All Chapters of Sold To The Lycan King: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
144 Chapters
Lady Delilah’s Death
DARIUS POV"No one dares to touch what is mine!" Darius growled and lunged at Delilah. She was on her knees pleading with him, saying she could explain, but there was nothing he wanted to hear again. Darius didn't need her validation, and with his wolf flair rising, all he could think about was how to snap her neck and wipe her off the face of the earth. His thoughts returned to the words of the submissive as he walked towards her. 'Brielle was blindfolded and kidnapped by hulking slave traders. She was even hit in the head, which meant she had no idea where she was. Lady Delilah had approached me later, threatening to kill me if I said anything to the maids in the mansion or even you, Lord Darius. She warned me harshly and even gave me a bag of money...' Brielle had been blindfolded; she'd been hit on and sold! The thought of such treachery being committed against his beloved made his blood boil. “Fuck!” Darius growled, his teeth clenched and muscles tensed, he stretched his h
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More Scorns & Ridicule
BRIELLE’S POVThe journey from the cell to wherever they were going had been pointless. Brielle found it difficult to relax her closed eyes due to the endless bumps the vehicle encountered along the roof, but after a while, the ride became smooth, and she fell asleep. However, her sleepy state was soon disrupted by a heavy bump, and she dragged her body upright, trying her hardest to sit up. “Arghhh…” She screamed as they hit another bump, this time with the vehicle moving slowly until it finally stopped moving, much to her dismay. Even though she wasn't enjoying the journey, she didn't want it to end because that would mean they'd arrived at their destination. It would imply that they had arrived at her fate, and this she despised. The car burped and then moved slightly before stopping again; this time, the ignition sounded dead as Brielle realized they had reached the end of their journey. What did they have in store for her here? Brielle pondered as she attempted to regain h
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A Failure
DARIUS POVDarius couldn't relax as he paced around his room, his hands on his hair, trying to think of something. He couldn't get his head around the surly details the submissive from earlier had given him when he'd asked the young lady to follow him. Leading her up to his room, he had then asked her to give him a detailed description of the location Lady Delilah had taken Brielle to, as she had followed them as well. He'd also made sure that her story was accurate and didn't contain any false information, and he'd done so by threatening her. Trembling, the submissive had told him everything, how it had all happened, how Brielle had been dragged from the vehicle, and Darius’s chest tightened as he listened to her confession.Darius then asked the submissive if she remembered the exact place they'd gone to after her brief detailed explanation. She'd given him a positive response, saying she knew a little but that the driver who'd driven them there was also in the mansion and migh
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Incoming Rules
MADELINE’S POVMadeline's heart raced as she sat motionless in the car, staring out the window as it drove past buildings and trees. Lord Darius sat beside her, and she couldn't bear looking at him, given how angry he had been since the day began. He had asked her to follow him to his bed chambers after ripping out Lady Delilah's heart in front of everyone and asking his men to clean up the dead body. He’d asked her some questions, and she’d diligently answered, albeit with fright. Then a few hours later, he’d stormed into her room, demanding she follow him, and she did as she was told, mindlessly obeying him without saying anything. Damn! That was all she had to say. What kind of power did Brielle have over this man that he was willing to kill people without feeling even the slightest remorse? He'd killed the men who had talked about Brielle back then at the auction house, and if Madeline counted correctly, there were more than 50 of them. He'd slaughtered them in cold blood
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Blacko Shawn’s Comparison
BRIELLE’S POV"You lot, get up..." Brielle arose from where she had been lying all day, shivering slightly, and looked up at the man whose voice she had heard. It had been hours since she had arrived at this location, and after falling asleep for a few minutes, she had awoken and decided to survey the area. Thankfully, her vision had improved, and the room was better-lit this time. Various women were in the room, each with different skin colors, appearance, and weight, among other physical characteristics she couldn't quite identify. Some were chained, while others were not, and some were fully dressed while others were not. However, Brielle was relieved that the location did not resemble Blacko Shawn's Warldof's underground house. But then, this place was no different from the purpose it served, as well as Mr. Blacko's. She shuddered at the thought of being brought to a women's trafficking ring again. Brielle also began to consider how her life would change now that she'd ar
