All Chapters of Sold To The Lycan King: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
144 Chapters
The Bargain
DARIUS POVDarius stared out the car window, hands folded under his jaw, as he imagined the entire activity that was about to occur in his head.Along with his security entourage, they were all going to the slave handler's place with the money that’d been requested.Rocky, as usual, was seated beside him as the car drove them to the large field where Madeline had taken him that day.This was the first step in their plan, and Darius smiled darkly, his eyes dimming as he thought about what he would do to those men when he finished.Every single one of them was going to face his deadly wrath. For believing Delilah and laying their hands on his mate—a woman he’d half-marked and staked his claim on.Damn! Darius's chest tightened as he thought about Brielle and what she must have gone through.She must have been groped, and someone must have fucked her or..."Damn it!” He almost yelled as he stretched his hands and cracked his knuckles.He could feel Rocky's gaze on him, but he couldn't a
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An Escape Plan?
BRIELLE’S POV“No, no…” Brielle whimpered softly, closing her eyes, unable to block out her father's harsh words from the night before.Even though it was morning, she couldn't sleep because every time she closed her eyes, images of her father sitting in that chair filled her head.The sinister look on his face and the smirk on his lips as he said those hurtful words to her reminded her of her dreadful past. Worse, she was now in a freezing cell, soaked to the bone and drenched in ice-cold water poured on her the night before.She remembered being dragged back here after her father seemed to have ordered it, severing the order of the boss who had purchased her.The same boss and mysterious stranger who forced them to treat her well, but now that her father was in charge, it appeared that he was determined to make her suffer, and he would go to any length to ensure that.Brielle huddled herself, her teeth chattering and wrapping her arms around her body; she tried to stifle the painfu
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Darius To The Rescue
DARIUS POVThe vehicle entourage drove quickly into the enormous compound, and Darius, sitting in his jeep, drew his gaze out of the car to the windows, his eyes briefly scanning the building.He saw some men standing there, armed with rifles, and then nothing.This was also a slave trading house, and Darius knew that the outside would be sparsely populated with men, in contrast to how the inside would appear.As the jeep came to a halt in front of the entrance, Darius didn't even wait for his guards to open the car door; he did it himself.Rocky also stepped out of the car, followed by the man who’d accompanied them from the field to this location—their guide per se."Let’s go inside, please.” The stout man mumbled, his hands outstretched, attempting to lead the way, but Darius remained motionless."Call the owner out here.” Darius said quickly, his face stoic. “I don't want to enter this filthy place."Even though his voice was loud enough for the men around him to hear, Darius was
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Last Minute Struggles
BRIELLE’S POV'I'm at a loss for words at this point, but I pity the poor girl. To believe Cassius Warren is her father, and she is being treated in this manner...' Brielle cried all night as the words of the guard played over and over in her head.All the tortures she had endured on her way here did not hurt her as much as this situation did. Her father was involved in this. He had a hand in this predicament she was facing. He wasn't dead, and he and the mysterious buyer, clearly his boss, had strange, sinister plans for her.What did they intend to do with her? Was she still going to be sold and passed from man to man like an animal?What was happening to her? Where was Lord Darius? Or was her entire existence a joke to these creeps?Brielle's heart pounded painfully, and she kept telling herself that it was all a dream and that she would wake up and everything would be fine, but the more she said it, the more reality stared back at her.Her thoughts were scattered, her brain was
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Brielle First…
DARIUS POVDarius snatched the weapon in his pocket and sprinted straight into an unknown destination as gunshots randomly fired into the air.His men were already attacking and ransacking the entire building. Some minutes earlier, they’d arrived at Brielle's location, and according to sources and intel, she was somewhere in the large mansion.He had no idea who the buyer was, and neither did the man who had accompanied them. Despite his need to discover who the foolish anonymous man was, Darius knew the first thing to do was hunt for Brielle.She was the only thing that mattered, and after a 14-hour drive, he had to start looking for her.Following a lead through the back door and climbing the mansion's stairs, he shot at any guard in sight as he searched room after room.He couldn’t find her, and after a few minutes of scourging through with no results, he felt exhausted and frustrated.Was she indeed here? Or had he been played again here? As he neared another corridor in the vast
