All Chapters of My Alpha, My Hellfire: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
90 Chapters
Andrea’s POVMy very first kisses and I thank the goddess with my whole heart that it was with Alec.I can never imagine feeling as pleasured as I did right now if I kissed anyone else.It was him.It was always meant to be him.My lips were meant to be captured by his only. My body responded to his touches, melted against him, and begged me to touch him back.But I didn’t.Despite how much he ignited a lot of desire inside me with those kisses we just shared, I couldn’t bring myself to go further than that.I never imagined today would be the day we kiss because of everything that happened since this morning.Because of the ultimate betrayal I discovered just a few hours ago that made me lose myself and almost killed me from the inside.But he chose the perfect moment to kiss me because those kisses were able to restore my soul and light it up like a fourth of July firework.If I had doubts about me and Alec accepting each other after everything that happened, those doubts were total
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Andrea’s POVI woke up feeling lighter than air for the first time in forever.I woke up in the best place in this whole world, in Alec’s arms, my mate’s.He was still lightly snoring and I took that opportunity to study him closely. He was a great catch both in personality and in looks.I loved his slightly wavy hair, his perfect straight nose, how alluring and manly his stubble beard makes him look supported with that to kill for muscled body. And let’s not forget the charming light blue eyes that pull you to swim inside them forever, and that sweet, tasty mouth of his was the cherry on top.He is perfect to say the least. No flaw can be seen on him.Last night, after the submission, he used his alpha command to overrule the monster’s control over my wolf and my shifting. He released me of them and Clara felt free instantly. She wanted to shift right there but I barely talked her out of it.It's been a week since we shifted last, and without my proper nutrition and strength back, I
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Mila’s POV“How was your day? You look really happy” Ryan said observingly.We were having dinner at our own place and since Ryan eats faster than me, he finished his plate and started watching me with fascination, which made me both giddy and nervous at the same time.It was like after we marked each other, every emotion we felt got heightened. Our likeness for each other started to turn into love, our attraction to each other changed into lust and desire. It was hard to keep our hands off each other but I was always the one to back off first because I was still afraid I might get triggered if we had sex.“I hung out with Andy, I took her on a tour around the pack and we spent the day together talking and having fun. It was a great day” I said with a soft smile on my face.“I’m finally glad she managed to work things out with Alec. He was really a mess the last few days because she wouldn’t talk to him anymore. I knew from the beginning that she had goodness in her, I saw it the very
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Mila’s POVI crossed my arms over my chest and demanded sharply “Why is she still talking to you? Why haven’t you told her that you’re no longer her…. Master and deleted her number?”“Because I forgot all about her the second I met you. I forgot to call her or block her because nothing mattered more than you, Mila. Please….. Believe me” he pleaded.I keep seeing the photo I just saw, my brain kept conjuring it and I found that I can’t recognize the person standing in front of me. I thought he was someone I got to know a little, but turns out I never did.I felt scared of him for the very first time. I didn’t even fear him the first time we met because I didn’t have any sort of emotions back then, but now I do… because of him.“He swore he’d never hurt us, you’re exaggerating!” Tina complained.Was I?Well I can’t help it! I am scared. What I just discovered about him scared me! I can’t just ignore that and pretend to be okay.He began to take another step in my direction but halted wh
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Ryan’s POVShe was crying heartily and it caused my heart to break more than it already was.I was mad at her for thinking that after everything we shared in the past week, I would never even think about hurting her.And because I was deeply hurt and angry myself, I took a method to prove my intentions for her that wasn’t exactly the best but turned out to be really effective.I promised myself to wait for her to be ready for me to touch her intimately, but I was too angry and scared of losing her, I had no other way to show her that she can never feel pain when she is with me.“Do something!” my wolf Sword urged me impatiently to stop her crying because he can’t take her pain anymore.“I love you too, with everything I have. I will always love you Mila” I said soothingly, wiping her tears away delicately.It did the trick, she stopped sobbing and gazed at me with a wide, innocent look that made me melt on the inside. I could feel how much she longed for this moment, for someone to lo
