All Chapters of Sold To The Lycan King: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
144 Chapters
Concocting Another Plan
MADELINE’S POVMadeline couldn't sleep for reasons best known to her.It was already late at night, midnight per se, yet she was boiling with rage as she replayed in her mind the arrival of Lord Darius and Brielle.They'd arrived the day before, and Madeline, who had been standing outside doing nothing, had seen the vehicle entourage come into the compound.Suddenly the cars stopped, and Lord Darius stepped out of his already open jeep with Brielle in his arms.Running like a maniac, he’d belted out orders, giving directives to guards and requesting the presence of a doctor to check on Brielle.He’d ignored the greetings of the maids passing by, as well as her own, and she’d been more than irritated, but there was nothing she could do about it.Not only did he not respond to her greeting, but he did not even look her in the eyes or stop to acknowledge her at all.Instead, he’d hurried inside the castle with an unconscious Brielle in tow, and Madeline’s already fragile heart shattered
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Careful Conversations
BRIELLE’S POVBrielle blinked as the bright rays flowing through the enormous window reflected squarely on her face, irritating her smooth skin.Tossing and moving a little, her hands on her head, she tried to block out the light even though her eyes were closed, but it appeared to be all over her, and she couldn't seem to get away from it.After much struggle, she opened her eyes, the lids shooting open. At the same time, she heard a husky voice by her bedside ask, "Hey, hey, is anything the matter?"“Ahhhh…” She shouted in terror, leaping from the bed, when she noticed Lord Darius by her side.He was seated by her side now, his massive frame shielding the sun's rays, and while this was meant to provide some relaxation for Brielle, she wasn't sure why she felt the opposite."What's the fright about, Brielle? Don't tell me you forgot about yesterday and that you're already at home." Lord Darius rasped out in haste, and her brows furrowed in uncertainty.She distinctly remembered last
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Changing Rooms
DARIUS POVBrielle's jaw dropped open as Darius disclosed that obligatory piece of information. He had expected this kind of reaction, and he wasn’t surprised that she was staring at him in surprise."Wait, what did you just say?" She blurted out, her hands rapidly wiping at her face, intent on getting rid of the tear streaks adorning her cheeks.If he was angry at the late mistress before, seeing Brielle in tears because of her enraged him even more.It didn't help that she was no longer alive, and again just like every other time, he began to wonder why he had killed her so abruptly.His rage had driven him, and he had taken the irreversible decision, cracking her neck in half without thinking. He’d have kept her alive for a long while so that he could torture her. Every day, he’d make her regret crossing him and disobeying his rules.He'd deliver the much-needed anguish she deserved, and jaw clenching slightly, Darius regretted his abrupt solo decision to kill her that day.Thoug
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Warning Madeline
SOME DAYS LATER BRIELLE’S POV Brielle stood on the balcony of Lord Darius's room, orange juice in hand, and looked down at the activities in the mansion.She was feeling active this evening after so many days of merely laying in bed as Lord Darius had ordered, and a smile curled up her lips as she remembered how protective and kind he had been to her these past few days.She couldn't believe he'd changed overnight, and she was suddenly relieved that the events of the previous few days, no matter how gruesome it was, had occurred.Their relationship was more vital than ever, and Brielle now knew without a doubt that Lord Darius would never let her go.To think she had imagined that he’d abandon her in the hands of those people, not realizing she had been wrong all along.Still staring out the window, Brielle sniffed back happy tears as she reflected on the last few days in the mansion.Her entire day was spent indoors, in his room, as per his instructions, with attendants ministering
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Doom Is Coming
MADELINE’S POVHow could he? How dare he? Madeline sulked, repeatedly asking herself the same questions.Lord Darius had flared out at her because she had inquired about the well-being of his submissives and how he was denying them their rights.The way he had yelled, glaring at her with dark hooded eyes, communicated the depth of his anger, and the thought of him hating her that way chilled her."But how could he?" She asked herself again, this time speaking the words aloud.She was more than perplexed.He still had no feelings for her despite everything she'd done, including helping him get back that bitch and even cleaning him up on days when he was a shambles.All the things she’d done, and yet he still treated her like trash. What the heck!Madeline's chest clenched as she realized that this was not the first time he was treating her harshly.She remembered how, on their way back from the slave handler's house, he had been aloof, thinking about whatever and worried too. She had a
