All Chapters of The Return of the War Legate: Chapter 3291 - Chapter 3300
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Chapter 3291
Adrian laughed heartily and said, "Alright, it's time for you to die!" With those words, Adrian swung his sword at Bradley's vital spot. Bradley tried to defend himself, but he was utterly powerless against Adrian’s onslaught. With a piercing scream, he fell dead before Adrian and the others."Sir…" Aubrey sighed deeply. Even though she knew things were spiraling out of control, she never expected Bradley to fall into depravity.“Adrian!” Suddenly, a shout broke the silence. They turned to see a few people rushing in from outside, all Aetherian apprentices. Leading them was Rean, who was visibly shocked by the scene before him.In a burst of anger, Rean charged forward, intending to grab Adrian by the collar. However, Aubrey quickly stepped in and shouted, “Rean, calm down!”Still furious, Rean retorted, “Calm down?! He killed our leader! How am I supposed to calm down?!”“I did kill him," Adrian admitted without hesitation. “But your leader had fallen into depravity. If I had
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Chapter 3292
Everyone present was equally stunned by this revelation. This physique was incredibly powerful, though not as powerful as the Luminous Physique when pitted against monsters. Its most unique feature was its ability to adapt to environments dense with dark energy and convert that power for personal use.After his initial shock, Adrian finally understood why the dark hunters had been targeting Aubrey. If they could absorb her power, it would significantly boost their strength, and that was the reason why Bradley had wanted her dead.Bradley’s plan involved setting up a formation that utilized the villagers as blood sacrifice in the mine. Then, he arranged for Aubrey to enter the mine and become part of the formation herself. However, Adrian's intervention thwarted those plans, leading Bradley to opt for a more direct approach against Aubrey.Rean was utterly stunned. He had always respected Bradley, so it was difficult for him to accept when Bradley's true nature was revealed. Aubrey
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Chapter 3293
Following various clues, Adrian traced his investigation to Cras Island. He had some knowledge about the officials of Cras Island and knew that Whitney, the chief instructor of the Cras Island garrison, was a formidable individual. Therefore, he believed that he might find some leads there.Thus, he headed to the garrison camp when he got to Cras Island. However, there was no one in there except for an elderly gatekeeper named Dariel. Moreover, Dariel refused to let Adrian enter, so he had no choice but to leave.As Adrian walked along the road, he noticed a figure ahead of him. However, after walking for some time, he realized that the distance between him and the figure remained unchanged regardless of how fast he walked, and this realization sent a shiver down his spine. He quickened his pace toward the figure, but to his surprise, the distance did not diminish. Even though Adrian was prepared for various possibilities, he was still slightly taken aback. 'What's happening?' he w
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Chapter 3294
However, the opponent seemed to have no intention of letting Adrian off that easily.Just then, Adrian felt gusts of chilling wind blowing toward him. With his abilities, he should not have been affected by such a simple phenomenon, but right now, he was shivering uncontrollably. Moreover, he noticed that a mysterious mist was forming near the opponent and was slowly creeping toward him.‘Something's wrong.’ Adrian immediately adopted a defensive stance. As the mist got closer, it transformed into grotesque tentacles, reaching out and trying to ensnare him. He drew his sword and launched a fierce attack towards the approaching tentacles, but they proved agile and fiercely fought back.'This is bad, there are too many of them! I might not be able to hold out much longer!' Adrian thought. When he called for reinforcements, there was no response from his allies. It was as if they had vanished into thin air.‘Of course, this is an illusion. I can't communicate with them from here.’ Adr
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Chapter 3295
Roar!A deep growl resounded as the tentacles came at Adrian again. This time, he had no way to defend himself. Just when he thought he was going to be defeated, an idea popped into his mind.‘Since it's an illusion, then these attacks are likely illusory too!’Adrian instantly calmed down, and all the chaotic emotions he had felt seemed to dissipate completely. As he realized this, everything around him vanished, leaving only the tentacles that came straight at him."Hah, do you really think I'll let you defeat me in my own consciousness? Dream on!" Adrian suddenly felt a surge of power within him. His power that had disappeared mysteriously had now fully returned, and even the Divine Frost Slayer Blade had returned to him. He felt himself being filled with a renewed determination. Looking at the tentacles, he said, "Now, it's time for retaliation!" Adrian struck out with all his might. His sword soared through the air, obliterating all the tentacles in its path. Then, a pie