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Meeting The Slave Handlers
DARIUS POVThe car came to an abrupt halt after a long and exhausting journey. Darius looked out the tinted car windows and blinked, surprised to see they had come to a halt in the middle of a large field. The field was not empty, and from what Darius could tell, there were cars lined up and men walking around with guns, which added to his confusion. He noticed that Madeline, the submissive beside him, was attempting to unhook her seat belts. He would have helped her because he could see she was struggling with the handle, but he didn't care about seat belts. All he wanted to know was why they were here, so he asked her, clearing his throat slowly as he did so."Can you tell me where we are?" She came to a sudden halt, turning around and opening her lips. "Um, I also have no idea, but this was where Lady Delilah brought us to that day. This is probably where slave traders congregate in this part of town." Darius looked outside once more, amazed by the busy scene before him, an
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The Masked Bidder
BRIELLE’S POVBrielle and the other ladies walked in a single file as the guards led them out of the dressing room and into a room full of men. Looking around, Brielle noticed that the men appeared to be having a good time, and if she hadn't known that this was a slave trade ring, she would have mistaken it for a bar. Brielle could see strippers dancing naked on top of some men who appeared to enjoy such vices, and she admired how daring and free the ladies were, shuddering at the thought of doing something like this. But who was she to pass judgment? For all she knew, they could also be enslaved, forced to dance with these slimy-looking men to earn money or their freedom."Will you move forward?" One of the men leading them said to her, yelling, and she turned to face him, this time with a determined expression on her face. She was sick of acting like a baby, and it was past time she learned to use her mouth and confront anyone who tried to molest her in any way. Besides, she'd
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No Rest In This World
DARIUS POV The ride back home was so calm, the atmosphere in the vehicle so tense and silent that even the slightest noise was loud enough for the two passengers in the back seat to hear. Darius, on the other hand, hadn't gotten himself together since leaving the slave trade. Worse still, the information he’d gotten had not improved his mood, and he was now fuming with rage. Brielle had been sold, and she was most likely with one of those vile men who would be manhandling and maltreating her. What the fuck?He couldn't see beyond his rage, the world around him blurring into black-and-white static. She'd only been there a few days, and they'd already sold her... 'She is a valuable commodity, and most men know who you are. It's like a trophy for them, and everyone would want a taste of Lord Darius’s woman, not to mention one of your various enemies.' “Fuck!” Darius roared, reaching out for a wine cup in front of him in the large jeep, grabbing it, and throwing it out on the road
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Small Luxuries
BRIELLE’S POV“This way, miss….” Brielle followed the heavily built man leading her away from the stage without saying anything, and she did so silently. ‘Miss?’ She mentally repeated to herself. He'd addressed her as a miss, but she was just an enslaved person, so why bother with that endearment? He had told her to come and get dressed, and now he was calling her miss. 'That is not a term of endearment like you’re thinking, silly girl.' Her subconscious instantly chided, and Brielle rolled her eyes as she continued walking down the path where the man seemed to be leading her too. At the same time, she became aware of her surroundings and realized that this place, like every other slave handler's abode she had visited, was the same. Brielle couldn't help but feel sorry for the desperate men and women who were arranged in rooms or cells, waiting to be sold. She wasn't blindfolded this time, unlike previous times when she passed, and all she could hear were their distressed voice
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Determined Streak
MADELINE’S POVMadeline hurried to her room, wanting to get to the confines of her chambers so she could reflect on everything that had happened today. She had tears in the back of her eyes from the way Lord Darius had yelled at her earlier, and what made her even angrier was that he had acted that way because of that bitch, Brielle, and she couldn't control her rage at the moment. Finally, standing in front of her door, she inserted the key lock and pushed open the door, walking straight to the bed and heaving a huge sigh of relief as she plopped her tired body on the soft foam. She was relieved to be back home, in her haven, where she could plan her next course of action. Brielle was still alive, and damn! This news was so bad. So, so wrong. The bitch was still alive and had been purchased, but Madeline had no idea who had done so. When the slave trader wanted to reveal the information about whoever had bought Brielle, Lord Darius allegedly sent her back to the car and shouted
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