All Chapters of The Return of the War Legate: Chapter 3411 - Chapter 3420
3533 Chapters
Chapter 3411
The strange creature was intelligent and knew Adrian had saved it."Since you're fine now, you can come and go as you please. Now that everything is settled, it's time for me to take my juniors back," Adrian said, waving at the wyrm.However, the wyrm blinked at him, showing no intention of leaving."Hmm?" Adrian was surprised.The wyrm went up to Adrian and licked his palm. It then nuzzled against Adrian while giving him puppy-dog eyes."Do you want to follow me?" Adrian asked in understanding.The wyrm nodded, and Adrian smiled. To him, the wyrm was like a pet. Since it wanted to follow him, he was happy to accept it.At that moment, Machias and the others slowly regained consciousness. Seeing Adrian, they were shocked."Adrian… What..."Surveying the chaos surrounding them, they asked, "Did you... Did you defeat all those people on your own?""Yes," Adrian answered.Everyone exchanged glances, seeing the amazement on each other’s faces. After confirming they were all fine
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Chapter 3412
After a moment, the young man finally spoke. "Come with me," he said to Adrian, turning around and walking away.Adrian was surprised. They weren’t instantly kicking them out? That didn’t seem right, but since he didn't feel any hostility from them, he decided to follow them."Adrian, you go on ahead. We've all suffered injuries and probably can’t go far. We'll wait for you here until you return," Machias said.Adrian thought for a moment before saying, "Alright, I’ll be back as soon as I can."He felt that Machias and the others were quite formidable, so he wanted to get to know them better. Even if they went their separate ways after leaving this place, they could keep in contact.Adrian followed after the mysterious group, then asked them, "By the way, who are you people? Why do you live deep in Keltes Mountain? And judging by your attire, you're quite different from modern people.”"We are a tribe that guards the Dragon Vein of Exasword City. I believe you’ve sensed that this
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Chapter 3413
Seeing no further point in talking, Stevie instructed, "Phoebe, take him to Illusory Peak." He waved, and a majestic, powerful force emerged.At that moment, Adrian felt the space around him shift. Suddenly, he found himself in a different place. Gazing around, he discovered a group of buildings nestled among the mountains, and he was standing in a vast square surrounded by numerous structures. Elegant and magnificent palaces stood before him, like ancient giants overlooking everything with untouchable dignity."Let’s go," said a woman who appeared. She was the one Stevie referred to as Phoebe Price.With a wave of her hand, a strange bird appeared before them.Adrian nodded.When they got on, the strange bird flapped its huge wings and to the skies. Soon after, a towering mountain appeared before them. The radiance of the setting sun shimmered over the mountain. Looking around, Adrian saw various rare trees and towering pines. Amid the mist, celestial birds and strange creatures
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Chapter 3414
Ordinary people couldn't even approach the stone tablet, let alone make it past the first trial. Yet, Adrian had managed to take ten steps forward. It appeared he hadn't miscalculated.Ninety-seven, ninety-eight...Ninety-nine.Boom!With the last step, everything was decided.Finally, Adrian stood before the Tablet of Eternal Silence. Gazing up, he beheld a massive stone towering about a hundred meters high. One side appeared as smooth as if sliced by a knife, adorned with rows of ancient symbols. Each one exuded boundless power, and a single glance at these symbols made one feel as though one could peer into the entire universe.As the sky darkened and the moon ascended, Adrian sat down cross-legged, enveloped in darkness.Swish!A burst of light erupted, and Adrian found himself in a vast, white expanse. There was nothingness everywhere. Only one figure stood before him, eerily resembling himself upon closer inspection.‘Interesting.’ Adrian smiled. ‘Is this a trial from th
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Chapter 3415
"What? That was quick. I thought you'd at least provide him with some guidance for a month before allowing him to even approach the Royal Dragon Text. I fear he won’t even pass the Heavenly Steps and will soon give up,” someone in the crowd said."No, he has already made it past the steps." Phoebe shook her head.Everyone was astonished."It appears he's not as feeble as we presumed." Stevie smiled.*Finally, Adrian opened his eyes. The sun had risen and set, and seven days had elapsed. He was still sitting at the end of the Heavenly Steps. At this moment, he had comprehended the Royal Dragon Text. He was now at the final stage.Countless runes surged up and down his body, each imbued with supreme power. These runes continuously infused into Adrian's body, causing his strength to escalate exponentially."There exists a fundamental principle predating the creation of the physical world. Everything is interconnected,” he mumbled.In an instant, countless divine thoughts from anc
