All Chapters of The Return of the War Legate: Chapter 3491 - Chapter 3500
3505 Chapters
Chapter 3491
Damon’s heart thumped when he heard the butler’s announcement. He pushed the maid aside and hurried to the courtyard."Is Uzair here too?" he asked the butler, who nodded in response.Pilan got up and followed into the courtyard too. Looking toward the gates, he saw a group of people arriving. He and Damon speculated over what had happened.Uzair entered with several armed soldiers and approached the two men with a forced smile. "Mr. Damon, we need you to come with us as a witness. I hope you will cooperate."Damon sighed in relief and smiled. "Alright, I’ll go with you." He turned to Pilan and said, "Father, I'll be back soon." He then got into one of the wagons stationed outside.Along the way, Damon appeared quite relaxed. He turned to Uzair and said, "I heard you apprehended Rozi." Uzair chuckled and replied, "Of course, we have. She may be Adrian’s friend, but we have to bring anyone involved to justice for Dragoria’s sake."Damon was delighted on the inside when he heard
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Chapter 3492
Damon, always calm and composed, was quickly falling apart at the seams. He then watched as two soldiers escorted Jack Hoover into the room, and he turned even paler."H-How…" Damon's lips quivered, barely able to utter a single word. Hadn’t Jack fled to Cumulus? Damon felt like he had been struck by lightning. His mind went blank, and his eyes were filled with nothing but terror. In that instant, he fully understood that he was doomed."How?" Damon looked toward Uzair. "How did you find out, and how did you find Jack? My plan was flawless."Thoughts flew through Damon’s mind, 'Was it Mohe or Quanda? But those two knew nothing. From beginning to end, they were just my pawns, so it can’t be them. Rozi maybe? But she only signed a few documents related to the property transfer. What could she possibly know? Who could it be then?'Damon racked his brain but could not come up with an answer. He could not fathom who could uncover his plan and also figure out Jack’s involvement.At th
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Chapter 3493
Over the next several hours, Zector, Uzair, and the inspectors interrogated Damon. They left no stone unturned and recorded his statement as evidence. After confessing everything, Damon slumped in the interrogation chair, awaiting his fate. Zector and the others then took the evidence to another interrogation room. To them, Damon was just a minor businessman gone astray. The real threat to Dragoria was Jack and the forces behind him."We've captured many infiltrators but haven't been able to sentence them to capital punishment. If we can, we should publicly execute Jack. That would be a significant relief for our empire," Uzair said.Zector nodded. "The most important thing is to deter those infiltrators. We've been surrounded by enemies for years. The root cause is our inability to convict them, often having to release them due to insufficient evidence. The last execution of an infiltrator was over a decade ago."As they spoke, they entered the room where Jack was held. The latter
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Chapter 3494
The Celestial Falcon Unit was the most formidable force in Falconia."I've heard of General Rossa and his sons, but so what if you are his son? Rossa is notorious for being cold and ruthless. Do you really think he’ll avenge you?" Zector continued.These words pierced Jack's heart like a knife. Zector was right. Would Rossa avenge him if he died? Throughout Jack’s life, the word "father" was just a concept. Rossa had always ignored him, and Jack consequently had never truly felt a father's love. Part of the reason Jack had taken this path was his desire to make a name for himself, hoping one day to stand alongside Rossa or even surpass him. At that moment, Jack fell into despair, accompanied by regret and resentment.Zector watched Jack falling apart and said, "Dragoria will publicly announce your crimes and execute you on a chosen date." He then left the room with Uzair and the inspectors.In the waiting room, Mohe and Quanda were holding Rozi's hands."Rozi, everything in the pa
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Chapter 3495
"Thank you, Mr. Zector!" Mohe and Quanda said."The one you should be thanking is Adrian," Zector responded with a cold snort. He then let Rozi out and escorted her away.Back in United General Clinic, Adrian was fully aware of everything happening at Dragoria Palace through his sensory abilities, and he was very satisfied with the outcome. However, he also knew that although Jack and Damon had been captured and tried, the matter was far from over. He sensed that a level nine fighter was holed up in the Nathuks' guest house. Additionally, Damon's loyal subordinate, Xavier, was hiding in a nearby building. Both of them were planning to kill him.Although Xavier was not much of a threat, Mackay was a problem. While Mackay was not adept at direct combat, he excelled in assassination. It was rumored that his speed could reach several times the speed of sound. With such incredible speed, no one could catch him. If Mackay were alarmed or decided to abandon the assassination and flee, Adri
