All Chapters of The Return of the War Legate: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
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Chapter 181
“Yes, sir!” Daniel answered.Beowulf heard the remark and roared, “You can’t do this to me, Legate! I’m the battle warrior of Luposia and should be allowed dignity! Just kill me right now!”Adrian chuckled and said, “Your dignity is worthless to me. Northrive Supermax is famous throughout the country. I don’t have the time to toy with you even if you want me to.“However, the warden there has plenty of time.”Northrive Supermax was a high-security prison built in a primitive forest.The most dangerous, malicious criminals and crime bosses of other countries were imprisoned there.No one knew the exact location of the supermax.Once the order was given, Beowulf was instantly taken away.Meanwhile, Adrian looked toward Mya and Daniel as he said, “Mya, Daniel, watch Southrive’s River family. I met someone today who claimed to have seen the Rivers unloading cargo at the port one night with Luposians at the scene.“Look into it and inform me immediately if you find anything.”“Yes
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Chapter 182
Harold, Leonard, and Wilfred were instantly infuriated when they saw Adrian entering the mansion.They bottled to their feet in unison.Leonard pointed at Adrian and shouted, “Who gave you permission to enter, Adrian?! Get out of here right now!”Adrian glanced at Leonard and made his way toward Harold.He did not sit down but he said, “Grandfather, the Xanders have been rather close with Southrive’s River family recently. I’m here today to tell you…”“What do you have to tell me?” asked Harold nonchalantly with a cold expression.“I would like to tell you that the Battle Warrior Department has linked the Luposia incident yesterday to the Rivers. I recommend you keep a distance from the Rivers in the upcoming days. If they are found to have committed treachery, your family will be affected too.“I know a thing or two about this situation so don’t say I didn’t warn you if things go south.”Upon saying that, Adrian turned around and left, leaving the Xanders with no chance to sco
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Chapter 183
“Block A of Alcyoneus Tower is one of the best locations in Swallow Central. It seems the department thinks highly of you,” Adrian remarked.“That’s right. That is a good location indeed. Swallow Central will be the busiest place in Swallowston when it opens. It’s just that…”“What is it?”“The name ‘Alcyoneus’ is rather old-fashioned, isn’t it? Why does the department give it such a name? Alcyoneus Tower? That sounds so lame!” Samantha could not refrain from complaining.Adrian smiled and poured Samantha a glass of water.He said, “Sit, Sam. Let me tell you the origin story of Alcyoneus Tower.”Samantha was astonished. ‘The tower has an origin story?’She hastily asked, “What’s the story?”Adrian answered, “Alcyoneus is a moniker used by the commander of the Gigantes Squadron, General Conrad Lowe. Gigantes was one of the best squadrons based in Southrive’s battle warrior headquarters.“In one of his battles, Alcyoneus was encircled by his enemies and was separated from the ma
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Chapter 184
Samantha had not expected Adrian to have such vast knowledge related to the Battle Warrior Department.It made her realize his strong points.They chatted for a while more until Samantha stood up and said, “All right. Enough with the chit-chat. Go get ready. We’re going out to eat tonight.“Riley, Elara, and the others have decided to hold a celebratory dinner tonight for New Paraiso’s move into Swallow Central. We can go after I’ve taken a shower.”Samantha was in a good mood today. She was happy that New Paraiso had gotten a spot in Swallow Central.Adrian nodded.Samantha said to Rue. “Come with us, Mother!”Rue gladly accepted the invite.***Samantha headed out with Adrian and Rue at eight in the evening after getting ready.She had instructed Elara and Riley to book a reservation at the hotel’s restaurant.The attendees of tonight’s dinner were the members of Mandy’s management team so it was rather important for Samantha.She realized that they had some time to spare
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Chapter 185
Samantha picked up a few bags to get a closer look and feel of them.Suddenly, her attention was drawn to a beautifully-designed LV bag. It was love at first sight.She stretched out her hand and picked up the bag to have a closer look.As she was inspecting it, a loud shout rang out, “What are you doing?! Put down that bag right now!”Samantha was so startled by the unexpected voice that she accidentally dropped the LV bag on the ground.“Oh my god!” a raging shout came from nearby.Samantha was scared out of her wits and quickly snatched up the bag in a panic.“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I’m really sorry about that!” Samantha hastily apologized.A woman wearing a name tag identifying her as the store manager walked over with a cold, angry expression on her face.The woman’s name was Shuri Jung and was the manager of the store.Shuri walked over and snatched the bag from Samantha’s hand.“Have you lost your f*ck*ng mind?! Do you know how much this bag costs?! Can you even f*ck*n
