All Chapters of Sold to the Ruthless Lycan king (The Lycan's flame).: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
239 Chapters
Chapter 217: Adelaide.
Raina eats with me and I send her out of the room so I can focus.Something has changed.Something has definitely changed and this has more to it than me just being allowed to leave the fortress with the Lycan King fast on my heels for three days. Raina is acting tired and confused. Lyros has been acting strange and nice, which is also strange but that isn't the point here.He's not acting like himself. Raina isn't acting like herself.The room has only one moon on the ceiling and there's this feeling of wrongness in me.Not just wrongness but discomfort. Things aren't right, and I'm going to find out why. No one comes to the room to check on me.Lyros always leaves me without guards, and he might believe I do not know what he thinks of me, but I do. He thinks I am incapable of leaving. That I'm unable to make a solid decision for myself, so why would I ever leave?He knows I can rebel and I will follow my tendencies when they arise, but he also knows I'll always come back to him a
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Chapter 218: Adelaide.
Raina isn't in the servant's quarters when I go down to look for her.She isn't in the courtyard.She isn't in the kitchens.I don't know how I know where these places are but I do.It's like I'm working purely on memory and my memory is not failing me this time. Every corner of the fortress rings with the echoes of something lost and forgotten and it's something I lost.Something I forgot.When I finally find her, she's seated in the garden with another woman.A very beautiful woman with eyes the color of roses and hair a deep scarlett.Raina gets up the moment she sees me coming and that rigidness enters her spine yet again."Lady Adelaide."The other female with her frowns like she's slightly confused, and I just stand there, awkward.She never told me we had an expectant mother in the fortress.When the silence stretches on for too long I clear my throat and shift from foot to foot."There's.... Hi." The red haired female looks at me with an even more bewildered expression and I
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Chapter 219: Lyros.
The air in Raleigh is hotter today and Rafie doesn't look too pleased. He casts lazy eyes on me. "So what you're saying is that you want to draw another spell circle, on castle grounds, the biggest yet so you can break into another world with two moons?"Rafie looks at me like I might be running mad yet I do not avert my gaze from his."That is what I have to do if you want us to find Cain. "Rafie chuckles and scoffs."I thought you said that we don't need them. I thought you said they're irrelevant as long as we have Adelaide, and we do have Adelaide, don't we? You have her, her coronation is in the next few days. I already have underground workshops being built and spies reporting in from the other Kingdoms. What you want to do in my kingdom, is madness Lyros. I won't stand for it."I chuckle because Rafie seems to forget that I am not one to be refused.I do not take rejection lightly and I'm not doing this for myself alone."I won't then. I'll just sit back and wait for nature t
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Chapter 220: Adelaide.
Lysandra tells me all about how someone like me came to the fortress one day.She tells me of how she stood at the gates, waiting for a rendezvous with Rhys and then she saw me, bound, unconscious, being carried towards the compound as the unruly warriors looked between the folds of my skirt.She says she assumed I was trying to get trouble for myself right away because I wasn't wearing any underwear. "And who forgets to put on underwear when they're headed to the home of a Lycan King? I just assumed that it was either you wanted the attention, and the warriors were going to give it to you.""Right from the moment you came, weird things started happening. For one, Cain was hit twice in one day.""When she says his name it's like something in me sings with want."Lyros had you starved for seven days on end and on the eight, i heard you were almost assaulted again just after you were fed by the guard at your door. Cain saved you, took you to the healer, had you fed and healed, and in r
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Chapter 221: Adelaide.
Raina and I pack a fruit basket.I don't care that the guards have never let me out of here, I'll go out.They should know how much I mean to their boss and if that doesn't work,... Well, I'll find a way to make it work.I won't stay here for one minute longer." Lyros won't be happy when he arrives and doesn't find you here Adelaide."The whisper against my ear is that of a female and I know it's Raina's without even looking. She's scared."Isn't it better to stay and beg for his forgiveness when he comes back than to incur his wrath by running away?"I shake my head immediately because it isn't.Just the thought of what I've been doing with Lyros for the past three months in my memories makes my skin crawl now.If he comes back, he'll want more of that from me. More of the intimacy we share when he knows he's never done anything to earn that intimacy from me.He's.... ruined me. I don't know how to put it but I've always known something was wrong. I've always known something just wa
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Important notice.