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Saving Brielle Again
DARIUS POVDarius noticed the wolves from a distance, dragging something that resembled... Brielle! Her fiery blonde hair shone brightly even in the dim light of day, and a snarl escaped his lips.He had searched the entire estate for her, but his efforts had been futile, forcing him to step outside.As the attacks continued, with some of the building structures being blown apart by bombs, Darius ignored everything and focused instead on finding Renee.With no sign of her in the damned castle, he’d decided to venture into the woods.The horror he was now staring at was all it took to bring him back to reality, and hurling the pistol in his hands, Darius roared once more before transforming into the beast he was.Bones cracking and his voice getting groggier, he quickly transitioned into his Apex wolfish form.When he was entirely in his animal form, he began to sprint towards them, using all his power, but just before he got there, a figure appeared from nowhere and stopped in front
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Subtle Apologies
DARIUS POV‘It has never been okay with me all my life. It has never been accepted that I don’t worry, even for a second, even in my sleep. That's why I'm Adolores, why I'm in anguish. It has never been okay with me. It has never been….’As he listened to the words coming out from Brielle's lips, Darius's chest clenched uncomfortably.The way she sounded, so wounded and helpless, tugged at his heartstrings, and he sniffed back a sob.A sob? Darius blinked twice, attempting to persuade himself that he hadn't thought about crying.Lilith, not Brielle, was the only lady he'd cried uncontrollably for without ever feeling humiliated.Never again... He wouldn’t cry for Brielle because she didn’t mean much to him.She was merely his second chance mate, a fortuitous gift bestowed upon him by the moon goddess, and for that, he was grateful, but to think he would break down and cry for her seemed ridiculous.His subconscious, on the other hand, disagreed completely, and Darius didn’t even know
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Traumatizing Thoughts
BRIELLE’S POVBrielle's head was throbbing like crazy.She felt like someone was slamming a giant hammer into her brain or stamping on them with their feet.The pain was so excruciating that she tried to caress her head with her palm, but she couldn't even move an inch.Brielle attempted again with her eyes closed, putting her hands on her arm and she started to rub the fragile skin albeit slowly, shifting to the sides, wishing to face the walls of the... She blinked twice, and her eyes startled open.Her hands left her arm. It fell on something, and soon she was touching a soft material.A soft foam that she was currently on.She wasn't in a cell. Nor was she on the cold, damp flood. Instead, she was on a soft foam bed, and when she moved, she felt the mattress sink deeper.What the?!Her vision was already becoming a bit clearer, and since she still hadn't registered where she was, her emphasis on the bed, Brielle decided to look around where she was.However, the room was dimly dar
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Due Patience
DARIUS POVDarius could see the fear lurking in Brielle’s eyes. It was as clear as day, and even though he had her trapped, he couldn’t bring himself to do what he wanted to do.He wanted to wrap his arms around her, draw her into a warm embrace, and tell her everything was alright, and she was home now. But he couldn't. He didn't want to startle her any further, and he needed to remain calm given her current situation."How are you doing, Brielle?" He asked again, his voice gentler this time, and clearing his throat, he took his hand from the bed headboard and carefully sat down on the bed.“I’m… I'm fine..." She stuttered, hands going to her forehead and rubbing slightly.She flinched when she touched a small wet cloth, and observing the expression of perplexity on her face, he explained, "You were burning hot earlier when we brought you in. I put something there in the hopes that it might reduce the temperature. "Are you all right now?" She nodded, but her face remained frowning
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Firm Decisions
DARIUS POVThe alcohol Darius was gulping down his throat did nothing to alleviate the questions and thoughts racing through his mind.Grumbling angrily as he took another swallow, the rough taste of the whiskey slammed down his throat, and it caused him to cough slightly.Rocky stood alongside him, talking about the aftermath of the fight they had yesterday, and while he appeared to be listening, Darius knew his mind was elsewhere."What about the guard who was injured?" Darius suddenly blurted out, his first words since Rocky started his reporting.His brows wrinkled as he remembered Brielle's request earlier.The guard had been kind to her, and he’d even been against whatever her captor had done to her.He had even released her when the mansion was under assault, and according to Brielle, she owed him her life. ‘How ridiculous.’ Darius scoffed as his thoughts continued spiraling.Also, he didn't tell Brielle that he'd shot the fucker down because Darius knew she'd be upset at him
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