All Chapters of The Return of the War Legate: Chapter 3391 - Chapter 3400
3554 Chapters
Chapter 3391
Kieron barked out his command, and those who had been lying in wait swarmed out. They were not very strong individually, but their large numbers made them a formidable force. At this moment, they charged towards Adrian together.However, they were no match for Adrian. He had claimed countless souls on the battlefield, and the mere thousand men here were not even enough to be a warm-up for him."Very well then. You shall all join each other in the afterlife!" Adrian shouted. He cast aside all distractions and launched a relentless assault upon his foes.Bam! Bam! Bam!The terrifying onslaught was like a stormy sea. Those present had no chance to defend themselves, and they could barely see Adrian's figure. They only felt the sudden, overwhelming attacks that rendered them powerless within seconds.Screams of agony rang out as Adrian reaped their lives like the scythe of death. The entire Wakefair Slopes was turned into a hell on earth.*"Hold the line!" Elsewhere, the battle c
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Chapter 3392
The giant wolf indeed saved them a lot of trouble. Their hidden enemies intended to use the giant wolf against them, but now it had unexpectedly become their ally.Suddenly, a few figures emerged from the enemy ranks, all level nine fighters. If they managed to gather, the giant wolf might not be able to hold its ground. But despite this, Ash and his team decided to bide their time.Meanwhile, the level nine fighters quickly launched powerful attacks on the giant wolf. Although the wolf was mighty, it could not fight against a group of level nine fighters and was soon caught in a bitter struggle."Everyone, let's kill this monster once and for all!" someone shouted. They unleashed their ultimate moves and charged directly at the monster. At this moment, attacks from afar swiftly shot toward them.Ash and his team finally decided to make their move. "You’ll have to get through me first!" Ash roared as he covered the battlefield with a powerful aura. Behind him, numerous soldiers c
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Chapter 3393
But Ash seemed to be toying with them. Despite leading his forces to break the opponent’s defense line, he had yet to deliver the final blow."Why... Why don't you just kill us?" one of the level nine fighters asked as he trembled in despair.Looking at him coldly, Ash said, "Because you’re not worth my time." The group was floored at these words and then saw the giant wolf charging toward them. It opened its jaw, exuding a foul stench of blood and decay as it swiftly closed in on them. It was only now that they realized Ash's plan. He had no intention of killing them himself and wanted to have the wolf devour them."No!"Witnessing their former ally turn into a monstrous creature and attack them, they were frozen with fear, unable to act. With horrifying screams, they were torn to shreds, and their blood sprayed everywhere. Once these level nine warriors were eliminated, the remaining soldiers were nothing to them."Charge!" Ash commanded, and his team surged forward.*On th
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Chapter 3394
Within seconds, Kieron transformed from a human into a terrifying monster. It was clear that the mysterious potion had triggered this transformation. At death’s door, Kieron chose to unleash his potential in this manner to defeat Adrian.To Kieron, this was his final act of dignity as a human. But to Adrian, it was simply a choice made by the weak."Even if you transform into a monster, what difference does it make?" Adrian said calmly.It was unclear if Kieron retained any consciousness, but he nevertheless let out a roar and charged at Adrian.Boom!Everything around them was instantly destroyed as the enormous figure lunged toward Adrian. However, Adrian stood still, and a mighty force surged out of him as he glared at the incoming Kieron-beast."Die!" Adrian raised his hand and threw a punch.The bones throughout Kieron's body instantly shattered and he was sent flying backward, crashing to the ground and dying in an instant. "Even if you transform into a monster, you're s
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Chapter 3395
That was someone lurking in the shadows, spying on him and tracking his movements. The person seemed proficient in concealment techniques, and the people on Adrian's side could not detect his presence. Most importantly, this person did not seem to be from Southbridge. Adrian speculated that this individual might be from Falconia City.Falconia was a powerful force in this region. In the past, they had been enemies with Exasword and Mapleston, and there had been numerous conflicts between them."Why are you hiding? You should come out and show me what you're capable of," Adrian said before instructing Ash and the others to wait for him. Then, he dashed toward the stalker.Adrian’s speed was remarkable, and in just moments, he arrived near the person. The person's senses were sharp too, and they immediately sensed Adrian coming at them. Without hesitation, they turned and fled."Trying to run? Let's see how far you get."Without a second thought, Adrian chased after the person. Howe
