All Chapters of I Turned Gay After A Drunken Night : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
247 Chapters
The normal and typical Sean, the bloodthirsty one, would always chase after the cars with the intent to have fun. He may even go to the extent of telling Zenos not to butt in with the promise of solving the stupid men on his own, but because of Craig and his love for Craig, Sean had changed, and he had completely deserted everything to pursue his lover. The statement of chasing hoes before a friend. Now, Zenos finally understood a little of David's, Jude's, Xander's, etc. pain. Zenos was yet to leave Hayden's side when he began to miss Hayden, but thinking about how he wouldn't see the boy for two days made his mood make a 360° change. The car continued to move down the road until they arrived at a deserted road near the city borders, with green trees on each side of the road. The end of the road led to a village, and before the village was an open, big, and empty public parking lot that seemed not to be in use anymore. Zenos' driver drove into the parking lot with a wide smir
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“Uh!” David was so jaw-dropped and filled with disbelief that he couldn't help rubbing his eyes with his fingers to check whether he was mistaken or not. His lips parted in a gasp as he watched Sean come in. Jude stared at Sean calmly, hiding his surprise. “You… Weren't you and Zenos at the same place earlier? How come you've returned quickly?” They all knew that after Sean's liking for fruit, his love for fun came next, or, one should say, his love for the two was on par, so seeing Sean return early shocked the two. They expected Sean to be messing with the stupid men, while Zenos should be the one returning due to Sean's orders. “Nothing. Not bored to play.” Sean shrugged in reply. He aimed to make memories with Craig in the few days they had left. How can he have time to fight with those men who are basically courting death by trying to track Zenos? David turned to stare at Jude, then back at Sean in disbelief. He eyed Sean from head to toe, and he could see that there was no
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“Hey, kiddo.”“Mr. Ethan.” Hayden's excited voice called. There was a happy smile on his face as soon as he heard his dad's voice over the phone.“Mr. Hayden,” Ethan responded by imitating Hayden's excited voice.“Dad,” Hayden childishly drawled with a smile. “How's mom?”“Your mom is fine. How are you doing, son?” Ethan inquired. He carefully placed his phone on the speaker and closed his laptop before he returned his attention to the call.“Dad, I'm fine,” Hayden replied in a carefree voice, making Ethan hum.“Hayden, did you mention Hion to anyone?” Ethan suddenly inquired with seriousness, lathering his voice.“Hm, I told Zen after we chatted. Dad, why?” Zenos? Ethan fell into deep thought upon hearing that Hayden only told Zenos. Ethan knew Zenos had a mysterious identity; could he be related to Hion? Ethan couldn't help wondering.“Hion messaged, but it turned out that whoever chatted with us back then wasn't related to Hion…”“Does that mean the person is an imposter?” Hayden
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“Who is this gangster trying to seduce?” Mason asked, which made Mia's expression change into one of anger. She pointed at him with a cold glare and said, “I swear I'm going to mess you up real bad if you don't shut it, Mason.” She roared at him angrily, which made him wave his hands in the air to signify his defeat.“Alright, I get it. Don't be angry, my man.” He uttered, which made her glare at him before he picked up his phone again.“You can never come to a stop!” Mia stomped her feet angrily and tucked her stray hair behind her ears. Mason always loved to see Mia infuriated, so he loved doing whatever would make her lose her calm. Mia sighed and decided to ignore him, but it was at that moment that she realized that bantering with Mason had successfully cooled her fretting. She realized that Mason had probably noticed her nervousness, so he had tried to make her lose her calm, which would make her mood return to normal. Besides, Mason's bantering with her also showed that th
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Trust me. I only want you
(…)“Nonsense!” Hayden seethed and quickly left angrily. He was definitely done with all of his friends. He returned to the sofa he was sitting on while sulking. He was about to sit down when he noticed that something had changed. All his fruit had disappeared, which was certainly his stupid friends' handiwork. Now, he was over done! Hayden massages his forehead tiredly while pointing at the four, who pretend not to be aware of Hayden's dilemma.“You are all nothing but pure jerks.” Hayden sighed and downheartedly began to trot back to his room. “I miss Zenos. Always taking care of me, unlike my jerk friends, who used every chance they had to bully me. Scummy men.” He mumbled, but his words were clearly loud enough for them to hear while walking the stairs.“Alright, you can leave; we won't miss you.” Mason chimed in with a snort, which made Hayden give him the middle finger expressionlessly. “Jerk!” Hayden conveyed.“Hayden, are you sure you don't want to cut another fruit?” Phili
