All Chapters of I Turned Gay After A Drunken Night : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
247 Chapters
It was dusk. The road was deserted except for green bushes, trees, and some warehouses that seemed to have been dumped for over two decades.Walking down the deserted road were five thin and malnourished children dressed in haggard and torn clothing, with dirt sticking to their clothes, faces, and bodies. They seemed to haven't taken their bath for a few days.Despite the five children's tired and hungry expressions, they stuck together, their hands holding each other as they walked down the lonely road.Upon seeing a large ditch ahead, the five children decided to cross to the other side of the road to continue their walk with the hope of finding a house nearby, someone, or a car, but they knew it was hardly possible.This side of the country is a no-go zone for humans since it's rumored to be a dangerous place.Without bothering to look to the right or left, the tired children began to cross the road to the other side while panting weakly.They were in the middle of the road when a
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“No place feels as beautiful as home; I didn't realize how much I missed here,” Sean uttered, his hands spread horizontally as he inhaled the air of Green State.Sean, David, Jude, Zenos, and Xavier have just alighted from their car and are making their way out of the car to inside the mansion.The bodyguards in the mansion kept bowing at them while giving the accompanying Xavier a subtle, curious look.“True.” David nodded with a smile on his face. “It's hard to fathom how much I've missed here already.” He concurred.Jude sighed and increased his striding pace. “I wondered if Michael is doing okay; we haven't heard from him throughout the journey.” He said, his voice laced with extreme worry.They didn't hear from Michael, since he never picked up his call or replied to their texts, and it made the three distressed. They can only hope that his trauma didn't act up during their absence.“It must be all because of that Xav,” Sean grunted and bit into a fresh and clean apple a bodyguar
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Three Years
"Wait!" Sean pointed at Xavier coldly and said, "We brought you here only for you to try to get our brother?" Sean retorted, glaring coldly at Xavier.Indifferently, Xavier bypassed Sean and stopped in front of Michael. "Brother-in-law, your brother has always been mine," he divulged, turning to stare at Michael with a naughty smirk on his face. "Right, wifey?"Although Xavier looks indifferent, only heaven knows how fast his heart is pounding against his chest by just staying in front of Michael. It was hard for him to control himself from holding the man or hugging him.Michael blinked and began to panic upon seeing Xavier. He never expected this surprise. Although he was the one who texted Xavier first, Xavier ignored him, making him believe that the man had probably moved on, but what he never expected was Xavier giving him such a surprise.Michael's heart was pounding against his chest; his knees weakened, and he suddenly felt thirsty.As if he were dreaming, he stretched his han
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"Zenos, you're home?" Hayden, who had just woken up from sleep, asked with a pleasant laugh that drifted into Zenos' ears.Right at that moment, Zenos could finally fathom how much he missed seeing Hayden's face, hearing Hayden's voice, and everything about Hayden. His lips curled up slightly, and his blue eyes were filled with shiny light that could capture whoever stared into them at that moment. With happiness reflecting in his blue orb, Zenos opened his luggage to unpack it. "Yes," Zenos admitted, and right at that moment, Zenos paused.Right in his luggage, what welcomed Zenos were three paintings of him. His brows quirked in surprise, and he picked one of them up.Zenos knew Hayden must have been the one to place the painting in his luggage when he wasn't watching.Since Zenos wasn't the one to carry his luggage out of the suite, he didn't notice anything amiss.Carefully, Zenos placed the three paintings on his bed, intending to arrange them in his room after unpacking them.A
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Xavier paced around the hotel room; his mind was running chaotically. Suddenly, he paused in his tracks, and his cold eyes were pinned on the shrinking Michael, who had almost plastered himself to the bed.Xavier's things were delivered to the hotel, and the embarrassed Michael refused to tell his house location, which brought them to the hotel."Now tell me why you left. You should have a sufficient reason to explain the sudden disappearance three years ago, shouldn't you? After all, I've given you sufficient time to prepare your mind. Xavier sneered. All his emotions were revealed now that the two were alone with each other."Three years. Three years, Michael. You left without thinking of us. Throughout the time we were together, I did all I could, and everything kept telling me we were doing well! Did you know how hard I prepared for our first anniversary? Did you know the surprises I planned only to discover you lied to me and ran away?" Xavier's voice boomed coldly in the room.M
