All Chapters of I Turned Gay After A Drunken Night : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
247 Chapters
Hayden was stunned by Zenos' words; even though he also missed Zenos, he never expected Zenos to tell him. He smiled happily and hugged Zenos tighter, saying, "Zen, I miss you too." Hayden whispered happily, and Zenos separated from him. Hayden's brows furrowed in confusion. He raised his neck to look at Zenos for clarification. "Zen. What's…" However, he wasn't able to pronounce his words completely when a hungry Zenos grabbed his waist, lowered his head, and shut Hayden's lips with a deep kiss. Hayden's brows fluttered softly, and he raised his neck slightly to accept Zenos' kiss with a happy smile on his face. Furthermore, his hands wrapped themselves around Zenos' neck. It was after a while that Hayden was released from Zenos' kiss, with Hayden panting heavily. Zenos lowered his head to seize the boy's lips once more, but Hayden quickly pushed him away."It's okay." Hayden separated from Zenos quickly. He could feel that hm-hm, which made his behind tremble fearfully. A few
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“Your identity is dangerous; hanging around them is. Hayden had enough danger.” Zenos' hand was tucked in his pocket; he stared at Mia coldly, which caused Mia to retreat fearfully, but upon remembering her identity and who Zenos was, Mia puffed her chest, took a step forward, and stared at Zenos with the same cold intensity. Unfortunately for her, Zenos was unfazed; he didn't even bat his eyes. Mia squinted her eyes at Zenos suspiciously; she never expected him to find her information that quickly, and she was sure that it wasn't her singer identity alone that he knew, which meant he was more powerful than she thought. Although Mia tried to find Zenos' information as well, she couldn't find a thing. Mia cut straight to the chase: “I'll protect him from my danger.” Mia retorted, raising her chin coldly.“I see.” Zenos calmly strode toward her and bent slightly to whisper in Mia's ear coldly, “If Hayden sustains any injury related to you…” Zenos didn't complete his words, but they
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Hayden yawned lazily and opened his eyes to see Zenos quietly working on his phone. Hayden enjoyed the handsome sight so much that he kept quiet. Zenos seemed to notice Hayden's gaze because, a few seconds after Hayden woke up, he placed his phone on the bed and kissed Hayden's cheeks. “How're you doing? Does it hurt? Do you feel good?” Zenos questioned. Even though they had only done it once, he knew he had taken Hayden hard, enjoying how the boy cried and panted at his actions. Suddenly, Hayden's face turned red upon recalling everything, and he quickly turned his back on Zenos. Zenos arched his eyebrows at Hayden's actions; he hugged Hayden from behind and sprayed Hayden's ears with warm breath. Hayden tried to shrink away, all to no avail due to Zenos' firm hold on his waist. “Stop bullying me,” Hayden whispered shyly without staring at Zenos. Suddenly, Zenos chuckled, which made Hayden turn to stare at him. “Shy?” Zenos asked with a mischievous smirk. Hayden's face turned
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“Choosing hoes before your friend.” Hayden stared at Craig with disdain. Craig smacked Hayden's head angrily and said, “Sean isn't my hoe.” He defended with a disapproving frown. Hayden was pained by the smack and retaliated by kicking Craig unhappily. “You're also jumping into marriage? You little jerk.” He retorted.“Shut up.” Craig scowled and stared at Hayden contemptuously.After all, back when Hayden met with Zenos in the club, Hayden left home to search for Zenos and reached out to none of them. He also refused to pick up any of their calls. “When did it become your chance to talk? You left and didn't pick up our call after you met Zenos wherever you went that morning…” Craig suddenly paused. He squinted his eyes at Hayden sinisterly. “The guys are yet to bring up your punishment, aren't they? I guess that's the reason you're still brazen.” Craig suddenly took his phone from his pocket with a sinister light. “Let me remind….” Hayden shivered fearfully upon remembering the
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“Intending to flee again?” Zenos' blue eyes were filled with uncontained anger.“I…” Hayden's heart started to race. He stared at Zenos with a stunned expression.After a few seconds, he was able to process the meaning behind Zenos' cold glare. He finally understood the meaning behind Zenos' actions, and it made him tremble. Zenos lifted Hayden's chin angrily, his blue eyes glowing dangerously and his thin lips in a straight line. “You never learn, do you?” He spat out. Zenos was so annoyed. He really wanted to smack sense into this little overthinker of his who thought he was only choosing the best choice, which was capable of tearing them apart. Hayden finds himself scared by this side of Zenos, and he can't help but shrink back with fear, which further increases Zenos' anger. Hayden's lips parted to explain himself, but before Hayden could muster any words, Zenos bent slightly and threw Hayden onto his shoulder. Hayden's heart skipped a bit. No, it started racing. He finally