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Chapter 3416
The Dragon Emperor illusion was as bright as the sun. “Wow! Is that the Dragon Emperor? I never thought I’d live to see such a phenomenon!”“It's brimming with brilliance even though it's just an illusion. I might finally attain a breakthrough that has eluded me for so long. I need to go into seclusion immediately. I must strive to reach level nine." Voices rose one after another, filling the entire secret realm.Adrian remained quietly seated on the mountaintop.Boom!At that moment, a violent explosion was heard that shook the secret realm. Everyone looked around as the ground shook.“What’s going on? Are we under attack?” Stevie asked.Suddenly, countless figures appeared from various parts of the secret realm and rushed toward the entrance. At the same time, a group of mysterious individuals rushed in from outside of the secret realm. They had white hair and green eyes, and they were clearly not from Exasword."Foreign intruders!" Stevie said. “Hahaha, so this is the K
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Chapter 3417
"Adrian, it seems you truly are the chosen one!" Stevie appeared elated as he approached Adrian."What do you mean by I'm the chosen one?" Adrian asked."In addition to safeguarding the Draco Vein, we have another duty—to await the chosen one. The chosen one is the one who commands the Draco Vein," Stevie explained, his gaze firmly fixed on Adrian.Without a doubt, Adrian was that person. After decades of waiting, they had finally reached this day. "So, what happens now?" Adrian asked, "What is the mysterious power you have here? I want to bring these powers to the outside world.""What do you mean by that?" Stevie asked in puzzlement.It was only then Adrian realized he had not yet explained his purpose for coming here and quickly recounted his mission. Everyone exchanged glances, seemingly unable to fully grasp Adrian's intentions."If these powers were to be unleashed, they could indeed transform the outside world. However, doing so will place you in great danger," Stevie sa
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Chapter 3418
But Adrian knew that something had changed. His senses had become significantly sharper. In the past, he could observe every detail in Exasword using his own power, but it was exhausting and demanding. Now, doing the same thing was effortless for him."So, this is the full power of the Draco Vein?" Adrian inquired."Exactly. This is the full power of the Draco Vein," Stevie affirmed. "Since you've acquired the power from the Draco Vein, it means our duty has been fulfilled." He exchanged glances with those around him.Adrian could discern a hint of disappointment in their eyes. 'They must have believed their purpose for remaining in this world had vanished,' he speculated.He proposed, "Since your duty to guard Exasword's Draco Vein is fulfilled, I have another task for you. I want you to lend your power to Exasword and safeguard it. Are you willing to do so?""What?" Stevie was taken aback."Well, all of you are strong, and by this world's standards, you're all level nine fighte
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Chapter 3419
"You’re finally back, Adrian! A group of Falconians went in just now. We wanted to assist, but most of us are injured," Machias expressed with disappointment."It's alright. They're all deceased now, so let's not dwell on them. Are you all alright? Was anyone injured?" Adrian inquired."Don't fret about us, Adrian. We're fine," Machias replied. Then, he turned to Stevie's group with a frown.Noticing his gaze, Adrian proceeded to introduce Stevie's group to Machias and his companions. After hearing the full story, Machias pondered for a moment before stating, "In that case, can we accompany you? We wish to serve Exasword too.""Are you certain?" Adrian asked."Yes, we are," Machias affirmed, nodding with determination, his juniors echoing his sentiment.Although Adrian hadn't disclosed much, they all inferred his connection to Exasword’s officials. However, they hadn't realized that Adrian was the individual who recently gained prominence."Then you're welcome to join us," Adria
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Chapter 3420
Keltes Mountain lay at the westernmost edge of Exasword, with the nearest human city several hundred kilometers away. In the past, Adrian might have returned to Exasword directly, but circumstances had changed now that he had company. Moreover, Stevie's group had been isolated from the outside world for several hundred years, eager to witness the current state of affairs.Upon arriving at Westania, they found the city brightly lit and peaceful."Wow! I didn't anticipate such drastic changes in the world!" Stevie exclaimed."At the time, Aethersphere was embroiled in war, compelling us to seek refuge in Keltes Mountain to safeguard the Draco Vein. I never imagined that after a century, humanity would rebound and thrive," Clarence remarked."Let's locate the city lord of Westania and request accommodation for the night," Adrian suggested.Everyone agreed, and they made their way to the city lord's residence. Soldiers guarded the gate, deterring anyone from approaching. They murmured
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