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Happy New Month, everyone! I'M SO SORRY FOR THE LACK OF UPDATE; THIS AUTHOR HAS BEEN SICK AND BUSY.(In case y'all are confused, the previous chapter had a flashback, which is the continuation of chapter 70, YOU CRASHED MY CAR.)"Are you playing with me?" A furious Michael's veins throbbed; his fists were clenched, which shows his irritation and annoyance for the man who wants to mess up his workload and peace of mind.Michael had the inkling that the blue-eyed devil was a wealthy man whose intention was to trouble Michael, or perhaps he was there for something Michael had yet to find out.Besides, all the signs this blue-eyed devil had displayed revealed that the blue-eyed devil was among those types of wealthy people Michael hated to the core. Those sorts of people who believed that money could do anything and purposely made others' lives a living hell!"Do you think I have the time?" The blue-eyed devil replied and leisurely sat up.Despite all his lazy and leisurely behavior, his
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FLASHBACK CONTINUES.TWO MONTHS LATER."Yeah, Dad. I'm here. I'll be in the private room in a few minutes from now." Michael conveyed to his dad—his phone was placed next to his right ear. He took out his car keys and placed them in his pocket. He alighted from the car and locked the door after picking up his wallet and phone.Michael had just finished an emergency case when he received a call from his dad. Michael's dad had called Michael to inform him to meet him (M.D.) at Fantasy Restaurant.Due to the seemingly anxious voice of his dad, Michael had left the hospital without even taking a breather, not to mention changing his clothes, but still, that didn't make him look less handsome.Michael, in his official doctor suit, attracted a lot of ladies' attention, which he paid no mind to. As Michael elegantly made his way toward Country B Fantasy restaurant, a lot of ladies began to point and whisper with a blush on their faces.Michael smirked and waved at the girls before he casuall
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(Thank you guys so much for sticking around. I may not say this frequently, but I'm really grateful that you stayed despite my scattered updates. Thank you. Enjoy. And yeah. Don't hesitate to read my new book. Ciao for now.) FLASHBACK CONTINUES Michael furrowed his brows. Was he mistaken, or did he just hear his father mention that he was engaged? Wait! How can that even be possible?Michael quickly brushed it off, thinking that his ears must have been playing a joke on him. That must be it! After all, Mr. Denzel had never planned Michael's life for him.Even when Michael ditched taking over the company to become a doctor after graduating from a top university with a record-breaking score as a business student, his father didn't let out any form of argument. How could it be that his dad would be the one to tell him that he was engaged?Mr. Denzel has always been such a father who only cares about his son's happiness above anything else, and that confirms that Michael's ears must be
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After all, this bastard had made him go through hell throughout his stay at the hospital."Hm," Xavier replied with a mischievous and nonchalant smirk, despite understanding what Michael's gaze meant.When Nicholas first delivered the engagement news two months ago to Xavier in preparation for his emotions, Xavier stormed out, not believing that he had just been tied down without his knowledge.But upon hearing that he was engaged to a childhood friend of his with his own agreement, Xavier only had one thought: big brother Xavi.All this while, Xavier never recalled that boy, or it was accurate to say that he had chosen to forget that little boy after the many years of separation, but upon hearing that he was betrothed to the boy, he couldn't help giving in the impulse to find him.Surprisingly, that little boy who always stuck by him during childhood had become a genius and handsome doctor.And seeing the handsome older version of the boy made Xavier's heart race.At that moment, Xa
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Satisfy My A*s
FLASHBACK CONTINUES"Woah. Woah. Woah. I never expected this shocking news. Doctor Michael is bent? Oh, how many ladies' hearts have been broken by the news." The female newscaster sat down elegantly with a pretty smile on her face as she reported daintily with an excited look."The most shocking news to me is the anonymous man's words. That's just a Kodak moment. Just the memory of how naughty our cold doctor Michael is is enough to make me blush." The second female reporter reported a blush surfacing on her pretty face."Who do you think is the anonymous man? I think that man should be one of the most capable men in the country because that's the right fit for our doctor, or else many fans will throw a fit. How sad that the man's face was blurred, but his perfect figure is 1000/10..." The third female newscaster reported with an enchanted smile on her face.The second female interjected with a childish, beautiful giggle. "Reporter H, I think your report is getting out of hand…"Mic
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