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Mila’s POVOh goddess please don’t let it be something that I can’t handle!I prayed heartily in my head as I waited for Ryan to tell me what else he has been hiding from me.“Don’t panic okay? I need you to…” he was speaking calmly, trying to prepare me but that just caused me to be more nervous because when someone usually starts with ‘don’t panic’ then it means that I will definitely panic!“Just say it” I demanded impatiently.“We are planning a war against the King’s pack to kill them, free the other girls, and stop this monstrosity from ruining more lives” he said in one breath.I stared at him in stunned silence for a while as my brain tried to comprehend what he just said, it didn’t take very long though before I not only panicked, but went almost hysterical as I sat up abruptly and almost shouted “Are you out of your minds! We have barely had time to be free of that place and we are still struggling to believe we are even free in the first pace, and you want to go and get you
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Andrea’s POV“You look different” I said to Mila curiously as we walked through the store trying to buy clothes for both of us.We met after breakfast because Ryan and Alec both had important pack business to attend to, so I mind linked Mila to come with me to explore the pack for the first time and buy some new clothes per Alec’s suggestion.I wasn’t a shopping addict or anything but that was probably because I never had enough money to go shopping in the first place. But I found the activity quite entertaining and was a good approach to pass the time.Why did I need to pass the time you ask?Because every second I spend away from Alec makes me miss him more. He became the center of my world in just a few days of fully accepting the bond and I will be confident enough to say that he feels the same way if not more considering how every time we meet after spending some time apart, his blue eyes soften with so much love, it makes my heart stutter and my breath catch. Aside from that, th
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Alec’s POVI didn’t think Adrian would go all out on his speech to Andy but man he went above and beyond for his apology which confirmed how much he truly regretted his actions against her.I turned my head to see Andy’s reaction and saw her taken aback as well, telling me she also wasn’t expecting those heartfelt words to be said to her by him.She blinked a few times and cleared her throat but her voice still came out a little thick with emotion as she said “Thank you Adrian. I know you had your reasons for what you did so… I… don’t really blame you. I hope too that… you can really see me as a sister one day and forgive me for hurting Alec”“It’s in the past. I get why you did it and I am just grateful that you managed to turn things around” he said gently.She tightened her hold on my hand and I raised it to my mouth and kissed it softly, making her turn her head towards me lovingly.I felt very relieved that I no longer need to stand up to Adrian to protect Andrea from him. Being
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Alec’s POVI sat at the head of the meeting table with Andy in my arms, her arms wrapped around my neck and her face buried against the side of my neck.She was still feeling a mixture of anxiousness and insecurity both from the upcoming battle and from being jealous by Davina.I printed soft kisses on her cheek softly as we waited for the portal to appear.Adrian was sitting on my left side with Rhea sitting next to him, while Ryan and Mila were on my right side.I noticed there was one other person missing from the meeting and I turned my head towards Adrian and asked him casually “Derek won’t join us?”He shook his head, speaking firmly “I want him to stay here with the ladies and keep them company until we come back” then followed through the mind link to keep Andy from hearing the real reason “We can’t all go and leave the packs exposed without any figure of authority…. Just in case something happens”I nodded curtly without looking at him and remained quiet after that.A few min
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Alec’s POVEventually Adrian’s laughter did turn into coughing following the intense glare he received from Andy after she figured out that he purposefully said what he said to mess with her.“Thank you, I’m actually only three months pregnant, so I’m still not showing” Davina said lightly, oblivious towards the real reason Andrea said what she said.Andy smiled back awkwardly while her cheeks started to blush a little.She directed another intense hard look at Adrian who was smiling back at her innocently.She relaxed more against me and I sensed her heavy mood shifting towards relief.I leaned closer to her and kissed her on the side of her neck where the source of her addicting scent comes from and where I can’t wait to leave my mark on to let the whole world know that this beautiful girl is mine.She melted and cupped my cheek tenderly in one hand.The words I love you were dying to escape from my lips but I held them in barely. I wanted to say them when we are alone, facing each
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