All Chapters of The Return of the War Legate: Chapter 3281 - Chapter 3290
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Chapter 3281
After hearing what Adrian said, Nathaniel harbored the same doubts, finding the situation rather peculiar. Additionally, given the current circumstances, Adrian's speculation seemed entirely plausible. But like Adrian, he too viewed all of this as mere speculation, lacking conclusive evidence.Quietly, Nathaniel approached Whitney and asked, "Ma'am, what are your thoughts on this matter?""I suspect their leader's involvement, but we mustn't reveal our suspicions prematurely. Let's get everyone out of here first and monitor the situation before taking further action," Whitney replied."I share your perspective," Nathaniel affirmed. Turning to the group, he instructed, "Everyone, please come with us.""Why?" Rean said in dissatisfaction."Aubrey." Nathaniel turned to her. “We should collaborate with the garrison to delve deeper into the dark hunters. It's essential groundwork for our aspirations to become upright monster hunters."Rean, unable to retort, sighed in resignation."M
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Chapter 3282
Despite labeling it an investigation, there wasn't much to delve into. Their understanding suggested that the dark hunters aimed to capture nearby villagers using monsters to nourish their blood, presumably to bolster their strength. With no further discoveries, the affected villagers were taken back by the Cras Island Garrison and resettled."Since there's nothing more to do, I'll take my leave."Adrian bid farewell to Nathaniel before departing. With the matter resolved, his focus shifted to preparing for the investigation of the Aetherians. Initially, he debated whether to inform Aubrey and Rean, but ultimately decided against it. While telling Aubrey seemed acceptable, he hesitated about telling Rean, sharing his deliberations only with Nathaniel. Furthermore, the preliminary investigation required his full attention, as Nathaniel and the others belonged to the garrison. Official personnel entering the Aetherians' territory would undoubtedly attract attention.Being unknown to t
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Chapter 3283
Behind Mount Aether lay a secluded valley with treacherous, steep terrain, rendering it inaccessible to ordinary folk. Only Adrian, at this moment, ventured here alone. Navigating through rugged rocky terrain, he reached the valley's deepest recesses. Darkness enveloped the surroundings, punctuated by faint phosphorescent lights rising from the depths, casting an eerie ambiance. Adrian found the scene intriguing.Suddenly, the phosphorescent lights seemed to detect his presence, converging toward him in a slow but deliberate manner as if intending to ensnare him with their mysterious power. Sensing the impending danger, Adrian observed the lights forming a vast formation, threatening to disorient him."Who dares to tread in here? Reveal yourself!" a stern voice echoed.Unfazed, Adrian unleashed a torrent of attacks, effortlessly shattering the lights. Undeterred, he hastened toward the valley's heart, determined to confront whoever dared disturb its peace.But despite Adrian's effo
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Chapter 3284
The creature’s mouth, filled with uneven yellow teeth, oozed countless strange black fluids emitting a foul, putrid odor. Another level-eight pinnacle stage monster had emerged—a Glutton.Gluttons, known for their large bellies, relied on constant feeding to maintain their strength. And their bellies secreted a corrosive slime, their most potent weapon.The simultaneous appearance of two level-eight pinnacle stage monsters added to the intrigue.Observing this, Adrian smirked. "You two want to attack me together? Two aren't enough. Bring out your stronger companions, if you have any. I'll handle them all at once."A powerful aura radiated from Adrian, slightly overpowering the surrounding dark aura."Hehehe… Since you're so eager, I'll oblige."Laughter echoed as a gray figure materialized—a female banshee draped in a gray cloak with straight black hair. Like the others, she too was a level-eight pinnacle stage creature.Adrian thought that the situation was becoming interesting
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Chapter 3285
Immediately, they realized Adrian wasn't one to trifle with. Their mocking expressions vanished one by one, replaced by cold stares, revealing sharp and fierce looks."Attack!" commanded the Glutton.All the monsters disregarded everything and charged fiercely. Instantly, throughout the valley, countless monster auras surged, exceptionally fierce, like tidal waves rushing toward Adrian.Adrian stood amidst the raging waves, seemingly unaffected, as if ignoring everything around him. As he was about to be engulfed by the enemy, he finally moved, slashing his sword across the sky. In an instant, a streak tore through the void, dazzling in the pitch-black night.The monsters charging at the forefront were not particularly formidable. At this moment, they had no ability to resist. Only cries of misery were heard as they were obliterated. After some time, the dark aura in the valley behind Mount Aether was fully eliminated.After ensuring there was no danger, Adrian left the valley and
