All Chapters of WANTED BY THE ALPHA BROTHERS: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
144 Chapters
ZANDER'S POV:As I gaze at Selena, I am struck by her beauty and elegance. "Thanks again, Zander," she whispers her gratitude for my help, and I am drawn to the sensuality in her voice. My mind races, and I forget to respond immediately, lost in her presence."Five times is enough," I respond, finally, and she chuckles. I am captivated by her laughter, and I admire her grace despite the hardships she's faced."You gave me hope when I was hopeless," Selena continues, her eyes dropping to her fists clenched tightly on her knee. "You don't even know what you've done for me. You saved my life, Zander."I am taken aback by her words, wondering if she was going to hurt herself sooner or later. My heart starts racing at the thought, horror making me pant harder.I can't think about it. I can't think about the possibility of losing her.Still, I marvel at her strength. She's probably the strongest woman I know. I realize that my previous experiences with rescuing her may have influenced m
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SELENA'S POVAna and I were chatting when we heard a loud knock on the door, breaking our light hearted moment.Ana's eyes widened as she looked at me, "are we gonna…"I shook my head quickly and placed my index finger on my lip, signalling her to be quiet.She snapped shut at my reaction, listening with baited breath as we both waited for whoever it was at the door to leave.We both knew that it couldn't be Roy because he'd just barge in if he needs to see either of us, so it had to be someone from Tristan. With Zander around, I was feeling more and more brave and didn't want to answer the call if I could get away with it."Selena?" A vaguely familiar voice called out. "I know you're in there. Open the door. I have a message from Zander."Ana and I both groaned, although it was a relieved sort of groan. It was Ana that went to open the door."How did you know?" She whined."Werewolf, remember?" The voice said calmly. "I can smell you."I recognized that voice! It sounded like Calum.
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SELENA'S POVI opened my mouth… to do what? I don't know. Probably to lie to him… but something else stopped me in my tracks.With the wispy, barely there sentient creatures roaming around the entire room, you'd think that I'd be used to all this madness.No.Because right before my eyes, I was stunned when the shadows around Zander took the form of a large doberman, right in front of us.It looked almost real. It was staring at me with a cold precision that made me stop breathing. When I tilted my neck to the side, it copied my move, its void black eyes still intent on me."Did that… Did–" I stuttered incoherently and looked at Zander to decipher my gibberish and explain what just happened.But all I could see was amusement on Zander's face as he took in my petrified one."Did… did that shadow j- just turn into a dog?".Zander chuckled, coming to stand beside me. "His name is Aziel, he is totally harmless." I arched my eyes in disbelief. There is no way that I am believing a shape-
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SELENA'S POVI'm quiet as he smears the salve all over my wound, gently and with precision, careful to avoid my eyes.I'm breathing him in, mesmerized by his earthy, spicy scent and even my wolf is whining in my chest, desperate to have him pull me into him and touch him and feel him.My cheeks heated up at the direction my head was going.I'm embarrassed by my thoughts and look elsewhere, trying to focus on something else other than how good he smells and how much I like the gentle way he's holding my face and applying the salve.My eyes fall on the scar, running from the side of his left eyebrow to his left cheekbone, the only thing that marrs his ruthless beauty.Before I can think better about it, I reach out and touch it, taking his face in my hands to hold him still.My heart starts racing when he leans into my hands and closes his eyes as I gently stroke his scar.This just got too sensual too quickly. It's obvious that I'm a sucker for this man. My insides turn to jelly and my
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Selena's PovEvery day, there's always some bad news that comes our way, making it seem like our progress is in vain. As we huddle in my room, I feel the weight of our situation. Tristan has cut the budget for meal preparation in half, leaving us with smaller portions than ever. It's clear that we need to act fast to resolve this issue. We have barely enough food to feed ourselves, let alone the homeless people at the market. I suspect that this is Tristan's attempt to provoke Zander by giving him and his men crumbs for food."It's like everyday, that bastard thinks up new ways to be even worse," I murmur to myself, forgetting the audience in my room for a moment."My my, Selena. Did you just say a curse word?" Ana asks, grinning at me. Brown eyes light with humour.I grumbl gibberish under my breath and scoff at her."Must be all that time you're spending with the cursed prince. He's rubbing off on you, I'm telling you."Immediately, my cheeks flush hot and pink.I mean… maybe she
