All Chapters of The Return of the War Legate: Chapter 3421 - Chapter 3430
3519 Chapters
Chapter 3421
The soldiers noticed the change in the atmosphere but ignored it. They approached Adrian, and one of them said, "You're gutsy to threaten us. Do you know who I am? I'm a quasi-level nine!"As the soldier finished speaking, a surge of energy emanated from him and his fellow soldiers. Adrian shook his head and sighed. These people were strong but rotten to the core. They'd cause trouble for the city if they continued as guards. So, he decided to teach them a lesson."Oh? You're a quasi-level nine? Perfect, I specialize in dealing with people like you," Adrian said, spreading his hand to emit a vast power.The soldiers felt a chill in their hearts and were surprised by Adrian's strength. Though he hadn't revealed his full power, it was clear his combat ability had increased significantly."You little brat, we didn't expect you to be this strong. In that case, we'll show you no mercy. Prepare to die!" one of them shouted.With that, they charged at Adrian. Seeing this, Adrian smiled
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Chapter 3422
Thinking this, a wave of emotions surged within them. Even if they were unwilling to accept it, they had no choice now.Moments later, a voice rang out, “What’s going on? Why are so many people gathered here?”Looking toward the sound, they saw a man striding out from the city lord’s residence. This person appeared dignified, with several attendants following behind him. Seeing this man, the soldiers' faces lit up with joy.“Sir Mark, you’re here!”“This guy said he wanted to see you.”“We wouldn't let him in, and he tried to force his way through.”The soldiers reported in agitated tones.The city lord, Mark Turner, frowned. However, it did not take long for him to sense that something was amiss. His gaze fell upon Adrian, and he was shocked.The soldiers were oblivious to his reaction and continued their chatter. After a while, they noticed that Mark was exceptionally quiet. They looked at him in confusion and asked, “What’s the matter, sir?”Mark looked at the soldiers and
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Chapter 3423
"You know what to do, right?" Adrian asked Mark.Mark nodded. "Yes, Mr. Adrian." He gestured at the soldiers, and his attendants took the soldiers away to be punished.With that matter settled, Adrian said, "Lord Mark, we need a place to stay for the night.""Sure, Mr. Adrian. If I had known you were coming, I would have made preparations," Mark replied eagerly."No need for that," Adrian said with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Just arrange a place for us as you would normally."Mark nodded and promptly arranged accommodations for Adrian and his companions. Once everything was prepared, Adrian dismissed Mark, instructing him to attend to his duties and not to disturb him unless necessary.As the evening wore on, Adrian prepared to rest. Just then, Machias approached him. "I didn’t expect you to be the man of legend."Adrian chuckled. "That's right, I am that man. But there's no need for you to feel uneasy. I don't bite."Machias, who was naturally easygoing, quickly relaxed.
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Chapter 3424
"Hurry!" one of the figures urged, prompting those around him to quicken their pace as they headed toward a secluded part of the city.This was the old town area, home to the city's most impoverished residents. At this late hour, it seemed completely deserted. Yet, these shadowy figures moved swiftly through the area. Soon, they reached the front of a small house.Without hesitation, they broke down the door and kidnapped a little girl inside. From start to finish, they made no sound aside from the initial crash of the door. After that, the figures quickly disappeared into the darkness.Adrian had witnessed everything. He chose not to intervene and instead followed them with his consciousness. He wanted to know what they were up to, so he chose to remain in the shadows.The next morning, Mark appeared looking distressed.Adrian asked, "What's troubling you, Lord Mark?""Mr. Adrian, I need your help!" Mark said."Whatever it is, just say it," Adrian replied calmly.Mark sighed a
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Chapter 3425
“No need to thank me. It's our duty to protect the people,” Adrian said.“Yes, protecting the people is our responsibility.” Mark nodded. However, he had no leads on the case beyond the fact that people were disappearing. Thus, he hoped Adrian could provide more assistance.Adrian had already anticipated his thoughts and smiled as he said, “Actually, I discovered something last night...” He recounted his experience from the previous night, leaving Mark astonished.“So you already have everything under control?” Mark asked.“Indeed. I know where they are,” Adrian replied.“That’s fantastic! Why are we standing around? Let's go rescue the children!” Mark said.“No need to rush. This situation is more complex than it seems. Simply rescuing the victims isn’t enough. We must thwart their entire scheme,” Adrian said.“Scheme?” Mark was confused.Adrian merely smiled and did not elaborate. He stood up and walked out of the room, saying, “Leave this matter to me.”With that, Adrian le