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Chapter 3286
Adrian moved closer and managed to catch wind of their conversation."Why is the leader looking for Aubrey in the middle of the night?""Beats me, and it’s none of our concern. We just need to take Aubrey to him.""Alright."They talked as they walked, and soon they arrived at a secluded courtyard with a small, quiet room. The two of them knocked on the door, and the sound echoed through the empty courtyard.After a while, a voice from inside asked, "Who is it?"Hiding in the dark, Adrian recognized Aubrey's voice.One of the young priests answered, "It's us, Aubrey. The leader wants to see you.""Oh, I see." Aubrey poked her head out of the room.In the dim lighting, Adrian noticed Aubrey looked haggard. He hadn't seen her in days, and it was unclear what had happened to her since then. Adrian stayed hidden, quietly observing.After tidying herself up, Aubrey followed the two priests out of the courtyard. Adrian followed them from a distance. In the center of Aether Sanctum
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Chapter 3287
A figure walked out from inside the building. Adrian didn't dare to breathe as he quietly observed, watching the figure intently. He noticed that the person was a man in his seventies, dressed like an ordinary old priest. There was nothing remarkable about his appearance. However, Adrian's Divine Clear Sight allowed him to see through the outward facade, revealing a sinister aura emanating from the man.The dark aura pervading the place originated from this man. ‘This old guy must be the mastermind,’ Adrian thought. He decided not to act recklessly and instead waited to see what the old man was up to."Aubrey, you're here," the old man said with a smile as he stepped out."Yes," Aubrey replied softly, nodding. She didn't look particularly happy; she seemed preoccupied. "Why did you summon me, sir?" she asked."As one of the most outstanding disciples of the Aetherians, shouldn't you also contribute to the faction?" the old priest asked instead of answering Aubrey's question.A str
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Chapter 3288
After saying this, Bradley rushed at Aubrey. Adrian, hiding in the dark, hadn't seen it wrong. Bradley was charging like a hungry wolf about to pounce on its prey.Aubrey, terrified, screamed and quickly dodged to the side. However, Bradley was incredibly fast and precise. In the blink of an eye, he reached Aubrey, leaving her no room to escape.Seeing this, Aubrey was stunned. "Sir!" she cried.Bradley said fiercely, "Since you are unwilling to follow the rules of the Aetherians, you must receive severe punishment." With a strange roar, he lunged at her, scaring Aubrey out of her wits.Boom!In the next second, a loud noise erupted. Amid rolling dust, Bradley flew backward into the distance.Bradley regained his footing and looked toward Aubrey. Furious, he demanded, "Who dares to stop me?!"There was a flash, and Adrian appeared before them. Seeing that Bradley was about to harm Aubrey, Adrian could no longer stay hidden and took action.Bradley glared at Adrian. "So, it’s yo
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Chapter 3289
But Bradley let out a sinister laugh. "He's right. I do wish to kill you. Only by your death can I gain the most benefit."Aubrey was speechless. When Bradley spoke those words, the last bit of hope in her heart vanished, replaced by an unparalleled sense of despair."I didn't expect you to be so despicable. Since that's the case, I can't let you go today," Adrian said solemnly, then dashed toward Bradley.With a loud bang, a violent tremor spread out, and a barrier appeared around Bradley, effortlessly blocking Adrian's powerful attack."Interesting." Adrian smiled faintly. But he didn't stop there. Adrian had come fully prepared, knowing Bradley was exceptionally powerful.Bradley smiled too. "I didn't expect Aubrey to find herself a helper like you. But, kid, you're going to die here today, because you're simply not my match," he declared fiercely.Adrian smiled faintly. "Is that so?"Bradley narrowed his eyes. "If you want to know, just try me."With a loud shout from Bradl
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Chapter 3290
"Divine Frost Slayer Blade, arise!" Adrian commanded as he unsheathed his sword and rushed toward Bradley.Whoosh!Bradley felt unease, realizing the danger too late. Adrian's attack arrived swiftly, leaving him defenseless.“Argh!”With a shout, Bradley felt weak. Adrian's attack pierced through him, leaving him stunned. Looking down at his chest, Bradley felt an unexpected sense of relief throughout his body.Meanwhile, Adrian stood firm before Bradley.Bradley was stunned for a moment before speaking up, "Very well."Adrian sensed a hint of hopelessness in Bradley. He snorted coldly. "What, still not convinced? Unwilling to admit defeat?""Haha, hahaha..." Bradley burst into a series of loud laughter.The laughter grated on Adrian's nerves. He glared fiercely at Bradley. "What the hell are you laughing at?"Bradley's eyes narrowed. "Kid, do you really think you can kill me? I still have my strongest move, which I haven't used yet.""Oh? What else can you do? Hurry up and
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