All Chapters of I Turned Gay After A Drunken Night : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
247 Chapters
Logan furrowed his brows and silently tapped on the phone, his whole concentration on the game he was playing.After winning for the umpteenth time, Logan powered off his phone and stared at the clouds with the headphones on his head, playing his favorite music.He looked to his side, and he saw an unfamiliar man in a suit with his eyes closed, which revealed that he was either resting or pretending to be.Logan sighed, feeling an overwhelming sense of loneliness.A nagging thought kept on telling him that everything was different because when Xavier and Logan flew to Grail State, they kept on having work discussions since Logan and Xavier sat next to each other, unlike now when he was flying back alone.Logan suddenly felt a tightening in his chest.It felt as if he was missing someone or something, yet he couldn't put a finger on what it was, but coalescing the feelings together made him feel hurt and lonely, his heart aching and thrumming.What was he missing?“Mr. Logan.” A forei
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Craig's head was held high as they alighted from Zenos's car. The unmasked Hayden was about to make his way toward Zenos, hold Zenos' arms, and return to the hotel when Craig's eyes were pinned on him fiercely."It's late. Won't you go home already?" Craig glared at the shameless person who had fun throughout the day with Zenos yet still planned not to let Zenos go in the evening when that time should belong to Hayden. How can Craig accept that? Hayden glared at Craig unhappily. He didn't know if he should categorize Craig as his friend or archenemy after all he had gone through in Craig's hands today. If Craig can do it, he'll definitely prevent Hayden from talking to Zenos, not to mention interacting with Zenos. Hayden was quite grateful that his friend's hand didn't itch enough to make it violent because Hayden was his clingy self. Perhaps, it was because that stinky Craig is with Sean? Only Heaven and Craig know. Hayden knew what Craig was thinking, and it warmed his fille
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Hayden's hand continued to tug at his silky blonde hair gently, even after he entered the cake and dessert shop closest to the hotel. Had Zenos seen his actions, Zenos would've tried to stop him, but Hayden was far too nervous to stop himself from tugging at his hair. Hayden had spent his day bickering with Craig, so he didn't care, or it was more like Hayden had forgotten about the mask's case, but now that he was alone, a sense of nervousness and unease filled him deeply. He couldn't help fidgeting. Hayden tucked his hand into his pocket with the thought of how he had already begun to miss Zenos, even though they had just departed from each other and would be back together in a few minutes.“Good day, handsome young man. What do you like?” Hayden was asked as soon as he sat down in one of the restaurant's cozy black chairs. He took a polite glance at the waiter. The waiter is a young girl in her early twenties. She looked fair, refined, and petite. She is wearing a white shirt,
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Because Of It
And after doing so, he turned his back on Zenos and began to sulk. Zenos chuckled in amusement. He turned the sulking Hayden toward him, and with a light tug of Zenos, Hayden crashed into his chest."I'll miss you, Hayden," Zenos uttered sincerely and tucked a strand of stray hair behind Hayden's ear. He cupped Hayden's cheeks and placed a tender kiss on Hayden's lips."When will you return to Grail?" Hayden asked quietly and laid his head on Zenos' chest.Tears pooled in Hayden's eyes because he realized that he'd be parting ways with Zenos for a while. Hayden had been used to Zenos' presence; how could he cope with Zenos' absence? Within a few seconds, Zenos' shirt had a noticeable wet patch due to Hayden's tears."Don't leave for long this time, okay? And don't avoid me anymore. I'm really sorry." Hayden whispered and hugged Zenos' strong waist tightly as if his life depended on it. Zenos ruffled Hayden's hair playfully, but that wasn't enough to make the deflated Hayden happy.
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"Shameless." Hayden cried out while glaring at Zenos angrily. He held the wall for support while making his way to the bed. Hayden had kicked Zenos out when Zenos suggested bathing him. Well, Hayden knew Zenos could definitely not keep his hands to himself. Who is he kidding? Why would he give that lustful person a chance?Unfortunately for him, that smart Zenos had sneaked into the bathroom and Papapa Hayden again and again."Get me my clothes," Hayden ordered coldly, still glaring at Zenos.With his shaky legs, he got onto the bed and slept on it after such intense eating from evening to morning. Ah! He felt so tired. He just wants to sleep all week while basking in Zenos' warm care.Without warning, Hayden's hands were suddenly pinned to the bed. Hayden had a premonition in his heart and turned to stare at Zenos.Zenos had an innocent expression on his face, which made Hayden's anger soften. Hmph! Just a bit. "What are you doing?" He whispered with a gulp while eyeing the innocent
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'Hayden looked so cute sleeping.' That was Zenos' thought.Hayden yawned lazily and turned away from Zenos.Zenos' heart warmed at the sight of the cute Hayden; he pecked Hayden's cheeks and took multiple photos of the unmasked sleeping Hayden."I'll miss you, babe," Zenos muttered in a sincere tone while stroking Hayden's silky hair."Zen," Hayden whined from sleep.Zenos chuckled at the cute sight of the sleeping Hayden, who had just called him from sleep.Zenos watched Hayden's chest rise and fall with happiness in his eyes before he stood up and finally left the room.Zenos entered his study and sat on one of the couches after picking up a file that was submitted to him. The smile on his face disappeared in an instant, and a dangerous smirk replaced it. His lips curled up while he went through the files.Soon, an amused chuckle fell past his lips, and he dropped the file on the table.Zenos checked the time, and the time said it was 2 hours, 5 minutes past the flight they missed.