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"There Zenos. Yes." Hayden cried out, a smile on his face, while Zenos massaged Hayden's back, adding strength when necessary and withdrawing it when not. Hayden continued to beam with delight until Zenos' hand suddenly began to inch downward. Knowing the type of person Zenos was, Hayden kicked him off without warning. "Ouch." Hayden sucked in a cold breath and cried out upon pulling a muscle mistakenly due to the kick. And because of that, he glared at Zenos, the culprit, saying, "Lustful beast." He harrumphed and buttoned his shirt quickly. Zenos lay beside Hayden, hugged him, and poked Hayden's nose playfully, "You think too much. I didn't do anything or plan to." He refuted with a sincere face, only for Hayden to harrumph loudly. Hayden knew how fast Zenos' passion could be ignited, so he didn't believe Zenos' words. He definitely didn't believe that lustful person. "Taking precautions also." He commented and ruffled Zenos' hair. His eyes lit up upon feeling t
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“It seems being unable to get in control is making that old man jittery. Sending Jade to Zenos, huh? Wrong option.” David muttered and scowled, tapping something on his phone while pacing the room. Suddenly, his brows knitted into a frown, and he stopped in his tracks. He sat on the sofa and placed his phone on his lap. “Something is wrong.” David turned to Jude with a contemplative stare. Actually, David was about to leave the suite to stroll around when he saw the scene between Zenos, Hayden, and Jade. And because of that, he dumped his choice and returned to the room. Thinking about it now, David realized that he had never seen Zenos that cold before, and it made him realize something. Jude leaned back on the sofa with leisure and asked, “What?” Even though he had an idea of what David was about to ask him.“Zenos had exceptionally sharp ears since childhood; how come he didn't know Hayden caught Rose and his interaction?” David mumbled, his brows furrowed in bewilderment. Ju
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An Anonymous CEO
“It seems Luke's State is about to get riled up again.” The expressions of the five patriarchs grew solemn at that sentence, and the room fell into an uncomfortable silence for a few minutes, everyone lost in their thoughts. The two shadow guards walked out of the VVIP room with the corpse while trying not to disturb the thinking patriarchs. Chase Anderson suddenly clenched his fist hard, breaking the silence. “Can this be related to him?” He whispered with furrowed brows. Zeke Edouard shook his head after a few seconds and said, “No, it isn't. His people won't make such beginner mistakes, and he's smart about leaving no trace of evidence. Moreover, he held a dislike for the winter period; he wouldn't live in a cold place. Furthermore, he's dead, and his subordinate has either sold him out or been dealt with by us.” Zeke Edouard confirmed.“Yes, you're right.” Chase Anderson nodded. “But still, we won't leave any stones unturned. We have to find whoever is about to…” Edric Cadie
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Do you think that person wants Zenos?
Hayden rubbed his ears, his face blazing red, which made Zenos' lips curl slightly. The flustered Hayden hurriedly pushed Zenos away, and with his shaky legs, he began to limp outside, his face brighter than ever. Zenos chuckled and went after his cute boyfriend. He held out his hand, and Hayden slipped his hand into Zenos' hand, and they both held each other. As if he had just recalled something, Hayden touched his bare face and came to a stop. He stared at Zenos, who had just entered the elevator and was waiting for Hayden to do the same. Due to Zenos' teasing, Hayden had momentarily forgotten about the mask, but now feeling the absence of the mask on his face made Hayden hesitate about his decision. Hayden bit his lower lips and took a step back. Zenos wasn't disappointed by Hayden's actions. Instead, he smiled at Hayden as if he knew what the boy was thinking. “You can do it. Remember, I promised to protect you.” He coaxed patiently. Hayden's face turned pale, and his brow
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Seducing Zenos
“Do you think that person wants Zenos? No matter how much I looked, it seemed to be so.” He whispered, biting his lower lip unhappily. Sean chuckled lightly, caressing Craig's hand. “Zenos will only have eyes for Hayden. Just as I have my eyes on you alone,” he proclaimed seriously, since he knew that the person with Zenos was none other than Hayden. And since Craig had yet to know the truth about Hayden, Sean couldn't just reveal the truth to him impulsively. Craig almost had the impulse to roll his eyes. “Cheesy,” he replied, with a beam that revealed he believed in Sean's explanation and was sweetened by it. Craig continued to watch the two silently until they began to make their way toward another table. At this rate, he almost felt like a creep, but upon remembering it was all for his brother, he continued. If Hayden had acted normal, Craig wouldn't even want to spare him a gaze but seeing the person wrap around Zenos made him infuriated.“Zenos!” Craig yelled and waved at Z
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