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Jealousy Pangs
BRIELLE’S POVBrielle could hear the sturdy footsteps of Lord Darius as he moved down the passage, coming to his room, of course, but she didn't move at all.She lay stiff on the bed, not making a sound and faking a sleep that didn’t want to come.Her mind racing in circles, she reflected on what she had just witnessed a few minutes before.Lord Darius and Madeline... Her heart was constricting again as she recalled Lord Darius smiling at the traitor, and she bit back the hiss threatening to burst out from her lips.What had they talked about? She was more than intrigued, wanting to know if Lord Darius was having affairs with the cunning lady and other submissives.Repressing the stinging tears that burned at the back of her eyelids, Brielle knew that crying over a man who had complete freedom to do whatever he wanted would be ridiculous.He was not loyal to her, and he had never promised to be, so why was she overthinking this? Why was she even bothered? He’d been this way even befor
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The Battle Line
BRIELLE’S POVBrielle reached for the large book at her nightstand, which she had been reading for a few days to keep herself occupied in this deserted mansion.Smiling as she flipped over to where she had left off, Brielle plopped up on the bed, eager to get lost in the fictional romantic narrative.She had just taken her bath and dressed in one of the garments Lord Darius had explicitly chosen for her, and she had planned to keep herself occupied until he returned from wherever he had gone earlier today.She did this daily—Eat, bathe, sleep, and read books. The schedule was the same every time.She was considerably feeling much better now, but Lord Darius still treated her as if she were some frail being, and he kept her at arm's length, refusing to have intercourse with her even when she had shyly requested it some days back.Recalling that fateful day, a blush crept up her cheeks, but she wasn’t ashamed. If anything, she was glad she’d spoken up. At least he’d know that she still
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Lies & Threats
DARIUS’S POVDarius gazed around the small romantic dinner he had made up earlier and even more so at the lovely lady who sat at his table.Brielle, as always, looked stunning and took his breath away.He had created this little fiesta in the garden with the help of his servants. With lights and candles lighting up everywhere and the scents of roses and lilies filling the air, the panorama in front of him was breathtaking. Also, the live music coming from the piano playing in the background helped to calm the breezy atmosphere. "Do you like it?" Darius inquired, clearing his throat and breaking the silence that seemed to have persisted since she arrived.“Like? I'm not sure why you did this, Master, but... I love it." She stammered, her beautiful rosebud lips extending into a faint smile.Fuck! She was a goddess! Darius thought to himself, his heart aching, and he so much wanted to grab her hands from across the table and shamelessly kiss those lovely fingers of hers.However, he h
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Caught Red Handed
MADELINE’S POVMadeline could hear their voices, hushed as they came from the garden where they were ostensibly dining.Tightening her hands, she kept telling herself that everything the maids had told her back at the mansion was a joke, but as she approached the garden, she could see, without a doubt, that the maid's gossips were true.Madeline didn't want to envision the scene in her brain, and even though one of the servants had given her a quick graphic description of what was allegedly going on over here, she didn't want to believe it.No matter how much Lord Darius pretended to appreciate Brielle, especially because she was his mate and had recently been through a terrible circumstance, he would never sink so low as to arrange a romantic dinner date for the both of them.'It's a stunning location. For this date, Lord Darius purchased silver-encrusted candles and freshly plucked roses.' One of the maids had whispered back at the corridor while Madeline listened earlier on.'The m
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Granting Requests
BRIELLE’S POVLord Darius didn't want to let her go, and she didn't want the kiss to end, too, so she said nothing and did nothing.She was having a good time, and it would be a shame to cut him off or take her lips away from his.Eyes fluttering open and shut as he kissed her lips, Brielle basked in this heady feeling.His hands were in her hair, lovingly caressing it, and his touch melted every worry in her heart.This man... He was toying with her heart and doing strange things to her insides."Oh, Brielle..." He sighed, his voice deep and sensual, and Brielle murmured in disappointment as he finally drew his lips away from hers."I think we have to finish our food, lady. If we keep going, I don't think I'll be able to stop, and we might end up fucking about like rabbits in the backyard. Would you like that?" Brielle's cheeks flushed brazenly as he asked the simple question, and her thighs clenched simultaneously. She couldn't even hide her embarrassment, and he laughed loudly, m
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