All Chapters of I Turned Gay After A Drunken Night : Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
247 Chapters
Michael Is Missing
"Boss, the mansion is ready." A trusted aide revealed with a bow as soon as he stepped into Xavier's office, mansion keys in his hand.Immediately, Xavier checked his wristwatch, and he discovered that there were three and a half hours left before he closed off work, but...Upon sweeping a faint gaze at the almost completed documents lying on the table, Xavier decided at that moment that dumping work at this time didn't matter.After all, he's almost done working on the documents. Moreover, Xavier hadn't heard from Michael since he left home that morning, and he really missed Michael."En," Xavier responded without lifting his head from his laptop. His fingers quickly typed on the keyboard in a bid to save his files, power off, and shut his laptop.It was after a while that Xavier was done packing his things up. Xavier wore his unique mask, picked up his suitcase, and collected the mansion key from his trusted aide before walking out of the office.The instant Xavier got into his car,
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Who's He?
Zenos indifferently leaned back, his exquisite, long fingers twirling an expensive, limited edition pen.Zenos' eyes suddenly fell on Xavier, whose brows were furrowed in anxiety yet still feigning composure."What did you do? Why'd he run away?" Zenos shot Xavier a cold look. His cold aura is on full display toward this engaged partner of Michael, who came out of nowhere to steal Michael away!Zenos and his friends knew Michael wasn't the type to run around. After all, if Michael were the type, in the three years he was in Green City, he would have chosen to cause trouble by being everywhere instead of locking himself up at work.Michael would rather work than go out to play, so why would Michael suddenly run away from the suite if Xavier was innocent? None of them believed that Xavier didn't have a hand in it. Xavier must have done something bad, and that must be the reason Michael ran away!Xavier revealed a tight-lipped smile, understanding what their gaze meant.His eyes fell on
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We'll Protect Him
The cold aura oozing out of Xavier almost made Michael shrink into the car seat.There are still two hours left before Xavier's normal time; how come Xavier knew Michael was missing? Did Xavier arrive early, or was there a bodyguard tracing him that Michael didn't know about?Even if Michael tried to stay calm, he couldn't! Xavier had caught Michael in such an ambiguous position with another man who wouldn't be annoyed?The only reason one's partner won't be annoyed is if they don't have love in their relationship, but they do! Besides, Xavier is a person who likes eating vinegar!Michael silently and fearfully gulped down the saliva forming in his mouth.He took a glance at Xavier's cold and dark face, and he quickly looked away before he was caught watching by the driving man.Michael clenched his shirt in nervousness and fearfully stretched his hand toward Xavier. "Xav, I...""Quiet!" Xavier's indignant voice sounded like thunder in Michael's ears.Michael jumped slightly, and he s
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Hurt Me
Xavier blinked in bewilderment, wondering what could have led Michael to his current situation. Xavier hadn't done anything to Michael or said anything to him, so why was he crying? He has only acted coldly so Michael could think about his wrongdoing! Is that enough reason to make Michael cry?Xavier almost let out a curse due to being shocked. “What the! You're crying?” Xavier inquired, his brows furrowed in disbelief while trying to figure out what could have happened.After all, Xavier never expected that he'd encounter Michael outside his study, not to mention seeing Michael cry.Talking about crying, Xavier never expected to see Michael drop a tear from his eyes during the daytime because Michael is mostly cold and indifferent. Except for when Michael was being tossed on the bed by Xavier. Who knew there were more to come, and Xavier would be stunned silly by the words that would emit from Michael's lips that night, or all of Michael's actions?Michael's lips quivered in sadnes
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Don't Leave Me
Xavier stared into space with furrowed brows and glazed eyes.Different chaotic thoughts ran through his mind, especially after recalling last night's event.No matter how much Xavier tried to decipher things, he couldn't understand yesterday's happening, and he deduced that he wouldn't be able to find information on it, no matter how much he investigated.Last night, the four firmly promised that they'd never expose Michael to the risk of the underworld.Although the five were working together, they only seemed to involve Michael in businesses that had less or no risk.Even though Michael was the oldest, they all seemed to protect him the most.No matter how Xavier tried to decipher things, everything was perplexing.Does that mean something was wrong somewhere? Especially with Michael. No wonder…Xavier's brows became constricted, and he paused.Xavier closed his eyes to calm his chaotic thoughts.In the next second, Xavier's eyes were extremely calm, clear, and blank.Xavier stood
