All Chapters of I Turned Gay After A Drunken Night : Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
247 Chapters
“Young master, our source says Hion had arrived at Grail.” Prothero's bodyguard bowed his head respectfully while staring at the boy, who was currently typing something on his laptop. His straight back turned to the guard.Prothero stopped typing and raised his head to show a perfectly carved, handsome young face in his fifteenth. The boy shut his laptop and turned to the guard, his action elegantly screaming morals and training. “When will Dad check my progress?” He asked in a deadpan voice filled with nonchalance.The guard bowed at Prothero's detached action. He can't help thinking that the boss and young master really look identical. Unfortunately, the father and son's relationship is estranged, and they don't see eye to eye. “It's next Thursday, young master.” The guard replied respectfully. Prothero leaned back on his chair, his deep, and black eyes half-lidded, and his thoughts running calmly. His eyelids shut, and he began to massage his brows. “We leave tomorrow.” Prothe
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"Simon, what're you doing? Get in the car already." Craig waved at Simon from the passenger seat where he was sitting, his phone in his grasp.The other four were randomly sitting in the car seat, but their eyes were fixed on Simon, who was casually walking by the roadside.The school had just closed, and the five were about to leave for home when they discovered that they couldn't find Simon, although they had all left the class at the same time.Even though they had taken a walk through the whole school in search of a certain someone, they couldn't catch the gaze of Simon.Not until a guard went to find out where Simon disappeared were they able to find out Simon's location.It turns out that Simon had already left school when they were searching for him.Now, seeing his hand tucked into his pocket and that lazy look on his face, they had the instinct that he wasn't ready to leave for home either."Drive on." Simon lazily replied and kicked a bottle perfectly, his back straight and
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Naive Rabbit
Despite the thought running through Prothero's mind, surprisingly, Prothero's gaze was blank, and his expression was calm except for the ridiculing sneer he donned on his face. "You're not petrified that I'll break you." He spoke leisurely with a taunting sneer.Simon's body shook, and his fist clenched in a bid to control himself from smacking sense into this uncultured brat. Just who the hell trained this rascal?"For a young boy, you sure know how to speak nonsense." Simon retorted fiercely. Although he tried to take a deep breath to calm himself, when facing off the poisonous and loose-tongued Prothero, Simon couldn't!The reason Simon didn't suggest that the boy lean on him was because he was afraid of putting pressure on the boy's wound.Simon had been considerate of the young boy and even did what he had never done before—asking the boy to get on his back—only to receive an unappreciative sneer from Prothero. Who wouldn't get annoyed?Simon scowled and took out his phone upon r
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Where's Your Girlfriend?
"Hey, boys. I'm home…" Mia suddenly paused and inhaled the aroma that drifted into her nose, excitement overtaking her face immediately.Mia cheered and began to dance expertly toward the kitchen. "Hayden, darling, had just cooked. I walked in at the right time. Hayden deserved all the kisses." Mia happily conveyed, inhaling the aroma of Hayden's meal drifting into her nose.Mason, Caleb, Craig, and Philip shook their heads in amusement. "Foodie, where have you been all day?" Philip, who was typing on his phone, paused and eyed Mia with curiosity. Mia had been leaving the mansion before the boys woke up and returned home extremely late at night, which was completely unusual for her. Besides, she was also dressed unlike the 'man' Mason knew.Mia was in a white halter tank top and a blazing red leather miniskirt with bright red lipstick on her lips, which was very unusual for her.Mia carelessly packed her hair with a black band before wearing a white chef cap on her head. Hayden has a
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Are Ghosts Here?
