All Chapters of The Return of the War Legate: Chapter 3501 - Chapter 3510
3519 Chapters
Chapter 3501
After developing and producing the first generation of Dragoria Battle Armor, the Duvals swiftly moved on to the second generation. According to reports to the military, the second-generation armor was in its final stages of development. However, in reality, the Duvals had already successfully completed it. They hid this success because agents from Falconia had approached them during the initial development phase, offering very appealing terms. This led the Duvals to secretly switch sides.Meanwhile, in the Duvals' coastal garden in Beyford, Randy Duval sat stunned in the hall. At the center lay an ice coffin holding Jusis Randy's body, who had been killed by Brooke.Randy's eyes brimmed with sorrow, anger, and hatred. He knew Brooke was the one who killed Jusis. Yet, the Duvals could not seek revenge on their own."If I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have allowed you to try to impress Adrian. We were already planning to defect to Falconia. There was no need to please Adria
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Chapter 3502
As Adrian lay back down, he overheard Randy and Harley discussing the Dragoria Battle Armor."The Dragoria Battle Armor? The Duvals have had such close cooperation with the military for so long. Dragoria's military even put them on the whitelist, allowing them to obtain various restricted items without reporting. Who would’ve thought they were traitors!" Adrian's eyes burned with anger.What worried him even more was the shocking realization of how deeply Falconia had infiltrated Dragoria. Even the highly valued Dragoria Battle Armor project had been compromised. Without his sensory ability, these enormous threats would have gone undetected."And this 'Mr. Viktor,’ who could he be?" Adrian pondered. He realized that the situation in Dragoria was far more complex than he had imagined.Two days passed swiftly.Lindor and his five quasi-level nine fighters proceeded cautiously. To safely reach Beyford, they changed their mode of transportation several times and disguised themselves a
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Chapter 3503
Lindor had dubbed the second generation of Dragoria Battle Armor as the Dragon Bane Armor. Beyford, being the heart of Dragoria, was their primary target for causing chaos—the first step in "slaying the dragon."“Let’s go!” Lindor ordered.The six men promptly rose and departed.In a quiet corner, a wagon loaded with numerous crates came to a halt. Harley and several men dressed in black emerged cautiously. Harley waited several minutes, ensuring the coast was clear, before leading the men to the rear of the wagon and opening the cargo container. Inside were six metal crates, most over two meters tall and one a full three meters.“Unload the largest one first,” Harley instructed.The men nodded and swiftly lifted the three-meter-tall crate onto the ground. Despite its size, the crate wasn't excessively heavy, weighing at 200 pounds.“Bring down the other five quickly,” Harley urged, noticing six figures approaching from a distance. She immediately recognized them as Lindor and hi
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Chapter 3504
At Dragoria Palace, Zector was already briefed on everything happening with Harley by Adrian, who had updated him half an hour earlier during Harley's team's transportation of the six sets of Dragoria Battle Armor. Meanwhile, Adrian had departed on his own.Currently, Adrian stood on a rooftop over a hundred meters away, silently observing the scene. He knew the second-generation Dragoria Battle Armor lacked flight capabilities, so he wasn't overly concerned. Despite its speed, it couldn't match his own. But finding the Dragoria Battle Armor surprisingly impressive, he was eager to see it in action. He chose not to intervene and simply watched as Lindor and his team suited up.Lindor, on the other hand, was ecstatic. "Wearing Dragoria-made armor and causing havoc right here in their country—this is going to be fun!" He laughed heartily.Harley stood nearby. Despite being a Dragorian herself, she had betrayed her nation by delivering the Dragon Bane Armor to these people. Sharing the
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Chapter 3505
It was Lenny. He was wearing something akin to a helmet on his head, along with goggles and a mask. As he removed these items, Adrian finally saw Lenny's appearance.The man appeared remarkably young, possibly around twenty-three or twenty-four years old. In terms of height, he was slightly shorter than Adrian, standing at about 1.78 meters.While removing his gear, Lenny gazed toward the distance and quickly spotted the large wagon and Lindor's group testing their armor. Lindor and the other five quasi-level nine fighters were deeply engrossed in their testing and had not noticed Lenny's arrival.Though Harley sensed someone watching from nearby, the dim lighting prevented her from spotting Lenny."This second-generation armor is much more user-friendly than the first. Not only is it more comfortable to wear but it's also capable of reconnaissance through energy reflection," Lindor said in admiration.He immediately proceeded to test the armor’s reconnaissance methods.Harley sa
