All Chapters of The Return of the War Legate: Chapter 3331 - Chapter 3340
3533 Chapters
Chapter 3331
Late in the evening, Adrian was alone in his room when he heard a knock on the door. He rose to open it and found Nathaniel outside"Captain? What are you—”Nathaniel quickly gestured at him, signaling the need for quiet. He darted into Adrian’s room and closed the door behind him. "There’s something I need to talk to you about," he said."For you to come at such a late hour, it must be important. Please, go ahead," Adrian responded promptly."Yes, it is," Nathaniel confirmed as he sat at the coffee table. After a moment's pause, he continued, "Adrian, what are your impressions of Craig?""Craig?" Adrian was a little perplexed. During their brief encounter, he had formed a preliminary opinion of Craig. "I find him to be quite forthright. Is there an issue?" he asked."Exactly. You've only just met him, so you might not sense anything amiss," Nathaniel mused."Are you implying...""Craig is typically a serious man. I've known him for nearly ten years, and his behavior today seem
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Chapter 3332
Following Arnold, the trio arrived at the Exasword garrison cafeteria. Along the way, many people took notice of Adrian and stared at him, clearly drawn to him."Wow, look. Isn't that the legendary level-nine fighter? He's so young and handsome.""Don't get infatuated. Did you see the girl next to him? She must be the one he's interested in."Some young female fighters couldn't take their eyes off Adrian. He seemed pretty popular around these parts.Seeing the reactions of others, Adrian smiled in frustration.After eating and drinking their fill, the group left the garrison."Isn't the fighting tournament being held in the garrison camp?" Adrian asked."Of course not. The camp is too small to accommodate thousands of fighters. The tournament is being held at Heaven's Peak Arena," Arnold replied.The group made their way to the venue—a magnificent stadium—and they arrived soon enough. Many cars were parked outside, and people got out in groups. Chatter and laughter filled the a
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Chapter 3333
"Why you..." Arnold was instantly infuriated by the man’s words. He raised his fist, ready to charge at him. But at the critical moment, Adrian stopped him."Mr. Adrian, what are you…""Don't let him get to you, Arnold." Adrian gestured for Arnold to step aside, then approached the man in the military uniform with a stern expression.The man felt a tingle down his back. "What do you want, kid?" he growled. He could sense the hostile aura emanating from Adrian, making him wary.Adrian smiled. "I don't want anything. I just can't stand your behavior.""My behavior? What behavior?" The man showed no intention of being polite.The militant man stood tall before, fixing Adrian with a sharp look. Adrian took note that this person was pretty strong, at least at the pinnacle stage of level eight, possibly even stronger.Whoosh!Without warning, the man threw a heavy, cannonball-like punch at Adrian's face. However, Adrian didn't move aside. He simply raised his hand and caught the man'
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Chapter 3334
Perhaps because of this shared ancestry, the two families were always engaged in various struggles, both openly and secretly. Each believed they were the rightful heirs of the lineage and enjoyed engaging in political maneuvering against each other. As a result, the families were in a constant state of hostility.The man they encountered was Rex Well. Arnold had always been superior to Rex in terms of skills, which led Rex to harbor significant resentment toward Arnold. However, Arnold's family, the Hufftons, declined for certain reasons, allowing Rex to rise.Rex's resentment toward Arnold was so strong that he wished to see Arnold suffer immensely. But despite the decline of the Hufftons, Arnold's strength remained formidable. He was talented, far more so than Rex. This made the Wells family resentful of the Hufftons.Previously, both families were evenly matched in strength. When Rex proved to not be as good as Arnold, the Wells could still find excuses to dismiss Rex’s inadequac
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Chapter 3335
As the group spoke of past events, a clear tone of resignation colored their voices."But fortunately, some very promising newcomers have appeared in Aethersphere in recent years. Perhaps in time, our fighters will become stronger," Safiya added hopefully."Let's hope so.” They then continued on their way and soon entered the interior of Heaven's Peak Arena. In the spacious venue bustling with people, they quickly found their seats that had been arranged by the event organizer. Sitting beside them were fighters from a place near Beyford City, totaling seven people, all wearing priest robes. Leading them was a dignified and handsome young man in his twenties, who greeted Adrian’s group politely.After introducing themselves and finding out that these priests were from Mount Sage, Adrian remarked, "You've come from such a distant place. The journey must have been tiring."Adrian had heard of Mount Sage. It was a renowned mountain that was home to some prominent fighters, and it was