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I've Accepted Her Proposal
Hayden's green eyes were fixated on Zenos, who was busily typing on his laptop while video-calling Hayden.Hayden's green eyes twinkled with awe and pride; he was lost staring at his boyfriend!His Zenos is so handsome, hardworking, and capable. What type of good trait did one want to mention that won't be listed in Zenos?Hayden leaned back on the bed. Has anyone made a drunken mistake that led to the most beautiful thing in that person's life? He was sure that no one had; everyone must be so jealous of Hayden's good fortune. Yes, they can all eat vinegar!Upon recalling something, Hayden's eyes lit up. Quickly, he stood up and got down from the bed, catching Zenos' attention.Zenos raised his head and arched his brows in curiosity, wondering what was wrong.Before Zenos could say a thing, Hayden strutted over while holding a packaged pink box that had a red bow tied to it.Hayden smiled and positioned the box in front of the camera. “Zen, look, a girl proposed to me. Take a look at
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"Young master, our source had just sent a report: Hion had left Grail State." A guard explained in a low voice while standing behind Prothero. He was in casual blue jeans and a t-shirt to avoid Simon's attention or suspicion. The guard bowed his head slightly. "Should I prepare for the young master's return? Don will be checking the young master's progress overmorrow…"The guard was yet to complete his words when Simon began to approach Prothero with a ticket in his hands.Prothero's eyes darkened. Different thoughts kept running through his mind, but none of them were displayed on his face. Prothero raised his hand silently, and the guard quietly withdrew.The guard's lips parted in hesitation, but he suppressed it all and quickly withdrew, just like Prothero had ordered.Simon stared at the ticket he had just bought and slowly exhaled a distressed sigh. His young master title had gone with the wind, and now he had turned into a nanny, big brother, or daddy, whatever it think
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He And Zenos Fought?
It turns out that Hayden had been playing Zenos since the beginning, but to think that Zenos had been so annoyed to not even rationalize that brat's actions all these while.Hayden had been so hung up on Zenos for the past few days, and he had been doing everything to get Zenos to return to Grail. How can it be that it was that Hayden who suddenly found a girl and ignored Zenos?Zenos' lips curled slightly, and he continued to watch the video being played on the tab.Zenos watched as Hayden alighted his car and entered the Chip and Chop restaurant to buy himself a Chip and Chop snack. So, the case about a girl buying Hayden a Chip and Chop snack was actually a blatant lie. That little rascal was the one to plan everything!No wonder Hayden kept praising the person; it turns out that that narcissist Hayden was praising himself all those times!Soon, Hayden left the Chip and Chop restaurant and went over to a mall to buy a box and things he'd use to package the Chip and Chop. Hayden eve
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Leaving Tomorrow
Craig jumped up and gnashed his teeth in anger. He directed a sharp glare at Hayden, who had just slammed the door shut, and began to storm down the stairs with a crazy look on his face. Craig shot a cold glare at Hayden. "Damn! Hayden, you killer…""I'm going to cook." Hayden interrupted him coldly and began to make his way toward the kitchen. His expression was chilling to the bone; his body was tall and straight, and his aura was filled with aggression.Prothero took a glance at Hayden before his gaze fell on Simon again. Thinking about how much he had troubled Simon all these days with Simon not saying anything, he felt that Simon was really cute. Hayden was really a cold person. Thankfully, Hayden wasn't Simon.The eyes of Caleb, Mason, Craig, Philip, and Simon popped out in shock. They couldn't help but shiver slightly. Hayden, whose mood had gone haywire, had just announced that he would cook. At this rate, are they sure they won't die?"Sure you're not going to the kitchen to
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Serves Prothero Right
‘Young Master, there are experienced shadow guards watching over this mansion. They'll notice our presence if we get closer; we can only watch the young master from a distance.’Upon reading the text from his guard, Prothero's brows knitted into a deep frown.Shadow guards are watching over this mansion. Prothero had also noticed them, but he didn't expect them to be that experienced.Who was being watched over by shadow guards—experienced shadow guards that could even threaten his own guards? He really wanted to know.‘Who?’ Prothero typed without watching his steps.‘Young Master Hayden.' The guard quickly typed back.Prothero's brows furrowed in confusion upon hearing Hayden. He suddenly recalled that that angry blond youth who went to the kitchen to cook was called Hayden. Prothero's eyes narrowed immediately, and he texted back. ‘Identity?’‘Secret identity: son of Ethan. None of his friends know, including young master Simon.’Prothero paused upon seeing the reply. son of Ethan?
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