All Chapters of The Return of the War Legate: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
3554 Chapters
Chapter 171
After Adrian eliminated the two Luposians guarding a particular room on the twelfth floor, he spoke through his communication device.“Get a fix on my location, Magus. I’m heading down to the first floor from here. I need you to give me the best route.”“Sir, take a right when you exit the room and you’ll find an elevator. If it’s still functional, you can use that to head down to the first floor. Otherwise, you can use the stairs opposite it.“But you’ll first have to eliminate all of the enemies on the twelfth floor without being noticed.”“Got it.”Adrian was not familiar with his current environment, seeing how it was his first time inside the Swallowston Business Hotel.However, he was able to reduce a lot of unnecessary tediousness by getting a blueprint of the hotel through the Battle Warrior Department.There was one problem though. He did not know how many enemies he should be expecting.‘There’s a chance my break-in through the window alerted the neighboring guards.’
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Chapter 172
Adrian remained extremely calm as the elevator descended, his clothes dripping blood.Meanwhile, the elevator’s movement instantly caught the attention of Beowulf and the others.Beowulf was slightly confused when he saw the elevator descending from the twelfth floor. “What’s going on, Wolfram? Are we expecting someone to come down from the twelfth floor?”Wolfram was also confused and spoke through his communicator, “All units on each floor, report your status.”“Third floor, clear!”“Nothing here on the fourth floor!”Each floor reported its status… All but the twelfth floor.Wolfram yelled, “Twelfth floor, do you copy?! What’s your status?! Why is the elevator coming down from your end?!”Still, absolute silence.At that moment, Beowulf and Wolfram exchanged looks, realizing that something was amiss.Beowulf yelled, “We have an intruder! Quick, surround the elevator. I don’t care who comes out. Just fire all of your bullets at it!”Immediately after, all of the Luposians
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Chapter 173
The moment Adrian charged toward the Luposians, Mya, who was being held hostage, broke free from her restraints and launched herself toward Beowulf.While Beowulf was startled and took a few steps back, Mya swung her iron fist at him, sending him sprawling onto the floor.At the same time, Adrian shouted, “Now!”What followed was a loud explosion, and the hotel’s main entrance was blasted open. The windows were shattered and armored soldiers from the Battle Warrior Department charged in.Meanwhile, Adrian swiftly retreated, allowing the Luposians outside the elevator to be trapped in a pincer attack. They ended up falling into pools of their own blood.Up in the sky, a helicopter hovered above the hotel while Daniel, Thor, Zagan, and Serpent led their respective teams in an airdrop into the building.A full-out assault had started inside the hotel.“Protect the hostages,” Adrian ordered.Special Ops units swarmed the place, with Magus personally leading the charge to surround a
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Chapter 174
Outside, the hostages got out of the vehicles and were greeted by their friends and family who had been waiting for them for a long time.“Mom…”“Sis!”There were cries of excitement coming from the hostages and their loved ones as they embraced one another tearfully.All of them could not stop themselves from crying with all the emotions running through them.The hostages had been filled with despair. They were sure that they would meet their maker today. Yet, they had managed to return in one piece, making the emotions they felt absolutely indescribable.Yet, Samantha was standing there seemingly lost. She kept looking around her surroundings in search of the man she wanted to see.Everyone’s friends, family, and even spouses were already there to celebrate their safe return, yet the man she wanted to see still had not shown up.She was even left there standing alone, unable to embrace the man she wanted to, while everyone else left.Perhaps at that moment, Samantha needed s
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Chapter 175
‘It’s him! The one who infiltrated the hotel to rescue us!’Although Samantha had not seen the man’s face through the armor, it felt as though she was able to subconsciously recognize the legate’s aura coming from Adrian.Adrian walked toward her before she could think any further.“Are you okay, Sam?” he asked.“I’m okay,” Samantha replied.She carefully looked Adrian up and down before asking, “Where have you been?”Adrian hurriedly replied, “I took a few detours before coming here out of fear there might be Luposians around. The situation today was really dangerous. Thank goodness the legate was here.”“You’re right, thank goodness the legate was here. Who knows what might’ve happened if he wasn’t.”A flicker of thought raced through Samantha’s mind, causing her to compare the legate’s height, build, and eyes with Adrian’s once more.Suddenly, she found the two of them to be extremely similar.Just as she was about to question further, Adrian stretched lazily, and the temp
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Chapter 176
Adrian smiled bitterly.He thought about how the war legate was right in front of them, yet they could not recognize him.He thought in that manner but he said, “Understood, sweetheart. I’ll work hard from now on.”Samantha smiled.After dinner, Samantha was so exhausted that she dozed off on the sofa.Adrian covered a blanket on her. He was about to turn around when his phone rang. It was Adaline’s call.“Hey, Ada.” Adrian went outside to take Adaline’s call.Adaline beamed widely on her side. She was seated on the bench while Suzy and Shiloh were sitting on the lawn not far away.Adaline said, “Adrian, I saw you on the television. You were really cool!”Adrian said upon hearing that, “Stop trying to flatter me. How has school been?”Adaline nodded. “Pretty good. Suzy and Shiloh are my best friends now. We spend every day waking up, eating, going to classes, and shopping together. It’s pretty amazing.”“Great. Study hard and don’t loaf around,” said Adrian.“Okay, Adrian.”