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Chapter 3396
The man showed no sign of surrender and said, "You will never get answers from me. Even if I die, I'll drag you down with me!" A gust of cold wind suddenly swept through the vast expanse. Adrian quickly scanned his surroundings, realizing that the eerie wind was growing stronger. In moments, more shadowy figures emerged."Since you've been spying on us, you should know what my strength is like. Do you really think this handful of people can deal with me?" Adrian said."Hah, of course, we know exactly how strong you are. That's why we've prepared corresponding measures to deal with you!" The stalker laughed."Really?" Adrian raised an eyebrow.Then, Adrian felt a drastic change in his surroundings. The once vast expanse suddenly seemed narrow and constricted. An energy shield materialized above his head with a loud boom and enveloped him within.Meanwhile, the shadowy figures closed in on Adrian. Each of them was undoubtedly a level nine fighter. However, their aura seemed differ
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Chapter 3397
‘Are they some sort of mysterious force from Falconia? Are they like the cyborgs from the sci-fi movies of Earth?' Adrian speculated.Adrian looked at the first assailant, who was standing by with a sinister grin on his face. It seemed to Adrian that he was the mastermind behind the scenes.‘Right, the mastermind!’ Adrian's thoughts raced, and he quickly realized what he had to do. He turned around and charged at the assailant. If he could capture the leader, the rest would pose no problem for him."Defend me!" the assailant barked when he sensed Adrian's intention.At his command, the cyborgs swarmed toward Adrian. At the same time, Adrian's energy shield began to shrink rapidly. Electric currents crackled and penetrated his body, suppressing his strength and making it hard for him to muster his power. "Hahaha, I told you. All of this was specially prepared for you. Let's see what you do now!" The assailant laughed maniacally.Adrian felt the pressure on his body intensifying,
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Chapter 3398
At the same time, a powerful force erupted from Adrian's body and engulfed Loda."No!" Loda shouted in terror. He tried to resist but quickly realized he was utterly powerless against such an onslaught."Loda One, Two, Three! Protect me!" Loda urgently called out to the nearby cyborgs. Immediately, the cyborgs moved to his side. Their energy shields rapidly spread out, forming a small barrier that encased and protected him.Boom! A powerful explosion erupted around them, but the shield seemed to hold and spared Loda from harm.Seeing this, Adrian felt a surge of anger and asked, "Even if they're cyborgs, they're still humans! How could you use them as shields to keep yourself alive?!""I created them, so they’re purpose is to sacrifice themselves for me. You people from Exasword are too merciful. Mercy will never grant you great power," Loda retorted, his voice dripping with cold mockery."Is that so? Let's see how long you can hold out like this!" Adrian roared, unleashing t
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Chapter 3399
Adrian didn’t hold anything back and briefly told his companions what he had encountered. Everyone was astonished as they had never imagined that Falconia was capable of something like this. "How could they?! They're treating human lives like they’re nothing!" Ash exclaimed."Exactly! Their actions make them no different from demons!" the surrounding people echoed in strong disapproval."Falconia has never cared about the lives of ordinary people. This isn’t surprising," Adrian said. "You make a good point." The people around him nodded in agreement. Falconia had committed many similar atrocities."But now isn’t the time for idle talk. We need to find a way to deal with these cyborgs," Ash pointed out.Although these cyborgs posed no threat to Adrian, they could certainly endanger others who were not as strong as him. Falconia surely had many more cyborgs on hand. This could pose a significant threat to Exasword. From this, Adrian knew he needed to gain even greater power, and
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Chapter 3400
If anyone were to make even the slightest move that drew the attention of other factions, the situation would become even more precarious. At this moment, everyone maintained a delicate balance, with no one daring to make the first move. However, Adrian knew that this balance would not last long.Suddenly, a powerful sound resembling the roar of a dragon echoed through the air from the direction of Keltes Mountain. Instantly, everyone turned toward the mountain, where the sky turned dark and clouds billowed."What's happening?""I have no idea. But just stay alert!"Everyone became vigilant.In the middle of the billowing clouds, Adrian noticed something—a dragon-like creature spiraling in the sky above Keltes Mountain, its fierce appearance exuding an undeniable aura of dominance."Is that a dragon?" a young man wondered aloud."No. It's not a dragon," Adrian replied as he appeared beside him."Huh?" The young man turned to look at Adrian."That’s just an illusion created by
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