All Chapters of The Return of the War Legate: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
3533 Chapters
Chapter 151
Despite how invincible Cedric thought he was, someone suddenly appeared out of nowhere and stopped him before he could lay his hand on Mandy.What followed right after was a muffled sound and a loud crack, followed by Cedric’s horrified scream as he was sent flying. In that instant, his hips and ribs fractured as he crashed against a table.When he landed on the ground, he had his hand on his hips as his mouth widened in shock.He was in so much pain that he could not even say a word as his body trembled uncontrollably. In fact, he felt as though he was about to pass out from the endless pain.“Father… Father!” Cedric forced himself to yell out. He gasped for air as tears flooded his cheeks.Instantly, all the Xanders were stunned.After Cedric was sent flying, everyone could clearly see Adrian was now standing before Mandy and Samantha.Samantha immediately felt a lump rise up to her chest, while Mandy heaved a sigh of relief.“Adrian, y-you… You ungrateful piece of sh*t! How
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Chapter 152
Daniel’s appearance caused a commotion to break out in the main hall.Everyone pointed at the Xanders and discussed among themselves.None of the Xanders could have ever thought the Battle Warrior Department would show up over something so meager. Every single one of them quietly left the place without making a scene, none of them daring to utter a single word in the process.Very soon, they were all out of the main hall, and Samantha was finally able to heave a long sigh of relief as though a heavy burden had been lifted off her shoulders.Adrian then walked over and grabbed her hand. “Are you all right, Sam?”Samantha shook her head. ‘Thank goodness he arrived just in time. Otherwise, Mandy would’ve ended up taking that slap for me.’“I’m all right now. What are you doing here? Didn’t you say you have something to do?” Samantha asked.‘I came as soon as I was done.”Then, Adrian turned to Mandy and said, “Thank you for everything you’ve done today, Mandy.”Mandy shot a smile
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Chapter 153
Violet loved hearing news about Samantha.Especially if it was bad news.She raised her head and asked, “Is this true, Nathan? Did something really happen during her opening ceremony?”Hugo replied, “Harold Xander brought his entire family and rained on her parade. They even accused her of being the one behind Henry’s death.“But in the end, Adrian broke Cedric’s ribs and the Battle Warrior Department arrived at the scene. The whole Xander family got kicked out after that.”Violet inhaled sharply when she heard this.‘Adrian broke Cedric’s ribs?‘That’s brutal, and they’re cousins!’Shocked, Violet asked, “Did Adrian really do something so ruthless?”Hugo replied, “That’s not the worst part of it. I heard he broke both Cedric's and Jacob’s legs a few days ago. And now, Cedric got his ribs broken before his legs even healed.“Adrian’s a violent madman!”Hearing this, Violet said, “I want you to inform everyone in our family right away. None of them are allowed to do anything
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Chapter 154
The couple chatted throughout the entire journey home.This was the first time they were able to chat so freely after not seeing each other over the past seven years, although Samantha was the one who did most of the talking.As she drove, she told Adrian all kinds of stuff that had happened. Slowly, but surely, the barriers that were between them slowly tore apart until they were completely gone.As an understanding woman, Samantha was no longer as cold toward her husband as she was before.Samantha said a lot of stuff during their journey. From the rough times she had been through at Xander Manor, to how she originally loved playing the piano, going to the gym, and going for runs.After that, she told him what she wanted to do in the future. It was at this moment Adrian found out what Samantha had thought to herself this whole time.If possible, she wanted to give Adrian two children—a son and a daughter. Then, she would hand over New Paraiso to their son to take over.Samanth
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Chapter 155
With her lips pursed, Samantha put down the photo and said, “I’m very touched that you’ve kept my photo with you for so long, but can you answer my question please?”She still wanted to hear Adrian saying those three magical words to her.But instead, he said, “I’d like to tell you a story before I answer your question.”Samantha nodded.At that moment, Adrian took off his shirt, revealing his ripped and toned muscles.Samantha immediately covered her mouth. However, she did not cover them because of his muscles. It was because of the scars made by blades and bullets that she saw.There were even some scars that were really close to his heart.At that moment, Samantha’s tears rolled down her cheeks.“Adrian, what happened…”She felt pain-stricken at the sight of the scars, unable to imagine just how much pain and hurt Adrian had suffered. After all, this man was her husband.“Seven years ago, Harold sent me to become a part of the border patrol, hoping I’d die there. All of t