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Boohoo, so scary.
Hayden hummed in pleasure, his hand playing with Zenos' neatly slicked hair while Zenos helped Hayden tie his shoelaces after dressing Hayden up.Zenos grabbed Hayden's unruly hand and placed a kiss on it, "All done." Zenos muttered and stretched his hand out for Hayden.Hayden beamed and grabbed Zenos' hand. He stood up from the bed in Zenos' clothes."Cute," Zenos said and ruffled Hayden's hair, which made Hayden pout."Stop it, Zen." Hayden wrinkled his nose and straightened his hair with his hand, forgetting that he was doing the same thing with Zenos' hair a few minutes ago.Zenos chuckled and grabbed Hayden's waist closer, "Babe, I'm leaving." He whispered and pecked Hayden's forehead.Hayden burrowed into Zenos' embrace and fondled Zenos' abs, "Zen, I want to come with you." Hayden whined and pulled Zenos' arms childishly.Hayden wanted to spend more time with Zenos because he couldn't bear to watch him leave. Although he wanted to tell Zenos to stay, he knew Zenos had delayed
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A blushing Craig quietly leaned against Sean, who in turn wrapped his hand around his waist, both chatting with each other even though they were next to each other and carelessly throwing dogfood into the environs.The two, coupled with David and Jude, were waiting for the lovebirds Hayden and Zenos to walk out of the suite.Unexpectedly, Zenos, who had always taken punctuality as an important thing, was the reason behind their lateness this time.Xena, who had been sitting in her car, suddenly stood up and cat-walked toward Craig, saying, "Craig, I'd like to see you." She said with a joyful smirk on her face.Her eyes are fixated on Craig, who has just lifted his head to stare at her.Seeing Xena's actions and hearing her words, Craig's hand wrapped around Sean possessively, and his expression turned fierce.Staring at the smirking Xena, Craig already knew that she couldn't be around him for a good reason. "What do you need?" He asked, sticking tightly to Sean, who became joyful at C
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Xena can't come close
"Then you're going to the airport?" He asked with excitement in his eyes.There was an uncontained, wide smile on Craig's face, which made Caleb snort. He realized that Craig was probably denied going to the airport by Sean, and Caleb is Craig's only hope now."What do I do? I'm involved in your couple's departure." He replied, and Craig patted his shoulder joyfully."Buddy. I'll leave with you at the airport, together with Hayden." He said and returned to wrapping his hands around Sean. "Case solved, Sean." He said and Sean nodded.Sean took a step toward Caleb, carrying the sticky Craig."Thank you. I owe you one," Sean said, and Caleb shrugged."I'm in charge of taking care of those silly two." He said.Craig bared his teeth and raised his fist to threaten Caleb in reply."We're leaving," Sean announced upon seeing Hayden and Zenos walk out of the hotel.He bid them farewell before he pulled Craig to his car, leaving for the airport. Jude and David snorted at Sean in reply.The fou
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"Uncaring host," Xavier scorned at the four who had just strolled casually into the airport yet garnered the crowd's attention.Not only did they cancel their flight, they didn't inform Xavier, who had been anxious to leave Grail."Mr. Mask's influence doesn't seem to know? I must've overestimated your capability." Zenos asserted with a sneer.After all, he is disgruntled about this scheming person who is after Michael. If it wasn't that Michael's emotions had begun to spiral out of control, Zenos would've kicked him out."Really?" Xavier asked with a naughty smirk and threw his hand around Zenos' shoulder.Immediately, Zenos threw his hand off without hesitation."I seemed to have overestimated your information outlet." Xavier retorted with a laugh.Sean pointed at Xavier and Zenos and shook his head, an apple in his hand. "More like enemies than partners." He pointed.Zenos glanced at Sean; he didn't need evidence to know that Sean had chosen thrills over finding out Xavier's inform
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