All Chapters of The Return of the War Legate: Chapter 3311 - Chapter 3320
3519 Chapters
Chapter 3311
Adrian noted that there were indeed insects inside the prisoners’ bodies, and the insects were near their hearts. If he wasn't careful, the prisoners could easily be harmed. This was something he wanted to avoid.After some pondering, Adrian asked, "So, what do you want me to do?""Hahaha! That's more like it!" The burly leader continued to laugh. Once he calmed down, he continued, "What I want you to do is very simple. I want you to offer your neck to me to be slaughtered. After that, I will release them.""No, Adrian!" Nathaniel shouted, then screamed in agony."What are you doing?!" Adrian stepped forward, ready to strike.The burly leader said, "Don't be impulsive. I'm just giving him a taste of speaking out of turn. I won’t take his life just yet. But if you act recklessly, they will die.""I know you want me to offer my life in exchange for theirs, and that’s possible. But tell me, how can you prove to me that you will release them after I die?" Adrian asked."Hahaha..." T
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Chapter 3312
With a glance, Adrian sensed a mysterious and unfathomable power within the knife. Though not overt, he clearly recognized it. He understood that this knife harbored the ability to consume his soul and reduce it to nothingness.‘How ruthless,’ Adrian thought, easily discerning the burly leader’s intentions. It was a straightforward plan: to obliterate him and leave no trace of his soul behind. It was clear that the Netherites feared him greatly. Why else would they resort to such extreme measures?"Fine. If I take my own life with this knife, you'll spare them?" Adrian's tone was solemn as he stepped forward and accepted the knife."Don't worry, I keep my promises.” The burly leader grinned.By now, some of the prisoners were sobbing uncontrollably. Despite their brief acquaintance with Adrian, they held him in high regard, recognizing his loyalty and integrity. Given the current circumstances, their hearts couldn't help but ache.Adrian cast a final glance at Nathaniel and the ot
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Chapter 3313
This ancient ruin bore a resemblance to the tomb of the monster general they had encountered previously. But in comparison, this one appeared significantly more grandiose and expansive.Nathaniel's heart raced as Safiya echoed his surprise. "Sir, this..." Her words trailed off, indicating her own unease."We can't afford to let our guard down. Stay vigilant," Nathaniel urged, his expression grave.The burly leader snorted. "Hmph, you're all on death's doorstep, yet you fret over trivial matters. You've long sought the monster generals and the monster king's whereabouts. Well, here it is. This is the tomb of the monster king," he disclosed bluntly, revealing the gravity of the situation.The burly leader’s words elicited shock from the group."What?! This is the monster king's tomb?" Nathaniel exclaimed incredulously. After an arduous search, he hadn't anticipated that the enemy would find it so effortlessly. Nathaniel found himself momentarily speechless."Hahaha!" The burly lead
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Chapter 3314
With a determined silence, the burly man sliced his palm, causing a gush of blood to spill forth. The sudden gory spectacle left the onlookers stunned. Though he winced slightly, he persisted, allowing drops of blood to splatter onto the floor. As the crimson droplets met the ground, intricate patterns began to materialize, casting an eerie red glow."By God..." gasped the astonished witnesses.The burly man proceeded to chant cryptic incantations, their meaning lost on Nathaniel and the others. Nonetheless, they sensed subtle shifts within the chamber as the ritual unfolded. Soft rumblings filled the air as a colossal stone coffin descended from the dome above, tethered by numerous ropes. It lowered steadily until it landed with a resounding thud before them, exuding an ancient aura that enveloped them."What the..." murmured the group, grasping the gravity of the situation.The burly man sneered triumphantly. "Behold, the coffin of the monster king. With the blood formation and y
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Chapter 3315
Seeing Adrian, the burly man felt as though he'd been struck by lightning. "How can this be?! You’re dead!" His complexion paled, clearly struggling to comprehend Adrian's presence.Adrian appeared nonchalant, shrugging casually. "You mean that whole stabbing myself in the heart thing? It was merely a ruse to deceive you into bringing us here.""Why you..." Realization dawned on the burly man, replaced swiftly by anger. His eyes glinted fiercely, though he couldn't suppress a laugh. "Hahaha. Do you think this will suffice? How amusing," he jeered.Adrian arched an eyebrow, wary of the hidden intentions behind the burly man's demeanor."As long as I'm here, you'll never triumph. Die!" the burly man roared, conjuring forth countless tendrils of black mist that surged toward Adrian like a relentless tide.Adrian swiftly summoned the Divine Frost Slayer Blade, meeting the onslaught with a resounding clash. Though the sword held firm against the assault, Adrian found it challenging to
