All Chapters of I Turned Gay After A Drunken Night : Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
246 Chapters
"Hayden." Andy bent down and wrapped his hands around himself with tears in his eyes, regardless of the countless stares he received from passersby. He hiccuped and inhaled deeply, sad tears streaming down his cheeks."Hayden," he whispered in a frail and shaky tone.Hayden, what should he do? How can he live anymore? Levi had turned his life upside down in a completely vile way. Who can he tell this to? Who can he explain his feelings to?Andy knew no one would understand him. No one would understand how much he felt inside. How much he felt like dying over and over due to being tainted by the person he has always called Big Brother."Levi. He. He…" No matter how Andy tried to explain, the words seemed to stick to his tongue, making him unable to say a thing. The more Andy was unable to say a word, the more uncomfortable he felt, and the more he broke down and cried louder.Hayden was stunned by the sad voice he heard, but in the next second, he snapped out of it. "Andy? What happen
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Don't Call Him
Staring at his skin, Andy's brows furrowed in disdain.No matter how he tried to forget, the touch and caress of Levi continued to linger on his skin.The image of Levi's hand defiling his skin will always remain stagnant in his brain, no matter how he tries to forget. He ran his hand through his skin in disdain.So Filthy. Extremely filthy. He needed to take a bath. Yes, he needed to wash himself again and again until...Hayden frowned and grabbed Andy's wrist, jolting him awake from his trance and stopping his actions. "At this rate, you'll be left with no skin." He chided Andy, but his voice was gentle and laced with worry.No skin? Andy's shoulder trembled, and he peered into the distance as if he had just been enlightened. He stared at himself with disdain and began to mumble, "Want that. Can't bear to look in the mirror. Hate my skin. Hate me… Wuu. Hayden. I can't..." Andy broke down into tears again.No matter how he tried to push the image away, the humiliating scenes kept rep
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Popped His Cherry
Seeing Andy in that state, Hayden seemed to hear a shattering sound; he didn't even know when tears trickled down his cheeks.Despite the pain invading his heart, Hayden took a deep breath and ignored the pain; instead, he ran into the bathroom toward Andy.Quickly, Hayden drained the water in the bathtub to prevent Andy from choking or suffocating.He bent down and cupped Andy's face softly before looking into Andy's eyes directly. "Andy, look at me. It's Hayden. Hayden is here. Levi won't touch you. I promise I'll protect you from him. I'll." He began to coax Andy softly while caressing his cheeks in a bid to help Andy snap out of it."Uh. Hayden." Andy finally snapped out of it. He stared at Hayden dazedly, but upon recalling something, he grabbed Hayden's hand fearfully."Hayden, you'll protect me, right? I'm afraid; I don't want to see him anymore. Can you do that?" Andy pleaded in a brittle tone, looking scared and frail, contrary to his normal self.Hayden's heart broke more, b
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I Envy You
'After a few years, I'll find a girl to get married to. As long as I'm single, he'll feel threatened.’ Levi typed and sent it with a heavy heart.As long as Andy knows a rapist like Levi is somewhere close and is still single, he will be jittery and on edge. Who knew what action that person might be forced to take at that time?Now Levi and the boy could only be worlds apart.From now on, Levi could only see and not touch… Suddenly, Levi raised his head, a rueful smile appearing on his face and his heart tightening in pain. No, he couldn't see the person anymore, either.At the thought, Levi's dark circle became more prominent. He fell back to the floor and curled himself, gripping pain and clenching his heart deeply.Only if Levi didn't go to the party. Only if he didn't return to the mansion. Only if he had stayed in a private room to await the doctor.But Levi had attended the party alone. After getting drugged, he was afraid that the person could've planted herself in the private
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But You're Indeed A Bottom
As for Andy, he was unable to accept it. Not at all. He was freaking out. Just the thought of that night and that person will send him panicking, making his whole system turn upside down!Andy recalled that Hayden had always hated it when a man showed too much weird expression or eagerness toward him. Even though Hayden never expressed himself, Andy knew that Hayden held a dislike for gays in the past before he met Zenos, but surprisingly, Hayden, who hated gays, was quick to change his mindset compared to Andy.Hayden didn't even cry a bit about how things played out with Zenos. Not at all! Andy even remembered that the little jerk was sleeping heartily before he barged into the room! How interesting!Hayden shook his head and patted Andy's hair. “It's not your fault. Don't force it.” Hayden softly coaxed Andy and engulfed him in a warm hug.Recalling Andy's sentence, Hayden couldn't help but fall into thought.Hayden recalls when he woke up that morning to discover that he and a st