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Chapter 3506
Instantly, Chlloro understood what was happening."It seems you're not just some passerby. And since you're so calm, I reckon your strength isn't lacking either." Chlloro chuckled.With that, he raised his hand and threw a punch. This punch contained his own strength, combined with the powerful force of his armor.During the previous test, he was armored and could easily lift the armored vehicle with just one hand. With this punch, which used about seventy to eighty percent of his full strength, he could completely smash the vehicle.In Chlloro's mind, he envisioned the young man in front of him being smashed to bits by his punch. However, the next moment, he only heard a "clang" sound. His punch landed as if hitting an indestructible iron plate.As a quasi-level nine powerhouse, Chlloro was exceptionally sensitive to the force. He clearly felt that the young man in front of him had slightly stepped back a short distance after receiving his punch, then quickly rushed forward to wi
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Chapter 3507
Soon, they finally got a clear look at Lenny's face. He looked young, almost childish."Dragoria has produced another terrifying level-nine powerhouse?" Lindor muttered.Lindor and the others were standing opposite Lenny, giving them a clear view of him.Lenny's body was emitting a red light, and there was also a swirling mist that did not dissipate but lingered around him. The mist vaguely formed a dragon shape.Lindor found this scene exceptionally familiar and quickly recalled what it was. "This... This is the Dragon Fist. The former first-ranked level-nine of Dragoria also used this move!" he exclaimed in shock.Lindor’s men quickly hid behind him, their eyes filled with fear like mice seeing a cat.The Dragon Fist, reportedly created by a powerhouse of Dragoria several hundred years ago, was exceptionally difficult to master. Once mastered, it could significantly enhance one's strength. Practitioners of the Dragon Fist experienced tremendous strengthening of their entire bod
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Chapter 3508
Following Lindor's roar, his men snapped out of their dazes and began indiscriminately firing toward the cloud of smoke. For a moment, the sound of gunfire echoed through the night sky as energy beams at several times the speed of sound flew toward the man within the smoke.However, due to the presence of Lenny’s protective aura, even energy beams capable of easily piercing through steel plates couldn't harm him.The quasi-level-nine, who had been hit earlier, was barely hanging onto life under such a barrage of frantic firepower. His armor emitted clanging sounds as he rolled over.Bzzt!The air trembled. Kensie’s Vital Energy Cannon finished charging, and he shot out a substantial stream of Vital Energy. It was seemingly solid as it began to sweep across. But even Vital Energy couldn't do anything to a level-nine powerhouse. If Vital Energy could deal with level-nine powerhouses, they wouldn't have such a high status.Shooting Vital Energy at Lenny was like shooting at a mirror.
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Chapter 3509
Lenny exerted all his strength. With the Dragon Fist activated, his entire being transformed into a dragon, charging straight toward Lindor. But just as his fist was about half a meter away from Lindor, a man seemingly blinked into existence and stood in front of Lindor.Boom!A thunderous roar pierced through the night sky. Lenny, transformed into a golden dragon, instantly dispersed as if crashing into an indestructible wall of death. A shockwave swept out from the point of impact, accompanied by a strong wind. Lindor, Kensie, the other quasi-level-nines, and the metal crates, were swept away. Even the wagon carrying the crates was overturned. Harley, standing beside the vehicle, rolled across the ground for dozens of meters before stopping.When the shockwave dissipated and the strong wind ceased, everyone saw that someone had blocked Lenny's full-force punch. The person was Adrian, whose right hand was gripping Lenny’s outstretched fist.And Adrian, he was smiling. He had insta
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Chapter 3510
Bam!Before Lindor could finish speaking, Adrian kicked him."No choice? Do you really think I'm a fool? Weren't you just talking about causing a big scene in the city earlier? Even threatening to blow up Rivsea Tower?" Adrian sneered.Lindor was flabbergasted. He had whispered those words during dinner earlier, so how could Adrian have known?"By infiltrating Dragoria, you've committed a capital offense. Causing trouble here is an even greater crime. Collaborating with the Duvals to steal our second-generation level-nine armor is yet another offense." Adrian looked down at Lindor, each word piercing his heart like a knife.Lindor was quaking. He couldn't understand how Adrian knew so much. It was as if all his plans had been exposed. Adrian even knew the most confidential information, that of the second-generation armor. This was something even the Dragoria military didn't know.“Is there anything more you’d like to explain?" Adrian asked.Explain? How would Lindor dare to exp
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