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Chapter 3316
The blood formation had awakened the monster king’s soul from his slumber. Now, he could possess the bodies of others to launch attacks."Die," the monster king’s voice boomed, and the burly man flicked his finger.The blood-red barrier transformed into countless blood-red swords and charged toward Adrian. The monster king aimed to kill Adrian with a single, devastating blow. However, Adrian was not about to go down so easily. Waving his sword, he unleashed waves of sword energy at the incoming blood-red swords.The burly man, controlled by the monster king, dashed backward, quickly distancing himself from Adrian. It was unclear what his intentions were, but Adrian certainly would not let him escape so easily."You’re not getting away!” Adrian shouted and quickly pursued the burly man.Unfortunately, the burly man had already arrived atop the coffin. Standing there, he sneered and said, "Kid, your strength is impressive. If you pledge your allegiance to me, I will ensure your powe
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Chapter 3317
Although Nathaniel was reluctant to leave, now was not the time for hesitation.“You think you can leave whenever you want?” the burly man said and waved. A surge of blood energy roared toward the escapees, but Adrian immediately intercepted the attack.“Get out of here!” Adrian shouted.Without wasting another moment, Nathaniel and the others quickly made their exit. Now, Adrian was the only one who remained to face off against the monster king.*Tremors ripped through Mapleston, and the garrison was stunned by the phenomenon. Though Nathaniel and his group had been captured, the rest of the garrison continued their duties.“What’s going on? Why are all the alarms going off?”“No idea. Could it be a level nine monster king?”"A level nine monster king?!"The garrison was in chaos, unable to believe what was happening. Despite their disbelief, the events that were unfolding right before their eyes demanded an immediate response. Nathaniel had yet to come back and the other so
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Chapter 3318
Some of their white bones underneath were even exposed to the air, presenting a ghastly sight that sent shivers down the spine.“Monsters!” one citizen screamed, inadvertently drawing the attention of the undead soldiers. In an instant, the undead turned their gaze toward the civilians and charged at them."Aaaahhh!" The citizens were terrified. Fortunately, several war chariots appeared in the distance just at that moment. Five human soldiers disembarked from the chariots, unleashing powerful techniques that quickly obliterated the undead.“Everyone, get on the chariots! We need to leave now!” one of the soldiers commanded.The citizens snapped out of their daze and rushed toward the chariots. Luckily, there were not too many people in the area, and the three chariots could accommodate everyone. However, just as they boarded, another menacing roar echoed. More undead soldiers had appeared, and these ones were noticeably stronger than the previous batch.Spotting the civilians,
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Chapter 3319
Back at the monster king’s tomb…“Impressive. I'm truly surprised that an insignificant human like you possesses such capabilities!” the monster king remarked. “This era belongs to humanity. Your schemes and plots will never succeed,” Adrian responded.“Is that so? Then let’s put humanity to the test. But first and foremost, you should worry about your own fate!” the monster king said and charged at Adrian.Even though the monster king was a level nine, Adrian himself was a level nine too. Adrian had nothing to fear, but he had no intention of fighting alone. Suddenly, a figure appeared and launched a surprise attack on the monster king.“Hmm? An ally?” The monster king's eyes narrowed in surprise.Just then, a voice rang out, “Ash, here to support!”“Well, well, well. Look who's here. You really have some guts to act cocky in front of me, kid,” the monster king said calmly. He then let out a roar which sent Ash flying. At the same time, he waved, and blood-red light began to g
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Chapter 3320
The monster king charged at Adrian’s companions. His attacks were fierce, causing everyone to instinctively retreat. However, his intention was not to defeat them but simply to force them to withdraw.Once they backed off, the monster king dashed back toward the coffin. His true form remained within the coffin, currently using the body of the burly man. As he neared the coffin, the surrounding dark energy gathered toward him. Seeing this, Adrian quickly realized the gravity of the situation. "We have to stop him!" Adrian exclaimed before chasing after the monster king, who emitted a sinister chuckle, evidence that Adrian's suspicions were correct. Suddenly, a strange light flashed around the monster king, and six armored monster generals reappeared. Each of these monster generals was at the pinnacle of level eight. Their strength was then further enhanced by the surrounding dark energy and soared to level nine. As soon as they appeared, they instantly charged at Daybreak and Stygi
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