I have cleaned her up, and I alw
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