Simon was the crazy one to ask what Prothero's point was. Imagine!Simon grunted angrily and threw his phone onto the chair. For real, he should've kicked that boy out after treating him, but he just let the boy in.If Simon isn't simply stirring up trouble for himself, what's it? This is simply taking a mile after being given an inch. That little rascal!Simon huffed and decided to return to the bathroom. He needs to eat and sleep, not pay any mind to that rascal. Out of sight, out of mind!Thinking like this, Simon leisurely made his way to the bathroom.Running the race.Got my eyes on this prey.Power is all I crave.Unfortunately for Simon, his second step was accompanied by his phone ringtone.Simon's face reddened in anger. That nonsensical tall brat. He simply didn't know what was good for him!Simon's lips curled up wickedly. If Prothero likes to play this nonsensical play, then Simon won't be his host. Thinking like this, Simon paused in his tracks and retraced his steps bef
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Sly Devil
"I'm here." Simon's face scrunched up in an unhappy grumble. He couldn't help questioning the choices he made that day. Simon looked up in grievance, tears almost pooling in his eyes. He can't help thinking that he's about to become a father overnight! When he got back home, he had to call Dad and Mom Simon to thank them for not giving him a younger brother…No!Simon quickly shook his head. Dad and Mom Simon's children will definitely be well-behaved and cute and will be miles different from that brat he was about to meet.Simon raised his hand to knock on the door of the presidential suite, expecting the petrified Prothero to open it, but before he could...An anxious Prothero opened the door with a blank expression on his face that revealed no bit of fear.Leisurely, Prothero took a glance at Simon. "Where's my meal?" He inquired straightforwardly.After drinking that much wine on an empty stomach and not taking a bite of anything that day, Prothero's stomach was light, and he was
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That Person
Even though dinner had ended pleasantly despite the unhappy beginning, that hadn't swayed Simon's decision to return to the mansion that evening. Simon checked the time, and it was 22 minutes past eight. Great! None of the boys would've fallen asleep now. Simon drank a glass of water and elegantly stood up. Simon's hunger had been satisfied, but Simon could see that it wasn't the same with Prothero. Simon had been observing Prothero once in a while, and he noticed the boy eating slowly while looking deep in thought as if he were thinking about something heavy. "I'm leaving," Simon announced, and he began to leave the dining room directly without waiting for Prothero's response. "Simon." Prothero suddenly called and neatly placed his cutlery on an empty dish. "En?" Simon stopped in his tracks and turned to look at Prothero. Immediately, Prothero's expression turned pale, and he pointed toward the dining room entrance. "Did you see that person?" Prothero susurrated in a shaky a
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Simon rubbed his eyes leisurely and turned slightly before continuing to sleep, his hands clutching the blanket tighter.Suddenly, a thought came to his mind, and he sprang up immediately. His eyes flew wide open, devoid of sleep.Simon's eyes widened slightly in shock. Right at that moment, he discovered that he was on the bed, sleeping next to Prothero!What happened? How did he wake up on the bed when he sat on the chair? He doesn't sleepwalk!“Big. Big brother Simon, are you awake?” A slightly husky, deep voice spoke next to Simon's ear with a frown. The person's hot breath spilled on Simon's ear, causing Simon's ears to be dyed red.Simon jumped slightly in shock and turned to Prothero.Prothero, who was rubbing his eyes while yawning, undoubtedly looked cute yet wild. He's the type every lady will undoubtedly choose in a man.Simon blushed slightly out of shame. He had slept on the sofa; why had he woken next to Prothero?In the next minute, Simon's embarrassed expression turned
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Off Limits
"Ah!" A bored sigh spilled past Michael's lips again. He turned on the chair and wrapped the duvet closer around his body. "Ahhh!" Michael winced out in pain immediately. He turned, and he began to gently rub his painful waist.Michael's face scrunched up in an unhappy frown. "That Xavier jerk is too much! He had gone too far!" Michael, who was unable to take it anymore, seethed and sat up, wincing.His mind was wandering so chaotically that he was unable to pay attention to the rom-com drama that was playing on TV.Well, how could it?Ever since Michael and Xavier had reconciled, poor doctor Michael was locked inside the suite by Xavier with deep warnings not to take a step out of the suite.Although the suite wasn't locked and no guards were safeguarding Michael from outside, the deep warnings left by Xavier always rang in Michael's ears whenever he planned to go against Xavier's warning.But now how could poor doctor Michael take it any longer? He wanted to go to work. He wanted t
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I'll fight for your love
A surging and intensely anxious feeling suddenly overwhelmed Xavier. Even when nothing is going wrong, the surging feeling continues to take root in his heart and begins to spread around his whole heart, making him breathless for a few minutes.Xavier raised his hand and slowly made his way to touch his chest, which his heart was heavily thrumming against. A deep frown settled on Xavier's face immediately.Perhaps it was because Michael departed for three years, but Xavier was always sensitive when it came to Michael. And now his intuition is screaming that something is wrong somewhere.Almost every hour, Xavier will have a video call with Michael to keep him company and not make him bored.Even if Xavier forgot to call Michael, an indignant Michael would voice-call Xavier immediately to scold him about how Xavier had locked up Michael against his will but still wouldn't care to chat Michael out or bother with how Michael was faring, but...It's been two and a half hours since Xavier
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