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Chapter 3336
This fighting tournament had multiple segments, starting with sparring. Given its five-year frequency, sparring was essential; omitting it wouldn’t make sense. Over every five–year span, notable new apprentices emerged from various major forces. If the garrison spotted any, they’d negotiate with the respective factions for their recruitment. While these conditions might not faze major factions, they were highly beneficial for smaller forces.Additionally, independent fighters were also recruited, enticed by the decent benefits and stable employment despite the inherent danger. Becoming a civil servant was a viable option, regardless of the timing or circumstances.The first contestant to step up was a burly man in his thirties, immediately capturing the audience's attention."Why him?""He's participating again."Conversations buzzed among the spectators.Adrian, attending for the first time, didn't recognize the contender.Nathaniel explained, "Technically, this individual qual
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Chapter 3337
This was Sawyer's old maneuver, seemingly ordinary to Leyton. As Sawyer aimed a punch at him, their fists collided with a resounding bang. Leyton remained composed, while Sawyer visibly struggled, clearly at a disadvantage.Leyton smirked, anticipating victory. Yet, in a sudden turn, a surge of immense force emanated from Sawyer, catching Leyton off guard. Realizing the situation's gravity had changed drastically from their previous encounter, Leyton tensed."Oh no," he muttered, startled.Before Leyton could react, Sawyer propelled him backward, sending him crashing to the ground with a dull thud. The unexpected reversal left Leyton bewildered, his senses reeling. What just happened?The audience, too, was taken aback by the unforeseen twist, their shock palpable. Even Nathaniel and Safiya wore expressions of disbelief, unable to comprehend what unfolded before them."What's happening? Sawyer couldn't possibly match Leyton. How could Leyton falter against Sawyer's attack?" Safi
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Chapter 3338
Adrian stared intently at the arena, his brows furrowed in deep thought."Hmm, I agree," he responded to Brandon, his mind occupied with contemplation.Their conversation aside, the battle in the arena raged on."This move will be your downfall!" Leyton declared confidently, unleashing another fierce punch.It appeared that this time, Sawyer would have no chance to evade."It's over!"The spectators held their breath, anticipating Sawyer's third defeat. Yet, in the next instant, the tide turned again.Sawyer swiftly dodged Leyton's punch, his figure flashing with agility. Simultaneously, he retaliated with a powerful punch aimed squarely at Leyton. Caught off guard, Leyton couldn't evade in time as Sawyer's blow connected with startling force.Bam!The sound of the punch echoed as Leyton was sent hurtling through the air. Moments later, he crashed into the ground, eliciting an eruption of astonishment from the audience. The reason was evident: Sawyer's strike had shattered Ley
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Chapter 3339
Adrian skillfully evaded Sawyer's attack and questioned, "I bear no grudge against you. Is such aggression truly necessary?"Yet, Sawyer launched another assault without pause after missing Adrian the first time. Clearly, Sawyer harbored no intention of showing mercy.Adrian sneered. "Hmph. Since you insist on playing dirty, allow me to demonstrate my capabilities."With a resounding bang, Adrian intercepted Sawyer's oncoming fist, seizing it in a vice-like grip, denying any chance of escape. Sawyer sensed something amiss as he struggled against Adrian's hold, his efforts proving futile against the iron grip."You... You..." Sawyer strained against Adrian's restraint but to no avail.In a decisive moment, Adrian seized the opportunity to unleash a powerful attack. Sawyer, defenseless, screamed in agony as he was propelled backward, rolling across the ground before scrambling back to his feet, poised for retaliation.However, before Sawyer could react, Adrian materialized before h
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Chapter 3340
As the conversation unfolded, Sawyer was escorted away for further examination. With such a disruptive incident, the fighting tournament came to an abrupt halt."Adrian, are you alright? Did he harm you?" Nathaniel inquired with genuine concern when Adrian returned to his seat."Captain Nathaniel, do I appear injured to you?" Adrian responded with a reassuring smile."Heh, fair point," Nathaniel conceded. "But what's the matter with Sawyer? Why does he seem to have lost his sanity?"The unexpected turn of events left everyone bewildered and incredulous.Suddenly, Adrian reached out and plucked something from the air, extracting an object from Sawyer's body. The sight stunned all present."What is that?" They collectively voiced their bewilderment, unsure of the object's nature.Adrian's faint smile hinted at his understanding. "See this? There's more to this guy than meets the eye," he revealed, leaving everyone astonished by his revelation.The object extracted by Adrian was a
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