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A Beautiful Combination
Andy's eyes shimmered with joy, his eyes darted around, and his nose wrinkled in curiosity, wondering what was happening, but before he could say a word...“Yes, host.” All the boys immediately replied to Mia while clapping loudly as if to outdo each other, a broad grin on their faces.Upon seeing Mia's special entry and confidence, they all knew that tonight would be more fun than they had planned.Whenever something wrong is about to happen, they all trust Mia to put it back in shape. It's just like what's happening with Mason and his girlfriend. Mia is the best.Mason's clap continues to resound louder even after the clap has subsided.Immediately, Mia snorted at Mason for his overdoing habit. Hmph! As expected of that mischievous Mason!However, Mason was unbothered and continued to clap. He conveyed: “Eager for the night, my man—my upcoming girlfriend.” Mason paused and pointed at Mia with a feigned love-struck expression. “Guys, can you see my lovely girlfriend? Don't you think
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Envious Wh**e
Hayden grabbed the pillow tighter to his chest and exhaled lightly, his heart swirling in a myriad of emotions.However, despite those emotions running through his heart, his eyes were glued to the blank projector in anticipation of the night.After the doctor's diagnosis of Andy, the doctor informed Hayden about how Andy was shutting himself up and how that could be extremely dangerous for Andy's health.The doctor even added that Andy is appearing unresponsive to treatment, and it seems Andy has no interest in living again.Hearing the doctor's explanation, Hayden was alarmed and petrified. Soon, a thought regained its place in his mind, and that was to help Andy avoid sinking into the trauma and help him heal.Hayden knew that Andy was uninterested in letting any of his family members know about what happened to him, and neither did he want Levi to get closer again.And those people Andy shut out were the ones who understood Andy the most.Hayden couldn't even dare to boast that he
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Save To Be A Slave
‘Sniff. Sniff.' Mia gently pats her eyes with a clean handkerchief. She inhaled and sucked in a cold breath before being able to calm down slightly. Her eyes were reddened and red-rimmed, and her nose was pink—the same condition as the boys. “I’ve never cried or let things out as much as I did tonight, but I won't deny that I feel good, guys. Do you?” Mia posed amidst hiccups before brushing all the red-rimmed boys in the room with a glance. “Can't deny it works, but now I've got a massive headache.” They all croaked out with a wide grin and groaned. “Alright guys, it's a lot better than I expected, so this will be the conclusion of our first performance,” Mia explained, and a resounding clap overtook the room for a few seconds. Mia stood up after a few seconds of trying to restrain her emotions. “So guys, I present to you our next list for tonight's welcome party: doodling and letting out. This exercise involves doodling that person's name, cursing, shading, or writing a letter t
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“Now this signifies the end of our doodling and letting-out performance.” Mia suddenly stood up and bowed slightly, causing a fierce clap to resound in the cinema.Mia closed her eyes and inhaled to calm herself down, and by the time she opened her eyes, there was an excited glint flickering past her eyes."Now, boys, I'd like to introduce the next plan of the night, which is karaoke, dancing, and drinking. Just as it implies, this time everyone will sing and yell out their favorite song to their hearts' content while dancing, jumping, and drinking—whatever motion you like. I think it should be called physically letting out or singing and dancing your heart away.” Mia explained, causing a resounding clap from the impressed boys.Although the welcome party was held for Andy in the beginning, they all couldn't deny that this sort of letting-out welcome party helped them a lot. This welcome party was miles better than attending the club to party away. After all, letting it out now is bet
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Splendid Liar
'Zen.' He paused his lips and raised his head, his green eyes filled with sincere longings. 'I missed you. Zen…'His lips curved slightly, and he raised his hand to pat the boy's head. 'Hayde, I missed you…'Upon hearing the reply, his lips curved in a wide grin. He stretched out his hand in a bid to wrap around the person's thin yet strong waist. However, before his hand could successfully wrap around the person…A beautiful and sweet scent gently drifted into his nose.Upon smelling the familiar scent, his nose wrinkled slightly. A chin rests on his shoulder and hands wrap around his waist.His brows crinkled slightly, and a gentle smile slowly lit up on his face, but before it could completely do so, his brows furrowed and his nose flared.Suddenly, his lips parted slightly in a shocked gasp, as if he had just recalled or understood something. Immediately, Hayden's eyes flew wide open in petrification.Hayden subconsciously shivered in fear before looking down at the thin hand that
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