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Chapter 186
The onlookers turned to look at Adrian right after he said that.When Samantha saw Adrian walking toward her, all of the grief she felt turned into tears that flowed down her cheeks non-stop.Adrian pulled her into his embrace and looked at Shuri. “Do you know what happens to those who look down on others, pretty lady?“Answer me this… How do you know we can’t afford the bag?”Shuri folded her arms and sized Adrian up before smirking coldly. “You’re her husband, aren’t you? You should keep your woman in check and make her stop touching things she can’t afford. I doubt she’d be able to cover the cost of dirtying my bags even if she became a prostitute.”Shuri had an expression of pure disgust, while Adrian began to laugh.“You keep going on and on about how we aren’t able to afford the bag. Why don’t you just tell me how much it costs?”Shuri could not stop herself from letting out a cold sneer. “You sound like you’re actually going to buy it. If I tell you the price, you might g
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Chapter 187
The two staff began counting the money.After some time, one of them pronounced, “Sir, it is exactly eighty-two thousand dollars. No more, no less.”Everyone’s mouths hung wide open at that proclamation.“Holy sh*t! He’s filthy rich!”“I know, right? That Shuri lady is in trouble now!”“She thought he was just a construction worker, but it turns out he’s someone she shouldn’t have offended!”The onlookers continued to chatter amongst themselves, waiting to see what was going to happen to Shuri.Samantha was slightly shocked. She had not expected Adrian would be able to get so much cash with just a phone call.Meanwhile, Shuri was so embarrassed she could not utter a single word. If possible, she would have loved to dig a hole for her to hide in.She never expected that the man she deemed a poor miser would turn out to be so wealthy.“Since the amount is right, does that mean this bag belongs to me now?” Adrian asked with a smile.“Yes, sir. This bag belongs to you now,” one
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Chapter 188
After exiting the mall and stepping into the brightly-lit street, Samantha felt as though she was in a dream.She had a bag worth eighty-two thousand dollars in her hand that helped her regain her dignity after being insulted. She was having trouble getting accustomed to the situation.Next to her, Rue also felt a slight sting in her heart. ‘Eighty-two thousand dollars… That’s a whole lot of money!’“Where did you get so much money, Adrian? What happened back there?” Samantha asked, no longer able to contain the curiosity she felt inside.Of course, Samantha was overjoyed that Adrian had helped her regain her dignity. But the money spent as a result was just…However, Adrian simply looked at her and smiled. “I'll be honest. It took me years to accumulate all that money.”“What?”Samantha was shocked, while Rue looked at her son in confusion.“How did you manage to save that much money?” Rue asked.Adrian explained by saying, “As you both know, soldiers get paid quite well. I’v
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Chapter 189
“Thanks, sweetheart!” Adrian gladly accepted the money.“Hmph!” Samantha shot him a glare and continued, “All right, it’s getting late. Let’s hurry on to the hotel. I’m sure Riley and the others are there by now.”“Okay!”***Samantha, Adrian, and Rue soon arrived at the hotel, where they found Riley, Elara, and the management group had already been waiting for a while.When Elara and Riley saw Samantha walking in, their gazes immediately fell on her new LV bag.After all, women loved bags, especially branded ones.And now, they had a topic to talk about.When Elara found out that Adrian was the one who bought Samantha the bag, she brought out her own and compared it with Samantha’s. With a smile, Elara said, “Your husband must really love you. Unlike my own. He bought me this Channel bag, which is just a fake!”Elara was a thirty-two-year-old married woman who previously worked with Mandy. She would return to Mandy’s side after New Paraiso stabilized.Seeing Adrian chuckling
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Chapter 190
Barry suspected that the Rivers had been in contact with the Luposians for a very long time.This was why he had been tracking Jaden, wanting to investigate whether his theory was correct.‘I’m sure the legate will take me in as his apprentice if I find out the truth behind the Luposians’ infiltration!’After Jaden disappeared into the elevator, Barry took note of the floor Jaden got off and headed up the stairs.***Meanwhile, Jaden arrived at the topmost floor and entered the main hall after donning a set of heavy armor.“Jaden, you’re here.”A middle-aged man stood inside. He had a powerful, masculine temperament with the intimidating presence of a veteran fighter.Jaden shuddered when he saw him and said, “I’m really sorry the plan failed, War Legate Hydra. Something went wrong in Swallowston and War Legate Draco was here. Nobody saw this coming!”The man called War Legate Hydra squinted his eyes.Luposia’s military ranks reflected that of Navia—made up of ten battle warr
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