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“Zen, it's been a while, but you didn't check on me yet; it can't be that you're breaking your promise already, can it?” Hayden's eyes were fixed on his phone dejectedly. Even after he slept and woke up, he couldn't even find as much as one missed call from Zenos on his phone. How is that fair? Hayden even scrolled through the numerous call logs, but Zenos' name didn't pop up at all. Hayden fell back to his bed with a pitiful sigh. What to do? He really missed Zenos. Hayden sat up and clenched his fist determinedly. He decided to call Zenos to chide him for leaving without reaching out to him for hours. How can he do that within how many hours? Hayden couldn't help thinking, 'What if Zenos left and doesn't even reach out to him anymore?' Hayden huffed and decided to teach Zenos that dumping him or not reaching out to him was the wrong and terrible thing to do.“Baby,” Zenos called calmly after picking up the call on the first ring. Hayden's anger diluted immediately upon hearing Ze
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“Fast kill!” Craig's concentration was fixed on his screen while his hand kept on controlling the gamepad. Sean had booked an expensive public arcade for the couple's date. Sean decided to set their date according to Craig's preference since Craig had mentioned gaming as his hobby. Obviously, Craig also enjoyed the date choice because he was able to be himself. “I finally found a great match who's worth my time. Except for my friends, I haven't seen anyone capable enough to… Sean!” Craig, who had just wanted to brag about how he finally found a match who had skills enough to face him, yelled when Sean killed his character less than three minutes after they started playing. “This is unfair.” He protested unhappily and put his gamepad down. Craig thought that Sean was average at gaming, but what he never expected was that Sean was a veteran. Sean's lips curled happily, and his hand was filled with the urge to hold the unhappy Craig in his hand and kiss him until he was out of b
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That's not possible!
“So, were you able to find the person behind the attack?” Jude asked Zenos, who had just entered the suite with his phone in his right hand and a briefcase in the other. Zenos handed the briefcase to Jude, who opened it immediately. He returned his phone to his pocket before sitting casually yet elegantly on a nearby couch. “Placed a gun close to my neck, the men were angry and wasted their lives,” Zenos explained casually while folding his sleeves neatly. David frowned and nodded seriously, “Good. The men did the right thing.” Anyone who dares to threaten any of their family members must be spared with no mercy. Especially when that person had the guts to move a gun toward Zenos' neck. David silently regretted that he wasn't there; he'd have taken his time having fun with the enemy's life. Besides, that person should be thankful that his life was wasted before Zenos' hand landed on him, or else… Jude nodded approvingly. They all had the technology and over-sufficient men to find
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Zenos, you're really a bottom?
“President welcome.” Logan walked toward Xavier, who had just entered and bowed slightly to Xavier.Ever since Logan followed Xavier to Grail, Xavier had always left with Zenos or left for work alone without bringing Logan, so Logan was living a carefree life in Grail rather than working as he had originally planned. Xavier was taken aback to see Logan still waiting for him, even though he never asked him to. He took a glance at his expensive wristwatch and saw that the time was 11:44 p.m., which was really late. He entered the suite and sat on the sofa casually, asking, “Did you stay long?” Xavier probed Logan casually.“No, president,” Logan said, shaking his head to signify that he didn't stay long. “Actually, I just woke up,” he continued, which made Xavier arch his brows because he knew Logan didn't fall asleep. Xavier stood up and patted Logan's shoulder before he began to make his way to his room. Logan, you can return to the country tomorrow or over-morrow.”“President?” Log
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Little Top.
This person wasn't simple; no wonder he caught the eye of Xander.“Shut up.” Hayden frowned and scowled angrily at Philip. How come Philip was always working against him and finding details to prove Hayden was wrong so easily? Well, Hayden smiled cunningly, thinking that since he already knew about Philip, there was an easy way to sabotage Philip's plans. Hayden turned to Mason after smirking at Philip mischievously; Philip's eyes widened in horror because he could guess what Hayden was about to do. “Look, guys, can you see he's being knowledgeable again? I told you Philip is in no way simple; he has definitely been pressed and tossed around. Can you see he's showcasing another piece of evidence?” Hayden pointed at Philip with a feigned complicated expression, which was used to hide his grin. Zenos chuckled silently with pride. His Hayden will never let himself be bullied by anyone except Zenos, of course! The other three also assessed Philip seriously. They thought that Hayden wa
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