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Zander's POVI have been keeping close tabs on Selena since I returned. I have my men watching her every single second of the day. I knew that she spent most, if not all of her time with Ana, her handmaid and Roy, one of Tristan's guards.She was in a good relationship with Lily and Sonia and with Alfie, the cook. I was aware of her routine. I made sure I knew where she was at any time of the day. It was less of me being a creepy stalker and more of me wanting to be sure of her safety.That's why I don't miss it when she sneaks out of the room with Ana, Lily and Sonya in tow, up to the moment Roy opens the east gate for them.Even before Kyle came to report the move to me, I was aware of it.As Selena left her room with her maids, it was pure instincts that told me to follow her. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. When I saw her leaving the house, my worst fears were confirmed: my mate was trying to run away from me."Here we go again," Aziel drawled in my ears. "Eve
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Zander’s POVAziel had calmed down, but he remained restless in my head. The thought of Selena leaving, even if just for a while, had triggered something inside me. I couldn't let her go alone, especially not with danger lurking around every corner. Selena tried to convince me not to come, stating it was unfitting for a prince to walk around like a commoner. She insisted that it wasn't safe or dignified, but I stood firm. "I need to see what this city has become in my absence. I want to be with you, too." I said, taking her hand and enjoying the way she turned beetroot red when my eyes found hers. "What if it's not safe?" Selena swallowed, realizing she couldn't change my mind. "F- Fine, but you have to blend in. You can't go around looking like royalty."Thinking that I could blend in with ease, I rolled my eyes. "I don't need to change my clothes, Selena. I've seen every corner of this pack. I was born here."She gave me a 'duh' look. Her eyebrows shooting up. "Trust me, Zander,"
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ZANDER’S POVAs I walked deeper into the pack, I couldn't help but notice the changes that had taken place since I was last here. The fountains that used to pour out sparkling clean water were now nothing but dry, muddy pits. The once-green fields and pack where I used to run and play football as a teenager were now dead and dull, overrun by weeds and neglect.But it wasn't just the physical state of the pack that disturbed me. Lining the streets were homeless men, women, and children, their faces contorted with hunger and desperation. They cried and begged for scraps, and it tore at my heartstrings.This wasn't the prestigious Poison Fang pack that I had grown up in. This wasn't the place where I had learned the ways of the werewolf and the strength of our pack. This was a shadow of its former self, a place of despair and suffering.My blood boiled with anger and frustration. How could this have happened? How could our pack have fallen so far? It was a disgrace, a mockery of everythi
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CHAPTER 59: Forever and Ever
SELENA'S POVI can't believe how weak I am. I keep telling myself to stay away from Zander, that he's dangerous, that he'll be the death of me. But despite all my rationalizations and warnings, I find myself drawn to him like a moth to a flame.Part of it is the physical attraction, of course. I ache to be near him, to touch him, to feel his body against mine. But it's more than that. It's the way he's both a beast and a puppy, fierce and gentle, wild and tamed. It's the way he makes me feel alive even as he threatens to end my life.Is it insane to admit that I might be falling for him? That I fantasize about more than just kissing him? I hate myself for it, I really do. I wish I could just get over him, move on with my life. But every time I try, I'm pulled back to him like a magnet.Maybe there's something wrong with me. Maybe I need to see a healer, get a lobotomy, purify my thoughts or something. It's not normal to be so attracted to the same monster that everyone else fears, is
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CHAPTER 60: Kindred Spirits
SELENA'S POVZander was quiet for a few seconds.I closed my eyes, counting my days.This is it. This is where he'll switch up. Hate me, hit me, make me pay for rejecting him… but he didn't.He walked towards me, wrapped me up in his arms and kissed my forehead.I… I…My cheeks heated up. My heart started racing."I'll wait," he promised and my attraction to him skyrocketed over the roof. "I'll wait as long as it takes, Selena. I won't give up on you. I promise."Oh, goddess. This man will be the death of me.He pulled away from me and grinned and I wondered how I had ever mistaken him for Tristan the first time we met. There was so much kindness and light in his eyes, none of which I was accustomed to with his twin brother.I know I should be careful. I know I'm trying with fire. I'm still skeptical about all the powers he possesses, but it was impossible not to fall for him. Not to see the obvious good in him and appreciate it. "Where is your mind at?" he inquired, tilting my face
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