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Chapter 3296
Instead, he chose to keep his suspicions to himself and set a trap for her. He never anticipated that the imposter would fall into it so easily. Lying on the ground, the fake Whitney smirked and said, "I thought you wouldn't catch on, but it seems you have some brains. Unfortunately, it ends here!" "Oh?" Adrian was puzzled.In the next moment, numerous individuals emerged from all directions and surrounded Adrian. All of them were armed to the teeth, and they were the members of the garrison. Their demeanor was stern, ready to apprehend Adrian at any sign of resistance."You little brat, I thought you were a good guy. I never expected you to attack the madam. I'm truly disappointed."A figure stepped forward at this moment. It was Addison, someone Adrian had briefly met before. Addison had held Adrian in high regard, but after seeing Adrian attack Whitney, he became disappointed in Adrian. Adrian remained silent, his gaze fixed on the impostor Whitney while she smiled confiden
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Chapter 3297
The dimly lit cell was eerily quiet. So quiet that one could hear a pin drop in here.Soon after, Adrian heard a rustling sound. 'Is there someone else here?' His heart skipped a beat, and he listened to the sound. In the adjacent cells, he saw some shadows."Are you also imprisoned here?" Adrian asked."Yes. Who are you?" a hoarse male voice responded.Adrian found the voice somewhat familiar but could not quite place it. However, he decided to introduce himself and said, "I'm Adrian."His words seemed to startle the man in the neighboring cell, who quickly poked his head out through the bars. In the dim light, Adrian finally recognized him. It was Dariel. "Dariel?" Adrian frowned. Dariel recognized Adrian too. He seemed elated and exclaimed, "Mr. Adrian, it's really you! I didn't expect you to be locked up too.""What do you mean by that? Do you want me to be locked up?" Adrian asked."No, I didn't mean that. I didn't want you to get involved in this mess. But, well..." Da
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Chapter 3298
"Not again!" Adrian gasped. He knew that the Netherites were influential, and the faction he had dealt with previously was just one of its branches. He had not expected to encounter them again, and judging by what they had accomplished, they were more formidable than he expected."We don't know what they're up to though." Whitney sighed in frustration again.Adrian did not reply and pondered his next steps."What's wrong, Mr. Adrian?" Whitney asked when she noticed Adrian's silence."Don't worry. With me here, I won't let any harm come to you. You will all surely be safe," Adrian said confidently."Stop with the big talk. They're going to use us as sacrifices at midnight tomorrow. By then, you'll be finished too!" Another voice chimed in before Adrian could respond.Adrian looked toward the voice and noticed that it was a middle-aged man talking. He assumed that he was the real Addison, and the latter appeared quite disheveled."What do you mean?" Adrian asked."Exactly as it s
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Chapter 3299
Besides, Nathaniel was considerably powerful. Since entering the camp, he had greeted one person after another with almost no pause. After a while, he finally found a corner with fewer people to sit down."Ah, having too many acquaintances isn't ideal either. I truly dislike this type of social interaction..." Nathaniel sighed."You should be satisfied. Many people would love to achieve your position!" Safiya teased."I'm not boasting, but if I had the choice, I wouldn't be a chief instructor!" Nathaniel stretched lazily. In public, he always maintained a dignified demeanor. When there was no one around, he finally showed his true nature.Safiya simply smiled at his words. But suddenly, her smile froze on her face. She had just spotted a familiar face in the crowd. "What's the matter?" Nathaniel asked when he noticed her unusual behavior."I…I think I just saw Ash!" Safiya replied, her voice trembling."Ash?" Nathaniel was surprised. “Are you sure you didn't mistake him for som
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Chapter 3300
The voice was so familiar that it immediately caught Nathaniel and Safiya's attention. They turned toward the source and finally saw the person they had been eagerly awaiting—Ash.Safiya was completely stunned as if turned to stone. She stood there and stared at Ash silently."Hey, Safiya," Ash said."Ash... Is it really you?" Safiya replied, her voice trembling with disbelief. She moved to step forward, but Nathaniel stopped her."Careful, this might be an imposter!" Nathaniel said.Nathaniel's warning brought Safiya back to her senses."Mr. Nathaniel, you're as vigilant as ever," Ash said with a smile."Cut the nonsense. Who are you? Ash is dead. Why are you impersonating him?" Nathaniel demanded, shielding Safiya behind him."I am Ash, and I didn't die," Ash replied calmly.Ash then proceeded to explain everything that had happened. Nathaniel and Safiya were stunned by his story.Nathaniel said, "Well, well, well… Adrian sure is full of surprises. Just when you think you'v
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