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Chapter 177
Rue hastily walked over and asked, “Did you have a nightmare, Sam?”Samatha grabbed a towel and wiped away the sweat on her face. She looked around for Adrian but he was nowhere to be found. “Mother, where’s Adrian?”“He told me he had some matters to attend to and left.”“Why does he have matters to attend to every day? What the heck is he doing out there?” Samantha appeared to be infuriated.Adrian had been away on business every day recently.Rue had no idea what he was doing so she said, “Sam, you can ask him when he gets back.”“Fine,” Samantha said, “Mother, I have to go to New Paraiso. Riley and Elara called me a few times. I have to go tell them that I’m fine.”Rue said in a slightly worried tone, “Why don’t you stay home and rest for today instead of going to the company?”Samantha grabbed her bag. “It’s fine, Mother. I won’t work till late today. Wait for me to come home to your cooking, all right?”Rue let Samantha do as she pleased.Samantha suddenly stopped just
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Chapter 178
Barry sniggered. ‘I knew I was quick-witted!’He caught up to Adrian and said, “Sir, I’ve admired you for a long time and I wish to seek your mentorship. Will you take me as your apprentice?”Adrian simply smiled and ignored the lad.Barry hastily added, “Sir, I’m not seeking to learn for nothing. I have information to offer in exchange!”Adrian checked the time and said as he continued to walk, “You have thirty seconds.”“I know how the Luposians entered the country,” Barry said hastily.Adrian came to a halt when he heard Barry’s words.Barry staggered and bumped into him.Adrian turned around and asked, “How did they enter the country?”Barry said, “I do not have solid evidence, but I do have a theory. The case of Luposians entering Southrive is closely related to Southrive’s River family.“The Rivers have a business deal with the Luposians and it is said that the Rivers profited a few million dollars from the deal.“You have to believe me, sir!”Barry chattered endlessl
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Chapter 179
Barry’s goal was to seek the legate’s mentorship.Yet, Adrian turned around and made a hand gesture for Barry to stop walking. He then said, “Your mother is calling you to go home for dinner. It’s good to have dreams, kid, but not all dreams can be achieved.“Stop following me.”Barry stood rooted to the ground as Adrian walked further and further away.As he gazed at Adrian’s departing silhouette, Barry called out, “Sir, I’ll show you my true capabilities and will solve the Luposia case for you!”Adrian ignored him because there were plenty of boastful people in the world these days.***“Huh? Aren’t you Barry?”Meanwhile, an Audi A4 drove up and stopped next to Barry.Samantha rolled down the window and looked at Barry standing by the sidewalk in puzzlement.She remembered the young man rather well because of how carefree he had seemed when he was being held hostage yesterday. He had a calmness that surpassed everyone else.Barry was surprised to see Samantha. “Why, hello,
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Chapter 180
Barry was startled by the unexpected change of situation.He began to struggle using his arms and legs. However, the person was extremely strong and he could not break free.The person only loosened their grip after Barry was dragged into the park.Barry immediately said in anger when he could speak, “Hey, there’s no bad blood between us and I don’t have any money on me. You’ve got the wrong guy…“Huh? Sir?”Barry was astonished when he saw who it was that had dragged him here.Adrian had his hands in his pockets as he stared at Barry.Barry felt a shiver down his spine and was at a loss of what to do under Adrian’s stare.Meanwhile, Adrian said, “Boy, if you dare to bring up the words ‘war legate’ to my wife and address her as Madam Legate ever again, I will punish you.”Adrian had witnessed the exchange between Samantha and Barry.The young man was constantly addressing Samantha as Madam Legate, which would eventually trigger her suspicions. Hence, Adrian took Barry to the
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