All Chapters of The Return of the War Legate: Chapter 3301 - Chapter 3310
3519 Chapters
Chapter 3301
Then, a man walked in. It was the fake Addison, and behind him were many followers. They opened the cell doors and escorted Adrian and the others out.Adrian and the others were bound with special handcuffs. No matter how hard they struggled, they could not break free from these restraints. Under the guards' escort, Adrian and the others were quickly taken to the deepest part of the garrison camp.It was now time for the night party. The impostor Whitney was playing host, proudly entertaining colleagues from various areas."Thanks to our years of effort, the work of the garrison army has been going very smoothly. So, I propose a toast to all of you!" fake Whitney said with a beaming smile, raising her glass and drinking its contents in one gulp.Following her lead, everyone present stood up and raised their glasses in celebration. All of them were oblivious to the imposter’s true identity save for two people—Nathaniel and Safiya. Ash had already informed them of the situation, maki
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Chapter 3302
The impostors' demeanors had completely transformed, exuding a thoroughly sinister aura."Alright. Now that we've captured these people, let's get down to business," fake Whitney commanded."Let’s go!" her companions echoed.Swiftly, they sprang into action and dragged everyone to a highly concealed location. The unconscious people were taken to an underground chamber that was filled with a chilling atmosphere. Without the pills Ash had given them, Nathaniel and Safiya would not have stood a chance.There was a vast blood pool at the center of this chamber. It was identical to the one Adrian had seen before, except this one emanated an even more potent dark energy. The atmosphere was so oppressive that it felt like descending into the depths of hell.Soon, more prisoners were brought in—Adrian and his group.When Adrian saw the scene, he was mildly astonished by the swift efficiency with which their enemies had subdued all the guests. "Surprised, are you?" Fake Addison sneered.
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Chapter 3303
Adrian continued, "But no matter what you have planned, it's better to uncuff them. If you just leave them here, something bad might happen/""Uncuffing them is what will cause something bad to happen!" fake Whitney retorted sharply. She had no intention of continuing this conversation and turned around, instructing her subordinates, "Take them all to the blood pool. It's time to start the ritual." "Yes, ma'am!" her subordinates responded in unison and began leading everyone toward the blood pool."What are you planning to do?" Adrian asked."Isn't it obvious? We're going to use you all as our living sacrifices. But don't worry, Mr. Adrian. You'll be the last one. Consider it a mark of my respect for you," fake Whitney said with a wicked smile.One by one, the people were dragged toward the blood pool. Despite the dire situation, Adrian remained remarkably calm."Get down there!" fake Addison said as he pushed the real Addison toward the pool.Fake Whitney watched with a twiste
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Chapter 3304
Unfortunately, these countless blood blades were clearly something not everyone could defend against, especially not fake Addison. He let out a pained scream, and in the next moment, he dissolved into nothingness and disappeared before everyone's eyes."This is impossible!" Fake Whitney was utterly astonished. Then, her face twisted in anger as she snarled, "Damn you wretched fools! How dare you kill my people! I will bury you, every last one of you!"Flames then erupted from fake Whitney’s body, engulfing her in a fiery blaze. The flames emanating from her were hell flames. It was devoid of any warmth and thrust the surroundings into freezing temperatures. Her appearance underwent a grotesque transformation as her skin started to fall off from her body. "Now, allow me to reintroduce myself. I am Giselle Gisela, the Fire Guardian of the Netherites," Giselle said. Her voice became even more sinister as the hell flames intensified, forming grimacing ghost faces that surged toward Adr
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Chapter 3305
Giselle turned to stare at Adrian in disbelief."I told you something bad would happen if you refused to release them. But since you refused to believe me, what else could I do?" Adrian said with a smile. "How are you doing this?" Giselle asked.Adrian smiled coldly and explained, "The problem lies with the handcuffs. I enchanted them. As long as we wear them, we can absorb the dark energy from the atmosphere and use it against you.""That’s it?" Giselle was shocked, finding it difficult to believe that Adrian had managed to turn the tables so easily. Even if she did not believe it, there was nothing she could do. She had to find a way out of the situation. She roared, "Netherites! What are you waiting for?! Come out and attack now!" Her voice filled the entire area, but unfortunately, no one responded to her call."Well, I'm sorry to say but I've already eliminated all of your subordinates," Adrian said in a mock apology. "What?!" Giselle’s eyes widened in disbelief. She c