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Chapter 156
The husband and wife chatted for a long while on the drive.They got home at midnight, and Rue was already asleep.Samantha grabbed her nightgown and headed for the shower.***Meanwhile, Cedric, who had his ribs broken, was lying in one of the wards of Southrive Hospital. His breathing sounded extremely weak due to his recent surgery.The rest of the Xanders were standing around in the room with furious expressions on their faces, especially Leonard. He was filled with boundless anger.Leonard paced back and forth in the room and roared, “Adrian is a f*cking b*stard! I’m going to kill him! I will kill him! I will not let him get away! Never!”Leonard was extremely shocked and furious that his son had been severely injured. He wished he could commission a few people to kill Adrian right there and then.“Calm down and cool your head, Leonard,” Wilfred said upon seeing Leonard’s angered state.“My son was beaten to this extent and even has a few broken ribs. He’ll need a year or
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Chapter 157
Leonard’s brows furrowed when he saw Riley.Wilfred said in a sarcastic tone, “Riley, you’re on Adrian’s side now. Why do you still care if your brother survives or not?”“Riley, look at how badly Adrian beat up your brother. Aren’t you angry?” said Cecelia in tears upon seeing her daughter.“Get out of here! I don’t have a disappointing daughter like you!” Leonard roared and pointed at the door.Riley pursed her lips. In truth, she was here to try to persuade her family again.She said, “Father, Uncle Wilfred, Grandfather, I have something to tell you, and I hope that you will think it over carefully. The truth is that Adrian isn’t the person you imagine him to be. He didn’t come back to seize Paraiso either.But all you’ve done is humiliate him over and over since his return. Nobody in his shoes would be able to put up with that.“I think all of you should reach out to him to apologize and treat him better in the future. After all, he’s family too. Is it wrong to live together
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Chapter 158
The next day, Leonard and Wilfred met up with Jaden.They wanted to get him to mobilize the Rivers’ resources to deal with Adrian and Samantha.Jaden pondered for a bit upon finding out Leonard and Wilfred’s intentions.He asked, “Mr. Leonard, are you incapable of dealing with someone as lowly as Samantha?”Leonard and Wilfred sighed upon hearing that.“Mr. Jaden, it’s not that we’re incapable of dealing with her but our family is affiliated with Adrian to a certain extent. I’m afraid that the others will gossip about us if we were to deal with her,” said Leonard in frustration.Jaden chuckled. “I understand, Mr. Leonard. So you’re trying to get someone else to take out Samantha, right?“The thing is, I can’t find it within myself to kill her because she’s so beautiful.”Leonard said, “Mr. Jaden, Samantha is by no means a great beauty. Swallowston may not have much but there are plenty of beautiful girls here. One less Samantha will be nothing.“Mr. Jaden, you’re investing in
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Chapter 159
Leonard and Wilfred returned to Xander Manor after meeting Jaden.They told Harold how the meeting went.Harold pondered for a long while upon learning about the situation before saying, “Since Adrian is so charmed by that she-devil that he’s under her spell, we shall follow Jaden’s proposal.“I’d like to see if Adrian will still have the courage to go against me when Samantha is dead.”Harold’s expression was cold and filled with anger.***Over the next few days, Samantha was extremely busy with the company, working till late every day.She had many matters to attend to now including, managing the operations, handling employee recruitment, as well as attending business negotiations.Adrian, other than his occasional stroll outside, spent most of his time keeping Samantha company.This morning, Samantha had breakfast and was packing up to head to the company when she received a text message. She glanced at the screen and discovered that the message was from Leonard.It read,
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Chapter 160
Upon receiving the call, Adrian bolted up from the bed.He hastily put on his shoes and went to the bathroom to wash up.Adrian asked, “How many people are inside the hotel at the moment?”Daniel answered, “There are more than two hundred people currently. I’ve already instructed my subordinates to put together a name list of all the people there. The Luposians have yet to make a move for now.“However, I believe that it’ll take less than ten minutes for them to seize control of the hotel after the hotel’s management is fully subdued.“Their goal is to force Lucas to appear using the hostages and have him killed.”The Luposians and Lucas were bound by a blood feud.Lucas had annihilated more than a hundred thousand Luposian soldiers on the battlefield in the past.On the other hand, what Adrian was more concerned over was how the Luposians managed to overcome all sorts of obstacles and enter Swallowston fully armed.He asked, “Are the Luposians led by Beowulf Jabbar?”“Yes, s
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