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Chapter 3496
Mackay was like a fly buzzing around one's ear that no one could catch him."What should we do? How about we join forces to hunt him down?" Fergus suggested.Adrian shook his head. "Joining forces to hunt him down might work, but I have a better plan.""What is it?" Kabir asked."It's a simple enough plan. We need to lure him into a trap. I've been using my sensory ability to monitor him, and he hasn't given up on assassinating me. He's not just doing this for money. He wants to gain recognition from Falconia," Adrian explained.Everyone nodded. Given Adrian's current status, any foreign expert would want to assassinate him. If they succeeded, they would enjoy endless wealth and glory.Adrian continued, "However, he doesn't dare to make a move since you all are here. So, my plan is for you all to leave and spread the word that I'm still unconscious. When he comes, I'll get rid of him."Upon hearing this, understanding dawned upon everyone, and they nodded in agreement. They had
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Chapter 3497
”He's finally making his move.” Adrian smiled faintly, having detected Mackay's movements.Mackay had set up numerous explosives in an unfinished building. These bombs wouldn't bring down the entire structure but would cause significant commotion. However, Adrian didn't plan to stop him. After all, the tower and surrounding buildings were still under construction and unoccupied, so there would be no innocent casualties.“So, this is your plan? Create a distraction and use the chaos to infiltrate United Hospital and assassinate me?” Adrian chuckled.At this moment, Mackay was only a few kilometers away from United Hospital. He was completely unaware that Adrian had already uncovered his entire plan.“These fools. I can't believe they left Adrian alone without any protection. They’re in for bad luck. They probably have no idea I’ve infiltrated their territory. By the time they realize it, Adrian will already be dead!” Mackay laughed. “By killing Adrian, my name will be known worldwid
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Chapter 3498
As Mackay cursed and scanned the room for Adrian, a sudden gust of wind swept from behind him. Then, a fist struck his right shoulder with incredible force.Crack!Mackay’s bone snapped as he was sent flying into the opposite wall. The Golden Baboon Blade clattered to the floor."You're not as fast as they say," Adrian remarked.Mackay struggled to his feet, his right arm hanging limp and blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. Though the loss of his arm was a significant blow, it was Adrian's words that truly devastated him. Adrian had outclassed him in the speed he had prided himself on.Mackay's eyes lost their luster, replaced by a haze of despair. Adrian had shattered his spirit. Mackay believed that even if he failed in his assassination attempt, he could easily escape using his speed. But now, it was clear Adrian was far faster. What baffled him even more was how Adrian managed to move silently in this sealed room. He hadn't felt a thing before Adrian's fist landed on
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Chapter 3499
"Dragoria will eventually wipe out all traitors like Novena. As for your master, out of respect, I'll leave his body intact. Now, die!" With that, Adrian threw a punch at Mackay's forehead.Adrian didn't put any extra force into the punch, but it carried an eerie power nonetheless. Before it even made contact, Mackay felt as if he were caught in a massive vortex. In the next second, the swirling force shredded his consciousness and soul like paper. By the time Adrian's fist touched his forehead, Mackay was already brain dead.With a dull thud, Mackay fell backward."Hmm?" Adrian paused.Just as he was about to return the room to normal, he sensed his power attempting to penetrate Mackay's brain. He frowned slightly, unfamiliar with this sensory ability and unsure if it posed any danger to him. In the end, he decided to let it happen, allowing his power to flow into Mackay's brain.A few minutes later, a look of joy spread across Adrian's face. "Am I hacking into his brain?" he mur
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Chapter 3500
Meanwhile, Xavier was waiting for Mackay to signal him to detonate the explosives. However, he was puzzled as Mackay had been inside for a long time without any response. What made him even more uneasy was that the windows in a room on the fifth floor had suddenly disappeared. Having worked in assassination for many years, he knew that meant a trap had been triggered."Unreliable," Xavier muttered.Just as he finished speaking, a gust of wind blew from behind, chilling his spine. He quickly whipped around and was shocked to see Adrian standing behind him."How did you find me? How are you already awake?" Xavier's voice trembled. He glanced at Adrian's right hand and saw he was holding the Golden Baboon Blade.He clearly remembered Damon saying he would give the Golden Baboon Blade to Mackay, yet it was in Adrian's hand now. Being a smart man, Xavier quickly understood everything. Mackay had failed his assassination attempt, and Adrian had killed him.Xavier and Mackay had fallen i
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