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Chapter 3426
Initially, these people didn't even consider Adrian a threat, but within moments, they were shocked by his immense power. In an instant, he destroyed them all, giving them no chance to resist."Damn it!" someone screamed as the group was sent flying, instantly turning into a mass of flesh.Adrian's attack angered the others, and soon more people rushed out from the rainforest toward him. Despite their relentless attacks, they posed no threat to him. Adrian, seemingly invincible, was unmatched wherever he went. Countless screams echoed as bodies littered the ground. No matter how many people came, he killed them all.Just then, another angry roar erupted, "Damn it, damn it!”Someone dashed out from the darkness, seemingly much stronger than those before. Adrian couldn't help but look toward him. However, this person's strength was still incomparable to his own. Dealing with this person would only consume a little more energy."Argh!" Adrian exerted all his strength and punched out
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Chapter 3427
"What do you mean?" The man seemed to not understand Adrian's words.Adrian couldn't be bothered to explain further. He launched a terrifying attack, aiming to take the man's life.After dealing with him, Adrian didn't linger. He continued forward, heading deeper into the mountains. With no more obstacles in his path, he advanced steadily. Soon, he reached the deepest part of the mountain.Before Adrian lay a vast valley, filled with hidden, mysterious facilities. Countless machines roared, and many workers moved back and forth. He immediately recognized them as people of Falconia, not Exasword or Westania. It was surprising to find so many people from Falconia hidden in a deep mountain in the remote outskirts of Westania. From this, Adrian knew this was no simple matter. Without hesitation, he stepped into the valley, releasing all his power to envelop it."Damn it!" someone cursed as they realized the danger.A group of people quickly turned toward Adrian. Many of them seemed fo
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Chapter 3428
Adrian observed that the person wasn't as formidable as he initially thought. The source of the opponent's powerful attacks stemmed entirely from the formidable armor adorning his body. This armor absorbed energy from the surrounding air, converting it into power, which the wearer could then unleash through the armor’s propulsion system. While such armor could pose a significant threat to ordinary individuals by enhancing combat effectiveness, Adrian quickly identified its flaws with his divine consciousness.With a resounding roar, Adrian declared, "The power derived from external sources is nothing but an illusion. You might as well surrender!" Simultaneously, he unleashed a surge of energy that shattered the opponent's armor.Witnessing the destruction, the man exclaimed, "How is this possible?"Adrian retorted, "Oh, but it is. Your power relies solely on the external force of the armor, not your own strength. You’re just empty talk and vulnerable." With another exertion of force
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Chapter 3429
Adrian walked up to the cage as the little girl inside looked at him fearfully. He soothingly reassured her, "It's okay, don't be afraid. I'm not a bad person. I'm here to rescue you."As he said this, the powerful aura surrounding Adrian dissipated. He instantly transformed into a friendly person, exuding a gentle vibe. Sensing the change in his aura, the little girl stopped being afraid.With a wave of his hand, Adrian easily broke open the cage. He then extended his hand, inviting the little girl to come closer, and she complied. Adrian then gathered all the other children in the cage and got them out.Outside, Adrian contacted Mark, who arrived shortly with a large group of people. Adrian instructed them to wait outside until he gave the order. When they entered, they were stunned by the scene before them.Mark was especially enraged, wishing he could tear those responsible apart. "Those despicable people from Falconia used our citizens for alchemical research! On top of that,
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Chapter 3430
Mark was confused. "What about you? Where are you going?"Everyone turned their gaze to Adrian."I'm going to continue the investigation. I have these Falconia lackeys from Exasword’s lands," Adrian said firmly.“Do you need any assistance, Mr. Adrian? These guys are despicable, and we have to contribute wherever we can," someone offered."Yes, we want to help,” another chimed in.Adrian simply waved and said, "That's not necessary. While eliminating Falconia’s base, we need to be vigilant about their potential retaliation against Exasword. Just focus on defending your positions.""Yes, I agree. Our duty is to hold our ground. That will naturally be a great help to Mr. Adrian," Mark said.Upon hearing these words, everyone nodded in agreement.After saying his farewells, Adrian set off. He knew the enemy was located in the vast desert to the southwest. If he wanted to find them, he had to enter the desert.Unfortunately, he had not found any useful maps inside the previous bas
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