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Chapter 3306
With a miserable scream, Giselle perished before everyone’s eyes."Ms. Giselle is dead?""That kid is too powerful! We have to run!"The remaining Netherites were beside themselves, unable to believe what they were seeing was real. Terrified, they tried to flee, but Adrian wasn't about to let them get away.Nathaniel spoke up. "Adrian, let us take care of these people."Adrian nodded. "Alright."With that, a rush of people closed in.Whoosh! Whoosh!It was the soldiers of the Mapleston Garrison. Although their strength wasn't top-notch, they were more than enough to handle these small fries. In no time, they had defeated and captured all the Netherites."Take them away," Nathaniel commanded, looking at the defeated Netherites lying on the ground."Yes, sir." The soldiers quickly removed them from the area.Nathaniel stayed behind. He looked at Adrian and said, "What should we do about them? We can't just leave them here." He pointed to the guests who had passed out."Don't
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Chapter 3307
As the hero of the day, Adrian was naturally placed at the center of attention.After partaking in three cups of wine, someone asked him, "Adrian, you truly are capable. Why don't you join the garrison?""Yeah, joining the garrison is great. Good treatment, good benefits, and you can also make use of your expertise," another person chimed in.Nathaniel looked at Adrian. He had always wanted Adrian to join the garrison, but Adrian always refused, which made Nathaniel anxious. However, Adrian's help so far has been invaluable, somewhat alleviating Nathaniel's regret about not recruiting him.Facing everyone's questions, Adrian took a sip of wine and said lightly, "What's the difference whether I join the garrison or not? Even if I don't join, I can still slay monsters and fight alongside you.""Isn’t it a bit inconvenient to not join an organization?""Yeah. If you encounter danger, there won't be anyone to help you."Many people still held out hope that he would join the garrison
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Chapter 3308
The attacks came straight toward him, and Adrian reacted quickly, dodging to the side. However, the opponent showed no intention of stopping. More black energy shot over from afar, each aiming at Adrian's vital points."Such tricks are useless against me!" Adrian leaped forward. In the blink of an eye, he unsheathed the Divine Frost Slayer Blade with a clang and fiercely pierced one of the black clouds.The black cloud dispersed upon seeing the sword approaching as if it dared not clash with the sword directly. However, it quickly condensed again nearby and launched a second wave of attack at Adrian, but Adrian's strength was unparalleled. Seeing the incoming attack, he turned his sword and unleashed another sharp strike.Swish!The strike sliced through the black mist, and from within the mist, a piercing scream erupted. Immediately after, a figure fell from the mist and landed on the ground.Adrian sneered and stepped forward. Pointing his sword at the fallen figure, he said har
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Chapter 3309
Adrian realized there was nothing he could do at the moment, so he decided to return home for now. However, along the way, he sensed something amiss. It felt like someone was following him. Sensing this abnormality, he decided to take a detour. He didn't want to lead his enemies to his residence.The stalker showed no signs of giving up and continued to follow him, confirming Adrian's suspicions. He must be their target, and with them following him so closely, it shouldn’t be long before they made their move. He needed to prepare to face them.Soon, Adrian arrived at a desolate spot. He slowed to a stop and turned to look at the dark road behind him. "You've followed me all this way. Aren't you tired? Even if you're not, I am,” he called out.When Adrian finished speaking, dark shadows emerged before him. The shadows transformed and revealed their true forms: men dressed in black robes with solemn expressions. The one leading the group had a ferocious-looking entity floating beside
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Chapter 3310
Then, the man suddenly vanished into a cloud of smoke."Ack, ack..." Adrian coughed as he inhaled the smoke. Fortunately, he was resilient and unafraid. However, something seemed off. The enemy seemed to keep sending their own people to their deaths. Could there be another reason for this?Adrian couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this than met the eye. The Netherites weren't known for being reckless; every move they made was calculated.‘I think they’re trying to stall me.’ Adrian realized. ‘They’re buying time for something.’Just then, Ash appeared. "I found them,” he reported."That was quick.” Adrian was surprised."I mobilized all the spectral guards and managed to find their hiding place," Ash replied.Adrian couldn't wait any longer. "Let's hurry up and get there."... Adrian’s group set off, soon arriving at their destination. He looked around and they had come upon desolate and dilapidated ruins. Under the moonlight, it seemed especially bleak."Are
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