Hi lovelies. I'm really sorry for the lack of updates. I ran into a technical issue so i couldn't write at all, but good news. I should be back and functional by Tuesday this week. Anticipate the ending of this book and the possible beginning of a new one. Love you all 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。 P.s i don't know why the website won't just let me post this in peace. I've posted shorter author notes before but they didn't hit a mandatory wordcount barrier. This is just me trying to fill in space and make up words. Almost there, ah, just right. Love y'all (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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Chapter 222: Adelaide.
Raina and I go into the forest to look for wood and food when night falls and Lysandra tells us where to step and where not to step so we can avoid detection from the warriors. The child in her belly grows even as we walk and I find myself being increasingly curious about the father. Who is this Rhys? My mind brings forth answers in little glimpses and I reach for them. For once, they cling to me and they remain where I want them to. I see the mental images of me and him laughing, him training me, him being sexy as hell and me being receptive to that. “Did we have an affair?” I barely say the words but a voice responds all the same. “No. I don’t think you did.” I turn to see Lysandra behind me and the moon casts a soft light on us as we tread through the forest. Raina says the warriors never visit the forest except when in their lycan wolf forms, and they can’t track us in their lycan forms because we grabbed something more than fruits as we exited the manor. We barely have s
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Chapter 223: Lyros.
“What happened!” Rafie is fuming and sunlight leaves little cracks on his skin. Alizadeh is wrapped in the energy of his sight and he’s lost in it. A Lycan King, lost in the thrall of his power. I feel something strange happen to me. Something that hasn’t happened to me in a while and it’s an emotion that comes to me in trickles. It’s fear. Something has gone wrong. Something has gone terribly wrong and I didn’t plan for it. “I asked what happened Lyros!’ “Do I look like I fucking know!” Those words leave my lips in a snarl and energy revolves around Rafie. Thick blinding rays of sunlight twist and he stares at me menacingly. The servant holding onto Alizadeh’s legs lets out a soul-shattering scream and drops to the ground, dead. The next one is sobbing so heavily and her grief is fully written on her face. She doesn’t want to die. None of them want to, but they aren’t Kings. The fate of a Kingdom doesn’t rest on their shoulders. They have to die to sustain him. And to sus
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Chapter 224: Adelaide.
I feel my ears tingle and a chill races down my spine. The feeling overtakes me before I can stop it and it comes all at once. I find words tumbling from my mouth before I can stop them.“He knows.” Raina stops and Lysandra cocks her eyebrows up at me. My voice shakes as I repeat myself “He knows. Lyros knows I’m gone. He knows I opened the door to Cain’s room….. He knows I’ve regained the power of the flame.”Raina frowns, “Are you two connected somehow?”My mind revolts at the idea. My skin prickles with revulsion just at the thought of it and I shake my head firmly. “No, of course not…. It’s, only his magic that’s alerted him to my absence. He knows the spell has been broken.”I touch the fang necklace still on my neck and the power of the flame revolves in my heart again. My resolve firms. I can do this.Lyros isn’t a threat to me. Not when I have the power of the Lycan’s flame at my beck and call. My memories have come back fully now, but in breaking the spell, Diane’s shown m
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Chapter 225: Cain.
It’s noon when I feel the shift happen in this world.We’ve been trapped here for three months. In the span of three months we have discovered the kingdoms here.Become familiar with the people and their Kings.In three months I have become someone important myself, but my heart has not been able to stop thinking about her. I know Adelaide sent us here so we could be safe.I raged the first day we got here.I sent blasts of energy into the skies and altered the weather. I warped the landscape. I let out so much energy, that I attracted the attention of the Kings and their armies.I put Rhys and Safira in danger yet I didn’t stop. I was determined to get her back, determined to tear through the fabric of the world itself if it meant i’d see her again.I… was determined to get back to Adelaide. I let out a steady beam of magic until I almost burnt myself out.When i woke up after that, i waited. Safira and Rhys asked me not to kill myself trying to get us back there. They said Adelaide
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